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More Info on Doug Wilson, Pedophile Enabler


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2 hours ago, feministxtian said:

I have a number of friends who went to W&M. Ummm....that's not exactly a hotbed of liberal thought or anything remotely radical. I mean, the campus butts up against the colonial/touristy area (Duke of Gloucester St). I honestly can't think of a single VA state school that was/is a hotbed of liberalism. Most of them are marginally to the left of Falwell. 

***Disclaimer: I grew up in the Hampton Roads area of VA. I attended "Harvard by the Highway" which was also NOT a hotbed of liberal thought in the 80's or 90's. 

Who was talking about William and Mary here

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4 hours ago, hoipolloi said:

Who will take over the cult when Wilson dies? N.D. Wilson? These cults usually tend to be patriarchal family businesses. Doug inherited the CREC cult from *his* father

Doug Wilson dying is a hugely comforting thought.  I don't know enough about N.D. to know if he has the Machiavellian temperament to fill his  father's corrupt shoes.  IIRC, Nate took over the publishing arm of the empire (Canon Press) awhile back and writes Young Adult fiction. 

However,  there are plenty of Wilson relatives and inlaws to take over.  Here's a snip on nepotism at the CREC, from  MoscowID.net: 


Not by coincidence, four of Doug Wilson’s relatives sit on the Kirk board of elders: his brother (Gordon Wilson), his son (N.D. Wilson), and his two sons-in-law (Ben Merkle & Luke Jankovic). All four of these men also enjoy positions at New Saint Andrews College. Three of them are paid employees and the fourth sits on the board of directors alongside Douglas Wilson. Both men have the title “permanent member” of the board of directors. That is, they cannot be removed.

Full text here: One Example of How Nepotism Corrupts  

Just came across this about a CREC app that's been suspended by Google, and then restored. 

Fact check: Did Google suspend a church’s app from Google Play?



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2 hours ago, Howl said:

I don't know enough about N.D. to know if he has the Machiavellian temperament to fill his  father's corrupt shoes.

While N.D. could be a better person than his father, I suspect that he's probably not far removed from Doug's beliefs & outlook, YA writing notwithstanding. Besides patriarchal succession, these cults also require hyper-loyalty in thought, word & theology, so I doubt that N.D. differs much from Doug. Otherwise, he'd have been cut loose a while ago.

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33 minutes ago, hoipolloi said:

these cults also require hyper-loyalty in thought, word & theology, so I doubt that N.D. differs much from Doug. Otherwise, he'd have been cut loose a while ago.

Yeah, Doug Wilson has built up his little empire based on total control through enmeshment at the family level and beyond.  

Maybe you rent rooms to a seminary student to make your mortgage payments and the wife teaches at the Logos (CREC) elementary school.  You work for a business run by another member of the CREC congregation or maybe you're a counselor at the CREC's Biblically-based (fake) counseling clinic. If one person starts coloring outside the CREC lines, the whole economic basis of the family falls apart. So there are many, many ways to apply pressure and control people. 

Doug has also brutally disappeared people, i.e., they were abruptly banished from the CREC and shunned, and I don't think those lessons are lost on anyone.

And speaking of fake counseling, confidentiality is not ensured and it's a great way to keep tabs on what's happening and using that as basically, blackmail. 

The CREC has tried, and I think been successful, in placing people on the Moscow, ID town council, who faithfully make the correct vote to give the CREC projects variances.  Taking over the town was one of Doug's goals and he's been somewhat successful. 

Congregation wise, I think there are about 900 CREC members. 

Uck. The entire situation there is simply disgusting. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/23/2020 at 6:19 PM, Howl said:


Doug Wilson dying is a hugely comforting thought.  I don't know enough about N.D. to know if he has the Machiavellian temperament to fill his  father's corrupt shoes.  IIRC, Nate took over the publishing arm of the empire (Canon Press) awhile back and writes Young Adult fiction. 

However,  there are plenty of Wilson relatives and inlaws to take over.  Here's a snip on nepotism at the CREC, from  MoscowID.net: 

Full text here: One Example of How Nepotism Corrupts  

Just came across this about a CREC app that's been suspended by Google, and then restored. 

Fact check: Did Google suspend a church’s app from Google Play?



I do think that either ben merkle, (Dougs daughter bekahs husband) or toby sumpter( Christ Church associate pastor) would take Dougs place should something happen to him.  Nathan maybe but I think he is still signed to random house and writing books 

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  • 3 weeks later...


so in this YouTube video from Dougs new amazon show man rampant, he talks a little bit about how empathy is a sin, this is just a preview he goes more into this in the actual show that I believe is free if you have prime. anyways knowing that this is how he feels about empathy, how his church reacted to Jamin wight and the sitler case makes sense, I am not condoning them by any means. but I've always wondered why as fellow parents no one really felt sad for the victims, and this is probably why. 

