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Trump 9: RESIST!


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Thank you all for the explanations about multiple voting registrations! Also bad lip reading had a little funny video about the inarguration which made me forget about the looming problems about to happen



Orange shitface is a celebrity, so remember he knows all the angles and knows how to film. Even though he can't speak to save his life. He will also be in my ebil liberal city of Philly tomorrow and I might stop by to protest, I just get a little bit of anxiety since the crowds are looking monstrous already as of tonight!

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@Destiny Here are a few ideas for upcoming thread titles. I know some of them are a little morbid, but I'm having a hard time being optimistic tonight.

  • Not My America
  • This is not Fucking Normal!
  • Lady Liberty Weeps
  • Stay Outraged
  • Keep Resisting
  • A Nation Divided
  • Entering the Twilight Zone
  • Worse than expected
  • Here Comes the 4th Horseman
  • Awaiting the Apocalypse
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@Destiny You might want to be careful what you start, but at least we'll have enough for the first couple of months. ;) 

  • We Shall Overcome
  • Fighting the Good Fight Against Trump
  • Smashing the Fragile Ego
  • Tweeting instead of Leading
  • Brave New World
  • Acting Out 1984
  • Orwellian Nightmare
  • Founding Fathers Rolling in their Graves
  • Fucking Up America
  • Deplorable In Chief
  • Parody of a Presidency
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Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto said Wednesday his country "will not pay for any wall," defying the claims US President Donald Trump has made. But he did not cancel his trip planned for the United States next week.

"Mexico does not believe in walls. I've said time again; Mexico will not pay for any wall," he said in a video statement posted to Twitter and translated by CNN from Spanish.


Peña Nieto closed his message by saying that Mexico offers and expects respect.

"Mexico offers its friendship to the people of the United States and expresses its wish to arrive at agreements with its government, deals that will be in favor of Mexico and the Mexicans," he said.


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This guy has integrity! #alternativefacts 

One year and a month ago...  What a guy! 


Yeah, @JMarie, as far I know, "no" has the same meaning in English and Spanish, so there shouldn't be any confusion here. NO, he's not paying for the fucking Wall! 

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1 hour ago, iweartanktops said:

This guy has integrity! #alternativefacts 

One year and a month ago...  What a guy! 


Yeah, @JMarie, as far I know, "no" has the same meaning in English and Spanish, so there shouldn't be any confusion here. NO, he's not paying for the fucking Wall! 

As someone who has had to live under Pence's governorship, I can tell you he's as slimy as they come.  He'll shit on American values and his own morals to get a little power.

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We have four years of thread titles to get through, My suggestion is

America: A Series of Very Unfortunate Events. 

America: Lemony Snicket Could Be Narrating This Shit



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4 hours ago, JMarie said:


Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto said Wednesday his country "will not pay for any wall," defying the claims US President Donald Trump has made. But he did not cancel his trip planned for the United States next week.

"Mexico does not believe in walls. I've said time again; Mexico will not pay for any wall," he said in a video statement posted to Twitter and translated by CNN from Spanish.


In the middle of the night last night, I realized that when the Trump admin starts screwing around with NAFTA, they will use that as leverage to have Mexico pay for all or some of the wall.  It's not out of the realm of possibility.  

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10 hours ago, MarblesMom said:

My niece runs elections and voting registrations for a county - I asked her about this a while back, and she said they generally review and audit the rolls about every 5 - 6 years.  Last time they did, they took about 10k names off the list.

It isn't a priority in their office due to staff levels and workload.  They do get to it, but not as often as she would like, obs.

Ohio does this every 2 years. And it is actually somewhat controversial, because (as I think I understand) they also remove people who haven't voted for a while. And we all know that some people ONLY vote every 4 years in presidential elections. At one point there was a big discussion in Ohio about the purge being excessive - which would be voter suppression if people are removed inappropriately.


So - there has to be a balance.

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2 hours ago, Howl said:

In the middle of the night last night, I realized that when the Trump admin starts screwing around with NAFTA, they will use that as leverage to have Mexico pay for all or some of the wall.  It's not out of the realm of possibility.  

