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NR Anna Baby #4 -Daniel has been born


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59 minutes ago, Melissa1977 said:


Probably Melanie and Elissa. 

I wonder if she cries a lot. There must be a reason she's rarely on pictures.

I highly doubt Maxwell kids are allowed to get up earlier than scheduled.

Baby Schedules must be VERY flexible. If not,  babies suffer. Hungry babies suffer. Babies crying and not being held suffer. Toddlers with no free play time, they also suffer.

Abusing babies is not only hitting them. 

Teri's post said Abigail could get up early if she woke up early. Whether that's true or not...

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2 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

@Coconut Flan: Sorry about the triple post last night. My computer did some crazy thing while I was trying to post, and then I couldn't get this site to load again to get back on. 

No problem.  Several people had a similar issue.  We had to do a security upgrade last night and there wasn't a lot of notice.  Fixing posts is one of the things I do when I see them. 

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I just read the post and wow, I feel so sorry for those children! Weather permitting she gets a half hour of outside time? Is this prison? Every minute is scheduled! I thought maybe Nathan and Melanie might be more relaxed due to her family until I read this. I've thought before maybe John might be trying to leave, but the way they were and are being raised, my hope is gone. Steve has ruined any and all potential of eight lives and now the second generation because they don't know any other way. 

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I see nothing wrong with having a schedule. But the Maxwell's are so ridgit that if the schedule goes wrong their is a problem. 

Many people schedule meal times or even nap times for the kids but the rest of the day is free. 

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The It's a Boy sign Mary made is cute and all, but the props Sarah gives to Mary for being so creative and artistic seem a little overboard to me.

I'm not artistic in the least and I probably could have made a similar sign. I might have needed help making the letters straight though, so there's that.

Again, it's a cute sign, the sibling's hand prints are a nice touch, but I always feel the credit Sarah gives Mary for being so creative is over and above how creative she actually is.  Or maybe that's only as creative as she can actually be in the confines of Maxhell?


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The schedule for Abigail was simply depressing and putting a not yet two year old to doing housework is almost cruel.  Most little kids like to pretend to help around the house and that should be encouraged, but not as part of them learning work and to be useful.  That's so Steve. 

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Some quotes:

 It is teaching her to work, and it is training her for jobs that she will soon be able to accomplish independently.

SHE WAS TWO YEARS OLD. I get giving kids chores, but to explain it like that.... UGH.

 productively occupies Abigail’s time, teaches her how to work, equips her with skills she can build upon as she matures

Again, same thing. The kid was TWO. Reading the post, it sounds like she had quite a few chores. 

 It would be easier for Melanie to do the work herself, but these are the formative years when good habits are being instilled into those little lives.


It is a designated amount of time so that both Melanie and Abigail know Melanie is going to be giving Abigail playing attention. This helps free Melanie from feeling like she needs to continually play with Abigail, and it also keeps Abigail from always asking Melanie to play with her.


This is just sad. I mean, I know moms often can feel like they're always being pestered to play, but the way this is written is just so depressing. They only played together for half an hour daily? Poor kid. 

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I will be honest...I have no snark for the new baby posts.  None.  Ruthie and Lydia are ADORABLE.  Anna is glowing.  Daniel is so sweet.  I love the color of their bedroom.  

And I like Precious Moments. :pb_redface:  I know most people think they are cringe-worthy and unbearably kitschy.  I have no explanation, other than decades ago I worked in a gift shop for several months and I was surrounded by them, ordered them and sold them.  They grew on me.  I like Cherished Teddies (the bear equivalent) too.  

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20 minutes ago, Jana814 said:

I feel like the the Maxwell's expected her to take over some chores by the time she was 4. 

Oh, that girl had a ChorePak before then.  I remember a photo of her standing by the open dishwasher wearing her ChorePak and I believe she was 3-ish.

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57 minutes ago, WonderingInWA said:

Oh, that girl had a ChorePak before then.  I remember a photo of her standing by the open dishwasher wearing her ChorePak and I believe she was 3-ish.

That makes me cry for the poor kid's lost childhood.