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13 hours ago, CaseyGrace said:


so in this YouTube video from Dougs new amazon show man rampant, he talks a little bit about how empathy is a sin,

Does Prime have a public access component now ? And does anyone else detect a stronger than normal southern accent in Wilson’s tone ?

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13 hours ago, CaseyGrace said:

So in this YouTube video from Dougs new amazon show man rampant, he talks a little bit about how empathy is a sin

I lasted about 30 seconds.  Wilson is a hateful turd. I'm not certain exactly where he's going with this, but it might be about being careful to never, not ever, be empathetic towards, oh, I don't know, feminists and LBGT people or anyone else he despises, because who the hell where loving acceptance can lead.

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"Man Rampant" = "Tiny Dick Rises and then Falls"


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  • 2 weeks later...

Doug and Tim Bayly are feuding over face masks. Doug called them "secular burkas"...


...but Tim accuses him of "railing" against the authorities, and encouraging congregants to disobey their elders. 


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14 hours ago, DomWackTroll said:

Doug and Tim Bayly are feuding over face masks. Doug called them "secular burkas"...

I "think" I understand Tim Bayly's point.  Or did I?  Sheep, flocks, pastures, pastors, civil authorities, civil disobedience, evil statists, poaching congregants.

It was confusing, but I think Tim is saying respect authorities, wear your mask, even if it's in church, and don't use this as an excuse to revile other pastors who think that's the right/wrong thing to do, and who then poach congregants.  Or did he?

These people and their churches corona virus contagion factories. 

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Dear saints and G-d in Heaven and on Earth, if Bayly truly sees church members as sheep and congregations as flocks of sheep, why does he advocate for or against COVID-related laws at all? 

They’re sheep and they need to be herded protectively.  So tell them what to do and expect them to acquiesce. The only time he refers to believer as Christians is (IIRC) when he writes about how they’re likely to behave other than he wants them to. 

And Wilson? Precisely as one would expect.  

Ignore the advice of people with actual doctoral degrees earned from reputable institutions after years of hard work and more years of conscientious practice. 

 Pairs very logically with his attitude toward the treatment of individuals who for whatever reason feel irresistibly drawn to copulate with unwilling children.

The experts say they can never fully turn from this orientation? Nuts to that!! 

Let them board in homes where children are available, let them marry, procreate and live with their helpless babies. 

Shameful asses, both of them. 

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Assigning the congregants the role of sheep firmly establishes the patriarchal framing of the argument.  F**k those guys!*

*I follow @TheRickWilson on twitter. He's one of the founders of The Lincoln Project and does The New Abnormal podcast with Molly Jong-Fast. They have a special segment call "F**k That Guy" calling out the worst of the worst.  It's a phrase that has a lot of utility. 

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  • 2 months later...

I guess this fame-seeking normie in the Bayly family felt the need to change the spelling of his surname. But I'm sure it has nothing to do with Tim.


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3 hours ago, DomWackTroll said:

I guess this fame-seeking normie in the Bayly family felt the need to change the spelling of his surname. But I'm sure it has nothing to do with Tim.


Interesting find! How did you know this guy was a Ba(y)ly?


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1 hour ago, MamaJunebug said:

Interesting find! How did you know this guy was a Ba(y)ly?


Michal Crum is Tim Bayly's daughter. I check her Facebook page, oh, maybe a few times a year. 

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I visited the Anti-Wilson website, MoscowID.net.   

Christ Church, or more accurately, First Church of the Pedophile Enablers, had a maskless public hymn singing event in "defiance" of the local mask ordnance.  The Kirk is running a candidate (Gabriel Rench) for a Latah County Commissioner seat.   Rench, Wilson et al. structured the hymn caper to provoke police to make arrests that were recorded by Wilson associates. 

To promote the Christian persecution narrative and of course, to get exposure for himself, Wilson sent the video to Tucker Carlson, who took the bait. 

MoscowID.net regularly posts letters to the editor about Wilson and the Kirk and they are always worth a read.  Moscow, Idaho and Pullman, Washington are adjacent small cities, each with a state university.   

Many in Moscow are completely aware of Wilson's long term strategy to take over the town via placing Kirk members on the City Council and in other public offices,  and don't like it one bit.  

This colorful and heartfelt letter lays it all out



Gabe Rench, Ben Zornes, and Douglas Wilson are cowardly little guttersnipes, selfish and not Biblical while preening in their belligerence, yet spineless in their convictions.

Truly obedient Christians– that is, obedient to Christ — care about actual injustices that oppress the marginalized, rather than annoyances that offend them. Truly faithful Christians prioritize the betterment of others before their own convenience. And truly living Christians engage in civil disobedience prayerfully and for the purpose of calling the State to righteousness — not sniveling about their own imagined experience of suffering under “government overreach” that in reality protects people in a pandemic.

And faithful, obedient, and loving Christians don’t use the Psalms to carry their selfish, timorous, tone-deaf stupidity for them.

