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Trump 9: RESIST!


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Wait wait, wait a fucking minute. Is President Cheeto making a fucking reality fucking show reveal out of the fucking Supreme Court?

.....Canada, can I come live with you?

(I mostly kid. I am a fan of stay and fight, even if I could immigrate elsewhere, but fucking hell I'm tired of fighting already.)

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And if Pence steps down or is impeached, Paul Ryan (Speaker of the House) becomes president.  It really is a no-win situation.

It would be extremely unlikely for Pence & Trump to step down or be removed at the same time. Impeachment proceedings, if taken against both, would have to be tried in the Senate separately. If Pence steps down or is removed, his position would be filled as outlined in the 25th Amendment.

Nixon's original VP, Spiro Agnew, resigned prior toNixon and was replaced as required by the 25th with Gerald Ford who then succeeded Nixon.
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I don't think we have discussed this yet.  Let's just threaten all of the UN. Fckin awesome.  How did this JA become president again?!?!  I can't believe this shit.  I'm so upset.  Worse of all, I found out my mother actually danced when she heard that he won and she's started to comment negatively on my FB posts about politics, which she never does.  I'm so upset, I consider her a feminist. 

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21 hours ago, Mecca said:

JHC, can someone please take away President Asshat's pen? Also, I might start a gofundme account for Sean Spicer so he can get himself some anger management courses. I have never in my life seen a more despicable person, well outside of Sean's Dark Lord, Trump. There is no need for Sean to act so unprofessional during press briefings. It is embarrassing on the world stage. 

Sean Spicer's direct phone # 202-456-2230 ext: 51022.  It's time for him to hear from folks.  If you decide to call please keep it clean so he won't have the excuse of foul language or unruliness to not listen.

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I just went down to have lunch and there was old Gov. Brainfart of Iowa mansplaining how people shouldn't want to travel back to the countries that Orange Hitler is blocking arrivals from.  What a fucking idiot.  He really is.  He's in such a hurry to kiss up to Trumplethinskin he forgets that these people might be traveling to other locations on the globe instead of just where Brainfart thinks the scary people are from, and they get blocked too because of Bannon's order. 


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51 minutes ago, Cartmann99 said:

Trump has released a statement:


This is a temporary reprieve. We all know how Pence and the nutters feel about the LGBTQ community.

Well, if Trump really means that, then he'll put his money where his mouth his and nominate someone for SCOTUS that is a defender of gay rights. Is there anyone here who believes that will actually happen because I don't. 

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1 hour ago, JMarie said:

And if Pence steps down or is impeached, Paul Ryan (Speaker of the House) becomes president.  It really is a no-win situation.

found this on fb.


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5 minutes ago, JMO said:


I don't think we have discussed this yet.  Let's just threaten all of the UN. Fckin awesome.  How did this JA become president again?!?!  I can't believe this shit.  I'm so upset.  Worse of all, I found out my mother actually danced when she heard that he won and she's started to comment negatively on my FB posts about politics, which she never does.  I'm so upset, I consider her a feminist. 

What the ever loving fuck? 

I'm going to continue to marvel at the wonder that is Jk Rowling.



Polishing corgis lmao. She is queen of taking down idiotic bigots and trolls. She is the guiding light we need.

I wish she could be president...

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16 minutes ago, HarryPotterFan said:

What the ever loving fuck? 

I'm going to continue to marvel at the wonder that is Jk Rowling.



Polishing corgis lmao. She is queen of taking down idiotic bigots and trolls. She is the guiding light we need.

I wish she could be president...

JKR is absolutely amazing. Love her

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I wonder how this is going to play out?  a major lawsuit has been initiated by muslim civil rights activists against the refugee ban.




'While the Muslim Exclusion Order does not apply to all Muslims, the policy only applies to Muslims'


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found this on fb.

Except it would not work that way. See above.

If you aren't American, I'm happy to explain. If you are, read our Constitution for god's sake!
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Cities of Chicago and San Fransisco have file suit per ACLU on twitter!

Trump thinks that he can get 9 dems to cave on his SCOTUS pick to break fillibuster.

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2 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

Senate Democrats boycott vote on two of Trumps cabinet picks: 


YES! This is the kind of action I want to see from the Democrats in the Senate. I'm so glad they're finally starting to stand up to the Republicans. 

