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The anti-abortion crowd is already at it


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44 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:

Just gonna throw this out there, but I am SO GLAD pregnancy lasts an average of only 40 weeks. I don't even want to think about how miserable I'd be feeling if it were any longer. 

Also, who the fuck doesn't check basic facts before making something up?! I mean, come on lady. That's just lazy right there.

In my experience, anti-abortion people don't care about medically accurate facts about reproduction in general. Many of the ones I've interacted with online seem to thing that late term abortions are happening 24/7 all over the country, even though only about four doctors offer them nationwide and they basically have to live and work in bunkers. But anti-abortion people are convinced that late term abortions are like a secret menu option at McDonald's and any woman can get one for whatever reason if she knows the secret handshake or something like that. They're also convinced that PP is killing full-term already born infants to harvest their organs. When your opposition can't even get their facts right, how are you supposed to even respond?

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11 minutes ago, Cleopatra7 said:

In my experience, anti-abortion people don't care about medically accurate facts about reproduction in general. Many of the ones I've interacted with online seem to thing that late term abortions are happening 24/7 all over the country, even though only about four doctors offer them nationwide and they basically have to live and work in bunkers. But anti-abortion people are convinced that late term abortions are like a secret menu option at McDonald's and any woman can get one for whatever reason if she knows the secret handshake or something like that. They're also convinced that PP is killing full-term already born infants to harvest their organs. When your opposition can't even get their facts right, how are you supposed to even respond?

When he said that at debate, I called my mom and jokingly said "did you know you were trying to abort me 23 years ago?"

But you are definitely right, people will believe what they want to believe and make sure they have the "facts" that fit their narrative of their issue like abortion. It just kills me because I have a friend whose mom lost her best friend before Roe was decided and if by some way we go back to those days it will just hurt to think how so many people want women to lose their lives by getting sketchy abortions if all the providers are gone.

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1 hour ago, VelociRapture said:

Just gonna throw this out there, but I am SO GLAD pregnancy lasts an average of only 40 weeks. I don't even want to think about how miserable I'd be feeling if it were any longer. 

Also, who the fuck doesn't check basic facts before making something up?! I mean, come on lady. That's just lazy right there.

Think of the size of a baby after 49 weeks! Congratulations Mrs. Jones, here's your twenty pound daughter. :pb_eek:


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On Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 1:48 PM, Coconut Flan said:

That's not quite accurate, Catholics really being Christians and all.  The term protestant might be more fitting. 

Oops my apologies. I also wanted to post this. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/2072716

On Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 5:04 PM, Cartmann99 said:

Think of the size of a baby after 49 weeks! Congratulations Mrs. Jones, here's your twenty pound daughter. :pb_eek:


Lmfaooooo. Imagine pushing out a 20lb baby. 

On Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 4:21 PM, Cleopatra7 said:

In my experience, anti-abortion people don't care about medically accurate facts about reproduction in general. Many of the ones I've interacted with online seem to thing that late term abortions are happening 24/7 all over the country, even though only about four doctors offer them nationwide and they basically have to live and work in bunkers. But anti-abortion people are convinced that late term abortions are like a secret menu option at McDonald's and any woman can get one for whatever reason if she knows the secret handshake or something like that. They're also convinced that PP is killing full-term already born infants to harvest their organs. When your opposition can't even get their facts right, how are you supposed to even respond?

And late term abortion cost 25k. Not covered by insurance. Most cases the fetus wasn't going to survive or have life. 


I don't  educate them because they don't want to hear facts. There's a reason why laws are based on facts not feelings. They should  use a picture of an actual fetus and not photoshop dolls or infants. 


I forgot March for life is coming up. I make fun of them every year. 

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Once again this week I get to say Jerry Falwell has a lot for which to answer.

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Unfortunately Iowa will probably be piling on the restrictions now.  The Democrats lost their majority in the Iowa Senate so Governor Brainfart and his groupies in the legislature will probably try to make up for lost time.   I hope that PP and others fight them tooth and nail, both in the court of public opinion and in both state and Federal court.  Our Iowa Supreme Court legalized gay marriage so maybe they'll stand up to Teabag Terry and the other GOP idiots.

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We have some of these idiots over in the UK too. They've been pretty quiet for a while but I expect people like Nadine Dorries to pop up now that all this is going on over in the US. The whole thing is a combination of scary and infuriating.

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  • 2 months later...

