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Trump 9: RESIST!


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13 hours ago, TeddyBonkers said:

You know how John Oliver always has a goofy website on his shows? Well, I finally got around to watching his post-election show and instead of a goofy website, he listed all sorts of places that will need donations in a Drumpf presidency  (Planned Parenthood, NAACPLDF, etc.).  The most virulent Drumpf supporter on my Facebook is going to have a donation made in his name to a different organization every month of this shitheel's presidency. I do hope they send a thank you card.

The passive aggressive is strong with you. I couldn't be more proud! :pb_lol:

11 hours ago, loveformusic said:

In case anyone hasn't seen this morning's interview of Chris Wallace with KellyAnne...

Her voice alone really gives me a headache, but after watching the entire interview, I think that's been upgraded to a migraine. "I haven't slept in for months" - aww...wait, nope - don't feel sorry for her one bit!

I'd also grab myself a cup of Starbucks, just for their support alone, throughout everything as well...too bad I don't like coffee. I'm not human, I know. :giggle:


They have good teas and really good hot chocolate too. If you're interested take a look through their drink offerings here:


You can customize your drink slightly on the individual drink pages to see the amount of calories, sugar, etc. in a serving too. Makes it easier to try and stay on track for anyone watching their weight or intake of certain nutrients.

5 hours ago, Smash! said:

Already over 1 Million signatures!!! :)

As to the companies claiming they would hire refugees/donate money: I'm actually a bit sceptic. I mean, is there proof that they really do what they say? Otherwise it's really good advertisement for them because they know people would support them, as seen in this thread with Starbucks.
Just some thoughts.

I'm not sure. I know Starbucks has made similar pledges in the past - like hiring Veterans. Maybe someone else has experience in this area and could explain because I'm curious too.  I would think the negative backlash for not following through would keep companies focused on following through though.

One good thing about Starbucks pledging to do this (if they follow through) is the fact that they offer tuition assistance for eligible US employees to pursue Bachelor degrees through Arizona State University. So any refugees hired in the US that want to pursue a higher education can do so once they become eligible.


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8 minutes ago, 3arrowsandnotcounting said:

Dear FJ friends,
I'm writing to you from a small town in Australia. I have been following the last few threads with a growing feeling of alarm and a sense or surrealism. How can this be reality with Donald Trump as president of the US? Surely this is some kind of nightmare. If this is how I'm feeling, I can only imagine how you all living in America are feeling about this petulant child living in the Whitehouse. Know that you are not alone, people all over the world are with you in standing against the trumplethinskin regime. The only way for evil to prevail is for the righteous to stay silent. You are the righteous, you are the resistance. I'm sorry I don't have anything informative to add, but I just want you all to know that the world is watching and many are applauding your efforts and resistance.

Thank you.  It feels good to know that the world stands with those of us who oppose Donald J. Putinfluffer and that orange tapeworm's groupies.

 I actually did take a quick look at the immigration sites for Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and Australia.  I don't know if I would have the skills that would make me eligible to move, even after I graduate law school and become a degreed legal professional.  But I am damn well keeping all my options open at this point.

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The Trump administration has decided that they don't have to abide by the court order: 



When federal judges rule, government officials — up to and including the president — are supposed to obey or risk being held in contempt of court. A government that ignored the courts would be able to violate the law and the Constitution at will. So for more than two centuries, the nation’s courts have had the last word on what’s legal and constitutional — and what is not. “We are and will remain in compliance with judicial orders,” the Department of Homeland Security said in a statement Sunday evening.

But there was little indication that the Trump administration has fully complied with the court orders — or that Trump’s inner circle even believed the administration had to do so.

“Saturday’s ruling does not undercut the president’s executive order,” a senior White House official told NBC News midday Sunday in reference to the Brooklyn judge’s decision. “All stopped visas will remain stopped. All halted admissions will remain halted. All restricted travel will remain prohibited.”

CBP officials refused throughout the weekend to obey the Virginia judge’s order to allow lawyers access to detainees at Dulles. “It’s not going to happen,” they told attorneys who hoped to represent the detained people. When Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) showed up at the airport shortly before midnight Saturday, CBP officials refused to meet with him, according to reporting by The Daily Beast’s Betsy Woodruff.  