And, predictably, the Republicans are responding like total hypocrites: 

No, Orrin, this is not one of the most socking things that's happened in the senate in 40 years. The most shocking thing I've witnessed was Republicans refusing to hold a confirmation hearing for Merrick Garland. So take your phony outrage and shove it where the sun don't shine. 

I hope every Democrat with a twitter or facebook page tweets and posts  a reminded of Merrick Garland to Orrin Hatch today.

Fucking hypocrite. 

Orrin must be having a "senior moment".  Two key quotes:


“We did not inflict this kind of obstructionism on President Obama,” added Sen. Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.), the only other senator in the room. He added that the Democrats were committing “a completely unprecedented level of obstruction. This is not what the American people expect of the United States Senate.”

But just four years ago, Republicans similarly boycotted a Senate committee’s vote on Gina McCarthy to serve as President Barack Obama’s interior secretary. Senators said at the time that she had refused to answer their questions about transparency in the agency.

Other walkouts have happened, most famously in 2003, when Rep. Bill Thomas (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, dispatched U.S. Capitol Police officers to find Democrats who left a hearing where Republicans were trying to pass a pension bill. He later apologized for his heavy-handed tactics on the House floor.

Shortly before the Finance hearing began, committee Democrats huddled in the office of the panel’s ranking member, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), and agreed that they would all boycott the session, aides said.

From the same article, a lovely tidbit about our buddy Betsy:


Meanwhile, Democrats once again tried and failed to stall a vote to advance Trump’s pick for education secretary, Betsy DeVos, to the full Senate amid fresh revelations that she may have plagiarized some of her answers to written questions from senators. The panel voted to refer her to the full Senate on a party-line vote.


Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski have said that they are not sure if they will vote for Betsy Wetsy during the full Senate vote.


2 hours ago, Marly said:

I have a couple of questions.
How is Trump banning people from certain countries legal? Even if it doesn't go against the constitution, isn't it a violation of international human rights? Last year there was a huge debate between the European countries regarding which country had to take in how many refugees, and refusing to take in refugees was not an option under any circumstance, because that would violate all kinds of international human rights treaties. So how is it that Trump can just do this? (I mean, Obama was hindered every step of the way regardless of the content of the policies or decrees, and Trump goes dictator just like that. It makes no sense to me)

Additionally, aren't there other senators or ministers who have to approve decisions like this, precisely to prevent the possibility of a dictator taking over the country? And if not senators or ministers, isn't there separation of the juridical and legislative branches to prevent exactly this? (I'm sorry if my questions might come of as criticism, my questions are genuine. My knowledge of the functioning of the US government isn't perfect, and my guesses of how I think it works are mainly based on how most European governments function.)

As I understand it, if Trump were to be impeached, Pence would become president. Is there any way that this could be circumvented/prevented? Any way that would lead to new elections?

Here is the Wikipedia article about the line of succession, complete with names. It's pretty depressing. Basically, we are shafted until 2020, with a possible glimmer of hope in 2018, if we can get enough Democrats in the House and Senate.



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1 minute ago, louisa05 said:


Except it would not work that way. See above.

If you aren't American, I'm happy to explain. If you are, read our Constitution for god's sake!


Would you mind a quick explanation, there are a good number of foreigners... TIA

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The CEO of Nike has spoken out against the Muslim ban: 


The New Balance shoes (that I bought before I realized the CEO supports Trump) are getting pretty worn out and I need to replace them. I was debating what kind to buy, but now I see the choice is clear. I'm going to throw as much business as I can to the companies that are standing up to Trump. And then I'm going to let Nike know that I bought the shoes as a thank you for their stand on this issue and I"m going to let New Balance know that I don't shop from companies that support bigots. 

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Would you mind a quick explanation, there are a good number of foreigners... TIA

I explained briefly above. There is a mechanism in the 25th Amendment to replace a vacancy in the office of the Vice President. So some scenarios:

Trump is impeached by the House (this action brings charges) and tried and convicted by the Senate: in that case Pence becomes President and is required by the 25th Amendment to nominate a new VP who must be confirmed by the Senate. If Pence subsequently resigns or is removed, the new VP becomes President

If Trump resigns, same as above.

