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George Zimmerman to Auction Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin


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10 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Yeah well fuckhead didn't take the hint.  That piece of shit now has the gun listed elsewhere...

Fuckhead couldn't take a hint if I was nailed to his head with a nail gun- which would be my preferred method of delivering it.

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Look, I have no problem with responsible gun ownership, but the gun nut extremists creep me out. How the hell does helping this scumbag profit off a tragedy advance 2nd amendment rights??

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Looks like the internetz are doing their part;



It seems likely that the bidding on UnitedGunGroup.com has been taken over by bogus buyers. The first $65 million bid was made by “Racist McShootFace,” according to the Associated Press. It has since been taken down.



Fake bidders with names like Weedlord Bonerhitler, Racist McShootface, and Donald Trump helped drive George Zimmerman’s gun auction past $65 million on Friday morning, according to News 965. The site later showed that the fake accounts had been deleted.

Weedlord Bonerhiter?  :pb_lol:

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Deleting the fake accounts isn't going to stop the internet thankfully.  I'd like to say I'm shocked that he's attempting to profit off of his heinous crime, but I'm not.  That's all he's done since day 1.  Why can't he slink off and hide for the rest of his miserable life like Casey Anthony?

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It seems he was looking for trouble that day, and it happened to be Trayvon that walked by and he attacked. 

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Ahh, Casey Anthony and George Zimmerman...both hail from my neck of the woods. Zimmerman will be very lucky if someone doesn't buy that gun and kill him with it.

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Fuckhead has pulled the auction...



An auction listing for the gun George Zimmerman used to kill Florida teenager Trayvon Martin has been removed online after a slew of apparently bogus bids.

It's the second time the listing has been taken down. This time, it was following questionable offers from bidders — such as one who went by the handle "Racist McShootFace" — topping $65 million Friday on UnitedGunGroup.com.

 But on Saturday morning, United Gun Group said the listing had been temporarily taken down.

"United Gun Group was notified by George Zimmerman that he temporarily withdrew his auction to remove false bidders. He plans to re-list his property sometime this week for a shorter duration," it tweeted. 




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40 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

This suggests to me that Zimmerman is desperate for money. I know that he said he would give the money to pro-gun groups, but I doubt that's he's had any kind of steady income since the shooting and even then, he seemed like he was playing at being a wannabe cop.

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Nobody should be allowed to profit off the death of another. Period. Anyone that would want to is a piece of shit..

Trying to make money off the weapon, or getting paid for interviews, or writing a book about it should all be illegal IMO.

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1 hour ago, MyMilkshake said:

Nobody should be allowed to profit off the death of another. Period. Anyone that would want to is a piece of shit..

Trying to make money off the weapon, or getting paid for interviews, or writing a book about it should all be illegal IMO.

I think it is illegal for convicted felons to profit off their crimes in many states (I doubt such a law is federal, but I don't know), but since Zimmerman was found "not guilty," presumably such laws don't pertain to him.

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1 hour ago, Cleopatra7 said:

I think it is illegal for convicted felons to profit off their crimes in many states (I doubt such a law is federal, but I don't know), but since Zimmerman was found "not guilty," presumably such laws don't pertain to him.

It would be great if such laws were in place. And even though Zimmerman was found not guilty he still killed someone with that gun. To try to make money off that in any way is disgusting. It really does say a lot about him (and none of it good).

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The gun was auctioned off for $120k. Someone paid one hundred and twenty thousand dollars for a gun used to kill a child. Let that sink in. 

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12 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

The gun was auctioned off for $120k. Someone paid one hundred and twenty thousand dollars for a gun used to kill a child. Let that sink in. 

Years later, the Trayvon Martin murder makes me ragey as fuck. His young black life didn't matter at all. No justice whatsoever.

Yep, there is a very malevolent, scary element in the USA. This nation needs an exorcism.

I hate Zimmerman. 

I hope Trayvon's parents are doing as well as can be expected. My heart goes out to them.


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His parents have always seemed so gracious. I really admire his mom, and the way she's handled it publicly. She seems lovely. 

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...and as if selling the gun that killed their son wasn't enough, George Zimmerman is now telling Trayvon's parents that they didn't raise their son right. 


I'm not saying he's in the wrong (oh, who am I kidding. Of course he is), but a decent person wouldn't sell a gun advertising that it killed someone, and a decent person wouldn't feel satisfied that they killed someone, no matter the life they may have lead, or if they were behaving violently at the time of death.

I don't advocate violence or murder, but if Zimmerman happens to tick off the wrong person and end up with a bullet in his chest, I won't cry.

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If “they didn’t raise their son right. He attacked a complete stranger and attempted to kill him,” according to Zimmerman, then what does that say about HIM and how HE was raised that he actually stalked and killed a child?

I can't even form the words to describe how much is wrong with every one of his quotes in that Daily Beast article - the lack of empathy or even sympathy, the victim blaming, the self aggrandizing, the false patriotism for profit, just everything.

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11 hours ago, 16strong said:

...and as if selling the gun that killed their son wasn't enough, George Zimmerman is now telling Trayvon's parents that they didn't raise their son right. 


I'm not saying he's in the wrong (oh, who am I kidding. Of course he is), but a decent person wouldn't sell a gun advertising that it killed someone, and a decent person wouldn't feel satisfied that they killed someone, no matter the life they may have lead, or if they were behaving violently at the time of death.

I don't advocate violence or murder, but if Zimmerman happens to tick off the wrong person and end up with a bullet in his chest, I won't cry.

One could ask whether Zimmerman's parents raised him right, since he has a history of violence, spotty employment, and prescription drug abuse.

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Son of a bitch! He actually said that! Also, someone wanting to purchase a gun that was used to kill a child is sickening.

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On 5/21/2016 at 9:15 PM, 16strong said:

...and as if selling the gun that killed their son wasn't enough, George Zimmerman is now telling Trayvon's parents that they didn't raise their son right. 


I'm not saying he's in the wrong (oh, who am I kidding. Of course he is), but a decent person wouldn't sell a gun advertising that it killed someone, and a decent person wouldn't feel satisfied that they killed someone, no matter the life they may have lead, or if they were behaving violently at the time of death.

I don't advocate violence or murder, but if Zimmerman happens to tick off the wrong person and end up with a bullet in his chest, I won't cry.

I'm actually surprised this hasn't happened. 

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