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Palins in the News - MERGED


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3 hours ago, LittleSpouseOnThePrairie said:

Yeah, I'm honestly out of the loop here so I'm asking.... Why does anyone care about what Sarah Palin thinks? Aside from the family shit show, was she ever really relevant? To what audience is her presidential endorsement actually valuable/aimed at?

Palin has inexplicably retained a lot of followers from the tea party faction. They're a big deal swing voting bloc in the republican primaries, so right now she has some influence but won't matter once we get to the general. I don't think anybody in the political machine cares about other Alaskans -- they already tend to vote republican and have minimal electoral votes.

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Also, as totally fucked up as the Palins are in real and scary ways, sometimes I just can't get past the fact that Track's middle name is Enfield (Track Enfield -- REALLY, Palin parents??) .

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6 hours ago, 47of74 said:

What he was conceived on?

Someone needs to tell that family that a dictionary should not be used instead of a baby names book. 

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1 hour ago, Kak said:

Someone needs to tell that family that a dictionary should not be used instead of a baby names book. 

This. I get Bristol, and it's sort of pretty even though it's now tainted for me by Palin association. Supposedly she was named after Bristol Bay and Bristol, Connecticut. But Track? Trig? Come on. That's a sport and a school subject.

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I just read an on-line article that quoted some of Sarah's best endorsement word salad moments.  If you're feeling strong: .huffingtonpost.com/entry/sarah-palin-quotes-trump_us_569ed3b5e4b04c813761f583?l4tgwrk9=

Then Seth Meyer played a clip of  Sarah rallying the troops with a rousing, screech-y Trump endorsement.  Seth thinks Sarah is endorsing Trump is because "Trump" sounds like something she'd name one of her kids. 

For those who never got traction after the 2008 economic meltdown, still feel disenfranchised,have total buy-in to right wing and ultra right wing talk radio (and some TV) blaming elitist liberals and Obama for ALL of their (and by extension, the country's) problems, see a uniformly white majority slipping away,  are shi**ting very large bricks over the possibility that Hillary might be the next pres and deeply believe that someone is coming for their guns RIGHT NOW, they hear Sarah's dog whistle


How about the rest of us? Right-wingin', bitter-clingin', proud clingers of our guns, our God, and our religions and our Constitution. Tell us that we're not red enough? Yeah, coming from the establishment.

and are thrilled, because somebody is speaking directly to them in their language!    I don't know how many people fit this description, but we should all realize that there many, many more than we think.  The only relevant issue (to me) is how many of them will vote in the next election.  The only good thing is watching Ted Cruz have to suck it up and put a nice face on Sarah's defection -- she endorsed him previously.  

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Loved the comment on Huffington Post that if Alexander Hamilton and George Washington had seen Trump and Palin as the future, they would have surrendered to the British!:my_biggrin:

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maybe the Palin endorsement is a ploy from the republican party to take Trump down? haha.. more likely not, she is latching on because they are both now despised by the republican party....

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1 minute ago, karen77 said:

maybe the Palin endorsement is a ploy from the republican party to take Trump down? haha.. more likely not, she is latching on because they are both now despised by the republican party....

I wish... But like the "Trump is a secret plant by the DNC to help Hillary!!!" Argument, I'm afraid it's wishful thinking.

Plus, even if that were the case, no one could tell Sarah. She's too much of a self-promoter to knowingly take part in a plot that she doesn't see as raising her own stature.

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26 minutes ago, mango_fandango said:

Not forgetting Bristol's son Tripp. 


Now, I've seen Trip and Trey used as nicknames for men who are a third. As in "Weston Collins Biddlesworth III" aka Trip. But not Tripp as the actual name.

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I was familiar with Trey III,  but not Trip III.  Is Trip a more northeast thing for a 3rd son nickname?


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And she missed an event this morning. Maybe because her son assaulted his girlfriend. I would not have thought Trump would have brought her into his campaign. He is a businessman, I thought he had some business-type grip on reality.

But not only do I not understand politics one bit, I do not contain in my mind an ideology. Sarah Palin. No No No No!! The poor girlfriend. 

6 hours ago, withaj said:

Also, as totally fucked up as the Palins are in real and scary ways, sometimes I just can't get past the fact that Track's middle name is Enfield (Track Enfield -- REALLY, Palin parents??) .

Surely you jest. 

