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Trump 9: RESIST!


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I'm on that call with some of the heavy hitters from immigration groups and ACLU I saw on twitter. 25,000 people signed up for the call. I know it's dark now, but the amount of resistance gives me hope that we will get through this.

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10 hours ago, VelociRapture said:

They have good teas and really good hot chocolate too. If you're interested take a look through their drink offerings here:


You can customize your drink slightly on the individual drink pages to see the amount of calories, sugar, etc. in a serving too. Makes it easier to try and stay on track for anyone watching their weight or intake of certain nutrients.

I'm not much of a tea drinker either (lately I've been trying *really* hard to branch out of my comfort zone & try some new things...including drinks! lol) but I did have their Passion Tea Lemonade on a few occasions & it was extremely delicious! Especially when I added just a tiny bit more sugar to it. Next chance I get to go - I've gotta get another one! I'm suddenly feeling in the "passion tea lemonade" kind of mood. :my_biggrin:

Anyway - the only piece of news I've heard today was that the Republicans rejected Sen. Chuck Schumer's temporary ban plan, thing. :( And that Trump believes he should become a better "actor" or whatever (referring to a speech the senator made over the weekend) Such an unprofessional remark made by a President, out of all people! It's amazing. :my_rolleyes:

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Guess how long it took Donald J. Putinfluffer to reach a 50% disapproval rating.

That's right.  Eight days.



A majority of Americans disapprove of President Trump’s work during his first week in the White House — breaking a record of how long it generally takes the majority of Americans to disapprove of a president.

On Saturday, 51 percent of Americans disapproved of Trump, a Gallup poll found.

The poll tracks daily approval ratings for Trump by surveying 1,500 Americans.

It took just eight days to reach these ratings. It took at least several hundred days for the majority of Americans to disapprove of past presidents.

Here's a Tweet showing a break down going back down to ol' Ronnie....


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Just now, HarryPotterFan said:

Fuck. Trump fired the acting attorney general. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-38805944

Her twitter is @SallyQYates if you want to send her love. Just FYI. 

Also, JFC, this is Germany 1930s over again. Firing someone who stands up against something unlawful? Straight out of the playbook. 

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2 hours ago, Screamapillar said:

I just found out that Bannon went to my alma mater and it totally ruined my day.

I understand. Kellyanne Conway and I share a birthday. :-( 

26 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Emperor Trumpenfurher doesn't believe in checks and balances. Next, he's probably going to declare himself God.

"Republicans are alarmed to discover Trump is doing exactly what he said he would"

If it didn't screw everybody in the US and much of the world, I'd be laughing at those idiots who didn't believe he'd do this crap.

Thanks for the article, @GreyhoundFan.  

I'm still angry at the 53% of white women who voted for this idiot. Wasn't it obvious to the most casual observer that he was a racist, sexist, ignorant, bigoted, disgusting, narcissistic, impatient, orange-fisted jackass?

I foolishly allowed myself to believe that enough white women would refuse to vote for such a vile man.

*sighs*  This definitely wasn't my first rodeo, so I really ought to know better by now. :-( 

4 hours ago, apple1 said:

I really want to be able to read and continue to participate occasionally in these Trump threads. Unfortunately the jerky rolling if anything Twitter has been clipped and posted on the page, has gotten much worse within the past couple of days. Someone suggested changing browsers away from IE but that is not possible, either at home or at work.

Can this glitch be fixed, or else somehow people post content without actual Twitter links/clips, or something? (Posted a while back about this in the tech forum, also).


Very frustrating.

Sorry for the bitching.

Does it  still jump if it's under a hidden tag? I can put my stuff under a hidden tag if that would help you. 

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7 minutes ago, Cartmann99 said:

I understand. Kellyanne Conway and I share a birthday. :-( 

Thanks for the article, @GreyhoundFan.  

I'm still angry at the 53% of white women who voted for this idiot. Wasn't it obvious to the most casual observer that he was a racist, sexist, ignorant, bigoted, disgusting, narcissistic, impatient, orange-fisted jackass?

I foolishly allowed myself to believe that enough white women would refuse to vote for such a vile man.

*sighs*  This definitely wasn't my first rodeo, so I really ought to know better by now. :-( 

Does it  still jump if it's under a hidden tag? I can put my stuff under a hidden tag if that would help you. 

I don't think so. Thank you for offering. :-)

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22 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

I don't like coffee either. But Starbucks has fantastic Triple Chocolate Chunk Cookies!  I think I might need to go buy one!

Amen to that. 

Every time I look at one of the members of Trump's inner circle, I'm reminded that being evil does something to a person's appearance. Kellyanne Conway, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, they all look rough. Really rough. Woke up in jail after a three day bender kind of rough. 

I think of them as kind of like Voldemort. Their souls are so damaged from creating horcuxes that it shows.

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Is he allowed to fire the Attorney General?

Seriously. Like someone asked above: Where the fuck are the checks and balances.

This is starting to look *way* worse than I had imagined.

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17 minutes ago, EyeQueue said:

Is he allowed to fire the Attorney General?

Seriously. Like someone asked above: Where the fuck are the checks and balances.

This is starting to look *way* worse than I had imagined.

I keep wondering when we can say this is no longer a democracy, how many lines can he cross with no consequences? 

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1 hour ago, 47of74 said:

Guess how long it took Donald J. Putinfluffer to reach a 50% disapproval rating.

That's right.  Eight days.


Here's a Tweet showing a break down going back down to ol' Ronnie....


