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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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It is definitely weird that they deleted them. I still don't think it looks much like Josh though. Hmm....very interesting.

I wonder if the tabloid people have someone watching the Friday night thing every week.

If you live in the area, you can actually attend the Friday night event and the church service on Sunday.  This article says that the men enrolled in the program have to enter through the basement door.  It also shows Jim Bob and Michelle as keynote speakers at an event there.  Why would they be speakers at an addiction center?  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3215560/The-Christian-rehab-Josh-Duggar-spend-six-months-reading-Bible-praying-doing-manual-labor-cure-sex-addiction.html


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It is definitely weird that they deleted them. I still don't think it looks much like Josh though. Hmm....very interesting.

I wonder if the tabloid people have someone watching the Friday night thing every week.

Conspiracy theory: maybe they paid a Josh Duggar look alike to go to rehab in his place while he hides out at the in-laws. 

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It is definitely weird that they deleted them. I still don't think it looks much like Josh though. Hmm....very interesting.

I wonder if the tabloid people have someone watching the Friday night thing every week.

Not really so weird considering the Inquisitor story that just came out about the pics. The FB change might have more to do with reacting to negative tabloid coverage than wanting to protect Josh.  I just can't believe RU would post pics of Josh on their FB page.  But then, I've got a fair amount of naivete about the behavior of fundies on steroids.

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I got a quick look at the pics and don't think they're Josh... It is weird that they took them down though, and that seems clearly related to the inquisitor (sp.?) article. They don't really want sleazy news source whether it's accurate or not. I'm in the "he's not there" camp... At least he's not there as part of the Friday night services and work component ;or he'd have been sighted).

Count me as mildly curious about where he's hiding out! I've said before he's close to home and not at a legit treatment center.

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I don't think those pictures are Josh but the fact that they were picked up and examined might have made RU take them down. Why? Because Josh is supposed to be there and as has been speculated, he's nowhere to be seen. Where in the World is Joshley Madison 

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I don't think either one of those men is Josh. Especially since the inquistr pointed out two different men. :pb_rollseyes: You can see the man in the "Razorbacks cap" -- I agree that it's actually some kind of horse logo -- in the back row, second from the right. He is taller and slimmer than Josh, imo. The man squatting in the front row is too short to be Josh, maybe. And neither one looks much like him.

@Seven Severn anon contributor basically said it's impossible to know how likely it is that a Duggar plane made any undocumented flights. First, anon said about 50 or 75% of the time, pilots don't file a flight plan but request flight following. Try as I might, I don't understand the difference between these two, except anon says flight following is usually included in a flight plan. It's not uncommon for a flight to go without either, as well. I maintain the opinion that JD's flights are mostly documented at Flight Aware, since we don't see many inconsistencies such as landing in one airport and suddenly taking off from another. So while it's quite possible that a Duggar plane could have flown to a secret location and back without us noticing, I don't think it has happened. ymmv, of course.

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Josh is in the woods in Maine, being cared for by a "fan"... writing his redemption story over and over until he gets it right.

No internet, no outside contact, no escaping.


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Josh is in the woods in Maine, being cared for by a "fan"... writing his redemption story over and over until he gets it right.

No internet, no outside contact, no escaping.




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It is definitely weird that they deleted them. I still don't think it looks much like Josh though. Hmm....very interesting.

I wonder if the tabloid people have someone watching the Friday night thing every week.

Why not? They must get their data from somewhere besides FJ and their imaginations.  ;)

Seriously, as I stated up thread, I have more faith in the mention of someone called Josh asking for prayers than in the pictures.

Conspiracy theory: maybe they paid a Josh Duggar look alike to go to rehab in his place while he hides out at the in-laws. 

If they did, they probably got a cheap rate because the lookalike doesn't look enough like Josh.;)

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I just always wonder what they have told the kids about him. "Mom, where is Dad?" that kind of thing...


I'm super curious about this too and it's the one thing in this that we are least likely to find out. 

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I don't think either one of those men is Josh. Especially since the inquistr pointed out two different men. :pb_rollseyes: You can see the man in the "Razorbacks cap" -- I agree that it's actually some kind of horse logo -- in the back row, second from the right. He is taller and slimmer than Josh, imo. The man squatting in the front row is too short to be Josh, maybe. And neither one looks much like him.

@Seven Severn anon contributor basically said it's impossible to know how likely it is that a Duggar plane made any undocumented flights. First, anon said about 50 or 75% of the time, pilots don't file a flight plan but request flight following. Try as I might, I don't understand the difference between these two, except anon says flight following is usually included in a flight plan. It's not uncommon for a flight to go without either, as well. I maintain the opinion that JD's flights are mostly documented at Flight Aware, since we don't see many inconsistencies such as landing in one airport and suddenly taking off from another. So while it's quite possible that a Duggar plane could have flown to a secret location and back without us noticing, I don't think it has happened. ymmv, of course.

Thanks, halcionne and anon! My dad was a private pilot and I don't think he filed flight plans very often -- maybe for longer trips. I didn't know that "flight following" was a thing. I think I can see how it's different from a flight plan, though: a flight plan is premeditated and flight following is just, yeah, I'll go wherever and you watch and whatever happens happens.