Ahhhhhh, the caterwauling of puny white men stroking and petting their own piddling outrage, and yet, in Rench’s case, too cowardly to confirm his name and give his ID to the cop arresting him.

John Lewis, he ain’t.

Notice his and Zornes’ master, Wilson, isn’t reported to have been arrested. Why not loft the bad headline on to the least impressive of your toadies, right?

Maybe this will shame into prophetic, public action Moscow’s spineless male Evangelical pastors — you know, the ones who wouldn’t consider a person of my sex in the pulpit while having an untrained woman now poised to turn 60 in just a few weeks take up and sustain pretty much the only Trinitarian public objection to these blaspheming bully-boys since arriving here more than 18 years ago.

Not that I’m tired, or that my attention’s shifted. But I do wonder how these Evangelical men are able to stand behind the pulpit with such barely discernible backbones.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Maclean's, the Canadian news magazine, has an article on Wilson's cult:


Pining for a manlier America resonates with the persistent frontier-ism in small town U.S.A. Doug Wilson has successfully harnessed his father’s message to rapidly expand his congregation while launching related enterprises. Christ Church now owns a number of successful businesses in Moscow, runs a private college, and is planning to build a massive cathedral to meet the needs of its growing flock.

I was surprised that Maclean's didn't mention Wilson's repeated support of the pedophiles in his congregation. 

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37 minutes ago, hoipolloi said:

Maclean's, the Canadian news magazine, has an article on Wilson's cult:

I was surprised that Maclean's didn't mention Wilson's repeated support of the pedophiles in his congregation. 

Maybe, sadly, they just don’t know and didn’t dig hard enough. It reminds me of our disappointment at Anderson Cooper’s coverage of Mike Pearl—all of us knew way more about him than Anderson did, and were dismayed that he didn’t even find those easy-to-locate TTUAC child-beating tutorials on YouTube.

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The article has a very narrow focus - it read like it had been ruthlessly edited to fit a certain word count limit, because there was SO MUCH that went unmentioned or unexplored. I actually went looking for another part before I figured out no, this was the whole thing.

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On 10/6/2020 at 7:54 AM, Howl said:

I visited the Anti-Wilson website, MoscowID.net.   

Christ Church, or more accurately, First Church of the Pedophile Enablers, had a maskless public hymn singing event in "defiance" of the local mask ordnance.  The Kirk is running a candidate (Gabriel Rench) for a Latah County Commissioner seat.   Rench, Wilson et al. structured the hymn caper to provoke police to make arrests that were recorded by Wilson associates. 

To promote the Christian persecution narrative and of course, to get exposure for himself, Wilson sent the video to Tucker Carlson, who took the bait. 

MoscowID.net regularly posts letters to the editor about Wilson and the Kirk and they are always worth a read.  Moscow, Idaho and Pullman, Washington are adjacent small cities, each with a state university.   

Many in Moscow are completely aware of Wilson's long term strategy to take over the town via placing Kirk members on the City Council and in other public offices,  and don't like it one bit.  

This colorful and heartfelt letter lays it all out


the crazy thing about gabes run for county commissioner is that his only plan is to "lower taxes". he has not disclosed a detailed plan for how taxes will be lowered or even released a sample county budget. this is  such an obvious power grab for christ church and by extension Doug and its disgusting.  

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Also, in early Sept of this year, Doug Wilson published Ride, Sally Ride: Sex Rules.

Sadly it's not about Sally Ride, the astronaut.  It's about an upstanding Christian guy (Ace), who murders his next door neighbor's sex-robot wife by putting her in a trash compactor and then is charged with murder.  It's uh, ostensibly futuristic. 

I'l wager it's filled with Wilson's clever (i.e., turgid) prose.  


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1 hour ago, Howl said:

Also, in early Sept of this year, Doug Wilson published Ride, Sally Ride: Sex Rules.

Sadly it's not about Sally Ride, the astronaut.  It's about an upstanding Christian guy (Ace), who murders his next door neighbor's sex-robot wife by putting her in a trash compactor and then is charged with murder.  It's uh, ostensibly futuristic. 

I'l wager it's filled with Wilson's clever (i.e., turgid) prose.  


And all the juries are “fixed” against Ace because he is Christian (TM)!

How dare he use Sally Ride’s name this way.


@Howl, let’s buckle TF up—this masterwork is free on Amazon Prime! I just started shoveling my way through the indeed turgid prose of the foreword, which makes sure it reminds us of the “God-ordained sexual binary.”

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2 hours ago, Howl said:

Sadly it's not about Sally Ride, the astronaut.  It's about an upstanding Christian guy (Ace), who murders his next door neighbor's sex-robot wife by putting her in a trash compactor and then is charged with murder.  It's uh, ostensibly futuristic. 

Sounds like Doug Wilson is taking his literary inspirations from Donald Barr.

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