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When Suits Become Stumbling Blocks


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Yoga pants have no purpose but to show off your ass?

Um, I get that you're clearly not the brightest spark, but they're called YOGA pants for a reason.

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Right now I find my husband HOT in just his little briefs...it might be because he was so sick he looked emaciated at one time (6' tall and about 120lbs). He was so skinny that his little butt had nothing there and it drooped. Now, he's back up to a healthier weight and his butt has filled back out...his ribs are covered, he's a hottie, hottie, hottie again...

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Why is it yoga pants that get picked on anyway? Leggings do too, some, but it seems it was yoga pants as the focus of so many blogs for awhile. Just because so many women did? Running tights show much more, and tend to have styling that enhances, skinny jeans also. Leggings can look like just under wear. Is there something especially sexy about tight butt, loose leg? I lived in yoga pants my last pregnancy, and it was my most comfortable pregnancy. It never occurred to me I was being defrauding by wearing yoga pants. I just thought I was looking nice and being comfortable at the same time. The first time ever for a pregnancy.

One thing that gets lost in this whole purity/modesty culture is that noticing someone looks good, even"sexy" does not equal lusting. But I think boys have been programmed to think if they notice a girl is shaped, well, like a girl, it means they are lusting. I also think by teaching them to look away "NIKE!" they are objectifying the women, causing the boys to disrespect women who don't dress in the certain way their family has deemed appropriate. They get told women who wear leggings, or low cut shirts, or even just show their collar bones, or wear pants at all are being disrespectful. And when you approach someone you believe is disrespecting you, you already have a hostility and a disrespect for them. 

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We actually had this conversation with a couple recently who has taught their boys to just look away when they see a woman not dressed appropriately and my husband asked why not teach the boys to look the woman in the face? That way they are still reading the woman respectfully like a person and avoiding looking where they shouldn't. The husband paused and said good point, he would have to think about it. 

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4 hours ago, feministxtian said:

Right now I find my husband HOT in just his little briefs...it might be because he was so sick he looked emaciated at one time (6' tall and about 120lbs). He was so skinny that his little butt had nothing there and it drooped. Now, he's back up to a healthier weight and his butt has filled back out...his ribs are covered, he's a hottie, hottie, hottie again...

@fem: hon, PLEASE, no insult to your nurturing or cooking skills, but 120 lbs is wayyyy skinny (IMNSHO) for that height.  

Would you feel horribly offended if I sent over some nice solid casseroles, and/or stews, and/or hummus in case he drops the nice extra added weight that makes him sexy? *do love to feed hungry teenagers, or growing kids, or hungry whatevers--because skinny hungry growing peoples DO need to eat, and pounds do protect against tuberculosis and awful stuff*

Bahhhhh, I'm channeling both Jewish Grandmothers AND Slovak Babas here.

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Could yoga pants "not serving any purpose whatsoever" have to do with certain branches of Christianity being against the practice of yoga? The line of thinking could be: because yoga is closely connected with dangerous heathen spiritualities, it clearly isn't a valid purpose for an article of clothing.

My boyfriend is a little too hipster-y for suits, but he still has skills when it comes to choosing form-fitting pants. 

Oh, and when I was a preteen, basketball shorts might or might not have given me an awakening :my_angel:

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4 hours ago, Anonymousguest said:

Why is it yoga pants that get picked on anyway? Leggings do too, some, but it seems it was yoga pants as the focus of so many blogs for awhile. Just because so many women did? Running tights show much more, and tend to have styling that enhances, skinny jeans also. Leggings can look like just under wear. Is there something especially sexy about tight butt, loose leg? I lived in yoga pants my last pregnancy, and it was my most comfortable pregnancy. It never occurred to me I was being defrauding by wearing yoga pants. I just thought I was looking nice and being comfortable at the same time. The first time ever for a pregnancy.

One thing that gets lost in this whole purity/modesty culture is that noticing someone looks good, even"sexy" does not equal lusting. But I think boys have been programmed to think if they notice a girl is shaped, well, like a girl, it means they are lusting. I also think by teaching them to look away "NIKE!" they are objectifying the women, causing the boys to disrespect women who don't dress in the certain way their family has deemed appropriate. They get told women who wear leggings, or low cut shirts, or even just show their collar bones, or wear pants at all are being disrespectful. And when you approach someone you believe is disrespecting you, you already have a hostility and a disrespect for them. 

I think yoga pants has become generic.  In that all pants spandex (leggings, running tights, unitards, what-have-you) are now yoga pants.   THANKS, LULU LEMON.

And also, they will have to pry my Wunder Unders off my cold, dead, nicely-lifted-and-shape- by-lycra fibers butt.  

