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Election Results 2016, Part 2


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11 minutes ago, apple1 said:

Thank you for this post.

And my other daughter was sexually harassed (actually, sexually assaulted) at work at a former job.

I'm so sick of being told I should be a gracious loser because my choice of candidate didn't win. And sick of being told that both candidates were equally flawed (I never said Hillary wasn't flawed, but there was no "equally" to it).

And while I am on a roll: As most posters here know, I am open on FJ about identifying myself as a Christian. I am also sick of the bad actions of people calling themselves Christians worshipping (in reality) Trump and bringing shame to those of us who try (and sometimes fail) to live out the teachings of Christ.

Sick of all of this.

Nothing equal about it.

They both had made questionable decisions in the past.

She has the experience, education and skills to do the job. He does not.

This is like picking the rich business man over the neurosurgeon to perform your brain surgery because it seems like a good idea at the time.

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4 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

OMG- Pence is Cheney- and VP Cheney was behind all the evil.

Actually, I think Cheney was/is smarter than Pence who always struck me as a dullard and as well as a cosmic asshole.

Problem is, though, that he likely understands gubbmint better than the Shitgibbon which will make it easier for him to do more damage.

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You wonder what his most ardent followers will do when he doesn't follow through on the majority of his promises.

He's not going to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it.  He's not going to put Hillary in jail (as if he could).  He's not going to round up all illegal aliens and deport them.

So, what happens when these things don't take place?


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@HerNameIsBuffy Thanks for the breakdown of Nixon's accomplishments.

Unpopular opinion, but I have a bit of a soft spot for Nixon. He was the paranoid, overly defensive kid in school. But he was also the kid in school who got straight As,  worked his ass off for the SCA every year, and could file off all the details of the history of the school building. (When Nixon was going through his post-Watergate pre-resignation breakdown he used to wander over to D.C. monuments and give impromptu history lectures. Which is weird, but people who witnessed them recounted that he could give an hour long speech on American history and politics with dates and details off the top of his head. Fairly impressive.)

He was a hard worker from middle class origins and opted to serve in the Navy during WWII despite having the opportunity to claim exemption as a Quaker. He earned several promotions and medals during his service.

A consequence of his self-doubt and compulsiveness was that he would obsessively research policy into the wee hours of the morning before making decisions. He would learn and memorize the names of every person at a foreign summit, including insignificant assistants. He had a chip on his shoulder about his upbringing and didn't want to make a faux pas.

And as you pointed out, he was fairly moderate and had a great education and extensive governing experience (Congressman, Senator, Vice-President for eight years). 

In short, I'd take Nixon every day and twice on Sunday over...that other man.

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6 minutes ago, kpmom said:

You wonder what his most ardent followers will do when he doesn't follow through on the majority of his promises.

He's not going to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it.  He's not going to put Hillary in jail (as if he could).  He's not going to round up all illegal aliens and deport them.

So, what happens when these things don't take place?


They'll all bitch and moan like they have, ad nauseam, for the last 8 years.

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38 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

This is what scares me and makes me think we might end up with the worst of both worlds. Trump doesn't have the attention span, but Pence does. I suspect we will end up with Pence making decisions like he is a president while we also deal with Trump throwing tantrums over tiny things. 

If Trump had a dingbat of a VP I would be less worried and hope they would spend four years making everything in Washington gold. But Pence is shrewd and knows how to work the system and if he doesn't know by now,  he will quickly learn to manipulate Trump to push his agenda. 

This is no Bush. 

Oh God. You're right. Fuck. It wasn't as bad when I thought about Trump just going in there and randomly shooting gang busters for four years with no plan. Just keep the codes away from him and get him out of there as soon as possible.

But there's nothing random about it. There is a plan. And that's so so much worse. 

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1 minute ago, nausicaa said:

Oh God. You're right. Fuck. It wasn't as bad when I thought about Trump just going in there and randomly shooting gang busters for four years with no plan. Just keep the codes away from him and get him out of there as soon as possible.

But there's nothing random about it. There is a plan. And that's so so much worse. 

And that's why the religious right went for Trump...they were voting for Pence.

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1 minute ago, SassyPants said:

And that's why the religious right went for Trump...they were voting for Pence.

True. Many of my evangelical Christian friends said that the selection of Pence made them feel much better about voting for Trump.

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My friends (even the most conservative ones) are stunned . I've been walking around in a daze all day, hoping this is some big colossal joke. Reading all your responses make me feel less sad and alone.

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Angela Merkel congratulated and warned Trump:


While Theresa May simply congratulated Trump on his victory, Merkel said she would only offer “close cooperation” dependent on his commitment to equal rights. 

