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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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Watching the CMA's...& the hosts just did a little song parody about Ashley Madison. One line went something to the effect of..."when you get tired or your wife & your sister....."

They end the song & Brad Paisley straight up said "Josh Duggar". Cake just stood there with an "oh shit" look on her face.


I saw that. On one hand, I can't believe he went there, on the other hand, I totally believe it

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Watching the CMA's...& the hosts just did a little song parody about Ashley Madison. One line went something to the effect of..."when you get tired of your wife & your sister....."

They end the song & Brad Paisley straight up said "Josh Duggar". Carrie just stood there with an "oh shit" look on her face.


I cannot tell you how much I love knowing this.  Love that knowledge of the joke that is Josh Duggar has reached the CMAs, SNL, Comedy Central and who knows where else!

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For question re: name of facility in Paragoud, Arkansas - here's link.  Seems it is just called "Christian Rehab" ???  (I need to look at it again.)

Yup - I remember the plan going there not too long after the trip to Rockford with the very short trip on the group.  Interesting if THAT was a diversion and he's really in Paragould.  I still feel that if he were in Rockford there would have been a sighting (what with the "no expectation of privacy" and all that).


Their focus is strictly on drug addiction. As far as we know, Joshly doesn't have substance abuse issues.  Do you think they'd take on someone who claims to have a porn addiction?

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@drala. You are right although it's confusing; down the page there was some mention of sex addiction (I thought? ) but that seems to relate to other facilities within this chain. And there's a second rehab there (I added that link) but I'm not sure if that one does non-substance addictions.

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This notion might get me flamed because I know it's out there and purely wild speculation on my part.  My mind just keeps going there because there have been no sightings.  Also, it ain't like the Duggars don't lie.

BUT....could that ass be in jail?  what for I don't know but anything is possible.

It crossed my mind, but wouldn't the tabloids have got hold of it?  Arrests, court cases, sentencing... All of that is public record.  Tabloids do more than read FJ to get stories.  I can't imagine they wouldn't have had a tip about Josh being in jail, if he were.

I lean towards RU or a similar program, perhaps with some special arrangement because he is a "celebrity." Possibly it is a private arrangement with some friend, the way his previous "rehab" was.


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I've got a semi-wild idea.  What if Joshly is in a legitimate treatment facility, particularly one with a campus in a retreat-like setting?  That might explain why there have been no sightings or leaks to the media.  

Let's imagine for a moment that Josh is an adult who got some exposure to the real world while he was doing the FRC gig in DC.  Maybe he met some people who know about things like treatment for addiction disorders.  What if he really does have a problem with internet porn, such a problem in fact, that disclosing the extent of it to his parents scared the bejesus out of them?  Isn't it within the realm of possibility that JB and Michelle learned a few things about deviancy and behavioral health since Josh's adolescent perpetration history became public? I mean, Dr. Phil stepped forward and publicly offered to help.  Maybe someone the Duggars trust gave them some decent advice and they listened.

The basic premise of my speculation is that someone, perhaps even Josh himself, insisted on a legitimate treatment program.  After all, it's his life that's in the shitter. 

So what do you get if you google "Christian porn addiction treatment"?  A few links to this and that, and then one particular place pops out because it has both Christian programming and one of the very few residential treatment centers in the country that specifically address porn addiction.  That, and It sits on 200 acres in the middle of nowhere, which is conveniently located about a hour's drive from Nashville.

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I've got a semi-wild idea.  What if Joshly is in a legitimate treatment facility, particularly one with a campus in a retreat-like setting?  That might explain why there have been no sightings or leaks to the media.  

Let's imagine for a moment that Josh is an adult who got some exposure to the real world while he was doing the FRC gig in DC.  Maybe he met some people who know about things like treatment for addiction disorders.  What if he really does have a problem with internet porn, such a problem in fact, that disclosing the extent of it to his parents scared the bejesus out of them?  Isn't it within the realm of possibility that JB and Michelle learned a few things about deviancy and behavioral health since Josh's adolescent perpetration history became public? I mean, Dr. Phil stepped forward and publicly offered to help.  Maybe someone the Duggars trust gave them some decent advice and they listened.

The basic premise of my speculation is that someone, perhaps even Josh himself, insisted on a legitimate treatment program.  After all, it's his life that's in the shitter. 

So what do you get if you google "Christian porn addiction treatment"?  A few links to this and that, and then one particular place pops out because it has both Christian programming and one of the very few residential treatment centers in the country that specifically address porn addiction.  That, and It sits on 200 acres in the middle of nowhere, which is conveniently located about a hour's drive from Nashville.

