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Joshley Madison Pt 8: Are We Still Talking About This?

happy atheist

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Perhaps there are family "therapy" sessions there and Anna went to one.

I hope RU does have some kind of family/couple therapy and doesn't just drop Josh back into his family. 

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If he is indeed leaving early, that doesn't surprise me. Josh is lazy. I'm still not even sure he was at RU in the first place. It could all be a hoax on the Duggar's parts. 

I worry for Anna though, which I don't usually say because I was disgusted about her knowing about Josh's molestation and acting like it wasn't a big deal, but she's probably going to be "showing him that special attention" way more often now. :brainbleach:

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I wonder if Josh actually doesn't mind rehab. Yes, he has to do a lot of manual labor, and pray a lot, but he doesn't have to earn a living. Decisions are all made for him. Doesn't have to take care of anyone's needs but his own, and his family isn't around giving him the evil eye. (Or whatever the fundie equivalent is.)  Maybe it's a good break for him. He's still a sleaze.

Probably reminds him a lot of living at home as kid. You could be right about that. 

probably going to be "showing him that special attention" way more often now. :brainbleach:

A. Gross and B. Infuriating. He acts like a nasty bastard and disregards their vows and Anna is expected to respond by attempting to give him more sex and more exciting sex. That sounds like a reward. There's just no justice here. 

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Probably reminds him a lot of living at home as kid. You could be right about that. 

A. Gross and B. Infuriating. He acts like a nasty bastard and disregards their vows and Anna is expected to respond by attempting to give him more sex and more exciting sex. That sounds like a reward. There's just no justice here. 

I don't know about that. Before the molestations happened, it seems like Josh had quite a bit of responsibilities, and few privileges. It's been speculated that he and JD were on buddy duty when the howlers were young, and the police report mentioned him reading to one of the younger victims, which suggests that he often had to look after his siblings, even if most of the heavy duty childcare was done by the J'slaves. Being at rehab or exile or where ever he is is probably the first time Josh has ever been truly without family responsibilities, except maybe when he was sent to the Gothard work camp.

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I don't know if this was mentioned but in this episode: 
There's a part nearish the end where Jessa is teasing about maybe keeping baby's sex a secret and Josh says in the fucking creepiest, smarmiest voice "I don't think you CAN keep a secret."

Yeah well, she kept yours for a long ass time, you fucking asshole.  


And then I wanted to set him on fire. 

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Did this get posted elsewhere and I missed it? If so, apologies. Not always easy to keep up on my phone. 



Josh doesn't need another baby. What he does need is Anna taking the kids and leaving his sorry ass.  For a consolation gift, he needs a vasectomy and permanent erectile dysfunction.

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They have four children. One is still an infant. If that's not enough to save a marriage, what in the hell does he think a fifth baby will accomplish?  Sounds like he's just not getting his way and throwing a fit. I'll give whatever you want! You're a woman, you people like babies, I'll give you another if you just stay with me so I don't lose face!

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I wonder who these sources are. Probably someone checking FJ.

NOOOOO. I'm a frumper lover. I liked being a speshul snowflake.:special-snowflake1: 

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If he is indeed leaving early, that doesn't surprise me. Josh is lazy. I'm still not even sure he was at RU in the first place. It could all be a hoax on the Duggar's parts. 

I worry for Anna though, which I don't usually say because I was disgusted about her knowing about Josh's molestation and acting like it wasn't a big deal, but she's probably going to be "showing him that special attention" way more often now. :brainbleach:

First thing I thought when I stumbled across this story was, hey that was a very short six months. Josh is lazy and no amount of praying is going to fix his sexual problems or the fact he is a cheating, lying pathetic excuse for a man. Anna has been humiliated in world wide press coverage, she is not quite the same utterly brainwashed Gothard wife she was this time last year. If reports are true that she turned down the Stoneybrook house bribe from Jim Bob in favor of "true healing" she may have developed more of a backbone than we have given her credit for. I hope so anyway. 

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They have a baby!!11!1!  Her name is Meredith!

In his defence Josh probably forgot, he's been gone more than half of her life.

... And that just made me really sad. My 5 month old is so excited when my husband gets home from work every day. Today she heard him come in and stopped eating because she wanted to see him. Meredith doesn't even know her dad.

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In his defence Josh probably forgot, he's been gone more than half of her life.


... And that just made me really sad. My 5 month old is so excited when my husband gets home from work every day. Today she heard him come in and stopped eating because she wanted to see him. Meredith doesn't even know her dad.

Those poor kids.  All the fun with cousins at the TTH, doesn't make up for not having a dad in their life.  

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So I just had a kind of crazy thought. If Josh was so cavalier about breaking his marital vows vis a vis extramarital sex, is it possible that he has/will have a similar attitude about promising God not to limit his family size. I know this sounds nuts, but I think that given that he's a lying liar who lies and a cheating cheater who cheats, it may not be a stretch to think that perhaps that extends to other parts of his vows/belief system. Maybe part of the allure of other women was that he could get off without the danger of another mouth to feed. I don't think he's seemed excited about a baby since Michael, and I doubt he's the kind of guy to keep it in his pants during his wife's fertile time.

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I don't see them limiting family size. Anna was also so gung ho over having so many kids, and it seems like she's practically living at the TTH now, so she has lots of help with hers. It would be smart of them to do so, but when as Smugger ever been smart?


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I thought Anna & the kids were living next door at the  midwife's house?

That's a guess.  I'm not sure anyone really knows if she is or not.

If the kids haven't seen Josh in nearly 3 months, Meredith doesn't know him, Marcus has probably forgotten him, Michael is probably fearful that Mommy is going to disappear someday too, and Mac probably feels abandoned.