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So Melanie struggled with infertility for 4 years, then had a very sick  baby who died, and when she finally had a healthy baby she scheduled cuddling time? It's not only sad, it's more than that. It shows how this family is brainwashed and ignore feelings. A pschycologist could write a thesis on these people.

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50 minutes ago, Melissa1977 said:

So Melanie struggled with infertility for 4 years, then had a very sick  baby who died, and when she finally had a healthy baby she scheduled cuddling time? It's not only sad, it's more than that. It shows how this family is brainwashed and ignore feelings. A pschycologist could write a thesis on these people.

I know. I got jaundice as a newborn, and spent time in a bili box. There were times when mum wanted to cuddle me but couldn't cos I had to be in the box. I know it's nowhere near the kind of thing Melanie's gone through, but it all just makes me wonder how on Earth any mother could schedule affection. There's a reason why there are jokes about terrible people never being hugged as a child. When I have kids I will cuddle them as much as I damn well want. (Within reason of course! :P )

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2 hours ago, mango_fandango said:

I know. I got jaundice as a newborn, and spent time in a bili box. There were times when mum wanted to cuddle me but couldn't cos I had to be in the box. I know it's nowhere near the kind of thing Melanie's gone through, but it all just makes me wonder how on Earth any mother could schedule affection. There's a reason why there are jokes about terrible people never being hugged as a child. When I have kids I will cuddle them as much as I damn well want. (Within reason of course! :P )

Hell, watch documentaries about kids in orphanages who never get any real affection or interaction. They basically become autistic as a result, and even if it's not that severe, they just don't develop proper social or language skills and have a very hard time forming healthy relationships because nobody taught them how to relate to people. Talk to your kids. Hug them. Play with them. Children are not Tamagotchis that can be set on a rigid schedule and thrown aside when they're not convenient for you. Routine is good for kids, but if you're so scheduled that you pencil in hugs for your kid, don't expect them to know how to form healthy attachments further down the line. Though I'm sure that the Maxwells don't care about that, since hey, they never socialize with anyone outside of their clan anyway.

I would love to do an anthropological or even linguistic study of the Maxwells; I think it would be fascinating.

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3 hours ago, mango_fandango said:

I know. I got jaundice as a newborn, and spent time in a bili box. There were times when mum wanted to cuddle me but couldn't cos I had to be in the box. I know it's nowhere near the kind of thing Melanie's gone through, but it all just makes me wonder how on Earth any mother could schedule affection. There's a reason why there are jokes about terrible people never being hugged as a child. When I have kids I will cuddle them as much as I damn well want. (Within reason of course! :P )

I also got jaundice, plus in the hospital I was born (in 1977) newborns spent the nigh in the nursery from midnight to 6:00AM. Mothers had to "rest" while newborns cried alone and they couldn't breastfeed at night!!! (nurses give babies some scheduled bottles). My mother says she suffered a lot and was willing to go home and hug me for hours.

When I had my kids things had changed a lot, and there wasn't mandatory nursery and mothers were encouraged to breastfeed on demand (no scheduled feedings). I realised how terrible it must be for a newborn to be alone and hungry. When I think of all these Bates, Maxwells newborns raised like that, it breaks my heart.


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On ‎9‎-‎7‎-‎2016 at 10:10 PM, OnceUponATime said:

This blogpost http://articles.titus2.com/second-generation-scheduling/ states:

It's just under halfway down the post.

I just got sucked into their old posts for a bit, but I made it out again.
But in there I stumbled upon this gem: articles.titus2.com/2010/08/
Everyone, enjoy this piece on Daddy Tapes!

I have no words... so each kid (except poor Anna) gets a Daddy Tape, and listens to that shite every day at the designated time, for YEARS.
Brainwashing anyone?!

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9 minutes ago, DutchMommy said:

I just got sucked into their old posts for a bit, but I made it out again.
But in there I stumbled upon this gem: articles.titus2.com/2010/08/
Everyone, enjoy this piece on Daddy Tapes!

