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Christian High School Principal Defends Dress Codes As A Way To Protect Girls’ Virginity


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Oh boy. That just blows me away.  Rape is about power and control, not sex.  Being a virgin is a personal choice. What a put down for the boys, too.  They're unable to control themselves. Glad I went to an ebil secular school.

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Why does no one care about the boys' virginity?!  Won't someone please think of the boys purity?!

Oh, who am I kidding...:2wankers:

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Why does no one care about the boys' virginity?!  Won't someone please think of the boys purity?!

Oh, who am I kidding...:2wankers:

boys take care of that by themselves by the time they are 5 :smiley-signs136:

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I have heard that many people are able to take off their clothing for the virginity removal purposes.

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I choose to not dress provocatively and I would recommend that to my students (male or female) if asked. It has nothing to do with their purity for me but with the fact that sadly, you are treated more respectfully by strangers when you don't show too much and that some teens dress more revealing than makes themselves feel comfortable out of sheer peer pressure. It is their right to choose that must be defended.  A teacher or principal thinking about the virginity of his students makes me sick. We should care about raising our children to be healthy, happy and compassionate adults who respect others as persons and not as virginal bodies.

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This doesn't surprise me that this happened in Grand Rapids. It's a gorgeous city, but it's very much conservative. I was there about a month ago during ArtPrize (a huge event where everyone, including families, come out and look at art work) and there were anti-abortion protestors with posters of aborted fetuses. The protestors weren't even old, creepy men though - all young people. So, not shocking that of all places in Michigan, it happened in Grand Rapids. 

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This doesn't surprise me that this happened in Grand Rapids. It's a gorgeous city, but it's very much conservative. I was there about a month ago during ArtPrize (a huge event where everyone, including families, come out and look at art work) and there were anti-abortion protestors with posters of aborted fetuses. The protestors weren't even old, creepy men though - all young people. So, not shocking that of all places in Michigan, it happened in Grand Rapids. 

Protesters at an art event? You have to be serious *eyeroll*

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Sometimes when I wear a short skirt, I just end up with a dick in me. I don't even know how it happens.

I'm sure the guy just tripped, and your short-skirted self, was in the way.

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Used to go to fundie school and spend my teens in long skirts. But that was never about virginity but about an obscure verse in the Mosaic law, which forbids women to wear men's clothes and vise versa. Because girls were stuck with skirts in the cold winter, to make it fair boys were not allowed shorts in summer.

When once a group of boys made disrespectful remarks about a girls chest, they were in real trouble. No body shaming was tolerated. And it was never made the girls responsibility, thankfully. 

This guys reasoning is pretty sick. I can think of many good reasons why a school would choose to have rules of decency in clothing. But someones virginity is really non of his business.

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Umm - does he think most sex is happening on school grounds or in school clothes.

Does he really think kids aren't meeting up and doing things in other places.

Is he not aware that even Victorian times when clothing was modest and an ankle was raunchy, babies were born to teenagers outside of marriage?


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Oh boy. That just blows me away.  Rape is about power and control, not sex.  Being a virgin is a personal choice. What a put down for the boys, too.  They're unable to control themselves. Glad I went to an ebil secular school.

Probably not only that but also a desire to control everything about the women in their lives - who they can see and associate with, how much freedom of movement they have, how much education they can have, whether or not they can work, what they wear, and so on.

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The only way you can help young men not treat young ladies as sex objects is by telling the young ladies to cover up! A young man will not think of a respectfully dressed young woman as a ‘sex object’ but is more likely to see her for who she is. A young man may have no intention to lust, yet when an immodestly dressed girl passes him in the hall, he will think sexual thoughts.

How little he knows about teenage boys.  You could dress all the girls up in high Victorian costumes and the boys would still be aroused by the way the girls smelled, by their hair, by the sound of their voices, and by the way they moved.  Teenagers are seething with hormones and everything, EVRYTHING about the opposite sex is exciting.  I remember having a massive crush on a boy in part because of his long eyelashes and beautiful hands.

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 I remember having a massive crush on a boy in part because of his long eyelashes and beautiful hands.

Burkas for everyone! I guess mittens too if hands are too defrauding. 

:darthsidious: - (there is no burka emoticon so I had to make due with Darth)

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Will anyone be shocked if comes out that this guy is really into porn?

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Will anyone be shocked if comes out that this guy is really into porn?

No. And I read this to my husband and I said well wait until the sex scandal comes out on this guy.

#jerkit - my hubs spewed his soda at your comment

#AmazonGrace my hubs snorted at yours

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  • 1 month later...

This is just so fucked up. Virginity isn't even a real thing. And style of clothing=/=sexual activity level

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