Way to go, Smuggar.

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Josh never struck me as wanting a lot of kids. Anna, yes. I felt like agreeing to children was a concession on his part. Maybe going against his parent's and wife's faith was just too much effort, so he gave in. 

And I'm really sad for those kids not really knowing a daddy.  Then again, if the choice was being raised by smuggar, or not having a dad in my life at all, I'd choose no dad. (at least from an adult perspective, a child might say different)

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ITA @quiverofdoubt  I too have gotten the impression from Smuggar ever since the third Mkid's pregnancy announcement that Smuggar isn't too fond of filling his quiver after all. I also agree with @sockinshoe re: he might have been enjoying sex without babies resulting, leading him to his vices. I feel like he was never really "allowed" to limit their family size because of their convictions (really, for show) and his sexual urges were too much to abstain. I wonder if this whole situation will open up a dialogue between him and Anna about possibly NFP.

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Maybe this is just wishful thinking, but I'm getting the sense that anna is more or less done with him, and done giving him sex. she is strongly against bc, so if he's using "we can have another baby!" as a plea, then they probably aren't being intimate at the moment. And I feel like she's just done with him. Maybe wishful thinking.

Also, I doubt anna is aware of nfp or informed at all about other forms of bc.  Josh probably is, but only courtesy of his infidelity. and then only marginally aware.

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It was a HUGE breach of privacy of the other men to have their faces on the internet while they are fighting a very private battle.

If I were Josh, hanging out w/my in-laws would be my LAST choice right now.

When I checked out RU's Facebook page, I was really quite appalled that they had posted pictures of their "graduates." Phony rehabilitation center or not, this really is a private matter, and if I were a resident there, I would not want the whole world to be able to click on the social media page belonging to the facility that treated me. That compromises the patients' rights in so many ways.

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Yes, those of us in the real world (and those who are in actual rehabilitation facilities, complete with HIPPA laws) see the error of posting graduate pics on their site, but these are Martyrs of the Christian Faith!!!!11!!!!1!! God has HEALED them, they are reborn, look at what they've overcome, they should be celebrated!!!!!11!!1!!1 


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Found this on the news page.

Josh Duggar may be out of rehab.

A plane carrying Jim Bob Duggar, one of his sons and two unidentified passengers were spotted at an airport in Rockford, Illinois on Thursday, near where Josh Duggar was in treatment at a faith-based rehab center, ET has learned. Ricky Tragers of RockfordScanner.com told ET that the plane is the same one that was spotted at the airport when Josh checked into the center in August.

The plane was on the ground for several hours, then took off again, bound for Springdale, Arkansas, near the Duggar family home, Tragers said. It’s possible that Josh is headed home for Thanksgiving festivities, though a family source told ET that the Duggars, who found their fame on the TLC reality show 19 Kids and Counting, have recently been shutting each other out.

“Nobody communicates and it’s weird and tough,” the source said. “I think they just don’t really trust a lot of people right now, so they want to keep things on a ‘need-to-know’ basis.”

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The source went on to add that they are “tired of being hushed and tired of being left in the dark” within their own family, adding, “The level of expectation in this family is too high, it is narrow-minded.”

Josh reportedly checked into the faith-based rehab center in August, after his family was rocked by two major scandals. In May, the 27-year-old father of four admitted to molesting five minor girls, including two of his sisters, when he was a teenager. Then in August, Josh admitted to a pornography addiction, which has been removed in an edited statement, and being “unfaithful” to his wife Anna after being implicated in the Ashley Madison cheating site hack.

"Josh checked himself into a long-term treatment center," the Duggars announced in a statement on their website at the time. "For him it will be a long journey toward wholeness and recovery. We pray that in this he comes to complete repentance and sincere change. In the meantime, we will be offering our love, care and devoted support to Anna and our grandchildren as she also receives counsel and help for her own heart and future. During this time we continue to look to God—He is our rock and comfort. We ask for your continued prayers for our entire family."

The Duggar family source, however, is less convinced about Josh’s sincerity.

“It would be different if Josh was actually sorry,” continued the source, who hopes that the former D.C. lobbyist is still in rehab. “He could have said ‘I’ve got problems,’ but instead, he hid it. When you live in a fishbowl, people are going to find out.”

As for Josh's wife, Anna Duggar, the source said it’s hard to tell how she is coping with the recent turmoil as well as parenting the couple’s four kids: 6-year-old Mackynzie, 4-year-old Michael, 2-year-old Marcus and 3-month-old Meredith.

“It’s tough to say how Anna is,” the source added. “I know how she says she is, but don’t know how she is deep down. She doesn’t talk about that.”



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When I checked out RU's Facebook page, I was really quite appalled that they had posted pictures of their "graduates." Phony rehabilitation center or not, this really is a private matter, and if I were a resident there, I would not want the whole world to be able to click on the social media page belonging to the facility that treated me. That compromises the patients' rights in so many ways.

I would guess they know enough to ask the graduates to sign off to agree to have the photos published.  And the brainwashed graduates probably happily comply.

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Did this get posted elsewhere and I missed it? If so, apologies. Not always easy to keep up on my phone. 



I call B.S. - I can't imagine any inside source having any sort of closeness to Anna or Josh that would result in them knowing he was begging for more babies (and then be someone who would turn around and tell someone at In Touch about it). Also it just sounds so weird and off considering that they just literally had a baby. Especially when yet another article says "Anna doesn't really talk about it." I have a lot of people I'm close with in life and I don't relay conversations with my husband about sex and babies to them. Who is Anna telling this to? I think we can lump this article with the one about Jessa making it through labor seamlessly and having her baby body back while she was obviously still pregnant. 

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