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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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I searched FJ and I've been reading almost daily since the scandal broke and haven't seen anything about this 


Inquisitr has a picture from RU of a softball game posted-get this-September 19th and they claim Josh is in it? I don't really see him in the picture but its worth mentioning. I don't think he would have been outside, playing softball so soon after leaving for fundie camp.

That article says "Pictures that appear to be of Josh Duggar."  That church, or school, or whatever it is isn't going to put names on those pictures.  But, I think that is Josh and the Arkansas Razorback baseball cap isn't something most people in Illinois have.


Anyway, I think the point of that article is that the Duggars are now acting like Josh doesn't exist.  One thing about the Kardashians that I respect (and the ONLY thing I respect about that reality TV family) is that they always support each other, no matter what.  Kris Jenner's son is messed up too, but they never abandon him.  They didn't reject a father named Caitlyn, even though there was a divorce, a lot of lack-of-disclosure throughout the marriage (now revealed) and more publicity about Jenner's transition than there ever was about Josh Duggar.  They have seen many divorces and a son-in-law who overdosed on drugs while spending a weekend in a brothel.  Still, that family closes ranks and never abandons the fallen.  The whole Duggar message about forgiveness and love is something the Duggars can't live out in real life.  As much as the Duggars talk about 'family values', Michelle doesn't even speak to her own siblings and has completely disconnected with them.

 The Duggars are more upset about the adultery than they are about the child molestation.  Ma and Pa Duggar raised a pervert, didn't properly deal with his problems when Josh was 14 and 15, failed to protect their daughters and the child of a friend, and have never asked for anyone's forgiveness for their failure as parents.  The parents were more concerned with Jim Bob's election campaign and the Discovery Channel specials than parenting their children.  Even now, they failed to put Josh in a place that really treats sexual addiction and to undergo therapy with him.  They are more interested in trying to re-boot their TV series.  I think they have abandoned him. Without his family's support, he'll never make it.  He is 27 and is probably unemployable for the rest of his life.        

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Why?  He is a grown ass man.  They no longer have any responsibility for raising him.  They completely failed all their children as parents, Josh included.  But they can't fix that now as an adult.

True, he is an adult.    The Duggar parents, legally at least, don't owe him anything, they are not obligated to do anything for him.  But being an adult doesn't mean that parents turn off their need to help their adult kid when he/she runs into trouble.    And in the Duggar parents' case, helping Josh is not just about helping their son, it's also about helping his wife and grandkids and their public image.  

They put themselves up for public consumption, making everything that goes on their lives known to the world, so any screwups by family members are not going to be private.    It's going to be out there and it has now affected their brand and income.    So the family public image is going to be a factor, something that they would never have to consider if they retained their privacy, meaning not going on TV.   They made a deal with the devil in signing up for a TV series and this is one of the ramifications, public image is a factor in all things, including the Joshgates.


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I searched FJ and I've been reading almost daily since the scandal broke and haven't seen anything about this 


Inquisitr has a picture from RU of a softball game posted-get this-September 19th and they claim Josh is in it? I don't really see him in the picture but its worth mentioning. I don't think he would have been outside, playing softball so soon after leaving for fundie camp.

Hard to say who that picture looks like.  If Josh is at RU--according to what their website says about their service programming--he would have been seen out and about doing service work.  The RU program isn't lock-down, the way some programs are.  I don't believe he's at RU unless he's getting some sort of special consideration, and that wouldn't be good for the morale of the rest of the people receiving services at there.  From RU's website information, the client base appears to draw primarily from prisons, parole programs, courts.  The idea behind the work component of the RU program is to re-integrate the clients into broader society.  The model just doesn't fit Joshly's profile.    

From the limited research I've been able to do, the residential programs that advertise as "faith-based," "Bible-based" or "Christ-centered" are primarily for drug and alcohol addiction.  Like Our Masters Camp in  Pikeville, Tennessee--they may address sex/porn addiction but that topic looks to be adjunct to their main focus, which is drugs and alcohol.  I do know something about faith-based treatment for drugs and alcohol, and it really doesn't help to have someone without a substance abuse problem in the mix receiving services.  The only programs I could find for faith-based services for sex/porn addiction are happening on an outpatient basis.  There's a group of pastoral counselors in Oregon called Pureheart Ministries, for example, that specialize in purity lifestyle recovery, but they don't run a residential rehab.  They do phone counseling and hook people up to mentoring groups.    

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I suspect that if (and that's becoming a bigger "if") Josh is at RU, he's probably staying separate from the rest of the population, perhaps at the home of someone associated with the organization.  Agree that the model doesn't fit Josh's situation and I think that one of JB's priorities was to keep Josh out of the public eye.  That wouldn't  be possible if Josh was in the rest of the clients. 

He might have started out there and quit.   JB would not allow the fact that his son quit "rehab" to get out to the public at all.

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Hard to say who that picture looks like.  If Josh is at RU--according to what their website says about their service programming--he would have been seen out and about doing service work.  The RU program isn't lock-down, the way some programs are.  I don't believe he's at RU unless he's getting some sort of special consideration, and that wouldn't be good for the morale of the rest of the people receiving services at there.  From RU's website information, the client base appears to draw primarily from prisons, parole programs, courts.  The idea behind the work component of the RU program is to re-integrate the clients into broader society.  The model just doesn't fit Joshly's profile.    

If you look at the RU website, they have more than one program.  The program for prisoners and parole people is run in local communities through churches.  The program Josh is in is School of Discipleship. The people in that "school" are sequestered, never allowed anywhere unsupervised, and heroin addicts and alcoholics go through withdrawals without any medical supervision.  That sounds barbaric and even dangerous to me.  The "school" is about keeping people away from society until they are sober and religious, and all contacts through mail and phone calls are monitored.  