These witches don't seem to understand that they can't be pro-life and then claim to be for women's rights. Foolish women. It's 100% okay to be against abortion personally, but that's the beauty of feminism: it's YOUR choice to make,and if you choose birth, adoption or abortion, I will support you as a sister in the fellowship of empowered womanhood. 

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I've looked into adoption at different points in my life (neither of my husbands were/are behind it, sadly). There are photo listings for children in foster care where you can see the picture and learn a little bit about them. When I was married to ex-hubs, I remember seeing a sweet little boy of 7 (white), didn't see any disabilities or emotional issues. I came across the same little boy (older of course) in 2015, and he was STILL available. Again, nothing apparently wrong, physically, mentally or emotionally. My heart breaks for all these sweet children in foster care who just want parents and to be loved. Fundies only want to adopt tiny little babies straight from birth, I've yet to see them push to help these children who are older and/or have disabilities.

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15 hours ago, VixenToast said:

These witches don't seem to understand that they can't be pro-life and then claim to be for women's rights. Foolish women. It's 100% okay to be against abortion personally, but that's the beauty of feminism: it's YOUR choice to make,and if you choose birth, adoption or abortion, I will support you as a sister in the fellowship of empowered womanhood. 

Exactly. I don't think I could have an abortion, but I've never been in that situation and won't be thanks to menopause.  I am, however, strongly in favor of every woman having the final say over HER body, based on her situation.

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15 hours ago, candygirl200413 said:


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The blatant lies are just so disgusting and people believing this is just horrible.

Wait what? Why ban birth control? O wait.... To punish women for sex. 

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I think George Carlin was ahead of his time when he said that those people believe that "any woman who has had more than one period is a serial killer." What I think is that they only view women as incubators, or chattel, not human beings.

Anyway, I'm glad I have my doctor's appointment later this week, as I'm definitely getting an IUD, since at my age, it should last until menopause. I'm also glad in a way that my cousin has cut off contact with the rest of us, as if we were to visit her, it would mean going to Indiana. One of the reasons she hates us is that we all support LGBT rights, including marriage.

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2 hours ago, ADoyle90815 said:

I think George Carlin was ahead of his time when he said that those people believe that "any woman who has had more than one period is a serial killer." What I think is that they only view women as incubators, or chattel, not human beings.

Anyway, I'm glad I have my doctor's appointment later this week, as I'm definitely getting an IUD, since at my age, it should last until menopause. I'm also glad in a way that my cousin has cut off contact with the rest of us, as if we were to visit her, it would mean going to Indiana. One of the reasons she hates us is that we all support LGBT rights, including marriage.

I live in Indiana.  You're smart to avoid the place.

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On Saturday, January 28, 2017 at 0:22 AM, unholypoledancer said:

I've looked into adoption at different points in my life (neither of my husbands were/are behind it, sadly). There are photo listings for children in foster care where you can see the picture and learn a little bit about them. When I was married to ex-hubs, I remember seeing a sweet little boy of 7 (white), didn't see any disabilities or emotional issues. I came across the same little boy (older of course) in 2015, and he was STILL available. Again, nothing apparently wrong, physically, mentally or emotionally. My heart breaks for all these sweet children in foster care who just want parents and to be loved. Fundies only want to adopt tiny little babies straight from birth, I've yet to see them push to help these children who are older and/or have disabilities.

I know this all too well. I've has kids wait years to be adopted but age out. One of my dsughters  came into care at 9. 9 is an old age. She was legally freed at 11. All her younger siblings were adopted. Imagine the pain of seeing people awe over your younger siblings but not you. She came to me at 16. She was on a photolisting and went to match parties for 4 years. She gave up and knew nobody wanted her. Thankfully she came here to us. Try telling a 16yo why we wanted her and not a baby. 



Babies can be molded. They're saved from abortion. Older kids don't have the same rewards. It's a lot more work and time. 

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That always makes me so angry- even putting aside rape/incest concerns, shit I hear like-

1. "Just put them up for adoption!"

Like that's simple for ANYONE. Like the circumstances are always perfect for every birth mother and every baby and nobody ends up with abusive adoptive parents or a lifetime of severe mental health problems.

2. "Well, if you're old enough to have sex, you're old enough to know there's consequences."

Really? Having an IUD makes it less likely (by a fair amount, actually) you'll get pregnant than get in a car accident in the same period of time. And yet nobody would tell you that you deserve the unintended consequences of driving- "Well, sorry, but you can't be treated for your broken collarbone, and you have to keep driving your totaled car for 2 more decades, you should have known you could get in an accident when you got in the car."

