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Trump 9: RESIST!


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And that kiddies, concludes our lesson on why you don't elect a president who doesn't know the first thing about how government works.
Now, who wants cookies and milk?

I'd rather have Girl Scout Cookies and Wine.


It’s that time of year again. Girl Scouts everywhere are beginning to sell their famous cookies. And while you certainly should support their entrepreneurial ventures, you should also be thinking about how you can take the cookies to the next level. Because nothing makes an already fabulous cookie taste better than an even more fabulous glass of wine. With 12 different flavor profiles to choose from this year, we’re offering up 12 different pairing suggestions.

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Does anyone have any advice on what to do if I can't get through to my Senator. Joe Donnelly has come out against the Muslim ban, so I'm going to call and thank him. 

Todd Young, on the other hand, is in support of it. What a repulsive piece of shit. And there doesn't seem to be any way to contact him. His phone lines have been ringing busy for 2 weeks straight, and no one ever answers. He's not responding to anyone on social media either. He's making it quite clear that he doesn't give a crap what the voters think. So now what?


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1 minute ago, RoseWilder said:

Does anyone have any advice on what to do if I can't get through to my Senator. Joe Donnelly has come out against the Muslim ban, so I'm going to call and thank him. 

Todd Young, on the other hand, is in support of it. What a repulsive piece of shit. And there doesn't seem to be any way to contact him. His phone lines have been ringing busy for 2 weeks straight, and no one ever answers. He's not responding to anyone on social media either. He's making it quite clear that he doesn't give a crap what the voters think. So now what?


Try sending a fax maybe? I linked a site with the fax info in the resources thread. 

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4 minutes ago, Destiny said:

Try sending a fax maybe? I linked a site with the fax info in the resources thread. 

Okay, thanks. I must have missed your post on that. I feel like there's so much crazy news happening that I can't even keep up. I'll fire up the fax machine. 

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Just now, RoseWilder said:

Okay, thanks. I must have missed your post on that. I feel like there's so much crazy news happening that I can't even keep up. I'll fire up the fax machine. 

There's a free fax site that will send em for you, or you can use your own. that site will give you the phone numbers for senators and congress.

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26 minutes ago, Destiny said:

There's a free fax site that will send em for you, or you can use your own. that site will give you the phone numbers for senators and congress.

Thank you!

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Well it sounds like our Prime Minister (uk) is aligning herself with Trump.  I'm so embarrassed and ashamed of my government and the people who support her/him right now. I'm also feeling saddened by the people I thought were friends, who agree with his moves. My biological father is an Iraqi Kurd, it's me and my family who they consider to be a danger and that hurts like hell. 

Im so proud and thankful for all people around the world who have marched. Humanity is alive and kicking and fighting!

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On 30/01/2017 at 2:18 AM, RoseWilder said:

And here's a horrifying one: 


On that note: https://medium.com/@jakefuentes/the-immigration-ban-is-a-headfake-and-were-falling-for-it-b8910e78f0c5#.qs5r0ukre

It's rather hard to tell the difference between real incompetence and fake incompetence (or maybe someone using real incompetence), so I dunno.

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46 minutes ago, CyborgKin said:

On that note: https:[email protected] /the-immigration-ban-is-a-headfake-and-were-falling-for-it-b8910e78f0c5#.qs5r0ukre

It's rather hard to tell the difference between real incompetence and fake incompetence (or maybe someone using real incompetence), so I dunno.

If true, I think this is one Congress will reverse.  It seems Putinfluffer's bromance is his alone.  Many of the Republicans in Congress have no love for Russia and actually thought Obama's sanctions didn't go far enough.  I foresee a vote to reinstall sanctions (and maybe ones worse than those just repealed).  Trump will veto, but between the Dems and Repubs, they can override it.  This may be the one issue to draw bipartisan support.

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On 30/01/2017 at 2:47 PM, onekidanddone said:

Inbreeding.... because hate is a family value.

I hate  having to click "like".  This is horrid news.  I'm clicking like because I'm thanking you for posting this.  The truth needs to be told.

Wow.  Damn awesome. 

Don't worry, it's actually an 'increase reputation' button, and doesn't actually say 'like' on it anywhere.

13 hours ago, AmericanRose said:

I was taught in school that America was great and foolproof because we had checks and balances...

Where are they????

The checks and balances may have underestimated fools who think America needs to be made 'great again'.

12 hours ago, VelociRapture said:

Not completely accurate. But I laughed really hard at this anyways.

Unless any of his wives are 100% Native American, it's accurate.  And without immigration there also wouldn't be any Trumps in America.  Nor would there be any place called America.

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The German weekly newspaper "Die Zeit" published an article today about the reactions of the election of Adolf Hitler. The parallels to now are alarming. http://www.zeit.de/2017/05/adolf-hitler-reichskanzler-ernennung-jahrestag/komplettansicht

Edit by mod: Here's a link to a translation into English. While long, the article is worth reading.

