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Patient takes baby from hospital room, no charges filed


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On 8/18/2016 at 1:02 AM, Anny Nym said:

The nurses claiming they "know the patient" may be a bit of a clue here. Maybe this woman had to spend already quite some time in the hospital and was therefor acquainted with the staff, who saw her as a kind of poor harmless weird lady and that´s because they trivialized her actions?

If it's correct that she has sickle cell then she is likely in the hospital frequently (maybe even as much or more than she is out).  That doesn't excuse her actions or the nurses really.  Knowing the patient, I could see them kindly removing the baby and explaining that it wasn't okay rather than calling security immediately.  There is no excuse for allowing her to take/keep the baby in her room.  I'm sure they see her as harmless but their professional responsibilities should override whatever they feel about her. 


On 8/17/2016 at 7:32 PM, dawbs said:

FWIW, when my daughter was born (almost exactly 6 years ago now...), we weren't allowed to carry her around in the hallways.
Staff made it really really really clear.  Carry her around the room all we want.  Put her in the little wheely crib and roll her all around the hospital for fun and games, sure.  But we were not free to carry her around the hallway--because she was a patient in the hospital.  So kinda like I had to sit in a wheelchair to be wheeled to the door, she had to be in her wheely crib to be in the halls.

I'd be shocked (REALLY shocked) if that's not par for the course at a lot of hospitals--which would raise another red flag that no one cared someone was carrying around another patient.


That was the rule where my kids were born too, but training on the maternity ward is going to be different than on a regular floor.  It seems like this is a smaller hospital that doesn't have a dedicated pediatrics ward.  The nurses there likely don't have the same training or security-consciousness that nurses on a maternity floor would have.  I mean, not let a patient walk off with an unrelated pediatric patient should just be common sense.  But things like not carrying the baby, etc probably isn't in their training.

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