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1 hour ago, 2manyKidzzz said:

And she missed an event this morning. Maybe because her son assaulted his girlfriend. I would not have thought Trump would have brought her into his campaign. He is a businessman, I thought he had some business-type grip on reality.

But not only do I not understand politics one bit, I do not contain in my mind an ideology. Sarah Palin. No No No No!! The poor girlfriend. 

Surely you jest. 

I don't think so! Just googled to try to confirm one way or the other. Either it's an urban legend with long legs or it's true. Palins have said many times he was named for their love of track & field, so it wouldn't surprise me. 

ETA: Hmm, Sarah Palin's wiki page cites her book and gives his name as Track CJ Palin. I would tend to read that as Track "CJ" Palin, with CJ as a nickname and there still being a potentially different middle name, but who knows. Certainly a middle name that's 2 initials would be unusual.

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2 hours ago, keen23 said:

Now, I've seen Trip and Trey used as nicknames for men who are a third. As in "Weston Collins Biddlesworth III" aka Trip. But not Tripp as the actual name.

One of my ex-husband's relatives has a son whose name  is Tripp, but it was a family name from the wife's side, but without something like that it is pretty weird. 

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Just googled and found out that Trey Parker is actually Randolph Severn Parker III. Yeah, can't really shorten Randoplh to "Randy", that'd just be asking for trouble...

But yeah, Bristol's son is Tripp Mitchell Easton Johnston. The other Palin girls actually have fairly normal names in comparison; Willow and Piper. Maybe Sarah thought her name was too plain and boring and so came up with weird/unusual ones for the kids.

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Lord help us all.

Sarah Palin has announced that she is backing Trump for the Republican nomination.


And now Trump is saying that Palin could have a role in his administration, though thankfully not as VP.


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11 hours ago, nastyhobbitses said:

I half feel awful for the girl who not only had the misfortune to date Track Palin, but then had to deal with his violence towards her (I'm hoping she gets far, far away from him), and half feel some delicious little nugget of schadenfreude towards Sarah. I kind of want to watch her try to PR her way out of this one.

Last night, on my fakebook, some Palin believers or Trump believers were posting that this was a mainstream media/old school republican move to try to make the Palins look bad-- part of the overall conspiracy, doncha know.

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On 1/10/2016 at 0:45 AM, Babycakes said:

I don't know, it's not like Wasilla is just some hillbilly town full of gullible, witless right-wingers. And I think it's surprising how many Alaskans look down on the Palins. I can't remember quite what she told me, but one of my friends says Sarah was trashy-ish even in high school. 

Sure, and that's not what I was implying at all (though honestly, I think most people in the area would say that Wasilla has a "white trash" rep)! Just that the culture of that state would lend itself to things like this happening. I think if you'd ask a good sample size of Alaskans, they'd believe it could be true. But then again, like you said, most people aren't huge fans of the Palins.

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I live in New England and have wondered if Alaskans in general find Sarah Palin and crew to be an embarrassment. 

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2 minutes ago, Eternalbluepearl said:

I live in New England and have wondered if Alaskans in general find Sarah Palin and crew to be an embarrassment. 

As a born and bred Alaskan, I can say yes, now they are. But a lot of sane people, even a lot of sane democrats, voted for her for governor. Which I guess shows you how well stuff can be hidden, given that she already had a bad reputation before that in Wasilla. 

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4 hours ago, Howl said:

I was familiar with Trey III,  but not Trip III.  Is Trip a more northeast thing for a 3rd son nickname?


It's a preppie thing, for sure. "Let's meet Trip and Buffy at the club for some tennis and a few drinks" etc. Trip is short for triple, I believe.

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I do know one Trip, who was a "III". His Grandfather went by first name, dad by middle, and they called him Trip. Upper middle class in a small town, definitely a pretentious bunch.

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I half feel awful for the girl who not only had the misfortune to date Track Palin, but then had to deal with his violence towards her (I'm hoping she gets far, far away from him), and half feel some delicious little nugget of schadenfreude towards Sarah. I kind of want to watch her try to PR her way out of this one.
Last night, on my fakebook, some Palin believers or Trump believers were posting that this was a mainstream media/old school republican move to try to make the Palins look bad-- part of the overall conspiracy, doncha know.

Sorry...I somehow messed up the quotes and can't fix it.

Actually, it's all Obama's fault. Seriously. Sarah Palin is blaming Track's problems on the lack of quality care for vets.


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