“I am now of the belief that though this was issued by the judicial branch, that it was violated tonight,” Booker said, brandishing the order. “And so one of the things I will be doing is fighting to make sure that the executive branch abides by the law as it was issued in this state and around the nation. This will be an ongoing battle ... I believe it’s a constitutional crisis, where the executive branch is not abiding by the law.”


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18 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

The Trump administration has decided that they don't have to abide by the court order: 



I wonder if the US Marshals will have to intervene here to enforce the court orders? 

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"Warmer climates are more pleasant and healthier," says Myron Ebell, former head of Trump's EPA Transition team, as they plan to cut the agency by two thirds!!! What an idiot!!! 

The world's climate is not controlled by a thermostat you can adjust at will!! Global warming has serious environmental consequences for the planet. Apparently, this dipstick doesn't realize that. I guess he thinks we can just reach a nice mild temperature of 72 year round and stick with that! Once we reach our desired temperature global warming will stop? Or it's so far in the future that you don't care? God, these people are DANGEROUS!


Just found this on Twitter


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1 hour ago, 47of74 said:

Thank you.  It feels good to know that the world stands with those of us who oppose Donald J. Putinfluffer and that orange tapeworm's groupies.


You are not alone!

Here's a bit of news which will hopefully transfer the warm and fuzzies I felt, after reading it: The German city state of Hamburg invited Canada's prime minister to its most prestigious traditional annual affair, after he spoke out against Trump's immigration ban. The state's senate didn't make bones about it that the invitation was meant as an "eff you" to Trump, and an honour to Mr Trudeau and Canada. Apparently, Mr Trudeau has accepted the invitation.

The link is in German only, alas.

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2 minutes ago, samurai_sarah said:

You are not alone!

Here's a bit of news which will hopefully transfer the warm and fuzzies I felt, after reading it: The German city state of Hamburg invited Canada's prime minister to its most prestigious traditional annual affair, after he spoke out against Trump's immigration ban. The state's senate didn't make bones about it that the invitation was meant as an "eff you" to Trump, and an honour to Mr Trudeau and Canada. Apparently, Mr Trudeau has accepted the invitation.

The link is in German only, alas.

Thank you!  I'll have to take some time to read that link.  I did take some German in high school and college so I might be able to get the gist of it even without Google translate.  There's another option too, Deutschland! 

I see now we're getting to the reich wingers eating their own stage;



The weekend gathering of wealthy donors who help finance the conservative Koch network was supposed to serve as a celebration of the policy victories within reach now that Republicans control Washington: a repeal of the Affordable Care Act, a rollback of environmental regulations, perhaps even a corporate tax overhaul.

But with President Trump already embroiled in chaos and controversy, the conservative financiers assembled at a desert resort here were also forced to contend with a new uncertainty: whether the new president will be an ally or an obstacle.

In their first formal break with the administration, top network officials on Sunday condemned Trump’s travel ban on some refugees and immigrants, calling it “the wrong approach.” Some here expressed alarm that Trump has staked out positions anathema to the network’s libertarian principles, targeting individual companies that produce goods abroad and indicating possible support for a border tax on imports. And the network’s chief patron, billionaire industrialist Charles Koch, who pointedly declined to back Trump in the presidential campaign, warned in stark terms of the potential perils of the anti-establishment mood that gave rise to Trump.

“We have a tremendous danger because we can go the authoritarian route . . . or we can move toward a free and open society,” he told a packed ballroom Sunday afternoon.


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5 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

Thank you!  I'll have to take some time to read that link.  I did take some German in high school and college so I might be able to get the gist of it even without Google translate.  There's another option too, Deutschland! 


It doesn't really tell you much more than my summary, unless you're interested in the tradition behind it all. :)

But I forgot one interesting factoid: The German foreign minister is also attending!

(P.S.: Kudos to you for taking German classes! I'm told that it's not an easy language to pick up.)

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1 hour ago, 47of74 said:

I wonder if the US Marshals will have to intervene here to enforce the court orders? 

I fear that this might be  a repeat of history. Andrew Jackson ignored the Supreme Court and Cherokees were forcibly removed from their land.

