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Baby tests positive for cocaine


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7 hours ago, devoe364 said:

I'm not going to argue this anymore. My experiences are clearly different from yours. Since I've seen coke heads take care of a class of 30 Grade 1's (and I'm the one who got my hand slapped for complaining about it), I assume they are perfectly capable of providing basic care for an infant if they are recreational users.

Everything I said was about recreational use, not addiction. That's where the twist came, 

Okay, so this above completely contradicts this below:

8 hours ago, devoe364 said:

I don't think they are good teachers, if you knew anything about my experience as a teacher, you would know that when I said viewed as good teachers, I was being as sarcastic as possible. I reported it, and I got my hand slapped, not them.

So you didn't think the coked up teachers were good teachers, but because you saw these shitty coked up teachers, you now trust coked up parents to be perfectly capable of taking care of an infant?

There's also the contradiction of your defending the parents because they must be addicts and therefore ill and not meaning to hurt their child, however you describe them as capable of parenting because they are "recreational users."

And btw, "I'm not going to argue this anymore" after making impassioned arguments yourself always just means, "people are making good points and I can't refute them."

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11 hours ago, laPapessaGiovanna said:

I think that there is a big misunderstanding here. @davoe thinks that the "them" in the quoted bit is referred to "all the drug addicts ever", while @Grimalkin reference was to "those two idiots this thread is about (too lazy to look up their names)".

      This makes sense. I couldn't figure out where I went wrong, I was trying to see if my thought process was wrong or if I was not organizing my thoughts clearly. I am first to admit I sometimes have trouble organizing my thoughts in writing.

      And English is a secondary  language for you. 

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1 hour ago, Grimalkin said:

And English is a secondary  language for you.

Probably this is the very reason for I saw where was the misunderstanding. I needed to reread your post to understand why that phrase seemed to completely contradict what you were saying. My comprehension is very literal when I read in English so at first I didn't read it as if it was a spoken conversation as maybe you were doing in your mind and maybe neither was @davoe that being a teacher is used to stick to the grammatical meaning of what's written (my supposition). 

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Just saw this post about these two unfit parents. I have a hard time finding any sympathy for these two. In my opinion, they are currently unfit to be parents. They need help to get clean (which unfortunately should have happened BEFORE they had a child, but I know it's a long and difficult road for people.) I hope the child is in the care of responsible adults. I have no tolerance for drug use when there are children in your care. 

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On 7/5/2016 at 5:09 PM, Grimalkin said:

        I was not the person who originally made that comment. I defended the person who did. You have taken a comment blown it out of proportion and twisted it to make yourself a victim. Guess what, it's not all about you. 

        I think it is a shame you don't go to meetings or a support group. As difficult as it is to work a program it's worth all the hard work and uncomfortable feelings. I feel you would benifit from working steps because you seem to be holding on to resentment. Resentment and anger is like acid and it will eat away at its own container.Here is something to consider, this happend five days ago and it seems to still really bother you. While this has been bouncing around your head, I have not given it another thought. I went about my business. Five days later you bring it up again, and try to engage me with self righteous indignation. 

              So someone on the internet thinks a woman who accidentally exposed thier baby to cocaine, then did not let the doctors take a blood sample in order to help the baby, because they didn't want to get caught, an animal and you make it about you. That is just another excuse. Some people would say "shit, that could be me if I continue."" Or shit, yeah I did that and don't want anything like that to ever happen again. I am going to do whatever it takes to be better." 

          Take this however you want to take it. It's up to you.



Grimalkin, I am totally with you. I did more hard, serious illegal drugs at one point in my life than most people could imagine, I am lucky to have survived. I was also lucky to be somewhat appealing, so I was able  to skate by a lot on charm alone. I had an entire year where I only slept on Tuesdays.

That said, I really put off by someone turning this topic into a chance to say "look at meeeee!" Sorry. When I was in the throes of serious addiction, I would totally have thought these people were animals and absolute scum. You don't bring kids into that.

In addition, sorry, but I totally look askance at someone who claims to be a former addict in one thread with all sorts of issues and triggers, but then talks about her need for medical marijuana in another. Someone with recent addiction issues should not be getting high, using prescription pain meds or anything of the sort. No decent doctor would every give a recent addict drugs, FFS.


