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Election Results 2016, Part 2


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Will Hillary run again in 2020? Something tells me she won't. Maybe we can go blue in 2020 with a different Democrat.

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25 minutes ago, hoipolloi said:

Old Mother West Wind here. Yes, we survived Bush. We also survived Nixon which I doubted could happen after I voted for McGovern in 1972 in my first election. They were bad indeed but I am sorry to tell you that IMO this is worse than either of them. 

We're in uncharted territory now where a narcissistic sexual predator with zero experience in politics or even government is going to be POTUS. Not only will the Republican Party both manage & support him enthusiastically, but he has the open endorsement of the KKK and other US hate groups as well as far right politicians from around the world. Think about that.

Would be nice if I'm as wrong about this as the pollsters were about this election, but I'm very afraid for those I love and care about, and for the US.

Again, I agree with Hoi.  But I want to toss this out there as food for thought for those who are running a comparison against Trump and other less than beloved Republican presidents:

People know Watergate.  But how many know Nixon also:

  • signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty kick starting the end to the cold war
  • signed peace treaty with Vietnam
  • Helped bring China out of isolationism
  • Desegregated schools in the south 
  • Ended compulsory draft
  • Started the EPA
  • Started federal funding for cancer cures
  • More national parks than any other president

He was called liberal fairly often by the press for his domestic policies and his foreign policy record is really impressive.  He was a very intelligent man who by all accounts made it a point to know as much as possible to inform his decisions - including workings of foreign governments.  You may not have agreed with all his calls but he knew his shit and wasn't basing policy on soundbites and what people wanted to hear.  

I'm not defending Watergate and he wasn't a saint - but IMO he didn't do a damn thing every one else before him hadn't done as well.  

I don't need anyone to love him - but is there anything close to that agenda on Trump's to-do list?   

The people saying "we've survived (insert Republican past president here) and are fine" just do not seem to get how very different this situation is.  

Edited to add...

  • Philadelphia Plan
  • Affirmative Action legislation
  • Equal Rights Ammendment
  • Title IX Act
  • Clean Air Act
  • Established OSHA 

and from the link below:


His proposal to revolutionize healthcare coverage would have been far-reaching and comprehensive—40 years before Obamacare. Ted Kennedy said his worst mistake was opposing Nixon’s health plan for political reasons.

Trump is no Richard Nixon.



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Will Hillary run again in 2020? Something tells me she won't. Maybe we can go blue in 2020 with a different Democrat.

I highly doubt it. Much was made of her (and the Orange Dick) being old for a president. Four more years from now she will obviously be older. I don't see it.

Plus, she's tried twice. I wouldn't put myself through it a third time myself.
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7 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

The irony here is that 75% of the people I know who were Trump supporters are living on public assistance. They just shot themselves in the foot so hard and they don't even seem to realize it. 

The evangelical church has also damaged it's own reputation for years to come, and they don't even realize it either because they're too busy thinking they won. They have been lamenting for years that the church is losing people in droves, and they don't seem to realize that this will only make it worse. 

My brother and his wife, who voted for Trump, also just shot themselves in the foot because they want to have a third child but my sister-in-law's work does not provide a very good maternity leave policy. The Democrats wanted to give them the chance to have extra time to bond with their baby. And they threw it away out of racism. 

Every Trump supporter I know is going to personally suffer in some way for having voted for Trump, and they're all too foolish to realize it. 

I agree 100%.

The thing is- we ALL have to live with the results of this election for the next 4 years.  God help us.  Not trying to be sarcastic.

So the poorest among us see DT as a peer?  Amazing. 

Just wish I could wake up from this horrible nightmare of a day.

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2 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

I think he's worse on social issues, but I don't think he'd get us in a nuclear war because someone insulted him on twitter. And I don't think he would use the office to get revenge on people he perceives to have wronged him (I feel dirty even semi-defending that man.) 

And, as far as the social issues go, we're screwed either way. I don't believe Trump cares about that stuff, so he'll likely turn it over to someone else in his administration. 


