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Trump 6- The saga of the lone orange continues


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10 hours ago, sawasdee said:

Why were they suddenly looking at this computer anyway?

Because Weiner had already been caught "sexting" at least one minor and they were investigating how much more of that kind of illegal stuff Weiner had done. This on top of his previous legal (and moral IMHO) transgressions.

Weiner needs to be actually prosecuted to the full extent of the law (and coincidentally out of all public life).

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I'm glad to see that the media is calling this out for the obvious political stunt that it is. But I'm disappointed that they're not pointing out the hypocrisy of Jame Comey saying in September that he can't comment on Trump's possible connections to Russia and whether they're going to investigate that, but he just HAD to inform the American public about this. 

HUGE double standard. Comey doesn't seem to give a fuck that Trump might have ties to Russia and when. But someone Hillary knows has some emails on their computer and ALERT THE PUBLIC. What a hypocritical sleazebag. 

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8 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

I'm glad to see that the media is calling this out for the obvious political stunt that it is. But I'm disappointed that they're not pointing out the hypocrisy of Jame Comey saying in September that he can't comment on Trump's possible connections to Russia and whether they're going to investigate that, but he just HAD to inform the American public about this. 

HUGE double standard. Comey doesn't seem to give a fuck that Trump might have ties to Russia and when. But someone Hillary knows has some emails on their computer and ALERT THE PUBLIC. What a hypocritical sleazebag. 

I hope that Hillary's first freaking act as President (she just HAS to win) is to hand Comey's backside to him and put him out of a job.

2 hours ago, Cleopatra7 said:

Trump crashed a charity benefit for children with AIDS in 1996 so he could have his picture taken and left without giving a dime:


I came here to post that story. It is so amazing the he plays all these games and nobody calls him on it. The best quote in the article, in my mind (talking about how the Trump Foundation spent money):


New findings, for instance, show that the Trump Foundation’s largest-ever gift — $264,631 — was used to renovate a fountain outside the windows of Trump’s Plaza Hotel.

Its smallest-ever gift, for $7, was paid to the Boy Scouts in 1989, at a time when it cost $7 to register a new Scout. Trump’s oldest son was 11 at the time. Trump did not respond to a question about whether the money was paid to register him.

Seriously? The "biggest billionaire ever" couldn't cough up seven freaking dollars out of his own pocket for his kid to join the Boy Scouts? What's next? Did the Foundation pay for Ivanka's pencils and pens for school too?

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17 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:

My favorite part of the voter fraud article is when she claims she voted twice out of fear her first vote would be changed for Clinton.

... if that was really happening, then why the fuck would you risk having two votes changed to count for Clinton?! Seriously. The stupid is so, so strong with these people.

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At a rally today, Trump told his supporters to not vote by mail: 
So let's review. Older voters tend to vote by mail. And older voters tend to be Republican. 
Is he trying to lose the election? 

Colorado is entirely "vote by mail" - I would be perfectly happily if none of my moronic neighbors voted because Trump said not to.
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10 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

At a rally today, Trump told his supporters to not vote by mail: 


So let's review. Older voters tend to vote by mail. And older voters tend to be Republican. 

Is he trying to lose the election? 


He used to be a Democrat and a big supporter of Clinton when he was in office.  Sometimes I think he ran just to ensure another Clinton presidency.  How else do you explain the bat shit crazy way he's run his campaign?  His speeches and debates get more insane as we get closer to election day.  It's almost as if he's trying to lose (really, who the hell tells their supporters not to vote by mail?).

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Schwartz, 64, continues: “I simply didn’t think that much about it until he decided to run for president and it became clear that this wasn’t going to just fade away, that he was actually in a position to win the nomination. That’s when I thought, ‘Oh my God, I’ve contributed to creating the public image of the man who is sociopathic and people don’t realise it.’”

If he were writing The Art of the Deal today, he’d call it “The Sociopath” instead, Schwartz told the New Yorker in July, an interview that broke decades of silence on the matter. “I certainly felt a kind of moral imperative to step in and say what I knew about a man I considered to be so dangerous, and I am very relieved that I did.”

The Trump he observed was vulgar and vainglorious, a narcissistic liar with a short attention span, no appetite for reading books and an “extremely mixed” business record. A Trump presidency could, he warns, lead to martial law, the end of press freedom and the risk of nuclear war: “Staggeringly dangerous. Worse than I imagined when he began to run. Unthinkable. Horrifying. He’s way more out of control in the last couple of months than I’ve ever seen him. He doesn’t have any core beliefs beyond his own aggrandisement and power.”


