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Trump 9: RESIST!


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I think Trump definitely has all this hate, but his supporting cast are huge enablers just trying to get their white supremacist agenda out as well.

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1 hour ago, CTRLZero said:

So, now I am reading articles about the National Security Council.  Apparently the Joint Chiefs of Staff are out (may sit in on some issues), as well as the Director of National Intelligence, and *surprise* our friend Steve Bannon has been added.   I need to read up on this issue, but having a mean-spirited bigot on the NSC can't be good.

The spokescritters for the Trump administration are trying to downplay this, but I'm seeing that people who have experience with national security and and the intelligence community are alarmed, so I think it's in our best interests to pay attention.

I found an article from Teen Vogue ( once again, these folks are doing their country proud!), that breaks the issue down so that those of us who don't speak the language of US government can understand the significance of this move.


Why is Bannon's position on the National Security Council so controversial? First and foremost, Trump ousted the Joint Chiefs of Staff from the military as well as the Director of National Intelligence as he added Bannon, meaning there will be even fewer people handling the nation's largest national security issues with actual experience in the field.

But more importantly, Steve Bannon, someone who has been praised by white nationalists, is believed to have anti-Semitic views and has been accused of domestic abuse, has obtained one of the most powerful positions in U.S. government. In recent days, he's sat in on Trump's call with Russian president Vladimir Putin and attended classified meetings about how to best handle terrorist group ISIS.

Moreover, Politico uncovered that Bannon, not policy or constitutional law experts, was one of the two architects of Trump's hastily and poorly written executive order calling for people from specific majority-Muslim countries to be denied entry into the U.S. CNN also reported that Bannon was directly involved in overruling any moves from government agencies that tried to defy the order or let in people who had proper legal documentation.


The TL;dr is that Bannon is dangerous nutbag, and he's now in a position where he can do even more harm to us.

In other nutbag news, Rudy Giuliani is saying that he was involved in creating the ban on Muslims, and refers to it as such, which is totally messing up the "it's not a ban on Muslims!" message that some are trying to float.


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In one week, he's caused two nationwide protests.

I can't believe he's even worse than I thought he'd be.

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Now, I know we're all focussing on all of the horrible, racist, mysoginistic and xenofobic things der Trumpenführer has done, is doing and is going to do. But let's be brutally honest here. He's done something absolutely wonderful. Something astonishingly phenomenal. Something so unprecedented that no one else has managed to do this ever before in the history of the world!

Huh, what's that, you say?

Well, he's (almost singlehandedly) managed to unite and energize millions of women all around the world to stand up for themselves.  Not only are women in the US up in arms, protesting, marching and resisting, they are doing this all over the world...

Even in my little country, more than ten thousand protesters have signed up for the Women's March to be held in March of this year. 

It's sad that it took someone like Trumplethinskin to energize us, but I'm thankful for it nonetheless. 

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Over here we have the option of filing petitions to the government, and if they reach 100,000 signatures they consider debating it in parliament.

Right now there's one going with the aim of rescinding the state visit offer made to Trump by the Queen due to this whole fiasco. Currently it has 782,000 signatures and the numbers going up by hundreds every minute. I literally don't think I've seen a more popular petition and i'm so pleased to see so many people agreeing!


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5 hours ago, louisa05 said:

Okay, that one tweet is kind of enraging me. Is lifting the sanctions on Russia a major story? Absolutely. But this ban is not a distraction, a word that makes it sound like something we should not protest and not be upset about. Did this woman fail to read any of the stories from yesterday? Did she miss that elderly disabled Green Card holders returning from a visit to Iran were detained like criminals yesterday? Or that a 5 year old boy was held separately from his parents? This is not a shallow little distraction like  President Douchebag whining about the New York Times on Twitter this morning. This is an inhumane and poorly implemented policy that is tearing apart people's lives and jeopardizing their safety, while feeding all the rage against the U.S that terrorist groups use to recruit people to their cause. 

I agree that describing as a distraction is ridiculous. Every day, Trump does about 10 things that are horrifying, and in every news story about these things someone always ALWAYS responds "we can't let ourselves get distracted by this." And I just don't agree with that because 1) all of the despicable things that media is reporting on about Trump are worthy of our concern and 2) we're all capable of being informed/outraged about more than 1 thing at a time. 