Richard Nixon did the bolded and he was a better man than Trump. I have no doubt he will do that. But the GOP House and Senate will not hold him accountable for it. 

My uncle explained to me on Facebook that if people are deported, it is their own fault and their children just have to suffer and that the misogyny and racism coming from Trump's mouth were just "campaign talk" and don't mean anything. 

This was someone I respected until today. More devastation. 

(For those that didn't see my post this morning, my teaching day started with an 8 year old girl crying while she told me her immigrant father is afraid of being deported now). 

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6 minutes ago, Destiny said:

I highly doubt it. Much was made of her (and the Orange Dick) being old for a president. Four more years from now she will obviously be older. I don't see it.

Plus, she's tried twice. I wouldn't put myself through it a third time myself.

It wouldn't be pragmatic, even if age wasn't an issue.  Many, like me, voted for her under duress due to no other option.  I would desperately like in 4 years to have someone I could vote for without feeling cornered.  Another Trump vs Hillary and she'd have even more anger against her for knowing how this ended twice and not stepping aside to let someone else with a better shot have at it.


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I have delayed all day posting this - I feel a need to get this out, but I just couldn't till now.

My adult daughter who is the mother of my 2 grandchildren is extremely distressed, more so than most of us (who are also distressed, I'm not minimizing anyone's distress). One of my grandkids is a girl - nuff sed, no explanation needed about feminism vs. Trump. The other grandchild is a boy and he has autism. He is 3 right now.

My daughter cannot even think about Trump without visualizing Trump ridiculing the disabled reporter during the campaign. My daughter, as any loving mother would feel, has a great deal of fear of someone potentially ridiculing my grandson, plus there are no words to make Trump's ridicule OK behavior for someone running for POTUS - and subsequently elected, when every possible voter has to have seen that video.

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26 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

He was called liberal fairly often by the press for his domestic policies and his foreign policy record is really impressive.  He was a very intelligent man who by all accounts made it a point to know as much as possible to inform his decisions - including workings of foreign governments.  You may not have agreed with all his calls but he knew his shit and wasn't basing policy on soundbites and what people wanted to hear.  

Absolutely right, and yes to all the actions he took that you've listed. The thing is, Nixon -- like Bush 43 -- had actually worked in government, either Congress or at least as a State governor, before becoming POTUS. Each man had at least a basic concept of how government worked, or was supposed to work. I won't say either one did it well all the time but they at least had the concepts down. We don't have that here. We have someone who is chanting one of the popular and most ignorant mantras of the day: "Run Government like a Business, and All Will Be Well!"

Sorry kids. It doesn't work like that. If you think it does please show me a private business or contractor who accepts the obligation to do 100% of the work, or supply 100% of the products, for 40% of the necessary funds, on every single contract simply because the purchaser can't or doesn't want to pay full value for what s/he is receiving? Do you work for a business that does that all the time? Doubt it, because, if so, you're not working for them any more because they've long since gone under. Why is government the only entity that's supposed to do more with less?

This is what the drumbeat of Reagan's anti-government has come down to with its bullshit axioms about being effective & efficient. Meanwhile, these motherfuckers are busily selling off every last government function they can to the highest bidders among their cronies. 

Get ready because there's going to be a LOT more of this.

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I was a little kid in the Nixon era.

Pause and let that sink in. 

To the Flying Spaghetti Monster:: give me Nixon instead of Trump.  I know he's dead but that's OK  

To The Flying Spaghetti monster, Give me Nixon's head in a jar #futurama  instead of Trump.  Whatever works for you is OK with me.

Now to figure out the damage this has caused/is likely to cause to my life.


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18 minutes ago, Destiny said:

I highly doubt it. Much was made of her (and the Orange Dick) being old for a president. Four more years from now she will obviously be older. I don't see it.

Plus, she's tried twice. I wouldn't put myself through it a third time myself.

Doubt it too and, what's more, I hope that Hillary is allowed to become immersed in a happy private life where she can enjoy her family, friends, and the activities that make life worthwhile for her. She's earned it.

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Hey guys. A friend told my husband on Facebook that Jesus won the election last night and Jesus is in control. Wow. Comparing Trump to Jesus. That is some screwy crap right there. 

