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Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath


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7 minutes ago, Peas n carrots said:

Oh guyyyzzz...look what I found in NYC today! The org that hooked Leah Remini and her family


I wanted to go in but I was worried no one would see me again!

I seen that building so many times in the city. I have never gone in. 

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50 minutes ago, Peas n carrots said:

Oh guyyyzzz...look what I found in NYC today! The org that hooked Leah Remini and her family


I wanted to go in but I was worried no one would see me again!


42 minutes ago, Jana814 said:

I seen that building so many times in the city. I have never gone in. 

I've read a few online accounts of people who visited orgs out of curiosity. The stories are that the Scienotologists working in the orgs are pretty friendly and of course, push Dianetics copies right away and free auditing sessions.

Scientology's We Stand Tall music video that features DM.


Last year, SNL did a parody of the video about cult called Neurotology based on Scientology.  The humor is a bit dark in it, but it serves as a great takedown of cults.


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Thank you @CrazyCatLady! I shall tell Kiddo not to go in there, its a Trap. It look like just the kind of place Kiddo (my youngest) would be interested in. He's going to LA to check out art/music schools over spring break.

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5 hours ago, DaniLouisiana said:

Thank you @CrazyCatLady! I shall tell Kiddo not to go in there, its a Trap. It look like just the kind of place Kiddo (my youngest) would be interested in. He's going to LA to check out art/music schools over spring break.

@CrazyCatLady, that's the place on Sunset just east of La Brea, right? I don't live in Hollywood anymore—and haven't gone over in a while—but the obvious places to not walk into are that one, the "church" further east on Sunset by the big Kaiser Permanente hospital, and the two storefronts along Hollywood Blvd. near the Hollywood & Highland complex.

Of course, it's not like they grab people off the street or anything; at worst, somebody in front of one of the Hollywood Blvd. places will ask if you want to take a personality test as you pass by. (Seen them ask, never actually been asked; not sure if I don't look rich enough or not like an unsuspecting tourist or if my RBF really is that fierce. :my_biggrin:) So aside from the fake museum, @DaniLouisiana, you shouldn't have much to worry about.

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I've been past the Celebrity Center in LA. They have a cafe in there and I guess it's sort of a local thing to have a Scientology Brunch. Yelp says it's pretty good and they don't really try to push $ci on the diners but there is a gift shop where they are a tad more aggressive.

One of the things I found hilarious was the NY Center is directly across the street from Hamilton. There was a matinee and it was PACKED in front of the theater while the only person I saw go into the $cientology Center was a FedEx delivery man.

I remember one of DGayles many tales was she had been involved in $ci lol.

This is hilarious

Fun fact: they guy playing the Tommy Davis $ci is Ramin Karimloo or Broadway fame. He was Jean Valjean in Les Miserable - the theater is also across the street from the NYC $ci center. I'm sure he has been declared an SP and it must have been annoying to $ci to have him performing at their front door.
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Damn, @lilwriter85, you had to post the "We Stand Tall" video.  Now that's going to be stuck in my head for days . . . which is exactly what they want!

I get a rise out of finding Scientology locations when I travel.  I passed by one in London.  In DC, I saw an ad for a FREE museum in what used to be L. Ron's Hubbard's house when he lived there one time.

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1 hour ago, GeoBQn said:

Damn, @lilwriter85, you had to post the "We Stand Tall" video.  Now that's going to be stuck in my head for days . . . which is exactly what they want!

I get a rise out of finding Scientology locations when I travel.  I passed by one in London.  In DC, I saw an ad for a FREE museum in what used to be L. Ron's Hubbard's house when he lived there one time.

Sorry about that. When I first watched that video several months I also got it stuck in my head for a day. The SNL parody is great to watch after because while it gives you laughs, it also takes good jabs at how screwed up Scientology is and how many people who were once devout end up leaving.

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1 hour ago, GeoBQn said:

I get a rise out of finding Scientology locations when I travel.  I passed by one in London.  In DC, I saw an ad for a FREE museum in what used to be L. Ron's Hubbard's house when he lived there one time.

There used to be a Co$ center in Battle Creek, MI. I thought that was funny, since it's a very small, economically depressed town. Kellogg Cereal is the only industry there. It does make historical sense, however when you think about the origins of cornflakes and all the quackery practiced at Wellville.

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@Naga Viper, thanks! Unfortunately Kiddo has no RBF. He has a very sweet open face, just broadcasts innocence. We have a "church" downtown; we have walked by and the personality tests people try to get him before. 

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19 minutes ago, Crocoduck said:

There used to be a Co$ center in Battle Creek, MI. I thought that was funny, since it's a very small, economically depressed town. Kellogg Cereal is the only industry there. It does make historical sense, however when you think about the origins of cornflakes and all the quackery practiced at Wellville.