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Conspiracy theory: maybe they paid a Josh Duggar look alike to go to rehab in his place while he hides out at the in-laws. 

This is not a bad theory, actually. His in-laws do prison ministry. JB probably thinks they're really good at counseling because they "save" all the heathens in jail.

And those pictures were very clearly not Josh. I'm surprised they even ran that story. That was on the same level as random internet speculation. 

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If you live in the area, you can actually attend the Friday night event and the church service on Sunday.  This article says that the men enrolled in the program have to enter through the basement door.  It also shows Jim Bob and Michelle as keynote speakers at an event there.  Why would they be speakers at an addiction center?  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3215560/The-Christian-rehab-Josh-Duggar-spend-six-months-reading-Bible-praying-doing-manual-labor-cure-sex-addiction.html


I live around the corner from North Love, and I've considered going, but I can't get myself to go. I went to a wedding there once and it was pretty horrible.

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They may have also removed the pics to protect the innocent person/people who are being accused of being Josh.  While RU isn't completely anonymous thanks to their webcasts, etc., there is a difference between being 'seen' by family friends who already know you are there versus being exposed for the world to see, including those within your bigger social circle who may not have a clue that you are dealing with personal difficulties.  

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Maybe Josh is hiding along with Wally (Waldo in the US I think?).

Yes. Someone needs to photoshop this.

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Thanks, halcionne and anon! My dad was a private pilot and I don't think he filed flight plans very often -- maybe for longer trips. I didn't know that "flight following" was a thing. I think I can see how it's different from a flight plan, though: a flight plan is premeditated and flight following is just, yeah, I'll go wherever and you watch and whatever happens happens.

This makes so much sense! Thank YOU for spelling this out for me--I was really struggling with it.

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Check out our very own Free Jinger flight tracking thread - someone just flew to Milwaukee, which is roughly an hour plus from Rockford. And so - Radar Online and other gossip sites pick this up as evidence of a secret trip to see Josh.

They are SO reading Free Jinger and relying on the fabulous detective work here, or at least getting their ideas from here.  Hell, I bet those sites never even KNEW the Duggars owned planes until they read it here first... so where is the credit, huh Gawker?

I am from Milwaukee originally.  I am so proud the Duggars chose my airport!  (NOT)


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It was a HUGE breach of privacy of the other men to have their faces on the internet while they are fighting a very private battle.

If I were Josh, hanging out w/my in-laws would be my LAST choice right now.

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Check out our very own Free Jinger flight tracking thread - someone just flew to Milwaukee, which is roughly an hour plus from Rockford. And so - Radar Online and other gossip sites pick this up as evidence of a secret trip to see Josh.

They are SO reading Free Jinger and relying on the fabulous detective work here, or at least getting their ideas from here.  Hell, I bet those sites never even KNEW the Duggars owned planes until they read it here first... so where is the credit, huh Gawker?

I am from Milwaukee originally.  I am so proud the Duggars chose my airport!  (NOT)


Anyone can sign up for alerts from fllightaware.com for a specific aircraft.  If someone is interested in tracking the flights of the Duggar planes, that is what they would do.  I don't think they would wait to see if maybe someone posted it here.  Was there some other time that you are sure that Radar Online got information from this forum?  

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This makes so much sense! Thank YOU for spelling this out for me--I was really struggling with it.

Oh, gosh! Don't give me so much credit!  :pb_redface: My explanation was pure speculation. Reality could be something else entirely. That's what just made sense to me.

the muppets are on in one minute!

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@DuggarWatch....Sorry having trouble with quoting - wanted to say that yes, I know that anyone can sign up for Flight Aware and that the gossip sites tracking the Duggars (and anyone "famous") would do that.. however, IIRC those sites came up with the Rockford/RU connection (re: Josh) right after it was discussed here on Free Jinger.

I don't have any examples and was half-kidding, half-not.  I really do think we (not me personally) were the first ones to try to link the plane(s) comings and goings with what was going on in Duggar-World.  I could definitely be wrong; wouldn't be the first time!     :)  

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@DuggarWatch....Sorry having trouble with quoting - wanted to say that yes, I know that anyone can sign up for Flight Aware and that the gossip sites tracking the Duggars (and anyone "famous") would do that.. however, IIRC those sites came up with the Rockford/RU connection (re: Josh) right after it was discussed here on Free Jinger.

I don't have any examples and was half-kidding, half-not.  I really do think we (not me personally) were the first ones to try to link the plane(s) comings and goings with what was going on in Duggar-World.  I could definitely be wrong; wouldn't be the first time!     :)  

I think you are right about the RU connection, but that was Gawker, not RadarOnline.  The difference is that articles on Gawker are written by freelancers who have time to kill and RadarOnline employs reporters who don't have time to spend looking through forums as active as this one. 

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If I were Josh, hanging out w/my in-laws would be my LAST choice right now.

From what I have gathered, the in-laws may be less scary to Josh at the moment than JB.  ;)

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