Do I need to go investigate?

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Do I need to go investigate?

Google The Ranch in Nunnelly, TN.  I doubt you could get on the property and just roam around. 

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The only way I could see Josh in a "legit" rehab is if he was choosing and paying the place himself. Because I don't think Boob & J'Chelle would ever support Josh going to a treatment center where he could receive real help like psychotherapy which could lead him to question Gothardism and his cult upbringing. That would be the last thing the Duggars would want.

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The only way I could see Josh in a "legit" rehab is if he was choosing and paying the place himself. Because I don't think Boob & J'Chelle would ever support Josh going to a treatment center where he could receive real help like psychotherapy which could lead him to question Gothardism and his cult upbringing. That would be the last thing the Duggars would want.

Perhaps that is why they sold their Arkansas house?

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The only way I could see Josh in a "legit" rehab is if he was choosing and paying the place himself. Because I don't think Boob & J'Chelle would ever support Josh going to a treatment center where he could receive real help like psychotherapy which could lead him to question Gothardism and his cult upbringing. That would be the last thing the Duggars would want.

Perhaps Joshly's disgraceful behavior and failures as a "godly man" has done exactly that--caused Boob & J'Chelle to question his cult upbringing, especially how they handled his sexual perpetration as an adolescent.  All the blow back on that may have caused them to think again, particularly now that Gothard and his organization are being called to account for sexual abuse.  I realize a psycho-therapeutic treatment approach is likely to feel threatening to them, but what if it's being done in a Christian context?  Wouldn't that make things more palatable?  People will change when the pain they're in is greater than their fear of something different.  Joshly has caused his parents quite a lot of pain.   

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Perhaps Joshly's disgraceful behavior and failures as a "godly man" has done exactly that--caused Boob & J'Chelle to question his cult upbringing, especially how they handled his sexual perpetration as an adolescent.  All the blow back on that may have caused them to think again, particularly now that Gothard and his organization are being called to account for sexual abuse.  I realize a psycho-therapeutic treatment approach is likely to feel threatening to them, but what if it's being done in a Christian context?  Wouldn't that make things more palatable?  People will change when the pain they're in is greater than their fear of something different.  Joshly has caused his parents quite a lot of pain.   

He has indeed caused his parents - not to mention his wife and kids - a tremendous amount of pain.

But I don't see this causing anyone to rethink anything.  Instead, it will probably bolster their belief that the secular world is a dangerous place, with traps and pitfalls everywhere. I wasn't sure at the time, but looking back now, I think Jim Bob and Michelle were really afraid of Josh going off to DC.  They know him well and probably feared he'd get up to the devil.  (although I doubt they could have imagined the porn star stuff.)

In their minds, Josh does not need treatment.  He needs Jesus, and lots of Him.  This coupled with the fact that no one has seen him anywhere leads me to conclude he is not in any sort of center at all but is instead with someone in the Duggars' trusted circle, isolated and forbidden to leave until sufficient time as passed.

I'll confess I am way more curious about the Return of Josh than I am about Jessa and her precious blessing.  Babies bore me.  This stuff?  Fascinating.

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I'll confess I am way more curious about the Return of Josh than I am about Jessa and her precious blessing.  Babies bore me.  This stuff?  Fascinating.

I got really interested in the Duggars when the Josh perpetration news hit the fan in May, followed almost immediately by the Ashley Madison porn/adultery scandal.   Before that--eh, not so much interest, although I was familiar with the Duggars. Josh always gave me a creepy vibe.  Wanting to know more about him and his family brought me to Free Jinger. I work in behavioral health, and I've long been interested in the outcomes of kids raised in cult environments. Josh is fascinating case study because he displays such apparent pathology.

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Newbie here but long time lurker.  I have this morbid fascination with religious cults FLDS, quiverful, etc.. I have to believe that Josh is doing a while lot of thinking while in rehab and since he was outside the compound while in DC I think he realizes he has two options now.  He can go back to Arkansas and pretend that Jesus healed him cause I honestly dont think he is truly believer anymore OR he goes for OPTION 2 which is I have to believe has occurred to him (whether or not he does it might depend on how brave he is, how much he wants Anna back vs. porn and hookers) that he could be the ONE to write the tell all book about the Duggars.  I do think part of his sexual issues are related to the pathology of this cult the Duggars are involved in and this could possibly help lesson the "ick" factor he has right now.  I think he is a victim of this cult and his behavior shows it...

