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Mortons are back from Paraguay...


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I presumed one would have to be a believer/ Christian  to be married into the Morton family. It seems that it may not be so. I just saw a picture on John Morton's Insta of Lise being baptized by her husband and caption reading "Praise God my sister-in-law has given her heart to the Lord"

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Hey folks. Was not sure where to post this. John Morton posted Cleve baptizing his wife Lise on instagram. Now this has me VERY confused. I was certain most Christian fundies are baptized very, very early in life. I think Lise was already 30 when she married Cleve. Her family have been fundie all her life. So...wonder why this is so late. Do you think she had a fear of water or something??

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Super weird, @Tangy Bee and @Mrs. Bean. Lise is a Kendall and they're fundies, for sure. Most of the men in that family joined the Air Force in order to get medical school free, or cheap, or whatever, in order to be doctors who rail against abortion. Gag.

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9 hours ago, halcionne said:

Super weird, @Tangy Bee and @Mrs. Bean. Lise is a Kendall and they're fundies, for sure. Most of the men in that family joined the Air Force in order to get medical school free, or cheap, or whatever, in order to be doctors who rail against abortion. Gag.

O wow. Did not know her brothers joined the Air Force. Knew they were doctors. Guess that means their mom did an "ok" job teaching them. Wonder if any of the girls secretly ever imagined being a doctor.

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15 hours ago, Tangy Bee said:

Hey folks. Was not sure where to post this. John Morton posted Cleve baptizing his wife Lise on instagram. Now this has me VERY confused. I was certain most Christian fundies are baptized very, very early in life. I think Lise was already 30 when she married Cleve. Her family have been fundie all her life. So...wonder why this is so late. Do you think she had a fear of water or something??

I'm not sure what brand of religion the Mortons profess, but in my experience as Southern Baptist, Independent Baptist, & Free Will Baptist, being re-baptized as an adult is not uncommon. I was baptized at 7 in a pretty mainstream Southern Baptist church (because I was terrified of going to hell). When I began attending an Independent Baptist church as an adult, the pastor wanted me to be baptized again, not because such a young child didn't understand  what baptism meant, but because "Southern Baptist doctrine is wrong  and you need to get saved again under us." The same thing happened to my sister when she began attending a different IFB years later.
When I was a FWB, I was baptized again after a period of doubt  and uncertainty about my "salvation" (again, terrified of hell).  It was a bit of a fad for folks young & old to be baptized every time they "rededicated their life to the Lord," usually after some sort of major sin or scandal. Some couples were re-baptized  after dealing with adultery or being separated. My sister, who was first baptized as a teen in our old SB church, went to the same FWB church as me for awhile and was re-baptized when I was. So we were each baptized 3 times! Obviously mine didn't take, but sis is now a straight-laced born again fire and brimstone IFB.
Went back to the Southern Baptists about 12 years ago, and while I didn't get dunked again there, it was again a bit of a fad among the teenagers to be re-baptized. Right after I left, left, several kids from the youth group were "saved" & re-baptized after getting in trouble for having a sex and alcohol-filled weekend while  a parent was away. 

TLDR: Lise may have been dealing with doubt, or maybe not happy in her marriage, and the solution was to guilt her into "giving her heart to the Lord" & re-baptize her. 
IFBs I knew always re-baptized after any kind of major sin because if you sin you weren't really saved in the first place. FWBs re-baptized at the drop a hat as a sign of re-commitment to Jesus.

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4 hours ago, FeministShrew said:

I'm not sure what brand of religion the Mortons profess, but in my experience as Southern Baptist, Independent Baptist, & Free Will Baptist, being re-baptized as an adult is not uncommon. I was baptized at 7 in a pretty mainstream Southern Baptist church (because I was terrified of going to hell). When I began attending an Independent Baptist church as an adult, the pastor wanted me to be baptized again, not because such a young child didn't understand  what baptism meant, but because "Southern Baptist doctrine is wrong  and you need to get saved again under us." The same thing happened to my sister when she began attending a different IFB years later.
When I was a FWB, I was baptized again after a period of doubt  and uncertainty about my "salvation" (again, terrified of hell).  It was a bit of a fad for folks young & old to be baptized every time they "rededicated their life to the Lord," usually after some sort of major sin or scandal. Some couples were re-baptized  after dealing with adultery or being separated. My sister, who was first baptized as a teen in our old SB church, went to the same FWB church as me for awhile and was re-baptized when I was. So we were each baptized 3 times! Obviously mine didn't take, but sis is now a straight-laced born again fire and brimstone IFB.
Went back to the Southern Baptists about 12 years ago, and while I didn't get dunked again there, it was again a bit of a fad among the teenagers to be re-baptized. Right after I left, left, several kids from the youth group were "saved" & re-baptized after getting in trouble for having a sex and alcohol-filled weekend while  a parent was away. 

TLDR: Lise may have been dealing with doubt, or maybe not happy in her marriage, and the solution was to guilt her into "giving her heart to the Lord" & re-baptize her. 
IFBs I knew always re-baptized after any kind of major sin because if you sin you weren't really saved in the first place. FWBs re-baptized at the drop a hat as a sign of re-commitment to Jesus.

Sounds like Catholic absolution without confession.

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She probably frowned once or something and her failure to "keep sweet" was clearly evidence of the lack of The Lard in her heart.  Or she was baptized before but her previous pastor failed to adhere to Jesus Bylaws subsection 3.4 point Q and therefore was Doing It Rong and had to be rebaptized correctly.  These people are ridiculous.

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I think it's more likely that Lise came to realize she'd grown up fundie and had just assimilated the belief system/lifestyle without being truly "saved", and has now had true regeneration. I've seen it happen with people assumed to be Christians for years. That's what the IG captions and comments sound like to me anyway. 