So, we put tariffs on Mexican products entering the U.S.  In retaliation, Mexico leverages tariffs on our exports.  The only thing this does is drive up product prices for consumers.  In the end, Americans pay for the wall through higher consumer costs.

That won't work, so let's cut off aid or all trade.  Mexico now goes looking for another trade partner/aid giver.  In steps China and we've just handed Latin America to our biggest trade competitor.  Not to mention the fact that China can now position it's military directly on our border.

So, we attack because we can't let that happen.  It's a tremendous cost in lives (both military and civilian since you know that shit will bleed over the border) and treasure.  Furthermore, China, holding a large chunk of our debt, calls it in and decimates our economy.  Now what do we do?  Look back and realize that we shouldn't have built a fucking useless wall to begin with.

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9 hours ago, Bethella said:

@Destiny Here are a few ideas for upcoming thread titles. I know some of them are a little morbid, but I'm having a hard time being optimistic tonight.

  • Not My America
  • This is not Fucking Normal!
  • Lady Liberty Weeps
  • Stay Outraged
  • Keep Resisting
  • A Nation Divided
  • Entering the Twilight Zone
  • Worse than expected
  • Here Comes the 4th Horseman
  • Awaiting the Apocalypse

Personally, I'm in favor of those last two. They're true, but made me laugh. Which I feel is needed badly.

2 hours ago, formergothardite said:

We have four years of thread titles to get through, My suggestion is

America: A Series of Very Unfortunate Events. 

America: Lemony Snicket Could Be Narrating This Shit



Yessssss!!!! I vote for these two as well!


My personal contributions:

Trump <enter number here>: Mordor Is Looking Pretty Good Right Now

Trump <enter number here>: Sauron Doesn't Seem So Bad After All

Trump <enter number here>: The Fellowship of the Alternative Facts

Trump <enter number here>: The Two Americas

Trump <enter number here>: The Return of the Wall

Trump <enter number here>: Stephen King's Next Horror Story

Trump <enter number here>: Not Even Poe Could Make This Shit Up

Trump <enter number here>: Making Norman Bates Look Like a Choir Boy Since 2017

Trump Episode <enter number here>: The Orange Menace

Trump Episode <enter number here>: Attack of the Pussies

Trump Episode <enter number here>: Revenge of the Tiny Hands

Trump Episode <enter number here>: A New Tweet

Trump Episode <enter number here>: The Deplorables Strike Back

Trump Episode <enter number here>: The Return of the Liberals

Trump <enter number here>: The One Where We Die From Nuclear Fallout

Trump <enter number here>: I'd Rather Be At the Red Wedding Right Now

Trump <enter number here>: Is George R.R. Martin Writing This Shit?

(For those unaware, Martin is the author behind "Game of Thrones" and is currently the greatest serial killer in modern American Literature... no, I'm not bitter about Ned Stark at all...)

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11 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:

Trump Episode <enter number here>: Revenge of the Tiny Hands

I've noticed that The Washington Post keeps using pictures of Trump speaking with his hands up, accentuating the tininess, with articles. I choose to believe it's on purpose.

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These are not the ravings of a well man. The below was at the start of the article, and it just went on from there. How are people not seeing his mental state!


The way President Trump tells it, the meandering, falsehood-filled, self-involved speech that he gave at the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters last weekend was one of the greatest addresses ever given.

“That speech was a home run,” Trump told ABC News just a few minutes into his first major television interview since moving into the White House. “See what Fox said. They said it was one of the great speeches. They showed the people applauding and screaming. … I got a standing ovation. In fact, they said it was the biggest standing ovation since Peyton Manning had won the Super Bowl, and they said it was equal. I got a standing ovation. It lasted for a long period of time.”


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"(CNN)We are creeping closer to the apocalypse, according to a panel of scientists and scholars.

The Chicago-based Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has moved the "Doomsday Clock," a symbolic countdown to the end of the world, to two and a half minutes to midnight.

It marks the first time since 1953 -- after hydrogen bomb tests in the US and then Soviet Union -- that humanity has been this close to global disaster.