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On ‎6‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 9:51 AM, devoe364 said:

Not really. Having worked with marginalized First Nations people in Canada, you'd be amazed and what they think is true. So many urban legends and things like that.

I taught a girl who was 17 who thought she couldn't get pregnant if she was drunk, because you aren't supposed to drink while you are pregnant. Her Mom told her that. Needless to say, at 17, she was having her second baby. 

Again - Doctors tell breast feeding Mom's to wait 12 hours if they drink. Some people are going to assume that all drugs metabolize at the same rate. For myself, if I had a child, I would probably formula feed, because no one knows how marijuana would impact the baby - due to the schedule 1 status of marijuana in the US, very few if any studies have been done.

Of course, I use marijuana daily for my symptoms. So I'm probably just a stupid chronic anyway. 


I've been wondering about something for awhile. Why is it okay for you to use marijuana daily....but Benadryl is too risky of a drug (previously you mentioned it could trigger opiate issues)

I get that Benadryl makes people drowsy. But so does pot. And its way less addictive. I feel like you pick and choose your stories with addiction abuse and mental illness very selectively. That is going to get you bitten hard here.

And, for clarity's sake. Are you saying that you actively use marijuana daily and are expecting a child? I don't claim to know all research on that particular subject. But I know this board well enough to say that if that is your situation...you best be prepared to have a good handle on your story and clear presentation of facts. And be prepared for backlash.

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      As inconsistent as her stories are one thing I absolutely believe is that she is a person struggling with sobriety. Her reactions, refusal to admit she is wrong even though she knows, it and knows we know she knows it, and her turning everything into being about her could be written into a script. I hope she gets relief because she can't go on like she is for long. She wants everyone to know she is in recovery and likes the attention. The downside is if and when people like her relaps they are so ashamed and embarrassed it takes a lot for them to come back, if at all.

       In a weird way I understand her logic about the Benadryl vs pot statement. I am not sure I agree with it but I can see her rational. I think there is a sect of pro pot people that are as crazy as the essential oil fanatics claiming it's a magical miracle cure all. I do think that the studies and findings are interesting and all for it if it eases people's suffering. Idon't feel like legalizing it would be terrible.

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I am all for legalization. And am in a state that does so. I also believe in using it for anxiety. However, she came on to the board early with a story about derailing an airplane because she absolutely couldn't take Benadryl and there was a pet...etc. I sense a tendency for drama and some inconsistencies from early on. That does not at all mean that she's without the mental illness. But a lot of us have those same problems and we manage to keep our stories consistent. We also don't have the "I know someone with this problem" issue (dgayleitis?)

....just a few thoughts. I don't at all wish to shoot down someone with legit issues. Nobody who knows me would think that. But I feel compelled to make the fj is not a safety net comment. We will call out the nonsense.

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1 hour ago, AliceInFundyland said:

I am all for legalization. And am in a state that does so. I also believe in using it for anxiety. However, she came on to the board early with a story about derailing an airplane because she absolutely couldn't take Benadryl and there was a pet...etc. I sense a tendency for drama and some inconsistencies from early on. That does not at all mean that she's without the mental illness. But a lot of us have those same problems and we manage to keep our stories consistent. We also don't have the "I know someone with this problem" issue (dgayleitis?)

....just a few thoughts. I don't at all wish to shoot down someone with legit issues. Nobody who knows me would think that. But I feel compelled to make the fj is not a safety net comment. We will call out the nonsense.

Yeah, to me it has been the recent tendency for hair trigger offense and the need for attention. It reminds me of @AnnoDomini - tagged so newer members can find her drama llama. Last thing we need to be tolerating. 

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5 minutes ago, nelliebelle1197 said:

Yeah, to me it has been the recent tendency for hair trigger offense and the need for attention. It reminds me of @AnnoDomini - tagged so newer members can find her drama llama. Last thing we need to be tolerating. 

FYI the ferrets are very busy rescuing people from Poopistan (Nauglers) day and night...so coordinate expeditions into then time machine rabbit holes....because we've got the reserve teams up on deck but if we don't get the other recon teams some R&R soon they're going to burn out.


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sam.pngI think a new recruitment plan is in order...

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Is there anyway we can diversify our rescue animals?  Ferrets creep me out. 

Also they can't handle all weather.  How about some rescue foxes or those dogs that look like foxes?  

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Just now, Maggie Mae said:

Is there anyway we can diversify our rescue animals?  Ferrets creep me out. 