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Stupid Trump gives millions of dollars worth of free advertising to his poorer and lesser known third party rival.


In an interview with Fox News' Bret Baier, Trump said that "nobody ever heard" of McMullin, a former congressional staffer who spent years as a CIA operations officer, and called him a "puppet" of Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol.

"I love the people of Utah. I have great relationships in Utah," Trump said. "But you have a guy named Bill Kristol who's called it wrong for two years. He's a loser. He's called me wrong. He's called everything wrong. He's called the wars wrong. Trump said during the interview. "Everything he does is wrong. He gets his puppet to go and run in Utah."

Trump seemed to acknowledge that McMullin could pose a threat, however, telling Baier: "The guy takes votes away from me. You know, we're going to win Utah. But he takes votes away from me, this man who I never heard of..."

McMullin responds on Twitter:


.@realDonaldTrump, Yes you’ve never heard of me because while you were harassing women at beauty pageants, I was fighting terrorists abroad," he wrote.

.@realDonaldTrump, you're an authoritarian, life-long liberal who disrespects life, liberty, & equality. We can't trust you on justices.

.@realDonaldTrump, it's time for a new conservative movement & generation of leadership. We are building it. #McMullinFinn

Trump is still leading in Utah, with the RealClearPolitics average of state polls showing him leading with 31 percent in a five-way race. But McMullin, who is Mormon, is not far behind, with an average of 25.2 percent, tied with Democrat Hillary Clinton. 


The thought of Kellyanne Conway watching the Fox interview and screaming for them both to shut up, has me all :twisted: inside. 

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1 hour ago, Cartmann99 said:

The thought of Kellyanne Conway watching the Fox interview and screaming for them both to shut up, has me all :twisted: inside. 

OMG YES!   A coupla images of Kellyanne come to mind, one of which is Sisyphus, who rolled a boulder up hill, just to see it come crashing back down on him, over and over. The image works, but Sisyphus was a king who was being punished for his self aggrandizement and deceit, so it's also the punishment we wish upon The Donald himself. 

The other image is Kellyanne with a giant shovel, frantically trying to shovel away the ever growing pile of poop from a very large ass, but the pile keeps growing larger and larger.  By ass, I mean a large donkey, not The Donald's literal ass, because, you know, too awful to contemplate. 

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Sometimes I think Donald's voters get exactly what they deserve if they  have him as their president.

It is obvious from his every word that he is an egomaniacal charlatan who knows jackshit about things and isn't willing to listen to anyone who does. 

anyone who votes for that over an extremely qualified woman is an idiot.

Too bad it influences the rest of the world too...

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Has this has been posted yet? I just heard it on the car radio.  Analysis of what is going on in the GOP and the whole thing is interesting.


About 9 minutes in you get a song.  I don't know if the song has a name yet but I'm calling it Paul Ryan's Lament.  Neil Patrick Harris sings the part of Paul Ryan. :)



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A Donald Trump supporter who screamed “Jew-S-A” at reporters at a rally on Saturday night behaved in a “deplorable” way, the Republican nominee’s campaign manager said on Sunday.

On Saturday night in Phoenix, Arizona, a man wearing a “Hillary for prison 2016” T-shirt turned around during a chant of “USA” to face the press enclosure, calling reporters the “enemy” and shouting “Jew-S-A”.

“That man’s conduct was deplorable,” Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, told CNN. “His conduct is completely unacceptable and does not reflect our campaign or our candidate.

“And had I been there, I would have asked security to remove him immediately. Clearly, he doesn’t speak for the campaign or the candidate.”


But I think


Conway was quick to argue that most of Trump’s supporters do not share racist beliefs, telling CNN host Jake Tapper: “I have to push back on some of the adjectives you just used to describe [Trump’s supporters]. These are people who love their country. And these are people who feel like they’re part of a movement, that this is not a typical politician. If you do anything, don’t besmirch the good hearts and the good values of the tens of thousands, the millions of Donald Trump supporters.”

Dafuq? If they're such lovely people who are not at  all racist, why the blazes are they voting for the most hateful racist candidate and thinking they found their savior?

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Remember when Bad Touch Donnie said Melania would give two or three speeches on the campaign trail? Kellyanne Conway announced that Melania will speak in suburban Philadelphia this Thursday.


Trump has three events on the schedule today in Nevada, Colorado, and New Mexico. I read an article that briefly spoke about the Vegas event, but there was no mention of Evan McMullin. Maybe Kellyanne put the fear of God into him? :pb_lol:

I guess we'll see when the reports start coming out about the two later events. His schedule has the Greeley, CO event at 4pm local time and Albuquerque, NM at 7pm local time. 