This is the same friend I spoke about earlier in this very thread with the daughter that was on public assistance. I guess next time they call needing something or wanting advice, because they do it often, I should just tell them not to worry about anything because Jesus is in control. 


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11 minutes ago, apple1 said:

I have delayed all day posting this - I feel a need to get this out, but I just couldn't till now.

My adult daughter who is the mother of my 2 grandchildren is extremely distressed, more so than most of us (who are also distressed, I'm not minimizing anyone's distress). One of my grandkids is a girl - nuff sed, no explanation needed about feminism vs. Trump. The other grandchild is a boy and he has autism. He is 3 right now.

My daughter cannot even think about Trump without visualizing Trump ridiculing the disabled reporter during the campaign. My daughter, as any loving mother would feel, has a great deal of fear of someone potentially ridiculing my grandson, plus there are no words to make Trump's ridicule OK behavior for someone running for POTUS - and subsequently elected, when every possible voter has to have seen that video.

I have a daughter and two sons - all just starting her adult lives.  My daughter has already quit a job due to sexual harassment and now we all know half the country thinks that's NBD.  My eldest son has autism and I see what your daughter does when she thinks of him and now we know half the country thinks that's okay, too.

Fuck - crying again and still at work.  Leaving to go cry at home.  

We will right this...next time it will be us taking our country back.  So your grand babies grow up in a world where that will never going to be okay again...and your daughter can have peace.

We have to.

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49 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:

There's a huge learning curve ahead for him and I don't think he has the attention span necessary.

This is what scares me and makes me think we might end up with the worst of both worlds. Trump doesn't have the attention span, but Pence does. I suspect we will end up with Pence making decisions like he is a president while we also deal with Trump throwing tantrums over tiny things. 

If Trump had a dingbat of a VP I would be less worried and hope they would spend four years making everything in Washington gold. But Pence is shrewd and knows how to work the system and if he doesn't know by now,  he will quickly learn to manipulate Trump to push his agenda. 

This is no Bush. 

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37 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

And unfortunately, regulations are in place because if not, it would be a free for all. Left untethered, most people do not always make the best decisions or choices. For your BIL, as a farmer, he has to know that the Earth matters...it provides life for all. It's long term, vs short term thinking.

Basic greed will kill us.

You're right, and I've been glad some of those regulations are in place even though I know it costs.

I think Trump is a detestable human being and I desperately hope he proves me wrong on that--but I won't say his supporters are all deplorable just because they voted for a man who is. 

My husband--who hated voting for Trump but did so because of how much he distrusts HRC--is bringing me pizza and beer because he knows that I've had a rough day with all of this. Despite his vote, he's a good guy.

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2 hours ago, EmmieJ said:

They want people of a certain skin color to "know their place" and take the scraps occasionally tossed to them.  They want women to "know their place" and if they can't take a little sexual harassment in the workplace, maybe they should quit their job and go work in a preschool (I'm paraphrasing one of Trump's deplorable sons, who said that).  They want that good old boy white privilege all to themselves.  They want to be able to bully, harass, and injure anyone they think is Muslim or an immigrant, with impunity.  That's the America they want back.  They are tired of having to be "politically correct."  They think Trump and the Republican Party is going to get them good jobs and white privilege.  They are fools.

Oh yes, they want women to have fewer and fewer opportunities, so that they will be stuck in marriages with an imbalance of power.  You know, like the good old days.  Women have been getting too big for their britches, earning their own money and not being financially dependent on their husbands.  No longer willing to be a violent spouse's punching bag.  Spreading their wings and finding out that it feels really good to be in control of your own life, instead of dependent on the whims and desires of your lord and master. 

I don't understand why? For what? Women aren't baby makers and house wives. 


Trump is going to ace them over big time. White privilege sucks because others don't get any privilege. 

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Perhaps the DT should start with "bringing back manufacturing jobs."  Looks like 2000 of his constituents are going to lose their jobs about the same time the Orange One steps in to "make America great again."  Tackling this situation (with an effective resolution, mind you) might be a good first project.  