I've heard penguins are very easy to train in the ways of espionage.  They go James Bond in a second because born with tuxes and all.

We should diversify.  What did you have in mind?

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2 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

I've heard penguins are very easy to train in the ways of espionage.  They go James Bond in a second because born with tuxes and all.

We should diversify.  What did you have in mind?

I must have edited at the same time you posted. 

And oooh I love the idea of rescue penguins, although they also aren't arctic animals (despite what we tell tourists). 

Rescue octopus for the marine wildlife holes (although we do not, yet, have a fundie who has dragged their 11 children to live on a boat) would be entertainment.  

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Just now, Maggie Mae said:

I must have edited at the same time you posted. 

And oooh I love the idea of rescue penguins, although they also aren't arctic animals (despite what we tell tourists). 

Rescue octopus for the marine wildlife holes (although we do not, yet, have a fundie who has dragged their 11 children to live on a boat) would be entertainment.  

I'll find a breed of octopus that can follow direction.  Just no giant squid - and if you don't know why...read my blog (spoiler alert:. Killing machines with 3' penises.)

Goats for high terrain?  

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Penguins!!!:penguin::tw_penguin: are worthy of being rescue animal backups.

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14 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

I'll find a breed of octopus that can follow direction.  Just no giant squid - and if you don't know why...read my blog (spoiler alert:. Killing machines with 3' penises.)

Goats for high terrain?  

Goats are the best! When I get to my laptop I'm going to upload recent hiking goat pics to FJ. 

Unless I already told that story. 


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The Arndts might have some extras that could be released for training.

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35 minutes ago, AliceInFundyland said:

Penguins!!!:penguin::tw_penguin: are worthy of being rescue animal backups.

Oh, dear lord. The last thing we need is for Mark or Paul to show up and steal our rescue animals. Though I certainly would not mind if Luke showed up....

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44 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

Goats are the best! When I get to my laptop I'm going to upload recent hiking goat pics to FJ. 

Unless I already told that story. 


You have no idea what you've started....lol....the scouting I've done! 

Stay tuned to meet the new recruits...

edited to add that I have heard story and I want to see pics!

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    I want to heat a hiking goat story please. 

      I also want to second the rescue octopus nomination. Octopi are among my faveorit marine life and happen to be very smart. 


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The foxes were a great idea.  Cuteness combined with sly and wily ways they can sneak past the most vigilant of fundies nested deep in their rabbit holes...

disclousre:. Some of these are selfies which they took in their haste to accept my invitation to join our elite rescue squad and some are renderings to protect the anonymity of the more secret agents.

he will be assigned to vision forum...note the period costume and wide stance...



This guy was eager to join to infiltrate Kirk Cameron's rabbit holes and protect people from pro-salvery audio dramas and banana analogies.



this gentleman is prissy enough for Maxhell...



along with his pal who wears eye traps on both head and feet...



a fine lass to work the eurpoean fundie circuit...that's a hidden camera in her hat...



these two will be on call for whenever defrauding will come in handy...nothing distracts like nudity...(they did add in a no Smuggar clause to their contract)



And the jack of all trades...he's got his  patriarch impersonator expression down pat making him useful on multiple fronts...






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@HerNameIsBuffy I LOVE THEM ALL. Especially the last one. And the first one. And the one that looks like The Fantastic Mr Fox, voiced by George Clooney. 

I'm going to go type up my blog post about hiking now. 


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Penguins ...I had to pull my parka out of storage to go find these guys but glad I did.  I had no idea how many were just dying for an opportunity to join us.  And from all walks of life, too.

We've got our Eddie Bauer types...



Some beach bums...



Some frat bros way too cool to dress appropriately for the weather.  They have potential but training them will be a pita. 



tourist penguins...they want the road trip rabbit holes...



some totally cool guys from penguins comicon (it's a thing)...





Macho penguins...they're the muscle of the operation...






Nudist penguin..defrauding is a powerful rescue tool...



Fancy penguins...









black tie penguins (although her gown is a little informal...very duggar like so we'll send them there...



Under cover penguin...such a perfect disguise no one would know she's not a shell..(fish?  What are crabs?)





cowboy penguin ...



international penguins ...



time traveling penguins...she was Jane Austins inspiration for Lizzie Bennett...





These two applied but upon closer inspection I don't think they are real penguins...












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