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This notion might get me flamed because I know it's out there and purely wild speculation on my part.  My mind just keeps going there because there have been no sightings.  Also, it ain't like the Duggars don't lie.

BUT....could that ass be in jail?  what for I don't know but anything is possible.

I've wondered if, perhaps, he's hiding out at home and just not being photographed.  That, or he's living with Goatherd himself for a "season."   (Stranger things have happened.)

ETA:  Providing the pictures of a Razorback at the RU program aren't of Josh.


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I searched FJ and I've been reading almost daily since the scandal broke and haven't seen anything about this 


Inquisitr has a picture from RU of a softball game posted-get this-September 19th and they claim Josh is in it? I don't really see him in the picture but its worth mentioning. I don't think he would have been outside, playing softball so soon after leaving for fundie camp.

that second pic, with the razorbacks cap, it looks like the person has a longish blonde hair sticking out (though it may be something else, who knows), i don't think that's him the top pic, eh, doesn't really look like him either. i don't think he's there, simply because of the reasons that others have said, not one person outing him in months...

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If you look at the RU website, they have more than one program.  The program for prisoners and parole people is run in local communities through churches.  The program Josh is in is School of Discipleship. The people in that "school" are sequestered, never allowed anywhere unsupervised, and heroin addicts and alcoholics go through withdrawals without any medical supervision.  That sounds barbaric and even dangerous to me.  The "school" is about keeping people away from society until they are sober and religious, and all contacts through mail and phone calls are monitored.  

Well, now that is a possibility.  Sounds like cult reprogramming.  I still question the willingness of RU overseers to throw Joshly in with substance abusers, but hey, if they're detoxing people without medical supervision, anything is possible.

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Put me in the 'not Josh' camp, too.  Though I do find it mildly comical that Jessa's thunder has been stolen yet again... this time by a phony Josh sighting.  However, I do think it is possible that Josh is at RU and the guy wearing the Razerback's cap could have borrowed it from Josh.  

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I searched FJ and I've been reading almost daily since the scandal broke and haven't seen anything about this 


Inquisitr has a picture from RU of a softball game posted-get this-September 19th and they claim Josh is in it? I don't really see him in the picture but its worth mentioning. I don't think he would have been outside, playing softball so soon after leaving for fundie camp.

Nope. The first picture doesn't look a thing like him. The second one I could mayyyyyybe see it if I looked really hard, but even then I don't think its him.


(On a side note, just in the off case it is, I asked my side hugging fiancee if he knew which park it was, but he wasn't sure. He's lived here his entire life, but I'm a transplant ever since we met on the World of Warcraft and fell in love... that's sort of like Nepal I guess :my_confused:)

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I really don't think it is Josh either. Looking at the RU FB page, there's another picture of a guy at a softball game wearing a razorback hat. It's obviously not Josh though, since you can clearly see the face. They probably get a lot of people from Arkansas because there are a lot of conservative Christians in Arkansas.

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What do you suppose they talk about among themselves.

"Whatayou in for?"

"Heroin. You?" 



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Most definitely not Josh. And the arrows are pointing to two completely different people. Do they think he's split his soul into two separate bodies? Another "winning" piece of investigative journalism by the Inquisitr...

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I really don't think it is Josh either. Looking at the RU FB page, there's another picture of a guy at a softball game wearing a razorback hat. It's obviously not Josh though, since you can clearly see the face. They probably get a lot of people from Arkansas because there are a lot of conservative Christians in Arkansas.

I looked at the page, too, but didn't see another razorback hat.  Could you please post a picture of the one you are talking about?

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Am I blind? I went to the RU Facebook and don't see the softball photos there.

It's the page for the Mens School:



I'm convinced now that it was Josh.  Reformers Unanimous just removed all of the pictures from the softball tournament, including the one they used for their profile image.  You can still see it here if you hurry:


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I looked at the page, too, but didn't see another razorback hat.  Could you please post a picture of the one you are talking about?

I'm not seeing the pictures Inquisitr posted, maybe they are deleted? Not sure if this has been discussed before, but there's pictures up there from April 2010 that show some participants full names on a sheet titled "Major Violations" listing offenses such as smoking and unauthorized phone calls. There's one with an address and phone number too. Won't post the personal information here, put it's on their public FB. Really, really unprofessional stuff. 


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I'm not seeing the pictures Inquisitr posted, maybe they are deleted? Not sure if this has been discussed before, but there's pictures up there from April 2010 that show some participants full names on a sheet titled "Major Violations" listing offenses such as smoking and unauthorized phone calls. There's one with an address and phone number too. Won't post the personal information here, put it's on their public FB. Really, really unprofessional stuff. 

Please give the link to the post for that!

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Not sure how to link a specific FB photo from my phone. It in their public pictures from April 2010.

That second picture from the article isn't a razorback hat. It's a horse (possibly the Southern Methodist University logo? Not sure).



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It's the page for the Mens School:






I'm convinced now that it was Josh.  Reformers Unanimous just removed all of the pictures from the softball tournament, including the one they used for their profile image.  You can still see it here if you hurry:




I agree with you that the RU Men's Discipleship program is an ideal choice from a Dugger point of view, but I still have my doubts.  Do you really think RU officials would post a picture of Josh on their FB page?  I realize RU is in a different universe, but a FB pic?  Also, why no sightings at Love Chapel, which is a major component of their discipleship program?

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It is definitely weird that they deleted them. I still don't think it looks much like Josh though. Hmm....very interesting.

I wonder if the tabloid people have someone watching the Friday night thing every week.

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