If Pence resigns or is removed &Trump remains in office, Trump appoints replacement VP with consent of Senate. If Trump subsequently resigns or is removed, new VP assumes Presidency.

If Trump dies in office, Pence is President and appoints new VP.

If Pence dies in office, Trump appoints a new VP.

The only way line of succession kicks in below VP is if both offices are vacant at same time.

If both were impeached, they would have separate trials in the Senate therefore conviction and removal would not happen at same time allowing for replacement of vacancy for VP.

It is also worth noting that neither time when impeachment charges were brought against a president did those charges include or implicate his VP.

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5 hours ago, HarryPotterFan said:

Sean Spicer (the asshole also threw a tantrum over the idea of democrats blocking orange Voldemort's SCOTUS pick  because it's not like republicans would ever do such a thing for a fucking year) defended the travel ban causing a little 5 year old to be detained separately from his parents. Because you can't assume small children aren't terrorists.


Does Spicer ever hear himself talk?

Grown men afraid of toddlers.  And yet Trump is going to take on ISIL.  Yeah, right.

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Just read a depressing article about the "brain drain" and the economic hit that will likely result from Trump's Muslim ban. 


But Salih, who is here on a student visa, has a problem. He’s from the Kurdistan region of Iraq, which means that under President Donald Trump’s executive order ― designed to impede the worst outcomes of extremism ― he would be prohibited for the next 90 days from coming back into the country should he leave.

And he needs to leave. His research brings him back to Iraq as well as to various international conferences. He attended one in Beirut just four days before Trump’s inauguration. His family is in Iraq, too, and should there be an emergency, he’d be forced to choose between uprooting his life or missing out on family events. 

He is now contemplating the once unthinkable. After waiting seven months for his first visa and four months for his second, he’s now waiting 90 days to see if the suspension of refugees and travelers from Iraq and six other countries is lifted. If it is not, he’ll explore greener career pastures outside of the United States.


Beyond that, there are faculty and university staff from those seven countries who are unable to leave the U.S. now or, in some cases, return to their classrooms. Two associate professors at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth were detained at Boston’s Logan International Airport over the weekend. A Yale professor was separated from his wife and newborn, who were visiting family, while a professor at Middlebury College remained decamped in Iran with his two children waiting for further guidance on whether he’d be allowed back into the United States with his green card. The Association of American Medical Colleges warned that its ability to attract top talent from around the world was being threatened.

Scientific consortiums and organizations are planning to move conferences overseas for fear that they couldn’t have full attendance under the constructs of Trump’s order. The International Astronomical Union urged U.S. officials to reconsider their screening measures, noting that they had hosted a conference in Hawaii in 2015 with about 3,000 astronomers, including some from the seven targeted countries. Wendy Naus, executive director of the Consortium of Social Science Associations, said that, on a phone call to discuss the executive order Monday morning, two members of a group of scientific societies pushed to move their conferences to Canada.


President Trump, I know you don't understand or care about the science end of this, but you do seem to care about making money. When a city hosts a conference, the attendees spend money on various goods and services while they are at the conference. They pay for a hotel room, eat at restaurants, buy some souvenirs, have a drink at the local bar, stop by the drugstore for some Tylenol, etc.... Big conferences can attract thousands of people who pump money into the local economy.

How is losing conferences to locations outside the USA in the best financial interest of the United States? How does this make us great again?


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1 hour ago, ghost said:

Sean Spicer's direct phone # 202-456-2230 ext: 51022.  It's time for him to hear from folks.  If you decide to call please keep it clean so he won't have the excuse of foul language or unruliness to not listen.

I write letters daily. I can't call this dipshit because I will call him just that, hence why I write letters. LOL! 

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1 hour ago, RoseWilder said:

The CEO of Nike has spoken out against the Muslim ban: 


The New Balance shoes (that I bought before I realized the CEO supports Trump) are getting pretty worn out and I need to replace them. I was debating what kind to buy, but now I see the choice is clear. I'm going to throw as much business as I can to the companies that are standing up to Trump. And then I'm going to let Nike know that I bought the shoes as a thank you for their stand on this issue and I"m going to let New Balance know that I don't shop from companies that support bigots. 

Makes me glad I wear Nike.

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