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I'm not sure what happened here - I meant to quote RoseL, right above me. 


I pretty much agree with you.  It's like the Wizard of Oz, once you see behind the curtain and realize the great and powerful Oz is just a humbug pretender, you can't go back to believing that Oz is anything more than a pretender ever again.  The twisted cult beliefs, mixed with his parents' parading of their sexuality constantly in front of the children, and Josh's sense of entitlement as the first born son, seemingly created a teenage sexual predator.  As an adult, I see Josh as more run of the mill bored husband, who has a very weak moral compass.  And that's why I think that whenever he is released from rehab/punishment/time out, he will return to the fold of his family, announce he has fought with Satan and cast him out of his heart, and play the part of the prodigal and repentant son.  He doesn't have the inner fortitude to stand on his own (his dad made sure of that).  Maybe if this were John David instead - he might have the strength to say "I'm going to do my own thing.  Like it or lump it."  But not Josh - he might have been the firstborn, but he doesn't have a lot of the attributes of most first born kids.  He's not a natural leader.  So he'll return home, duly chastised, and wear the facade (at least until he cracks and goes rogue once more).

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EmmyJ-  I agree if he returns home it is just a matter of time before her goes rogue.  That's what scares me a little, when he goes back, he knows he's a caged animal and caged animals are unpredictable....

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I'm convinced  JB & M are certain that  sending Josh into the unsafe secular world was the cause of his downfall. Which means they are going to lock the rest of them up in that house even tighter than they already do. It will be interesting to see how Joseph turns out once he comes back from college. IF he comes back. And really, why would he. I can't see him coming back to sleep dorm-style w/his little brothers. 

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I got really interested in the Duggars when the Josh perpetration news hit the fan in May, followed almost immediately by the Ashley Madison porn/adultery scandal.   Before that--eh, not so much interest, although I was familiar with the Duggars. Josh always gave me a creepy vibe.  Wanting to know more about him and his family brought me to Free Jinger. I work in behavioral health, and I've long been interested in the outcomes of kids raised in cult environments. Josh is fascinating case study because he displays such apparent pathology.

Except for the part about Josh"always " giving a creepy vibe, the above is true for me also.  Living in the Bible Belt, I am pretty used to the holier than thou fundie and I mostly found the Duggars' religiousity rather ho-hum.  I watched all the early specials as "background noise" while cooking or cleaning and an occasional episode of the show in the same way, but when my husband and I got together about 6 years ago and I stopped watching TV for background noise, So I didn't keep up.  Until Joshgate 1. I have been fascinated by the family since.

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I'll confess I am way more curious about the Return of Josh than I am about Jessa and her precious blessing.  Babies bore me.  This stuff?  Fascinating.

Right now, the "Law and Order" show on incest within a religious family is getting equal billing with Jessa's baby if you search for Duggar news on Google!  

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@JenniferJuniper....I am having a little trouble quoting  (not sure why there is an "almost" quote with nothing in it ??  from imrlgoddess above the one from JenniferJuniper but I wanted to say  that THIS - hidden somewhere in their inner circle - not at RU, not an any sort of an accredited rehab but THIS - yes, I was trying to articulate this the other day.  That he was hiding/hidden maybe somewhere close to home in Arkansas.   Don't know if we will ever find out where he is or was, and not sure why I care, but this is what I think, also
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I really feel bad for the younger kids left in the house because as strict as things were before I know they have to have it worse, I just cant imagine what that "worse" looks like, and I think Josh is not at RU but some ultra secret Gothard rehab where only the worst kids of the cult royalty go for cult specific re-training...

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@JenniferJuniper....I am having a little trouble quoting  (not sure why there is an "almost" quote with nothing in it ??  from imrlgoddess above the one from JenniferJuniper but I wanted to say  that THIS - hidden somewhere in their inner circle - not at RU, not an any sort of an accredited rehab but THIS - yes, I was trying to articulate this the other day.  That he was hiding/hidden maybe somewhere close to home in Arkansas.   Don't know if we will ever find out where he is or was, and not sure why I care, but this is what I think, also

You are getting the blank quote box because the data wasn't cleared from a previous truncated post.  This editor holds on to what you type/quote until it's cleared or posted.  I.e. if quote someone, decide not to and remove the text and close the editor it will remain there until i either post or clear...to clear click on the little icon on the end of your tool bar to the right of "size."  It looks like a piece of paper with the right corner folded down.  This clears everything in your editor.

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