I told my New Mexican husband that Trump was going to be in his home state today. He scowled and said he hoped the event was surrounded by a sea of taco trucks. :pb_lol:

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Ooh the hypocrisy burns... what about all the horrible unethical things that Trump has done?

The man has a hearing in December for allegedly raping a minor

Why isn't anybody talking about that?




"Mr. Trump has refused to condemn in a very serious way his racist and anti-Semitic fans," Tapper continued. "He just has. He says things like, "Oh, sure, I disavow, I disavow.' But he has never serious said, 'I don't want the support of those people, they are reprehensible, they have nothing to do with me.' He has never seriously done it."

Conway disagreed: "I think this exchange is frankly the best piece of evidence I have that we're actually going to win in nine days because the idea that we're going to shift away from the pattern of corruption the cloud of ethical stain that Hillary Clinton would bring to the Oval Office in such an important week."



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I saw a tweet where Clinton had Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony performing at an event for her. When is Trump gonna get Chachi and Phil Robertson to perform at one of his events? 

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4 hours ago, Palimpsest said:

Has this has been posted yet? I just heard it on the car radio.  Analysis of what is going on in the GOP and the whole thing is interesting.


About 9 minutes in you get a song.  I don't know if the song has a name yet but I'm calling it Paul Ryan's Lament.  Neil Patrick Harris sings the part of Paul Ryan. :)


Thanks for posting this! I'm about 45 minutes in and it's very interesting. When the people in Minnesota are complaining about how the Somali immigrants are changing these communities I'm hearing so many echoes of white complaints during the 20th century Great Migration when millions of African Americans left the south, not to mention all the previous anti-immigrant rhetoric that this country has seen. 

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I think I might have a little bit of a crush on Harry Reid right about now: 


Here's part of Reid's letter to Comey: 


In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government – a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States, which Trump praises at every opportunity. The public has a right to know this information. I wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public. There is no danger to American interests from releasing it. And yet, you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information.

By contrast, as soon as you came into possession of the slightest innuendo related to Secretary Clinton, you rushed to publicize itin the most negative light possible.

YESSSSS. Yesterday I was complaining on here about how no one in the media is talking about how hypocritical it was of Comey to release this information while refusing to tell us anything about the information on Donald Trump. I have my fingers crossed that the media will finally start talking about that aspect of this story. 

I've already liked Harry Reid, but now I like him even more!

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I found an article about Trump's rally in Greeley, CO. No mention of McMullin, so maybe Kellyanne got through to him on that point, but now he's encouraging his fans to vote more than once.



During a rally in Greeley, Colorado, on Sunday evening, Trump opened the event expressing skepticism of mail-in ballots in the state. He encouraged people to get a new ballot, even if they have already sent one in, and vote again.

"Who has sent their ballots in? And do you think those ballots are properly counted?" Trump asked the audience, to which they replied "No!"

Trump continued by expressing his skepticism and telling supporters to go get new ballots to ensure their vote is counted.

"If you go to university center, they'll give you a new ballot, they'll void your old ballot, in some places they do that four or five times, so by tomorrow, almost everyone will have their new ballots in."




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It's gotten to the point that I have a link to STFU Donnie on my bookmarks bar.  Any time Agent Orange spouts off on TV or radio I just play this until he goes away.


The video is here...


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Newsweek has an article up about how Trump and his companies behave when they get sued.


Over the course of decades, Donald Trump’s companies have systematically destroyed or hidden thousands of emails, digital records and paper documents demanded in official proceedings, often in defiance of court orders. These tactics—exposed by a Newsweek review of thousands of pages of court filings, judicial orders and affidavits from an array of court cases—have enraged judges, prosecutors, opposing lawyers and the many ordinary citizens entangled in litigation with Trump. In each instance, Trump and entities he controlled also erected numerous hurdles that made lawsuits drag on for years, forcing courtroom opponents to spend huge sums of money in legal fees as they struggled—sometimes in vain—to obtain records.


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9 minutes ago, Cartmann99 said:

Newsweek has an article up about how Trump and his companies behave when they get sued.


A very large (I started to type "huge" and then I realized that I may never use that word again - rolling eyes) amount of investigative journalism here - but Trump's believers will ignore it and/or dismiss it as lies made up by "liberal" anti-Trump media.

I listened to a bit of TV news this morning, in which the bottom line of the story was that those whose minds were already made up on either side will not be changed by anything in the final few days before Nov. 8. The potentially significant effects may be on the small percentage of undecided voters, and the possibly larger percentage who might decide that both candidates are unworthy of their votes or that their votes don't matter and resultingly stay home.

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