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Police officers killed in Dallas


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I don't know if anyone's said this or not, I might've missed it.  There are so many people and groups telling Americans to arm themselves against the government.  So that we can take a stand against tyranny.  What do they think taking a stand against the government will look like?  Because I think it would look an awful lot like Dallas, on a larger scale.  Ultimately they would lose, but how many police officers and others on the front lines of communities would die first?  And, it seems to me, there is quite an overlap of people who are (rightfully) condemning Dallas, while promoting the whole arm yourself against tyranny thing.

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1 hour ago, myhobby said:

I don't know if anyone's said this or not, I might've missed it.  There are so many people and groups telling Americans to arm themselves against the government.  So that we can take a stand against tyranny.  What do they think taking a stand against the government will look like?  Because I think it would look an awful lot like Dallas, on a larger scale.  Ultimately they would lose, but how many police officers and others on the front lines of communities would die first?  And, it seems to me, there is quite an overlap of people who are (rightfully) condemning Dallas, while promoting the whole arm yourself against tyranny thing.

Exactly this is what happens in the gun control thread here on FJ. My, very limited being far away, comprehension of the fenomen is that it's mainly white privileged people who buy into the idea that semi automatic firearms in the hands of white citizens is a well regulated militia against tyranny, while in the hands of black people it's a gang of thugs. And until white people won't have to fight against institutional racism it won't be a problem for them, they aren't the ones profiled for having a wide set nose as it seems Castile maybe was. So it's easy for them to say we won't attack police because police defends us from criminals that in the US are predominantly black or from other minority groups (data that no one contests but that few news outlets make the effort to put into perspective). I don't think that they spell this out aloud as I am doing but the fact that NRA didn't take a stance re Castile 2nd amendment rights speaks a lot. Also the tyranny as defined by these pro gun and more or less consciousmly pro white privilege groups always seem an abstract thing, very vague and not concrete, "the ebil government" "religious freedom" and when they refer to specific instances it starts showing how it isn't persecution but the loss of a privileged status ie gay marriages=danger/persecution against Christians. As the threats they perceive from the system and the government tyranny are very vague, also the situations in which they would hypothetically need to rebel against tyranny are very vague too.

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17 hours ago, CloakNDagger said:

I won't say with certainty that armed civilians are less likely to shoot people than police, but they generally get in a lot bigger trouble when they do.

Except you did say:


 [T]his is among other reasons why I'm more comfortable with civilians with guns. ....  Most of the time, civilians like him or me are going to be far more conservative about how and when we use our weapons.

Here's some examples of the "conservative" use of weapons by civilians, all of whom made deliberate use of their gun.






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