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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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I nd the pictures of Josh incredibly sad. They:-):-) look like something an adolescent boy would take to look cool. I'm sure he didn't expect them to be plastered all over the internet. Don't get me wrong. I think Josh's behavior was disgusting, and the molestation of his sisters boils my brain.  I think his parents have a lot to answer for.

:output_eeMbjt: This for a start.

I love your user name.

my grandson is getting a dalek for Christmas. 

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I nd the pictures of Josh incredibly sad. They:-):-) look like something an adolescent boy would take to look cool. I'm sure he didn't expect them to be plastered all over the internet. Don't get me wrong. I think Josh's behavior was disgusting, and the molestation of his sisters boils my brain.  I think his parents have a lot to answer for.

:output_eeMbjt: This for a start.

I love your user name.

my grandson is getting a dalek for Christmas. 

A remote control one or what?

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I nd the pictures of Josh incredibly sad. They:-):-) look like something an adolescent boy would take to look cool. I'm sure he didn't expect them to be plastered all over the internet. Don't get me wrong. I think Josh's behavior was disgusting, and the molestation of his sisters boils my brain.  I think his parents have a lot to answer for.

:output_eeMbjt: This for a start.

I love your user name.

my grandson is getting a dalek for Christmas. 

A remote control one or what?

no, just a toy, but Dr. Who is our favorite show to watch together.

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I find the pictures of Josh incredibly sad. They look like something an adolescent boy would take to look cool. I'm sure he didn't expect them to be plastered all over the internet. Don't get me wrong. I think Josh's behavior was disgusting, and the molestation of his sisters boils my brain.  I think his parents have a lot to answer for.

:output_eeMbjt: This for a start.

Agree. But it shows in such a visible way that indeed one of the Duggar kids has left. Although superficially connected, as far as practice and conviction go, he left the fold. Since the 'repentance' was not his idea but brought on by the circumstances, I doubt he will ever in his heart return to fundiedom. 



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I find the pictures of Josh incredibly sad. They look like something an adolescent boy would take to look cool. I'm sure he didn't expect them to be plastered all over the internet. Don't get me wrong. I think Josh's behavior was disgusting, and the molestation of his sisters boils my brain.  I think his parents have a lot to answer for.

:output_eeMbjt: This for a start.

Agree. But it shows in such a visible way that indeed one of the Duggar kids has left. Although superficially connected, as far as practice and conviction go, he left the fold. Since the 'repentance' was not his idea but brought on by the circumstances, I doubt he will ever in his heart return to fundiedom. 



Agree.  Josh freed himself for sure.  But being a sneaky, selfish pig he choose a route that ended up causing him and others a lot of grief and the result may be a temporary return to the fold.  The fact that he's agreed to say hidden for so long tells us he's planning on emerging as a new, Godly man ready to return to his family and be the best fundie husband, father and son there ever was.

Won't work, of course, but we'll have to to suffer through Redemption Josh until he slips up again.

I understand that its tempting to shelter your children, but unless you can keep them in a bubble their whole lives, the forbidden fruit will invariably seem all the more attractive.  Josh was not prepared to handle the real world which he saw as one huge toy and candy store.   And that sad, flabby arm flex is proof that he is completely delusional to boot. 

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It isn't necessarily boys who are sloppy.  My son is the tidy one.  My daughter doesn't have any clothes hanging in her closet or folded in her dresser.  They are ALL on the floor.  They go straight from clothes dryer to floor.  I can't allow myself to think about it because:

A.  She's an adult,    B.  I would lose sleep, and    C.  There are bugs and a dog in the scenario.  (If I were a dog, a bunch of clothes piled up on the floor would make an attractive place to nest.)

I'm no Erika Shupe (thank the Lord) but I could not live in a mess like that.

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It isn't necessarily boys who are sloppy.  My son is the tidy one.  My daughter doesn't have any clothes hanging in her closet or folded in her dresser.  They are ALL on the floor.  They go straight from clothes dryer to floor.  I can't allow myself to think about it because:

A.  She's an adult,    B.  I would lose sleep, and    C.  There are bugs and a dog in the scenario.  (If I were a dog, a bunch of clothes piled up on the floor would make an attractive place to nest.)

I'm no Erika Shupe (thank the Lord) but I could not live in a mess like that.

The floor is merely a giant shelf.

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The boys room looks disgusting and depressing. No blankets, they sleep in their clothes. It's always a mess. But per Jon Hartono's LinkedIn profile, he built those bunk beds.