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19 hours ago, Anonymousguest said:

Funny they would cling to this one piece of psychology/science. But dare to mention any studies on spanking...

Or evolution.  Or climate change. 

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5 hours ago, samira_catlover said:

@fem: hon, PLEASE, no insult to your nurturing or cooking skills, but 120 lbs is wayyyy skinny (IMNSHO) for that height.  

Would you feel horribly offended if I sent over some nice solid casseroles, and/or stews, and/or hummus in case he drops the nice extra added weight that makes him sexy? *do love to feed hungry teenagers, or growing kids, or hungry whatevers--because skinny hungry growing peoples DO need to eat, and pounds do protect against tuberculosis and awful stuff*

Bahhhhh, I'm channeling both Jewish Grandmothers AND Slovak Babas here.

He was SICK...like dying sick. He had Chronic Pancreatitis followed by a Total Pancreatectomy. They attempted an islet cell transplant but it failed, making him a brittle diabetic. Due to the surgical reconstruction of his digestive system, he had a very hard time eating for a LONG time. The docs do biopsies when they do the surgery and found the beginnings of pre-cancerous cells in his pancreas. They removed a couple of lymph nodes too just in case. I'm happy to say there's no cancer. 

He's been under a doctor's care the whole time and monitored...we were VERY CLOSE to a feeding tube when he turned around. He still has about 20 lbs to go...but...we're going in the right direction. The pictures of him before/after surgery made it quite obvious how sick he was. I came very close to losing him, 

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This is HARD.  I honestly cannot imagine just HOW hard, to see a loved one in such a place.

Would you be upset or offended if we asked the Blessed Eternal (in private devotions, and if you are OK with a personalized deity) to send health, love, strength, or ANYTHING else useful? 

*sending peace, strength, hope, health, caring, and asking the Dear Eternal to step in and please do SOMETHING, ANYTHING, to help* If you are not OK with a personalized deity, my apologies---but can you please PUNT on first down?

*May all who worry have peace and comfort, knowing that the ones they worry about are safe and loved--but perhaps not healed in this time--Eternal give you grace and strength and hope and healing.*

Sorry. HUMAN-based words do not seem to cut it. Peace and healing to all who are in crisis, or who mourn--may you get WHATEVER you need, from whatever place.

In compassion, 


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Sweet Samira...I am NEVER offended by prayer, positive thoughts, whatever. Darn it, my eyes may have sprung a little leak from your post. 

It's been a long battle, 7 years since he was diagnosed...but we're on the upswing. 

Thank you beyond words for you kind post and thoughts. It means a lot. 

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One of the schools I went to, my classroom was right next to a footpath. This footpath connected among other thing some local banks with the nearest supermarket. A LOT of bankers went to that supermarket on their lunch break and a solid quarter of the girls in my class would get sooooooo excited about the "Suits!"

Yep, named all the guys "Suits" 

These teenage girls became a puddle of lust every lunch time to the point that the face, let alone the person wearing the suit didn't matter AT ALL. 


TL;DR Yup, wimmens don't get turned on by visual stuff :snooty: :crazy:

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1 hour ago, Bretta said:

I thought the article was a sarcastic parody. Does the author mean what she's saying?

Pretty sure it's a parody! The only part I would believe is her genuine opinion is the intense attractiveness of men in suits. I will second her on that. ;)

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Nothing really to ad, but: THANK YOU! That was hilarious and spot on, perhaps especially if you've been fundie enough to sit through hours of preaching about how womenfolk need to think about this and how we just can't possibly understand this whole "visually arousing"-thing. All the while preacher is strutting around in a very, very well-tailored suit and all you can think is:
"If your cute, 24 year old wife of 6 years and you 4 kids and obviously counting, weren't sitting right over there, I might, just might have defrauding thoughts right now".... 

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1 hour ago, CyborgKin said:

What about women in suits?

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Day-umm!  I had a three-piece powder blue suit back in the late seventies.  It fit nicely, and things always seemed to go better on the days I wore it.

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16 hours ago, Bretta said:

I thought the article was a sarcastic parody. Does the author mean what she's saying?

It's definitely parody. She even labels it as satire at the bottom of her post.

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  • 4 months later...
On 26. Februar 2016 at 9:35 AM, CyborgKin said:

What about women in suits?

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Also very hot!

I agree with @Granwych, too: nice suite with a well-fitting skirt makes me feel ready to negotiate peace for the Middle East, tackle climate change and find a cure for cancer, all before lunch. 

Then, I can take the afternoon off to go lusting after some sharply dressed men in suits. Anyone else seen "High-Rise" with Tom Hiddleston (careful when you google that movie, it definitely is not for kids)?

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