It took Bush I more than three and a half years (of four years as president) before achieving majority disapproval?  I would have guessed it would be sooner than that, in light of the unpopularity of the Gulf War.

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Ms. Yates is a hero. Let us all hope that we will stand firm when our time comes. 

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36 minutes ago, EyeQueue said:

Is he allowed to fire the Attorney General?

Seriously. Like someone asked above: Where the fuck are the checks and balances.

This is starting to look *way* worse than I had imagined.

Unfortunately, yes he can fire the (acting) Attorney General, same as any other political appointee in the Executive Branch. I'm kinda hoping the ACLU will offer her a job now. 

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It's 11PM here on the East Coast.  CNN and MSNBC are covering the firing of Yates and the ICE director.  FoxNews is sticking with its scheduled rerun of tonight's O'Reilly Factor.  I guess it's not important to FoxNews viewers.

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"Here’s Why Twitter Is Raging Against Steve Bannon". Some of the pictures, cartoons, and Tweets are telling.

A nicely written opinion piece: "Sam Waterston: The danger of Trump’s constant lying"


“[No man has the] right to mislead others, who have less access to history, and less leisure to study it. . . . Thus substituting falsehood and deception for truthful evidence and fair argument.”

— Abraham Lincoln, “Cooper Union Address,” 1860

You may know me as an actor. I’m also a longtime supporter of election reform and opponent of partisanship. In 1999 I gave a talk at one of the last bipartisan congressional retreats, using what I had learned preparing to play Abraham Lincoln to warn against faction, partisanship’s original name. The founders knew partisanship to be one of the few things powerful enough to destroy the great American democratic experiment. I had some great quotes. John Hume, a Nobel laureate for his work to bring peace in Northern Ireland, spoke before me. His experience made searing testimony. We did our best. It seems it didn’t work.

Until 2008, when an effort called Unity08, led by Democrat Gerald Rafshoon and Republican Doug Bailey, to elect a bipartisan presidential ticket was defeated, I was a registered Independent. To vote for Barack Obama in the primary that year, I joined a party. Believing it to be the best use of what influence my career in show business might have, I’ve served, more or less quietly, for many years on the boards of Oceana and Refugees International. But working quietly doesn’t feel like an option now. This feels like an all-hands-on-deck moment.

The great issue of today is lying — constant lying in public. Lying is the ally of faction and, since President Trump’s rise to power, it is the greater danger. Yes, the word is lying — not negotiation, salesmanship, bluster, attention-getting, delusion, deception, braggadocio, exaggeration, bullying, alternative facts, or any other euphemism. Once, President John F. Kennedy could say that our national problems were no longer ideological but technical. Lying on a grand scale has reversed that.

And it’s hard to keep up. Trump has lied about climate change and the character and motives of refugees, about how asylum-seekers have been vetted in the past and how many have been able to enter the United States, about immigrants, and a long list of other matters. As with partisanship, the more lying there is, the worse it is. And Trump’s alternative facts have meant nasty real-world consequences.

As lying comes easily to Trump, it should come first in every report about his administration. Trump doesn’t lie about this and that, and he doesn’t lie sometimes. He is a liar, a person who lies. This news should be reported everywhere.

Politicians have lied before, but this is not an old problem getting worse. Indeed, past presidents have sometimes paid dearly for the mere appearance of a lie. A man of great good character and a lifetime of public service, President George H.W. Bush, said “Read my lips,” which was branded a lie, and he lost an election. Accusations of lying — “Lying Hillary” — tainted Hillary Clinton’s run for president. President Bill Clinton told a lie in public and under oath and the scandal got him impeached. The impeachment gained some weight from the sound legal principle that a liar in one thing is likely to lie about other things. That principal should be applied to Trump.

By the frequency of his lying, Trump has revealed a truth we have avoided confronting: Like partisanship, regular and habitual lying is an existential threat to us, to our institutions, our memories, our understanding of now and of the future, to the great American democratic experiment, and to the planet. It blurs the truth, subverts trust, interferes with thought, and destroys clarity. It drives us to distraction.

It’s impossible to overstate what is at stake. “I won,” says Trump truly, following it up with lies about landslides, voter fraud and crowd size. Every American should be alarmed. It ought to be the lead in every article about him and his administration, no matter the subject. Lying at this level is a threat to the Republic.

How very true.

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This last 8 days has been unreal.  Jesus Mary and Joseph, this is one wild ride so far.

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Agent Fornicate Face was in such a hurry to fire Ms. Yates he didn't stop to think of the consequences;



Mr. Trump has the authority to fire Ms. Yates, but as the top Senate-confirmed official at the Justice Department, she is the only one authorized to sign foreign surveillance warrants, an essential function at the department.

Ooops.  Donald J. Putinfluffer lashes out and we all get hurt.

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18 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

Agent Fornicate Face was in such a hurry to fire Ms. Yates he didn't stop to think of the consequences;


Ooops.  Donald J. Putinfluffer lashes out and we all get hurt.

And that kiddies, concludes our lesson on why you don't elect a president who doesn't know the first thing about how government works.

Now, who wants cookies and milk?




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1 hour ago, JMarie said:

It's 11PM here on the East Coast.  CNN and MSNBC are covering the firing of Yates and the ICE director.  FoxNews is sticking with its scheduled rerun of tonight's O'Reilly Factor.  I guess it's not important to FoxNews viewers.

Of course not. Their guy won, whether they supported him from the beginning or they held their nose and voted for him. Why would Fox want to burst anyone's delusions on how great their president is? They will not do the hard battering of Trump as they did for Obama, even though he deserves it. 

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