"Judge Donnelly has made her decision...Now let her enforce it. :pb_sad:

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Hold on, are we starting to grow a backbone??



With Trump prepared to announce his nominee on Tuesday evening, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) said in an interview on Monday morning that he will filibuster any pick that is not Merrick Garland and that the vast majority of his caucus will oppose Trump’s nomination. That means Trump's nominee will need 60 votes to be confirmed by the Senate.


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19 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:



Uh I'm not a terrorist but I' ve certainly posted enough anti Trump memes so they'll never let me enter the USA again.

Hell, I was born here, but if I leave, I'm afraid they won't let me back in! I expect the brownshirts at my front door any day now! I surely hope we are carefully looking at FJ applicants!

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"President Trump, we know what you're up to"


Dear President Trump, We know what you're doing, we know why you're doing it, and we will not tolerate it or normalize it.

You have mistakenly allowed yourself to think, and convinced your White House team of true believers, that Americans will adjust themselves to accept and conform to your bizarre behavior, your obsession with your greatness, your need to always be "right" no matter what you say, your ability to lie about or deny what you've said or not said even in the face of audio and/or video proof, your continued floating of conspiracy theories without presenting evidence, your abusive and aggressive tweeting AT people which sets your Twitter-troller followers into a frenzy to attack your critics.

We see all of these purposely hurtful, distracting and egomaniacal tactics for what they are -- publicly available literature would indicate that you may apparently be displaying signs of malignant narcissism and narcissistic leadership .

You will NOT be successful in trying to convince Americans, or any other world leaders for that matter, that somehow there is something "wrong" with the rest of us because we don't see the world through your warped prism of "win/lose," biggest, best-ever, largest, greatest, incredible, fantastic, first, only ever and "no one can do it like me."

You expose your insecurities and embarrass yourself when you speak in this manner, and your behavior forces many people to examine you in an unflattering light. Your words and actions appear to be classic "projection" on your part, revealing the following personality traits:

Small, like when you argue about the size of your hands.

Petty, like your public humiliation of Mitt Romney.

Insecure, like how you take people around with you to clap and cheer for you.

Obsessed, like disrespectfully talking about inaugural crowd size at the CIA Memorial Wall.

Deceptive, like directing Sean Spicer to report false information or allowing Kellyanne Conway to use the term "alternative facts" to explain falsehoods, as if we're living in the society of 1984's Oceania.

Devoid of empathy, like your inability to seemingly understand the pain and anger you have inflicted by your words and actions on women, Muslims, Mexicans, African-Americans, disabled individuals, the LGBTQ community and many others.

he lesson many people have drawn from your behavior is that you are employing the technique of gaslighting, defined as manipulating someone "by psychological means into doubting their own sanity."

These traits and character issues are of great concern to many Americans, and now you've apparently decided to start attacking mayors as well.

You met with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on December 7, 2106, at Trump Tower while you were President-elect, but now as President, you negatively and nastily tweet at him about serious public issues.

Did you somehow lose his phone number, and now can only communicate by tweeting AT him, rather than talking TO him? You may find this surprising, but that Twitter machine that is apparently surgically attached to your hand also has a number of other fascinating features -- it really is a PHONE that you can TALK to people with and communicate that way as well.

If you actually talked to Mayor Emanuel, you would know that there really IS a legitimate and proper role for the "feds" to play in helping Chicago deal with crime and public safety issues. For that to happen, rather than tweeting a threat that you are apparently considering invading the great City of Chicago, you could send your team to ask the mayor directly what his needs are and how could your administration best provide assistance and support.

After coordinating a plan between your administration and the Emanuel administration, you could then travel to Chicago and talk about the great work that you're doing to help the city. See, isn't that a great way to show leadership?

This is how real government leaders work -- we meet, we talk, we plan and then, we take action, together. The cities of America are what make America great, and having a partnership between the great cities of America and the federal government will be a key to the success of your administration. We should all be partners, not adversaries, in our mutual commitment to serve our constituents.

As a new person to public service, you would benefit greatly from listening to, watching and learning from these city leaders who are on the front lines of public safety, education, immigration, job creation, civil and human rights protection and government leadership.

Mayors will not be bullied or intimidated by you or your team on Twitter or by other means. Mayors are chief executive officers of their cities, and cities represent the engines of innovation, opportunity, economic development and progress.