Hell, we mostly don't treat BAD drivers that way, and we certainly don't tell them that the consequence for risky driving is that your state-mandated career is now driving a semi. We act like that's reasonable logic for sex all the time- "Well, you fucked up your birth control, I guess you're an irresponsible sack of shit, so here's a helpless infant!"

ETA- I don't think a birth control failure makes you a crap sack, shit happens, and even perfectly taken bc can fail for loads of reasons nobody ever brings up.

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@lawfulevil I wish I could like your post a thousand times.
I follow a girl who placed for adoption several years ago on instagram. What she posted (and sometimes still post) is so so heartbreaking. She's lucky to have an open adoption and is on good terms with the adoptive family and her birthchild. I don't want to imagine what women go through who are less lucky than her.
I mean you birth your child, gotta get to know and love him/her just to sign away your parental rights at the end and leave the hospital alone. It's so cruel. And those idiots say that this is the way it should be?!

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I posted this in another thread, but I think it belongs here.

1) Abortion will never go away. It will be legal and safe, or illegal and possibly fatal. I am not pro abortion FOR MYSELF, but I feel that it is a social necessity. I do not, and have not, walked in the shoes of those who need them, and do not feel that I have the right to judge them, or say them yea or nay.

2)The Roman Catholic church tolerated abortion "until the baby quickened" - ie moved - until 1869.There was a concept called "ensoulment" which was when the foetus became a child - at quickening. The decision to make any abortion sinful was political, not moral or ethical. Other Christian churches followed this lead.

3)Please check out this article by Frank Schaeffer as to how abortion became a major issue for the Evangelicals. It was purely political, not moral, in its genesis. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/frankschaeffer/2014/07/the-actual-pro-life-conspiracy-that-handed-america-to-the-tea-party-far-religious-right-an-insiders-perspective/

The whole anti abortion movement is political and patriarchal, NOT moral, ethical or religious and surely not socially responsible.

I also find it interesting that the anti abortion movement fired up as women gained more and more equality - a chance to put us back in our (subordinate) place?

Grrr, fume, fume.

ETA The doctrine of Papal Infallibility was issued in the same year - 1869 - as the fiat on abortion. I'm not sure which came first. But Papal Infallibility  was also a political move, and part of the Ultramontane Policy.

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On Sunday, February 05, 2017 at 6:41 AM, Smash! said:

@lawfulevil I wish I could like your post a thousand times.
I follow a girl who placed for adoption several years ago on instagram. What she posted (and sometimes still post) is so so heartbreaking. She's lucky to have an open adoption and is on good terms with the adoptive family and her birthchild. I don't want to imagine what women go through who are less lucky than her.
I mean you birth your child, gotta get to know and love him/her just to sign away your parental rights at the end and leave the hospital alone. It's so cruel. And those idiots say that this is the way it should be?!

A lot of birth moms regret their choice. A lot feel grief and pain after. Of course adoptive parents desperate to adopt and antichoicers don't care

On Sunday, February 05, 2017 at 5:10 AM, lawfulevil said:

That always makes me so angry- even putting aside rape/incest concerns, shit I hear like-

1. "Just put them up for adoption!"

Like that's simple for ANYONE. Like the circumstances are always perfect for every birth mother and every baby and nobody ends up with abusive adoptive parents or a lifetime of severe mental health problems.

2. "Well, if you're old enough to have sex, you're old enough to know there's consequences."

Really? Having an IUD makes it less likely (by a fair amount, actually) you'll get pregnant than get in a car accident in the same period of time. And yet nobody would tell you that you deserve the unintended consequences of driving- "Well, sorry, but you can't be treated for your broken collarbone, and you have to keep driving your totaled car for 2 more decades, you should have known you could get in an accident when you got in the car."

Hell, we mostly don't treat BAD drivers that way, and we certainly don't tell them that the consequence for risky driving is that your state-mandated career is now driving a semi. We act like that's reasonable logic for sex all the time- "Well, you fucked up your birth control, I guess you're an irresponsible sack of shit, so here's a helpless infant!"

ETA- I don't think a birth control failure makes you a crap sack, shit happens, and even perfectly taken bc can fail for loads of reasons nobody ever brings up.

I wonder if antichoicers stop having sex. Why is sex so bad

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18 hours ago, Toothfairy said:

A lot of birth moms regret their choice. A lot feel grief and pain after. Of course adoptive parents desperate to adopt and antichoicers don't care

I wonder if antichoicers stop having sex. Why is sex so bad

I assume most birthmoms place their children to have them a better life than they can offer. It's not a decision against their child, it's one for them.

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