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6 hours ago, JemimaPuddle-Duck said:

I think it's more likely that Lise came to realize she'd grown up fundie and had just assimilated the belief system/lifestyle without being truly "saved", and has now had true regeneration. I've seen it happen with people assumed to be Christians for years.

This is the problem with the born-again movement, which works really well for first-generation converts, but seems it's harder to manage when brought up in the faith.  I've always very much appreciated FJers explanations of how it works - but the need to have a conversion story is strong, right?  Hence Jinger Duggar's testimony of how she was such a sinner but then invited God into her heart etc

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  • 2 weeks later...

Both young Morton couples (Andrew and Keni + Sam and Alyssa) apparently visited the rest of the family in Paraguay last week. Right now Michael and Kressant + Wes and Rachel are living in South America and it seems like Ma and Pa Morton are still in Southern GA.

I wonder how especially Andrew and Keni afford all these plane tickets etc. They have been travelling a LOT lately, went to Europe only a few months back and now SA. Guess I'm doing something wrong... :-(

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On 2/26/2017 at 4:00 PM, Mrs. Bean said:

I presumed one would have to be a believer/ Christian  to be married into the Morton family. It seems that it may not be so. I just saw a picture on John Morton's Insta of Lise being baptized by her husband and caption reading "Praise God my sister-in-law has given her heart to the Lord"

In all likelihood, she was Christian, but not Christian enough. Or she did one of those "I got saved in preschool because my parents told me that I would burn and be tortured in a lake of fire forever for throwing a tantrum at Kroger" baptisms as a child and wants to do it again now that she truly understands the faith has been steeping in the Kool-Aid for a good long time.

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Kennedy just posted on her insta about the second anniversary of her "betrothal" to Andrew when she agreed to the arranged marriage. I guess it's a joke and maybe she's lurking here.

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One of her hashtags is #fjentertainment so, yeah, it's a joke. And dig at FJ to which I say-good for her. Life would suck without humor and sarcasm.

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That's funny. Another hashtag is #forthesnarkies.  Campbell Roberts commented that she's so excited to start her betrothal to Nick Campana.  If she's serious then no courtship with Trace Bates, haha.

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Reading those comments suggests that one of the Roberts' daughters is courting Nick Campana of the lovely and tolerant Campana family. Unless it's a joke, too.

Edit. You just beat me, @justmy2cents

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They just commented that we are discussing their comments.  This is kinda funny and meta.  

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If they are reading here I hope they understand that we have no problem with their behavior (as far as we know they don't indulge in baby-beating or other activities we abhor) or their beliefs, only their desire to impose their beliefs on everyone else.

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I have a problem with their beliefs. Their wish to impose them on everyone else just makes them more malignant. 

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Yeah, I have a big problem with their belief in the inherent inferiority and subjugation of women, their virulent anti-choice rhetoric, their anti-intellectualism, and about a million other things they believe. And Kennedy, it was an arranged marriage. Not forced, perhaps, but absolutely arranged. Your methods might look different than those evil brown heathens in India, but the result is the same. #sorrynotsorry

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Haha her post would be a lot funnier if kressant + Michael and Katie + Alan weren't actually speakers at a "biblical betrothal bible camp" back in the day...http://www.christiannewswire.com/news/256022965.html

like...your version of a betrothal might sound ridiculous and off for your marriage Kennedy but other people in your family did just about the exact thing you're jesting about...


ps pretty sure both Mariah and Campbell are just saying those things to get us chattering. Which I very much appreciate, haha. They've figured out how we scout for any sign of a courtship.  Well done, ladies. ;) 

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The world she inhabits is clearly different than the one her inlaws formerly inhabited. Has she never heard the story if Katie not being able to make a decision and her father being proud of that? Has she never heard how Noah was 'released' to find a wife and got engaged to Dorothy the 2nd day they spent time together with only one chaperone? Michael & Kressant's ceremony video must not be family viewing.

I am glad she is in a different world with different experiences. But  I agree that her marriage was an arranged one-just arranged differently than her older inlaws' marriages and different than the brown people marriages someone else mentioned.

I am glad they are happy and have the freedom to snark, and see snark about them. That's far more than the first generation of Morton offspring had a decade ago. 

I am all for learning and growing and am always gald to see it happening. However, I still find their religion abhorrent and the bigotry that stems from that religion-or hiding behind it.  I cannot support anyone who thinks they are more worthy of rights, choices, values, morals & love than those they deem to be lesser people. For all the differences some things remain. They see themselves as moral judges and blessed by their god for that judgment.

I also agree that the Campbell/Nick stuff is snark. They've obviously seen the matchup speculation here and are playing with it. And, again, I say good for them. They have the freedom to read what they choose and respond-something most take for granted but yoy know there was a time in their world that  wasn't an option.

So, snark away Kennedy & friends. I think  it's good to see and makes life fun. But, don't expect a prize.



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@picklepizzas that Capn Brett camp is pure gold.

"Modern western evangelical churches are facing a tremendous struggle today in the area of marriage relationships. The statistics should be alarming to church leaders. The divorce rate is more than 50% in the church, there is a growing number of unmarried couples in churches living in open fornication, church youth groups are rife with sex and unmarried pregnancies, and extended families are in turmoil as sons and daughters 'fall in love' and marry partners that distress their parents. It is high time for church leaders to seek the ancient paths, and return to teaching their flocks the godly principles of the biblical pattern of betrothal."


The bolded is my favorite part but really the whole thing is fabulous.  What a rockin good seminar to attend and for only $90!! 

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