Dare we hope that Germany will end up banning Trump AND PP?

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Totally off-topic, but @bertnee, how did you get your poop emojis to show up?  Every time I try to use one from my phone, I get "The value entered includes a character that is not allowed such as an Emoji."


Carry on...

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15 minutes ago, kpmom said:

You wonder what his most ardent followers will do when he doesn't follow through on the majority of his promises.

He's not going to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it.  He's not going to put Hillary in jail (as if he could).  He's not going to round up all illegal aliens and deport them.

So, what happens when these things don't take place?


Easy answer:  they will blame Obama ( because otherwise, they'd have to admit they got conned)

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1 hour ago, kpmom said:

You wonder what his most ardent followers will do when he doesn't follow through on the majority of his promises.

He's not going to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it.  He's not going to put Hillary in jail (as if he could).  He's not going to round up all illegal aliens and deport them.

So, what happens when these things don't take place?


Complaints. Hopefully enough that he won't get a second term.

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55 minutes ago, kpmom said:

You wonder what his most ardent followers will do when he doesn't follow through on the majority of his promises.

He's not going to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it.  He's not going to put Hillary in jail (as if he could).  He's not going to round up all illegal aliens and deport them.

So, what happens when these things don't take place?


He'll deny ever making these promises and blame it on the media being corrupt and twisting his words.

My deepest sympathies to my neighbours to the south. We Canadians are in shock today.

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22 minutes ago, Mecca said:

There are massive anti-Trump rallies in NYC and Chicago outside of Trump buildings 

What did Trump say about standing in the middle of 5th Avenue and shooting people??

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Today has been incredibly difficult. I don't know how to turn my feelings into coherent words and I don't have it in me to read through this entire thread. 

I hurt in ways I can't explain. I'm angry, I feel betrayed, and frankly I have no patience for any "not all trump voters!!!" rhetoric. There is a segment of this country that decided ideology is more important than the lives and freedom of people who look, think, or act a bit different than them. I cannot excuse or forget that.

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The teachers I know have said that their students who are immigrants are scared shitless of being deported, even if they are legal immigrants. Those whose parents were immigrants but they were born in the US are also scared of having their families broken up.

What I'm concerned for besides the immigration thing and women's rights, but what's going to happen to my LGBT friends and relatives now. It really makes me want to get sterilized because I think homosexuality is genetic on my dad's side of the family, and I don't want to risk having a gay child in this new administration as it would be unfair to a child who couldn't help being born gay.

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People in California are trying to get a Calexit thing going and hoping to have it as referendum on the ballot by 2018.

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7 minutes ago, ADoyle90815 said:

The teachers I know have said that their students who are immigrants are scared shitless of being deported, even if they are legal immigrants. Those whose parents were immigrants but they were born in the US are also scared of having their families broken up.

What I'm concerned for besides the immigration thing and women's rights, but what's going to happen to my LGBT friends and relatives now. It really makes me want to get sterilized because I think homosexuality is genetic on my dad's side of the family, and I don't want to risk having a gay child in this new administration as it would be unfair to a child who couldn't help being born gay.

I've started to think seriously about getting the snip myself. I really think a major outcome of all this is going to be the economy collapsing even further. I don't think I could bring a daughter into the world we live in, to say nothing of the chance he or she could be gay or disabled. 

I have relatively few Trump supporters on my Facebook feed. The aforementioned cousin got the block because I'm in no mood for that sort of thing, but the one that I do have seems to be gloating and name-calling in a really unsettling way (Libtard, for starters...). I am very uncomfortable with her reaction to all this, and I'm curious if y'all are seeing the same sort of thing on your feeds.

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3 hours ago, season of life said:

Will Hillary run again in 2020? Something tells me she won't. Maybe we can go blue in 2020 with a different Democrat.

That is the most likely plan, and the Democrats have a whole slew of candidates that they could go with that are actually progressive (Some are actually female)! Then again Kanye is thinking of running in 2020, perhaps George Clooney (seriously doubt that)! I do think America will have a female president one of these days.  

8 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

People in California are trying to get a Calexit thing going and hoping to have it as referendum on the ballot by 2018.

I doubt the US government will allow for that to happen, just like Texas wanting to exit the US. 

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Totally off-topic, but @bertnee, how did you get your poop emojis to show up?  Every time I try to use one from my phone, I get "The value entered includes a character that is not allowed such as an Emoji."
Carry on...

I'm using Tapatalk and in the full reply view (not quick reply) there are icons to add pics, attachments, emoji etc and if I select the emoji option through that instead of my phone keyboard, then they work! [emoji4]
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