Mr. President, try this strategy for a week -- less tweeting at or about people, more talking directly to and with real people about real issues that actually matter to most Americans.

Please resist the almost uncontrollable urge you have to publicly rant about whatever obsessions are rattling around in your own mind about yourself, your self-image or your self-importance. Your diehard followers still adore you, the election is over, you won and now it is your turn, whether some like it or not, to sit in the White House as the 45th President of the United States of America. It's now time for you to govern on behalf of the entire 325 million of us in America, and reassure the rest of the world that the gaslight period has ended.

The campaign is over. It's time to govern for ALL America.


Sadly, I'm sure every concept in this article would go way, way over Cheeto's bouffant.

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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

"President Trump, we know what you're up to"


Sadly, I'm sure every concept in this article would go way, way over Cheeto's bouffant.

Donald J. Putinfluffer is too busy being a fluffer for a number of individuals - Putin, Bannon, et al - to have the free time to learn such concepts.

(And whatever you do, don't close your eyes and picture that)!

2 hours ago, samurai_sarah said:

It doesn't really tell you much more than my summary, unless you're interested in the tradition behind it all. :)

But I forgot one interesting factoid: The German foreign minister is also attending!

(P.S.: Kudos to you for taking German classes! I'm told that it's not an easy language to pick up.)

It was one of the three foreign languages available in high school, the other two being French or Spanish.  I decided to take German since that's where my family was from in Europe.  I also took a semester of it in college as a way of satisfying a liberal arts requirement.

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Senate Dems are reported to be voting in a block on NO to DeVos.

Current GOP targets are:

Burr- NC

Collins - ME

Murkowski - AK

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JHC, can someone please take away President Asshat's pen? Also, I might start a gofundme account for Sean Spicer so he can get himself some anger management courses. I have never in my life seen a more despicable person, well outside of Sean's Dark Lord, Trump. There is no need for Sean to act so unprofessional during press briefings. It is embarrassing on the world stage. 

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Now he is targeting H1-B visasand potentially screwing the tech industry. If he does, I am sure it will be a poorly written by Bannon and cause mass chaos.


Mr. A has a theory that he is manipulating the stock market to make himself some money.

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It's highly unusual for a former president to step into the footlight so soon after the inauguration of his successor, but Obama has made it known that he 'fundamentally disagrees' with Trump's immigration order: 



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16 hours ago, loveformusic said:

In case anyone hasn't seen this morning's interview of Chris Wallace with KellyAnne...

Her voice alone really gives me a headache, but after watching the entire interview, I think that's been upgraded to a migraine. "I haven't slept in for months" - aww...wait, nope - don't feel sorry for her one bit!

I'd also grab myself a cup of Starbucks, just for their support alone, throughout everything as well...too bad I don't like coffee. I'm not human, I know. :giggle:


In the first two minutes of this interview this bitch says something about people being disposed of, and then corrects herself. HUMAN BEINGS! 

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27 minutes ago, Ali said:

Now he is targeting H1-B visasand potentially screwing the tech industry. If he does, I am sure it will be a poorly written by Bannon and cause mass chaos.


Mr. A has a theory that he is manipulating the stock market to make himself some money.

Of course he is. Remember, the presidency is just a money-making tool for the Drumpf empire.


4 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

In the first two minutes of this interview this bitch says something about people being disposed of, and then corrects herself. HUMAN BEINGS! 

Since I couldn't watch it -- K-Con makes me nauseous--I found the WaPo did an annotated transcript. Some of the comments are terrific: "Kellyanne Conway gave a master class in not answering questions in her Fox News interview". I can't quote the annotations, sorry, but they are worth reading. You'll note that the following is repeated frequently:


This is why Wallace is really good. He isn’t afraid to essentially say: “You didn’t answer my question. Can you please do that?”


A friend sent this to me and I thought some of the folks here would enjoy it: "10 Questions Every Liberal Should Ask Every Republican"

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13 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

In the first two minutes of this interview this bitch says something about people being disposed of, and then corrects herself. HUMAN BEINGS! 

And that's how it's done: dehumanize the 'others'... then it isn't so bad what you're doing, don't you know?

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