It's only in German but I think it's interesting enough to quote some exerpts:


Gibt es Anlass zur Sorge? Nein, fand der Hamburger Nikolaus Sieveking, ein Angestellter im Weltwirtschafts-Archiv: "Aus der Tatsache der Hitlerschen Kanzlerschaft irgendwelche Sensation zu machen, halte ich für kindisch genug, um es seinen getreuen Anhängern zu überlassen", notierte er am 30. Januar 1933 in sein Tagebuch.


Dabei hatte Hitler in Mein Kampf und in seinen zahlreichen Reden vor 1933 nie verheimlicht, was er, einmal an der Macht, zu tun gedachte: das demokratische "System" von Weimar abzuschaffen, den "Marxismus" (womit Sozialdemokratie und Kommunismus gleichermaßen gemeint waren) "auszurotten" und die Juden aus Deutschland zu "entfernen". Was die Außenpolitik betraf, hatte er keinen Hehl daraus gemacht, dass es ihm zunächst um die Revision des Versailler Vertrages ging, das langfristige Ziel aber auf die Eroberung von "Lebensraum im Osten" gerichtet war.


In seiner im englischen Exil geschriebenen Geschichte eines Deutschen erinnerte sich der Publizist Sebastian Haffner 1939 an den "eisigen Schreck", der ihn sechs Jahre zuvor als Referendar am Berliner Kammergericht bei der Nachricht von Hitlers Ernennung befallen hatte. Einen Augenblick lang habe er "fast körperlich den Blut- und Schmutzgeruch um diesen Mann Hitler" empfunden. Doch noch am Abend des 30. Januar habe er mit seinem Vater, einem liberalen Reformpädagogen, die Aussichten der neuen Regierung diskutiert, und man sei sich rasch einig gewesen, dass sie wohl einiges Unheil anrichten könne, aber nicht lange im Amt bleiben werde.


Es wird schon nicht so schlimm kommen – das war auch der Tenor der großen liberalen Blätter.


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There's so much Russia, Russia, Russia in the current White House (never mind going back to Paul Manafort this past summer) and I can't see at this point how it all fits together.  What's the long game, the long con?  

David Brooks, who I used to think was a kinda, sorta sanctimonious dick, has some interesting speculations in his Jan. 10th op-ed for NYT  about why Bannon is so enamored of Putin.  Bannon is emerging as the force behind the throne and while people are fixated on the Trump spectacle like people watching a snake eat a rat, we've got to be paying extremely close attention to Steve Bannon.   I've also got to get a better handle on the term "populist ethno-nationalist". 



It’s becoming clear that for the next few years American foreign policy will be shaped by the struggle among Republican regulars, populist ethno-nationalists and the forces of perpetual chaos unleashed by Donald Trump’s attention span.

The Republican regulars build their grand strategies upon the post-World War II international order — the American-led alliances, norms and organizations that bind democracies and preserve global peace. The regulars seek to preserve and extend this order, and see Vladimir Putin as a wolf who tears away at it.

The populist ethno-nationalists in the Trump White House do not believe in this order. Their critique — which is simultaneously moral, religious, economic, political and racial — is nicely summarized in the remarks Steve Bannon made to a Vatican conference in 2014.

Once there was a collection of Judeo-Christian nation-states, Bannon argued, that practiced a humane form of biblical capitalism and fostered culturally coherent communities. But in the past few decades, the party of Davos — with its globalism, relativism, pluralism and diversity — has sapped away the moral foundations of this Judeo-Christian way of life.

Humane capitalism has been replaced by the savage capitalism that brought us the financial crisis. National democracy has been replaced by a crony-capitalist network of global elites. Traditional virtue has been replaced by abortion and gay marriage. Sovereign nation-states are being replaced by hapless multilateral organizations like the E.U.

Decadent and enervated, the West lies vulnerable in the face of a confident and convicted Islamofascism, which is the cosmic threat of our time.

In this view, Putin is a valuable ally precisely because he also seeks to replace the multiracial, multilingual global order with strong nation-states. Putin ardently defends traditional values. He knows how to take the fight to radical Islam.

The rest of Bannon Vs. Trump is here

ETA: So off I went to research "populist ethno-nationalists".  While reading the piece above,  I kept thinking, why doesn't he just say fascist if he means fascist?  Well, turns out there is an answer for this and people have been thinking about it for awhile.

Dec. 15, 2015  U.S. News & World Report

Who Are Trump's Supporters?  "Ethno-nationalists" now represent a huge chunk of the Republican base, and Donald Trump is their pawn.


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European Union's Council President, Tusk, takes a swipe at Trump's 'worrying declarations':



Donald Tusk, president of the council of EU leaders, placed the new administration in Washington alongside China’s assertiveness and Russia’s aggression among the global forces making Europe’s future “highly” unpredictable. “We should remind our American friends of their own motto: United we stand, divided we fall,” he said.

