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Palins in the News - MERGED


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8 hours ago, Joyleaf said:

This will be soooo popcorn-worthy.

So yeah, POPCORN! :pb_mrgreen:

It feels so anti-feminist to love watching this shit show go down as much as I do. But I can't help what I enjoy, lol! Gotta say, it was just as interesting when Bristol was first pregnant with kid #1, but this time I don't have the guilt of this all happening to a teenager who didn't ask for the spotlight! Win win!

8 hours ago, Joyleaf said:

Ironically the only way to stop all this would be to prove right away that Dakota Meyer is not the father.
Then he would have to withdraw the court case.


Or, sadly, pay him off in private and then we never get to know what went down!

5 hours ago, ViolaSebastian said:

I'm so confused and bewildered by this line of thinking.  So being an American hero means your instantly flushed with loads of cash?  Reproducing with an American hero means that you're not obligated by law to support your child in the same manner that those of us who have kids with regular non-heroic Americans are?  His status in the military/heroism has no bearing on whether or not he should or should not ask for child support--that money is not for him, that money is for supporting Sailor, and she is the one innocent person in this whole mess.

Yeah that is a particularly nasty, tho not surprising given it's source, comment. Child support is not a bad thing! Asking for it, getting it, all it means is the child will be provided for. If the child's parents were together, they'd both be contributing to it's well being, the kid shouldn't suffer for the parents being apart.

Also, I bet if the father was someone super duper wealthy and didn't want to give Bristol child support, Sarah would be absolutely excoriating him in the press.

OMG, I just said the kid's name out loud for the first time... Sailor Palin. LOL It sounds like someone was trying to say parasailing and got mixed up.

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Questions for those with military experience:

Since Dakota is former military, any children of his would be eligible for certain dependent benefits, right? Since he and Bristol were not married when Sailor was born, wouldn't a DNA test be required to prove that she is Dakota's daughter and therefore eligible to receive said benefits?


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Former military only means that the baby may be beneficiary of any death benefits. Even if he's getting some kind of VA benefits, those are not based on number of dependants. There are no dependant benefits until after the service member dies.

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11 hours ago, Sister Mozz said:

I was waiting for someone (not you @Sister Mozz) to bring up the whole "but it builds muscle!" argument.

I may not be a diet or fitness expert, but I have a lot of direct knowledge about being overweight ;)

This picture was during he firstr DWTS stint:


Her face is not building muscle.  Her belly is not gaining muscle.   She is either overweight or pregnant.

She coincidentally has gained weight in all the places a pregnant woman does, as well.  Her face, breasts and tummy are all much...."puffier" than when she started on DWTS.

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Half-assed googling shows the top result being a video from 2012 (I didn't look further because I'm lazy). Are commenters suggesting she had an abortion? I'm going to buy some stocks in Orville redenbacher if things keep on like this...

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The picture with Sherri Shepherd is from the View at the end of her first season on the show (2010?). There was also at one point a video of her giving Giuliana Rancic a tour of her home in Arizona with what looked like a visible belly, but videos are gone (there are still articles on the interview/tour). 

There are are lots of rumors about her appearance at that time, including that she gave birth to a daughter, who she named Tristan/en. Many people have made mention of this child on random blogs, and there has been speculation that the little girl they call Kyla Grace, Track's daughter, may actually be that baby. The little girl has dark, curly almost kinky hair, and Britta, Track's ex-wife, is blonde and fair skinned. Track's parentage has also been under question as there is speculation that he is the son of Curtis Menard, a Heath (Sarah Palin's family) family friend who lived next to Sarah and Todd around the time Track would have been conceived (and Todd worked on the Slope). Let's just say that questions about babies in the Palin family are nothing new.

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I can't keep track (heh) of their names.


Track, Trigg, Tripp, Trapp, Trek, Truck?

Kyla Grace, Sailor Grace, Next Grace?