Two minutes to midnight is the closest the clock has ever been to midnight.

The group cited US President Donald Trump's "disturbing comments" about the use of nuclear weapons and views on climate change among other factors, including cyberthreats and the rise in nationalism, that have contributed to the darkened forecast."


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3 minutes ago, Jucifer said:



"(CNN)We are creeping closer to the apocalypse, according to a panel of scientists and scholars.

The Chicago-based Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has moved the "Doomsday Clock," a symbolic countdown to the end of the world, to two and a half minutes to midnight.

It marks the first time since 1953 -- after hydrogen bomb tests in the US and then Soviet Union -- that humanity has been this close to global disaster.

Two minutes to midnight is the closest the clock has ever been to midnight.

The group cited US President Donald Trump's "disturbing comments" about the use of nuclear weapons and views on climate change among other factors, including cyberthreats and the rise in nationalism, that have contributed to the darkened forecast."


:shock: We just need to change the title to WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!

1 hour ago, AnywhereButHere said:

They said it was one of the great speeches. They showed the people applauding and screaming. … I got a standing ovation. In fact, they said it was the biggest standing ovation since Peyton Manning had won the Super Bowl, and they said it was equal. I got a standing ovation. It lasted for a long period of time.”

What the ever loving fuck is he even talking about? In what world does any of this make sense? 

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Not only is Tiffany Trump registered to vote, she's registered in two states!  Voter fraud!



Tiffany Trump is currently registered in both New York City and Philadelphia, according to state election records in New York and Pennsylvania. Trump was a student at the University of Pennsylvania until her graduation last May.

Conway disputed the findings during an interview Thursday on TODAY.

"I talked last night to Tiffany Trump, and she said it is flatly false that she is registered in two states," she said.

Conway recalled how Tiffany described trying to register earlier in the year in New York "so she could vote for her father" in the primary.

So Tiffany knows how to register to vote in NY, but Ivanka and Eric don't?

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“That speech was a home run,” Trump told ABC News just a few minutes into his first major television interview since moving into the White House. “See what Fox said. They said it was one of the great speeches. They showed the people applauding and screaming. … I got a standing ovation. In fact, they said it was the biggest standing ovation since Peyton Manning had won the Super Bowl, and they said it was equal. I got a standing ovation. It lasted for a long period of time.”

I'm having second hand embarrassment, not for him because if he can't understand how ridiculous he sounds it's only because his head is too far up his arse, but for the horrified American citizens. How can he be so stupid?

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18 minutes ago, laPapessaGiovanna said:

How can he be so stupid?

He is reminding me of Kuzco before he got turned into a llama and went on an epic journey to find his soul. Trump is spoiled, selfish and can't bear anyone saying he is less than the very, very best. 

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45 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

:shock: We just need to change the title to WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!

  1 hour ago, AnywhereButHere said:

They said it was one of the great speeches. They showed the people applauding and screaming. … I got a standing ovation. In fact, they said it was the biggest standing ovation since Peyton Manning had won the Super Bowl, and they said it was equal. I got a standing ovation. It lasted for a long period of time.”

45 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

What the ever loving fuck is he even talking about? In what world does any of this make sense? 

and even if it did make sense, **who fucking cares?**  

it's applause, CheetoMan.  guess what--i've been applauded, too.  i was seven, at my dance recital, and all the moms gave us ovations.  i can assure you i wasn't talking about it four days later.  

Mr. CL, a fan of The Big Lebowski, has taken to shouting at the tv during the news:  "shut the fuck up, Donnie."

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1 hour ago, AlwaysExcited said:

We need Harry Potter ones. I'm just too tired to come up with any. 
Maybe "Donald Trump and the Order of Angry Pussies". 

Donald Trump and the Neo-Nazi's Code

Donald Trump and the Chamber of Golden Showers

Donald Trump and the Prisoner of Guantanamo Bay

(Spoiler! It's Bill Maher!)

Donald Trump and the Basket of Deplorables

Donald Trump and the Order of the Pussies

Donald Trump and the Half-Built Wall

Donald Trump and the Deathly Fallout

Fully admit, not my best work.

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