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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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Even with his face partially obscured, I don't understand how any woman responded to his profile voluntarily.

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I agree.  If I was looking for something on the side (been with my husband for 30 years and I'm not!) I can't see those photos attracting me. 

As for the mattresses, are they suitcases on the floor next to them? If so they've probably stored the mattresses in the roof and bring them out when people come to stay.  I have two fold up mattresses in my roof which were used for many a sleepover, although I do take them out of the plastic bag when in use.  Or, maybe they borrowed new ones from Sam's furniture and left the plastic on them so they could still be sold as new?

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Did he photoshop that eye mask on? That's genuinely terrifying. There has to be more flattering ways to obscure your face. 

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So now they have boys just sleeping on the floor on mattresses? Plastic covered mattresses at that? What a depressing forlorn looking room. Good grief how can this be ok?

Why is there a mattress covered in plastic on the floor??

I looks like the 'M boys in the room and suitcases, perhaps on of the small boys has a bed wetting issue, and they are too stupid  cheap to the kid in pull ups?  I also find it sad that they STILL don't have enough beds for all the kids.  Not sure i the girls are good now, but last I say they had 9 girls and 7 beds but 2 of the beds were toddler beds, and while Josie is small enough for a toddler bed Jordan isn't. 

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If I saw the flexing one not knowing it was Smuggar, it's not bad.  The masked one, not so much.

The masked one gives me nightmares! 

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I just can not get over the kid's bedrooms. Those big wooden beds take up far more room than the previous beds did. Do they really need less floor space in the room? Plus, a mattress covered with plastic is insanely hot. If you have a bedwetting problem, that is not the way to handle it. Or in my opinion it is not. I understand covering the mattress to protect it but then wouldn't most people then place a sheet on top? It is just a very sad room.

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Did they redo the bits room when they redid the girls?

(Wishful thinking) maybe the covered mattress was intended for one of the new beds but hadn't been put up yet... Those beds are much wider than the original ones. It is a sad room though, the lack of imagination building is so evident. People who fear their children mentally growing is  just beyond sad. 

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When these sort of pics (boys' room) are out on the net, does NO ONE from CPS get a little curious, given past activity at that house... ?  The plastic covered mattress seems odd, but couple that with no blankets previously seen, and stories of children sleeping in their daytime clothes, and admitted abuse... I keep adding things up to ,,,,someone needs to do a surprise visit... and get IN.

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Even with his face partially obscured, I don't understand how any woman responded to his profile voluntarily.

Contrary to what TV and movies would have us believe, most affairs happen between two average looking people cheating on their equally average looking spouses. Some wag once called the affair between Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles "two boring old git committing adultery" or something like that, which was the truth. If everyone who wanted to cheat on their spouse was waiting around for a model or movie star to pick them out of a crowd, the adultery rate would plummet.

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Bahahahahaha those clip art photos. Oh, Joshley.

The boys room looks disgusting and depressing. No blankets, they sleep in their clothes. It's always a mess. But per Jon Hartono's LinkedIn profile, he built those bunk beds.

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I just don't know how you can live in a dorm like that all your life without even a closet and then marry and have a whole freaking house for yourself. How do you deal with the change? So much individual freedom all at once. How can we expect the girls to see the constraints of fundie marriage if this is where they came from? 

And I can imagine the huge, sudden personal freedom would be too much for immature Josh to deal with healthily all at once. (Not to excuse him).

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My 15 yo son is a very messy person.  Clothes get taken off and dumped on the floor, bed doesn't get made, it's just a pigsty.  Our home is tidy and clean, our daughter's room is immaculate, so I think it must be either a boy thing, or he was  born with a defective messy gene.  Every two weeks I order him to pick everything up so I can change sheets and vacuum, or he has to do it himself.  I looked at my son's room last night and thought that if he alone could make that much mess, a room of 8 equally messy boys would look much like the Duggar boy dorm.  

Btw why do those timber bunk beds have the bottom bunk so low to the ground?  They must be awful to sleep in, very difficult to make, and it doesn't look like there's much head room between them and the bed above.  I can only think that they maybe went to triple bunks (it looks like there might be 3 levels?) to free up some floor space in the rest of the room??

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My 15 yo son is a very messy person.  Clothes get taken off and dumped on the floor, bed doesn't get made, it's just a pigsty.  Our home is tidy and clean, our daughter's room is immaculate, so I think it must be either a boy thing, or he was  born with a defective messy gene.  Every two weeks I order him to pick everything up so I can change sheets and vacuum, or he has to do it himself.  I looked at my son's room last night and thought that if he alone could make that much mess, a room of 8 equally messy boys would look much like the Duggar boy dorm.  

Btw why do those timber bunk beds have the bottom bunk so low to the ground?  They must be awful to sleep in, very difficult to make, and it doesn't look like there's much head room between them and the bed above.  I can only think that they maybe went to triple bunks (it looks like there might be 3 levels?) to free up some floor space in the rest of the room??

I find the placement a little odd, too, but I don't think they are triple bunks... the ladders only extend to the second bunk. I think the third level is a roof of sorts -- it does give more self-contained space than top bunks usually do. Maybe they'll use it for storage above, though god knows why they wouldn't just raise the first level and use underbed storage.

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My 15 yo son is a very messy person.  Clothes get taken off and dumped on the floor, bed doesn't get made, it's just a pigsty.  Our home is tidy and clean, our daughter's room is immaculate, so I think it must be either a boy thing, or he was  born with a defective messy gene.  Every two weeks I order him to pick everything up so I can change sheets and vacuum, or he has to do it himself.  I looked at my son's room last night and thought that if he alone could make that much mess, a room of 8 equally messy boys would look much like the Duggar boy dorm.  

Btw why do those timber bunk beds have the bottom bunk so low to the ground?  They must be awful to sleep in, very difficult to make, and it doesn't look like there's much head room between them and the bed above.  I can only think that they maybe went to triple bunks (it looks like there might be 3 levels?) to free up some floor space in the rest of the room??

I'm a female, and a total slob (I like to watch "Hoarders" so I can say to myself, "At least I'm not like that!"), so I don't think it's gender related. Some people are more bothered by clutter than others. My only question is what would the Duggar boys even have that would clutter a room? The Duggars don't really seem to have individual possessions, as everything is viewed as communal property.

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I find the pictures of Josh incredibly sad. They look like something an adolescent boy would take to look cool. I'm sure he didn't expect them to be plastered all over the internet. Don't get me wrong. I think Josh's behavior was disgusting, and the molestation of his sisters boils my brain.  I think his parents have a lot to answer for.

:output_eeMbjt: This for a start.

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I find the pictures of Josh incredibly sad. They look like something an adolescent boy would take to look cool. I'm sure he didn't expect them to be plastered all over the internet. Don't get me wrong. I think Josh's behavior was disgusting, and the molestation of his sisters boils my brain.  I think his parents have a lot to answer for.

:output_eeMbjt: This for a start.

I love your user name.

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