Umm.. I guess that's the kind of thing one puts in one's LinkedIn profile if one is a fundie who doesn't actually work?! So bizarre.

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Is it possible that the picture was taken when they first moved into the TTH? When I moved, I bought new furniture and it was delivered before the rest of my stuff so it looked completely bare. Otherwise, I can't see how there isn't anything else in the room, unless the room was scrubbed before the picture was taken. I doubt the Duggars thought people would find it strange that the beds had no covers and that there were no visible toys, books or sense who lived there. 

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The boys room has been redone with giant wooden bunk beds.  I have a sneaking suspicion they were crafted by Paul-Bunyan Clark Wilson before he got cancer :my_cry: but of course, that's just speculation.


Or crafted by JBoob apprentice Ben and the bros.

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The boysapprenticehas been redone with giant wooden bunk beds.  I have a sneaking suspicion they were crafted by Paul-Bunyan Clark Wilson before he got cancer :my_cry: but of course, that's just speculation.


Or crafted by JBoob apprentice Ben and the bros.

It was the Hartono apprentice according to his Linked in. He said he made 15 of them.

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Oh my dog.  Did anyone see these Joshley Madison pix that Gawker found?  Check out his profile names, Josh the Man and Ready4thisDC: http://gawker.com/here-are-the-photos-josh-duggar-used-for-his-ashley-mad-1738733009

ETA: cross-posted with Heretic Hick.  Great minds and all...

Is Josh working an Eyes Wide Shut fantasy?  

Next thread chapter title: "Joshley Maskison"

Joshley Maskison.jpg

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I find the pictures of Josh incredibly sad. They look like something an adolescent boy would take to look cool. I'm sure he didn't expect them to be plastered all over the internet. Don't get me wrong. I think Josh's behavior was disgusting, and the molestation of his sisters boils my brain.  I think his parents have a lot to answer for.

:output_eeMbjt: This for a start.

Agree. But it shows in such a visible way that indeed one of the Duggar kids has left. Although superficially connected, as far as practice and conviction go, he left the fold. Since the 'repentance' was not his idea but brought on by the circumstances, I doubt he will ever in his heart return to fundiedom. 



I mean, he never really did have the conviction for this lifestyle, did he? He's been doing this for years. It's sad, because we've always wanted to see a Duggar leave, and he was under our noses this entire time. I think I've revised my wishes to see someone leave and live a successful, moral life instead of being a weaselly fool.  

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I find the pictures of Josh incredibly sad. They look like something an adolescent boy would take to look cool. I'm sure he didn't expect them to be plastered all over the internet. Don't get me wrong. I think Josh's behavior was disgusting, and the molestation of his sisters boils my brain.  I think his parents have a lot to answer for.

:output_eeMbjt: This for a start.

Agree. But it shows in such a visible way that indeed one of the Duggar kids has left. Although superficially connected, as far as practice and conviction go, he left the fold. Since the 'repentance' was not his idea but brought on by the circumstances, I doubt he will ever in his heart return to fundiedom. 



I mean, he never really did have the conviction for this lifestyle, did he? He's been doing this for years. It's sad, because we've always wanted to see a Duggar leave, and he was under our noses this entire time. I think I've revised my wishes to see someone leave and live a successful, moral life instead of being a weaselly fool.  

I dont consider him outside the cult.  He's holding to their quiverful lifestyle, even if he's stepping outside the marriage at the same time.  They're homeschooling from the same brainwashing books and singing out of the same hymnal, so to speak.  He may have "stumbled," but rest assured when he's "saved" again he'll be out there with a megaphone spouting the same old shit. 

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The boysapprenticehas been redone with giant wooden bunk beds.  I have a sneaking suspicion they were crafted by Paul-Bunyan Clark Wilson before he got cancer :my_cry: but of course, that's just speculation.


Or crafted by JBoob apprentice Ben and the bros.

It was the Hartono apprentice according to his Linked in. He said he made 15 of them.

The new room is awful.  It looked a lot bigger and nicer when they had all the mismatching bunks and single beds in there.   I do think there are some bunk beds like that in the newly built guest house too. 

I also don't care for how low that bottom bunk is.  Very strange. 

The saddest part is that there is no where for ANY of those boys to have anything personal.  I have heard that each get a locker downstairs in the game room, but no shelf to put loose change, collected rocks, their bible .... nothing. 