It's all too confusing for me. Add in baby mix ups and a glass of wine ... I've got no hope of keeping everything straight.

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He's not active duty military anymore, but as of 2011 is appears as though he was working construction.  He settled a lawsuit in 2011 with a defense contractor and wrote a book in 2012, but it doesn't appear he's a man that's rolling in green.  I'd sue for child support from Bristol as well.  


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31 minutes ago, Emkay said:

The picture with Sherri Shepherd is from the View at the end of her first season on the show (2010?). There was also at one point a video of her giving Giuliana Rancic a tour of her home in Arizona with what looked like a visible belly, but videos are gone (there are still articles on the interview/tour). 

There are are lots of rumors about her appearance at that time, including that she gave birth to a daughter, who she named Tristan/en. Many people have made mention of this child on random blogs, and there has been speculation that the little girl they call Kyla Grace, Track's daughter, may actually be that baby. The little girl has dark, curly almost kinky hair, and Britta, Track's ex-wife, is blonde and fair skinned. Track's parentage has also been under question as there is speculation that he is the son of Curtis Menard, a Heath (Sarah Palin's family) family friend who lived next to Sarah and Todd around the time Track would have been conceived (and Todd worked on the Slope). Let's just say that questions about babies in the Palin family are nothing new.

That one had a failure relationship, too? These guys are really batting 1000 on the family values stuff, aren't they? Classy, classy bunch.

ETA: I just googled a family photo, that oldest son looks just like her husband, sadly. I wish he looked Samoan or something, because I'm petty and mean-spirited 

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21 minutes ago, Mrsaztx said:

That one had a failure relationship, too? These guys are really batting 1000 on the family values stuff, aren't they? Classy, classy bunch.

Google tells me that baby Kyla Grace was born 3 months after their wedding.

Go abstinence!

But not surprising, since Google also tells me that Sarah was knocked up at her wedding.


No judgement from me, my first kid was at my wedding. The difference is, I don't get up on a political platform and try to make my beliefs into law for other people.

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39 minutes ago, Mrsaztx said:

That one had a failure relationship, too? These guys are really batting 1000 on the family values stuff, aren't they? Classy, classy bunch.

ETA: I just googled a family photo, that oldest son looks just like her husband, sadly. I wish he looked Samoan or something, because I'm petty and mean-spirited 

Here's a pic of the three- Todd Palin, Track Palin, and Curtis Menard, Jr. (Who was also Track's godfather)image.thumb.jpeg.e5e6e596103442a64efed30

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@Emkay well then. I was basing my statement on the assumption that Todd and the neighbor didn't look like brothers. I see there is a flaw in my statement. I studied those photos and I can't honestly tell which one he looks more like since they look so similar and the son looks like Sarah in that photo (the overly-intense eyes) tough call

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11 hours ago, quiversR4hunting said:

If he really wants a paternity test or if he really wants to voluntarily sign an AOP, then he can and Bristol can't do much about it. (She could fight it but I really think a judge would order her to comply.)

I'm pretty clueless about US laws, so does this mean that any random guy could apply to the courts to compel a paternity test on any child? Wouldn't there be an onus on the petitioner to establish some sort of standing? 

That said, in this case, I'd say former fiancé = standing in my mind, so I'd bet that Bristol is going to have to play ball. Funny in a trashy way, but sad for the children. They never asked for drama...

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This thread is amazing. What an excellent rabbit hole to go down. I have to laugh, though, at all these secret accidental babies Britol is possibly having. Trigg, Tripp (whatever the hell her brother and son's names are), Kyla, Sailor... Like she's the world's worst user of birth control and super fucking fertile. 

"Mom... I'm pregnant again..."

"Agh! Back to the secret pregnancy cover up drawing board!"

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1 hour ago, Emkay said:

Here's a pic of the three- Todd Palin, Track Palin, and Curtis Menard, Jr. (Who was also Track's godfather)image.thumb.jpeg.e5e6e596103442a64efed30

Nose, brow, and lips more like his godfather than father.  Not sure that's evidence but from these photos I'd guess godfather.