So to clarify, I wasn't posting that tweet because I agree with that woman's assessment of this being a "distraction" - I was just passing on the part about lifting the Russian sanctions. I still have been unable to find any further information about this. Has anyone read about that story on any website that is credible? I'm still unclear as to whether it's a credible story or not. 

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2 hours ago, Dark Matters said:

He hasn't even finished this term in office and and he's already preparing for his next term.


oh i'm sure he'll have declared himself the Sun God by the time of the next election.

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2 hours ago, Dark Matters said:

He hasn't even finished this term in office and and he's already preparing for his next term.


I just don't think he will finish out this four years, much less take on another term.  He may have filed for re-election, but that's just posturing.

Let's think about this.  I don't think he likes the job - he likes WINNING, but when it comes down to the daily grind of governing, he's clueless, his minions are also clueless, and it's MUCH HARDER than he expected!  He is not going to be the unquestioned emperor that he thought he was, it's way too much work, requires READING, which he doesn't like, his massive ego can't take the criticism and he can't take the pressure.  He's going to have to deal with that pesky Congress, the federal courts, the press, and he cannot just order them to SHUT UP, regardless of what he thinks.  The worst, in his eyes, of course, will be the hideously unflattering photos which will be constant! His ego cannot handle anything like that photo of him boarding the helicopter on a regular basis!

I just don't think he can handle this kind of pressure. He has never had to and he doesn't have the character or the stamina to do so. And let's not forget, he's looking at his 71st birthday in a few months!


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Jan. 29, 2017, 10:44 a.m.

President Trump hits majority disapproval in record time, Gallup finds

David Lauter

President Trump's actions during his first week in office have appeared to be aimed at the voters who already supported him, not at reaching out to the rest, and that's taken a rapid toll on his support, which was already historically low.

Gallup, which has measured job approval for presidents for decades, shows Trump's approval so far at 45%, with 48% disapproving. That's an average of several days' polling.

The daily trend lines are not kind to the new administration. As of Saturday, 51% of Americans disapproved of Trump's performance.

That's a record for the speed of getting to majority disapproval.



I'm sure Trump loves that, he loves winning so much.

"I have the greatest disapproval rates, Obama couldn't get this much disapproval until much later in his term... Mexico will pay for this disapproval..."

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Today is my Grandparents 70th wedding anniversary.  They're both gone now.  I miss both of them a lot.  I wish they could've been here today so we could've thrown them a nice party.  But I am thankful that neither of them lived long enough to see Donald J. Putinfluffer become President, and that they didn't live long enough to see that fornicate face mess up everything so badly after only a week in office.  I'm glad my WWII vet Grandpa isn't having to see the Nazification of his own country by said Putinfluffer and his band of fascist fornicate sticks.  (He wasn't too thrilled about Bush the Dumber's military adventures in Iraq because he knew what a hell war is).

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On 1/28/2017 at 7:02 PM, cindyluvs24 said:

Look up Trump's relationship with Roy Cohn and the mob back in the 80's.  Why the hell this wasn't shoved in his face during the campaign i don't know.

Because Hillary was an uppity ebil woman who had a private email server. You know, because that was SO much worse than the thousand-plus things Trumpenfurher has done.


21 hours ago, Destiny said:

I think he thought this was gonna be easy. He doesn't get America at all apparently, because we are in open rebellion against his horrific policies at this point. RESIST!

I think he really believe he'd be Emperor in chief.

2 hours ago, Penny said:

Doesn't he have better things to do than plan his next term for president? I get a headache just trying to keep up with everything. 


He has all those important Tweets to send out. One of the great things Bill Maher said on his show Friday night was that every time Agent Orange signs anything, he holds it up for the camera, like a kindergartner showing mommy his artwork to put on the fridge.

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1 hour ago, AmazonGrace said:


Jan. 29, 2017, 10:44 a.m.

President Trump hits majority disapproval in record time, Gallup finds

David Lauter

President Trump's actions during his first week in office have appeared to be aimed at the voters who already supported him, not at reaching out to the rest, and that's taken a rapid toll on his support, which was already historically low.

Gallup, which has measured job approval for presidents for decades, shows Trump's approval so far at 45%, with 48% disapproving. That's an average of several days' polling.

The daily trend lines are not kind to the new administration. As of Saturday, 51% of Americans disapproved of Trump's performance.

That's a record for the speed of getting to majority disapproval.