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Do they have anything they would call their personal belongings? Even their Bibles? They have no childhood treasures. Nothing. The beds are hideous in my opinion and only make the room look smaller.

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Do they have anything they would call their personal belongings? Even their Bibles? They have no childhood treasures. Nothing. The beds are hideous in my opinion and only make the room look smaller.


They are pretty hideous,  but the room looks small because they have too many boys in one room. I've never considered the Duggars to be one of the most egregious of the privacy-bashing fundies, but it's atrocious that they force the children to live like sardines.

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Oh my dog.  Did anyone see these Joshley Madison pix that Gawker found?  Check out his profile names, Josh the Man and Ready4thisDC: http://gawker.com/here-are-the-photos-josh-duggar-used-for-his-ashley-mad-1738733009

ETA: cross-posted with Heretic Hick.  Great minds and all...

Is Josh working an Eyes Wide Shut fantasy?  

Next thread chapter title: "Joshley Maskison"

Joshley Maskison.jpg

Scary thing #1: If I'd seen this with no prior context, once I got past the horror that is the mask itself and looked at the face, I'd've thought, "Huh, dude looks like Josh Duggar."

Scary thing #2: I am seriously tempted to make that my new avatar.



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Maybe Smugs will come out of rehab with a bit more discretion oh who he fucks around with.  I'm suggesting this shirt:




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Oh my dog.  Did anyone see these Joshley Madison pix that Gawker found?  Check out his profile names, Josh the Man and Ready4thisDC: http://gawker.com/here-are-the-photos-josh-duggar-used-for-his-ashley-mad-1738733009

ETA: cross-posted with Heretic Hick.  Great minds and all...

Is Josh working an Eyes Wide Shut fantasy?  

Next thread chapter title: "Joshley Maskison"

Joshley Maskison.jpg

Scary thing #1: If I'd seen this with no prior context, once I got past the horror that is the mask itself and looked at the face, I'd've thought, "Huh, dude looks like Josh Duggar."

Scary thing #2: I am seriously tempted to make that my new avatar.



I almost made it my avatar last night, but then realized I didn't want to look at him that often.

Had I seen this on any profile, I would have known it was Josh.  Or someone photo-shopping Josh.  It's either total dumbacity or he was hoping to get caught.  I vote dumbacity coupled with supreme arrogance.  

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Oh my dog.  Did anyone see these Joshley Madison pix that Gawker found?  Check out his profile names, Josh the Man and Ready4thisDC: http://gawker.com/here-are-the-photos-josh-duggar-used-for-his-ashley-mad-1738733009

ETA: cross-posted with Heretic Hick.  Great minds and all...

Is Josh working an Eyes Wide Shut fantasy?  

Next thread chapter title: "Joshley Maskison"

Joshley Maskison.jpg

Scary thing #1: If I'd seen this with no prior context, once I got past the horror that is the mask itself and looked at the face, I'd've thought, "Huh, dude looks like Josh Duggar."

Scary thing #2: I am seriously tempted to make that my new avatar.



I almost made it my avatar last night, but then realized I didn't want to look at him that often.

Had I seen this on any profile, I would have known it was Josh.  Or someone photo-shopping Josh.  It's either total dumbacity or he was hoping to get caught.  I vote dumbacity coupled with supreme arrogance.  

Oh, totally him being an arrogant dumbass. 

If somebody does turn this into an avatar, I hope they'll at least add some Mardi Gras beads and confetti first. Ideally via MacPaint, for consistency.

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My husband had more then 10 brothers. He got a basement room with a triple bunk(his mom made the mattresses out of foam from the fabric store and pillows out of old clothes) , no door, and no carpet.I always thought how horrible for him (I grew up an only child in a historic home in New England). My husbands family wasn't rich but the room had more "life" then the Duggar's boys dorm. My husbands room had posters of cartoons/tv shows and artwork done by his brother. They had a black and white tv with some old pong like game hooked up , and cube storage bin full of items they would build with. There are pictures of neighbor boys sleeping over after they played night games outside till late. A bedroom doesn't have to be fancy, it will be a happy place if the people sleeping in it are happy. I just don't see 9 happy Duggar boys in that bedroom, maybe 2-3 but not 9.



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Is Josh working an Eyes Wide Shut fantasy?  

Next thread chapter title: "Joshley Maskison"

Joshley Maskison.jpg

Scary thing #2: I am seriously tempted to make that my new avatar.



I was tempted too and then wondered if I'd keep Joshley as the Maskison man or put that mask on me!

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