And @Howl, in light of what you posted, I find this news - if true - to be extremely worrying. It's getting beyond scary now. 



Interviews with officials and military analysts and reviews of government documents show Russia’s build-up is the biggest since the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union and will, in some areas, give Moscow more military power than even the feared Red Army once had.


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Read this morning on Twitter that not only did Yates get canned but the head of ICE.  

To brighten spirits a bit someone I consider to be a patron saint here at FJ took a LOVELY swipe at Pence on Twitter.  Yes, folks, Rowling Bible'd Pence.  And it is GLORIOUS.


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God, today the local paper is being a total Trump Herald in kissing up to Donnie Dumbfornicate and the GOP.

Days like this I'm half tempted to use it as toilet paper but then it'd probably come apart while I was using it for that purpose and I'd have newsprint all over me.  Fishwrap is a better use.

26 minutes ago, clueliss said:

Read this morning on Twitter that not only did Yates get canned but the head of ICE.  

To brighten spirits a bit someone I consider to be a patron saint here at FJ took a LOVELY swipe at Pence on Twitter.  Yes, folks, Rowling Bible'd Pence.  And it is GLORIOUS.


Yes I saw that, and indeed said patron saint hit the nail right on the goddamn head.  I see she didn't waste no time in shutting down one of the "shut up and sing" types who came on to her feed to attack her for attacking Orange Fornicate Face.

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18 minutes ago, fraurosena said:

This is definitely beyond scary.  And what else is beyond scary is there is no experienced hand on the tiller at Sec. of State.   Remind me again,  how does Rex Tillerson fit in with all of this -- a man totally inexperienced in his new role and with Exxon's nose up Putin's.......


Screenshot 2017-01-31 at 8.16.22 AM.png

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Americans, please don't ever think you are alone in this. Frankly, Trump's presidency (and all that it has brought with it so far) is the number one topic of discussion here in Germany. It dominates the news headlines and office chatter alike. You are not alone in this and I've actually noticed a growing appreciation that the majority of Americans doesn't support Trump and isn't sitting idly by while he does his evil thing.

One thing I do have a hard time wrapping my head around is this: Why are CBP officers following what the Trump admin wants, rather than the decisions of the courts? I understand that Trump apparently believes that he is above the law and doesn't need to follow the courts' rulings, but I don't understand why every single CBP officer seems to agree with him. Is there any kind of resistance among CBP officers? 'Cause so far, I have seen absolutely none, and it scares me. They seem to be willing to do anything the orange shitface tells them to do. Can anyone enlighten me?


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Sean Spicer (the asshole also threw a tantrum over the idea of democrats blocking orange Voldemort's SCOTUS pick  because it's not like republicans would ever do such a thing for a fucking year) defended the travel ban causing a little 5 year old to be detained separately from his parents. Because you can't assume small children aren't terrorists.


Does Spicer ever hear himself talk?

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I kind of object to using the word "distraction" for things like the new immigration laws. To me saying things like that are a "distraction" kind of reeks of some kind of "well they don't matter." 

On other news Richard Spencer blocked me on twitter yesterday, probably bc I told him to get out of my hometown. normally I'd think tweeting at him like that was immature but my account doesn't have my full name attached and tbh I just don't give two shits anymore. 

I'm looking forward to Trump leghumpers and others who voted for him having to justify to their grandkids why they voted for the same candidate as the KKK and the Nazis. Congrats, your descendants will think you're an asshole!

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Well, I'm on a roll this morning reading super interesting and informative articles that are helping me put the pieces together, and I just found another: 

The Macabre Petroleum Waltz of Trump and Putina: And the oil industry powers who are calling the tune.

20 minutes ago, ShepherdontheRock said:

On other news Richard Spencer blocked me on twitter yesterday, probably bc I told him to get out of my hometown. normally I'd think tweeting at him like that was immature but my account doesn't have my full name attached and tbh I just don't give two shits anymore. 

Badge of honor! 

4 hours ago, CyborgKin said:

It's rather hard to tell the difference between real incompetence and fake incompetence (or maybe someone using real incompetence), so I dunno.

And don't forget there's also alternate incompetence! 

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I am terrified that Bannon is now sitting on the National Security Council. What qualification does he have other than being a racist, misogynistic piece of shit?? It's terrifying he has so much control over what Trump does and is subject to no approval or oversight.

HOWEVER. IANAL, but someone on facebook found a statute saying that NSC members ARE subject to senate approval. See section (a)(6) of federal statute 50 US Code 3021 (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/50/3021).

Worth a call to your senators if there's any chance they can do something.

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Every one needs to watch this video:


Sessions made it extremely clear that he believes that the primary duty of the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General is to follow the law and uphold Constitution. They need to take a stand against the President if he/she believes that the president is asking him/her to do something illegal. Yates agreed with him and did exactly what he told her to do. Perhaps this only applies to Democratic Presidents?


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