I'm sure Trump loves that, he loves winning so much.

"I have the greatest disapproval rates, Obama couldn't get this much disapproval until much later in his term... Mexico will pay for this disapproval..."

He will say the polls are wrong... or they only asked women, illegal immigrants or Muslims.  That he is loved bigly. Ugh.  My husband said today he finds it encouraging so many people went out  yesterday and protested at airports. When will the spineless sycophants in the Senate and Congress fight back and stop rolling over and playing dead?

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17 hours ago, JMarie said:

Being president of a country isn't like being president of a company.  It's not like instituting a dress code for employees, and everyone has to follow it or be fired (You're Fired!).  He's slowly learning the difference.  And I hope congresspersons and senators question why Saudi Arabia and Egypt weren't included in the ban (though we already know why).  I also hope they use the word emolument as much as possible.

I agree he has no idea of the process of law or the balance of power.  Looks like he is going to rule by executive orders only.  Congress and the Senate are just "yes" men to him.  They are are disgusting . His cabinet  is full of really Incubus non human evil demons. I don't hold back much do I?  I am old enough to remember Watergate.  I'll tell you Nixon is looking pretty good right now.  At least then his own party knew he needed o go.  I want the evil orange shit stain OUT.   Not that I think Pence is a prince.  He is a total creep, but his one saving grace is he knows the rule of law, even if he doesn't care to follow it. 

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48 minutes ago, onekidanddone said:

I agree he has no idea of the process of law or the balance of power.  Looks like he is going to rule by executive orders only.  Congress and the Senate are just "yes" men to him.  They are are disgusting . His cabinet  is full of really Incubus non human evil demons. I don't hold back much do I?  I am old enough to remember Watergate.  I'll tell you Nixon is looking pretty good right now.  At least then his own party knew he needed o go.  I want the evil orange shit stain OUT.   Not that I think Pence is a prince.  He is a total creep, but his one saving grace is he knows the rule of law, even if he doesn't care to follow it. 

The only good thing about Pence is the fact that I don't think he would get us all nuked. That's about it.

Although, the thought of him as President isn't entirely unappealing to me - because then the religious Right can't hide behind Trump while getting exactly what they want. If Pence were in charge they'd have to take all the credit and all the blame for what he does and it would be tough for even the most tuned out people to explain it away. 

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4 hours ago, fraurosena said:

Now, I know we're all focussing on all of the horrible, racist, mysoginistic and xenofobic things der Trumpenführer has done, is doing and is going to do. But let's be brutally honest here. He's done something absolutely wonderful. Something astonishingly phenomenal. Something so unprecedented that no one else has managed to do this ever before in the history of the world!

Huh, what's that, you say?

Well, he's (almost singlehandedly) managed to unite and energize millions of women all around the world to stand up for themselves.  Not only are women in the US up in arms, protesting, marching and resisting, they are doing this all over the world...

Even in my little country, more than ten thousand protesters have signed up for the Women's March to be held in March of this year. 

It's sad that it took someone like Trumplethinskin to energize us, but I'm thankful for it nonetheless. 

You know how John Oliver always has a goofy website on his shows? Well, I finally got around to watching his post-election show and instead of a goofy website, he listed all sorts of places that will need donations in a Drumpf presidency  (Planned Parenthood, NAACPLDF, etc.).  The most virulent Drumpf supporter on my Facebook is going to have a donation made in his name to a different organization every month of this shitheel's presidency. I do hope they send a thank you card.

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3 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

I don't know about all of you, but I'm having a craving for Starbucks:


Yet another excuse for me to treat myself at Starbucks.

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I am not American, and I don't live in the USA. But I have been in a terrible depression because I believe that Trump will not only damage his home country, but the entire world. And we outside of the USA cannot even vote against him! I felt as if we were helpless.

However, today, in my little town, in just a few hours, a "No Ban, No Wall" rally was organized. Several hundred people showed up. Muslim citizens spoke. Recent immigrants spoke. Refugee sponsors spoke. Little children spoke. People reiterated their determination not to give in to racist, environment-destroying, fascist agendas. It was very moving, and it reminded me that ALL OF US who oppose Trump are ALLIES.

FJ'ers, please know that you have allies around the world who join you in being appalled by Trump, and are deeply committed to resisting him in whatever way we can.

Thank you for the information in this thread.

We will overcome. I hope.


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