Well, Battle Creek is the home of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. IMO, another crazy church just in a different way than Co$. I agree, Battle Creek is a depressed area, there is more manufacturing than just Kellogg but it is still not a rich community.

Apparently CO$ is still in operation (less than 1 block from a main stream church) - according to a google search there are only 2 CO$ in Michigan- the other in Farmington Hills - which is affluent suburb of Detroit.

Here is a street view of the CO$ in BC - https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3173788,-85.180647,3a,60y,231.48h,88.05t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s76YWEezVyF_NdBS9yyyO9Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1  looks to be a beautiful old store front.

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17 hours ago, Howl said:

This series will damage Co$.  It's too raw, has too much documentary footage for people to let it slide by.  The damage will be that people will have seen it and will warn away family, extended family and friends.  Even having read books about Co$, reading Tony Ortega now and again, it's still shocking.  The audio of Mike Rinder being verbally attacked by his ex wife, mini mob of  various Co$ David Miscavige henchmen and women, his daughter and his brother -- that was disturbing.  His ex wife was screaming and cursing him -- I mean shrieking.  They had no idea he was on the phone with BBC journo John Sweeney, who was recording audio of the whole thing.  

I agree. The shrieking and the harassment felt too much like the Westboro Church members. Even if CO$ can prove Mike  Rinder and other former members are lying, they still come across as crazy zealots. 


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I just finished watching the second episode, it wasn't as moving for me as the first episode. I feel for Mike Rinder's wife and children, but he left me feeling kind of...flat. I kept thinking, YOU did this same thing to how many people.  You are getting a taste of your own medicine,  it is too bad that your wife and children have to drink it with you.

Also, I personally, wanted him to give a true apology to everyone he harassed for CO$, not a vague, paraphrasing here,  I'm sorry for anyone I may have hurt. He just kind of threw it out there, it didn't seem truly introspective. I really wanted to hear, "one of the worst things about this harassment and being Fair Gamed is the knowledge that I did this to other people."  


Also, I find Leah's nail very distracting. Sorry, but they drive me nuts. I have issues. :my_blush:

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24 minutes ago, quiversR4hunting said:

Well, Battle Creek is the home of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. IMO, another crazy church just in a different way than Co$. I agree, Battle Creek is a depressed area, there is more manufacturing than just Kellogg but it is still not a rich community.

Apparently CO$ is still in operation (less than 1 block from a main stream church) - according to a google search there are only 2 CO$ in Michigan- the other in Farmington Hills - which is affluent suburb of Detroit.

Here is a street view of the CO$ in BC - https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3173788,-85.180647,3a,60y,231.48h,88.05t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s76YWEezVyF_NdBS9yyyO9Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1  looks to be a beautiful old store front.

Interesting. That is the same storefront I remember. I haven't been there in several years.

I always thought Berrien Springs was the home of the Seventh-day Adventist Church because of Andrews University. I actually attended some classes for high school students there. The Andrews students all had an eerily calm Stepford-wife kind of quality to them.

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3 hours ago, ChunkyBarbie said:

I just finished watching the second episode, it wasn't as moving for me as the first episode. I feel for Mike Rinder's wife and children, but he left me feeling kind of...flat. I kept thinking, YOU did this same thing to how many people.  You are getting a taste of your own medicine,  it is too bad that your wife and children have to drink it with you.

Also, I personally, wanted him to give a true apology to everyone he harassed for CO$, not a vague, paraphrasing here,  I'm sorry for anyone I may have hurt. He just kind of threw it out there, it didn't seem truly introspective. I really wanted to hear, "one of the worst things about this harassment and being Fair Gamed is the knowledge that I did this to other people."  

Mike Rinder posted this on his blog, MikeRindersBlog.org, on Dec. 6: 


One concern I have is that the show does not really give voice to my regret about things I have done during my time in the church that may have caused suffering to others. I think it captures the regrets I have about my children, always the answer to the question “What is your biggest regret.” But it is not the whole picture and I fear it will appear that this is ALL I care about. So, let me set the record straight in case that is the impression that is created: I apologize to anyone I hurt, and I am truly sad that I was that person. The only thing I feel I can do about it let that be know, but more importantly, try to make good going forward. I certainly wish I had been smarter and had not believed so strongly that what I was doing all those years in the Sea Org was “saving the planet.” And that I had not bought into the idea that every decision is based on “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics” (where the Third Dynamic counts 20 and each of the other 7 count 1), nor had I subscribed to L. Ron Hubbard’s “Code of Honor” – particularly “never fear harming another in a just cause.” I now see these as false and harmful “stable data” and sometimes wonder at my blindness.

Today, I try to live with what I see is the truth, not what someone else tells me is the truth. I attempt to do what I think is right. I am not living in the past or living a life of regret by any means. But I feel it is important to the people out there who may have been on the short end of the stick I was wielding to know where I am at. For whatever reason I did not feel, for me, that this truly comes through in the show.