I have no words... so each kid (except poor Anna) gets a Daddy Tape, and listens to that shite every day at the designated time, for YEARS.
Brainwashing anyone?!

Daddy tapes? Toddlers left alone in the crib, with no toys, and expected to quietly listen 30 minutes of their father preaching tape? Are these people aliens or just liars? I don't believe for a moment that toddlers happily stay 30 minutes listening that crap in the crib-prison, every single day.

They are nuts!!! my kids listen their father LIVE because they actually play with him, talk to him, joke with him and even argue with him!

I'm getting sick with this topic, it's so sad!

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5 minutes ago, Melissa1977 said:

I'm getting sick with this topic, it's so sad!

You've just summed up the Titus 2 Ministry. Congratulations! No wait, Patriarchy in general really... 


Do you think the Maxwell family has a Cynthia Jeub in their midst? One who will get a little older and decide Steve is full of crap? There's something in Mary's eyes maybe...

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23 minutes ago, Eternalbluepearl said:

You've just summed up the Titus 2 Ministry. Congratulations! No wait, Patriarchy in general really... 


Do you think the Maxwell family has a Cynthia Jeub in their midst? One who will get a little older and decide Steve is full of crap? There's something in Mary's eyes maybe...

I don't think so. Cynthia Jeub had internet access, library access and she was encouraged to think in order to be the winner of that discussion contests. She was trained to be a speaker. If fundies have learned something with Jeub debacle, is that they better limitate education more.

This said, I think Mary and Anna could have a less strict life (comparing with their parents, I mean) but it depends on whoever they marry. If they marry.


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I don't think any of the Maxwell kids will leave!!  Steve has scared them so much about the outside world that if they were to leave they wouldn't know what to do. 

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8 hours ago, Melissa1977 said:

So Melanie struggled with infertility for 4 years, then had a very sick  baby who died, and when she finally had a healthy baby she scheduled cuddling time? It's not only sad, it's more than that. It shows how this family is brainwashed and ignore feelings. A pschycologist could write a thesis on these people.

I don't know, I'd take anything Stevie/Sarah writes on the blog with a grain of salt.  I wouldn't be surprised if there is a lot of embellishment going on to fit their agenda (i.e., sell their crapola).  We've seen enough examples of Melanie and Nathan marching to a slightly different drummer, not to mention lots of pics of truly happy and relaxed looking kids, that I suspect the ABCD kids have a much more relaxed upbringing than their aunts and uncles had growing up.  

Oh, and kudos to NR Anna and Chris for NOT naming the baby Steve! :)

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I just want to know when we're going to see pictures from the "newborn photo shoot."  They were going to do that on Saturday.

Sarah, you're killin' me!  How long must we wait??!!??

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6 hours ago, Eternalbluepearl said:

You've just summed up the Titus 2 Ministry. Congratulations! No wait, Patriarchy in general really... 


Do you think the Maxwell family has a Cynthia Jeub in their midst? One who will get a little older and decide Steve is full of crap? There's something in Mary's eyes maybe...

I remembered a post I made a few years ago about Steve and the possibility of one of the kids bolting.



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I think little Daniel has born into a fortunate spot (if such a thing can be said in this family) as second son.  He's a coveted male, but the weight of paternal expectations will fall on Joshua first.  And he'll have two older sisters to dote on him.

Meanwhile, I feel for Ruthanne and Lydia.  Maybe they think that Joshua is special in their family because he's the oldest?  And that Drew is special because he's the only boy after three girls?  I'm glad they have each other.

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13 minutes ago, Dandruff said:

I think little Daniel has born into a fortunate spot (if such a thing can be said in this family) as second son.  He's a coveted male, but the weight of paternal expectations will fall on Joshua first.  And he'll have two older sisters to dote on him.

Meanwhile, I feel for Ruthanne and Lydia.  Maybe they think that Joshua is special in their family because he's the oldest?  And that Drew is special because he's the only boy after three girls?  I'm glad they have each other.

Or, he could be like his father, who's also a second son and is as bad, if not worse than Steve when it comes to self-righteous prigishness.

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