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On Tuesday, January 05, 2016 at 9:47 PM, 16strong said:

Paging Sergeant SPHASH to Palin snark duty.

I'm here!  Been too busy following all the Palin drama to post here. 

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8 hours ago, OodOnTheLoo said:

Nose, brow, and lips more like his godfather than father.  Not sure that's evidence but from these photos I'd guess godfather.

The tricky thing is you throw Sarah in the mix and those traits could be coming from her, he looks quite a bit like her. Someone call these people up and get them on Maury, they're thirsty enough, I bet they'll do it.

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15 hours ago, twinmama said:


OMG, I just said the kid's name out loud for the first time... Sailor Palin. LOL It sounds like someone was trying to say parasailing and got mixed up.

Sailor Palin...

Excuse me occifer. I'm not as think as you drunk I am. :pb_razz:

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12 hours ago, Curious said:

I was waiting for someone (not you @Sister Mozz) to bring up the whole "but it builds muscle!" argument.

I may not be a diet or fitness expert, but I have a lot of direct knowledge about being overweight ;)

This picture was during he firstr DWTS stint:


Her face is not building muscle.  Her belly is not gaining muscle.   She is either overweight or pregnant.

She coincidentally has gained weight in all the places a pregnant woman does, as well.  Her face, breasts and tummy are all much...."puffier" than when she started on DWTS.

So wait, when was this? What is this supposedly implying? Pregnant with Sailor earlier than she said? Or pregnant with a baby she lost? That is such a weird picture, her face really looks nothing like her...

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9 hours ago, OodOnTheLoo said:

Nose, brow, and lips more like his godfather than father.  Not sure that's evidence but from these photos I'd guess godfather.

I don't know, I think Track looks like his mother. 

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11 hours ago, Emkay said:

Track's ex-wife

Didn't realize he was divorced already. Wow. If they weren't so terrible for discourse in this country and even worse with the prospect of being in office (ANY office), this family would be amazing for it's depth of possible scandal.

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This thread has sent me down the rabbit hole. I knew the about the "Trig is Bristol's baby" conspiracy years ago, but because I didn't care about Bristol I stopped following anything about her. Now to read about Bristol's DWTS baby - a daughter named Tristan! - is blowing my mind. Someone claiming to be a Palin cousin has been commenting at The Immoral Minority. A poster named Olivia has collected all the cousin's comments and posted them together in the comments on this thread: http://theimmoralminority.blogspot.com/2016/01/shooting-with-palin-gals.html


There's still plenty of room for skepticism, as I could claim to be a Palin cousin myself, or things like the cousin first saying she doesn't know who the father of Bristol's third baby is but then backtracks and says it is Gino Paoletti. It's still fascinating. The cousin doesn't say if Tristan and Kyla are the same person.

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1 hour ago, twinmama said:

So wait, when was this? What is this supposedly implying? Pregnant with Sailor earlier than she said? Or pregnant with a baby she lost? That is such a weird picture, her face really looks nothing like her...

That picture was from the View at the end of her first stint on DWTS.  Historically, DWTS makes people lose weight.  Some people lose A LOT of weight.   The requirements for DWTS are very rigorous, requiring many house of practice virtually every day.

Kirstie Alley lost something like 50 pounds while she was in the show.  Kelly Osborne lost a lot of weight, as well.

I haven't watched DWTS in a couple years now, but to my knowledge Bristol is the ONLY person that has ever gained weight while on the show.

I don't think anyone really knows what happened around this time because she claims not to have been pregnant.   However, photos tell a different story.

A great blog to look at for all the Palin birth inconsistencies is The Immoral Minority: http://theimmoralminority.blogspot.com/

I followed that blog religiously during Sarah's failed VP campaign.   I'm firmly in Trigg is not Sarah's biological baby camp :)


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