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17 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

This is what scares me and makes me think we might end up with the worst of both worlds. Trump doesn't have the attention span, but Pence does. I suspect we will end up with Pence making decisions like he is a president while we also deal with Trump throwing tantrums over tiny things. 

If Trump had a dingbat of a VP I would be less worried and hope they would spend four years making everything in Washington gold. But Pence is shrewd and knows how to work the system and if he doesn't know by now,  he will quickly learn to manipulate Trump to push his agenda. 

This is no Bush. 

Ted Cruz wouldn't scare me. Bush didn't scare me. Trump and Pence scare me. Seriously Pence is awful fucking awful. I'll take Ted Cruz, John McCain hell any other republican but Trump and Pence.

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24 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

I have a daughter and two sons - all just starting her adult lives.  My daughter has already quit a job due to sexual harassment and now we all know half the country thinks that's NBD.  My eldest son has autism and I see what your daughter does when she thinks of him and now we know half the country thinks that's okay, too.

Fuck - crying again and still at work.  Leaving to go cry at home.  

We will right this...next time it will be us taking our country back.  So your grand babies grow up in a world where that will never going to be okay again...and your daughter can have peace.

We have to.

Thank you for this post.

And my other daughter was sexually harassed (actually, sexually assaulted) at work at a former job.

I'm so sick of being told I should be a gracious loser because my choice of candidate didn't win. And sick of being told that both candidates were equally flawed (I never said Hillary wasn't flawed, but there was no "equally" to it).

And while I am on a roll: As most posters here know, I am open on FJ about identifying myself as a Christian. I am also sick of the bad actions of people calling themselves Christians worshipping (in reality) Trump and bringing shame to those of us who try (and sometimes fail) to live out the teachings of Christ.

Sick of all of this.

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23 minutes ago, Mecca said:

Hey guys. A friend told my husband on Facebook that Jesus won the election last night and Jesus is in control. Wow. Comparing Trump to Jesus. That is some screwy crap right there. 

This is the same friend I spoke about earlier in this very thread with the daughter that was on public assistance. I guess next time they call needing something or wanting advice, because they do it often, I should just tell them not to worry about anything because Jesus is in control. 


Jesus gonna cut their benefits. 

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I'm disabled, and like many of you, I can't fathom that our next president openly mocked a man with a disability. That's behavior that I wouldn't accept from the five and six-year olds that I watch, let alone a grown man who is going to be the commander and chief. My main fear, for myself, is what's going to happen to the ACA. I'm currently on a policy through the exchange, but if (when? :fubar:) the ACA is repealed, I will be uninsurable because of a "pre-existing condition." (Which pre-existed before I was born, but that doesn't matter to this schmuck. I'm sure it's my fault somehow.)

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Shared by some of my more fundie relatives....


[emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35]

[emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90] [emoji90]

(I hope my anger and poop emojis are showing up for you.)

I have shut off Facebook completely for the next few days. I just can't. And I can't even tell you how much I don't want to see these relatives at Christmas.

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I tried to watch the news and I got halfway through when it hit me that Obama is really leaving us, and saw a 30 second clip of Hillary's speech. I'm back to crying again, and it sucks cause I was just signing up to volunteer for PP, supporting our Muslim brothers and sisters and helping with police brutality..

Sorry I just had to vent again, I guess I'll need a little more time before I turn on the news again..

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29 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

This is what scares me and makes me think we might end up with the worst of both worlds. Trump doesn't have the attention span, but Pence does. I suspect we will end up with Pence making decisions like he is a president while we also deal with Trump throwing tantrums over tiny things. 

If Trump had a dingbat of a VP I would be less worried and hope they would spend four years making everything in Washington gold. But Pence is shrewd and knows how to work the system and if he doesn't know by now,  he will quickly learn to manipulate Trump to push his agenda. 

This is no Bush. 

OMG- Pence is Cheney- and VP Cheney was behind all the evil.

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We elected a man as vice-president who thinks it's peachy to electrocute gay children. 

What hath God wrought...

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