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There is a discussion of Mike Rinder's post on the Ex Scientologist Message Board, under Leaving Scientology:  Mike Rinder Posted Something Important Today

Many of the commenters believe that Mike Rinder's apology and regrets over his treatment of others is sincere and that he has truly left Co$ behind in every way. 

However, the current last post by Caroline (Dec. 8, post #14) calls on Mike Rinder to be forthcoming about all that he did in Scientology, the details of what was really going on and the details of how he fair gamed and destroyed the reputations of other people via potentially criminal acts -- speaking specifically about what was done to Gerry Armstrong.  




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6 hours ago, GeoBQn said:

Damn, @lilwriter85, you had to post the "We Stand Tall" video.  Now that's going to be stuck in my head for days . . . which is exactly what they want!

I get a rise out of finding Scientology locations when I travel.  I passed by one in London.  In DC, I saw an ad for a FREE museum in what used to be L. Ron's Hubbard's house when he lived there one time.

Which is PRECISELY why I did not click on it. Tee hee!!!

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Just finished Leah's book. I used to think $cientology, was just weird, but holy crap!!!! it is utterly terrifying!!! 

It's a heartbreaking read, yet, so fascinating. I highly recommend it.

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18 hours ago, Howl said:

There is a discussion of Mike Rinder's post on the Ex Scientologist Message Board, under Leaving Scientology:  Mike Rinder Posted Something Important Today

Many of the commenters believe that Mike Rinder's apology and regrets over his treatment of others is sincere and that he has truly left Co$ behind in every way. 

However, the current last post by Caroline (Dec. 8, post #14) calls on Mike Rinder to be forthcoming about all that he did in Scientology, the details of what was really going on and the details of how he fair gamed and destroyed the reputations of other people via potentially criminal acts -- speaking specifically about what was done to Gerry Armstrong.  

Thanks, that is very interesting.  Most of them believe he is being sincere.  He seems to have come a very long way.  I also found this from last year - Rinder seems to have left Co$ behind and is no longer part of a squirrel church.  Recovery takes time.

Marty Rathbun, on the other hand, is still stuck in Co$ thinking (just an Independent church) and hasn't come nearly as far.  

And I really thought Tommy Davis had successfully blown, but apparently not so.  He went back to route out and is now apparently back in the fold.  Co$ has a grip of steel.

9 hours ago, usedtobenice said:

Just finished Leah's book. I used to think $cientology, was just weird, but holy crap!!!! it is utterly terrifying!!! 

It's a heartbreaking read, yet, so fascinating. I highly recommend it.

I highly recommend it too.  She does a very good job of describing how it impacted her thinking and her long road to recovery at the end of the book.

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On 12/7/2016 at 10:42 PM, CrazyCatLady said:

IMG_20160501_163441.jpg visited this crazy place earlier this year. It was wild!

My niece who's been on pyschotropic drugs due to her manic/panic disorders, and a couple of other things, took the train up to Hollywood with a friend just to be tourists. They were invited in and then told of all the horrible things pyschiatrists do and how they ruin lives. My niece heard this s*&t and turned to the robot telling her these things and said,  "If I didn't take my meds, I'd be dead. They have saved my life not ruined it." The $cilon escorted them out. 

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On 12/8/2016 at 11:45 AM, ChunkyBarbie said:

I just finished watching the second episode, it wasn't as moving for me as the first episode. I feel for Mike Rinder's wife and children, but he left me feeling kind of...flat. I kept thinking, YOU did this same thing to how many people.  You are getting a taste of your own medicine,  it is too bad that your wife and children have to drink it with you.

Also, I personally, wanted him to give a true apology to everyone he harassed for CO$, not a vague, paraphrasing here,  I'm sorry for anyone I may have hurt. He just kind of threw it out there, it didn't seem truly introspective. I really wanted to hear, "one of the worst things about this harassment and being Fair Gamed is the knowledge that I did this to other people."  


Also, I find Leah's nail very distracting. Sorry, but they drive me nuts. I have issues. :my_blush:

That's how I felt after watching the episode. I find it hard at times to sympathize with people like Mike and Marty Rathbun.  Rathbun endured harassment in Texas and his wife was the victim of nasty mail pranks by COS.

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1 hour ago, anniebgood said:

My niece who's been on pyschotropic drugs due to her manic/panic disorders, and a couple of other things, took the train up to Hollywood with a friend just to be tourists. They were invited in and then told of all the horrible things pyschiatrists do and how they ruin lives. My niece heard this s*&t and turned to the robot telling her these things and said,  "If I didn't take my meds, I'd be dead. They have saved my life not ruined it." The $cilon escorted them out. 

Good for niece for saying something like that. 

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