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Trump 9: RESIST!


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I realize that some of the Democrats from red states have to be careful to not anger their constituents, but I'm not very happy about the people who are voting yes on everything. I will be so pissed if they vote yes to DeVos and Sessions. 


One more article before i got to bed and try not to think about how our country is now a dictatorship. 

Dale EArnhardt Jt. has spoken out against the Muslim ban: 



This is significant, not simply because of how large Earnhardt Jr.’s reach is on social media but also because of how well liked he is amongst NASCAR fans.


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47 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

I'm guessing all the Republicans who were bitching all over social media about how Obama going on too many vacations (because, you know, he frivolously went to visit his family once a year) will be totally silent. Fucking hypocrites.

Man, these people are pushing me to the edge. I've begun talking like a drunken sailor. I've used so much profanity in the last few days that if I started a swear jar and put a dollar in every time, I would be able to buy a summer home in the south of France with the money. 

Sadly, Trump's vacation won't make a difference to these people. It doesn't matter what he does, his followers will love him and call him the greatest President ever.  They will justify it by saying, "Look how much he accomplished in his first two weeks, he deserves a vacation. He's done more in this time than anyone has ever done." (I know :pb_rollseyes:, unfortunately two of his supporters are close to me, and this is their thought process. They have no idea why anyone is protesting, or what anyone could possibly protest against Trump.) Obama could have cured cancer, achieved world peace, and completely paid off the debt, and would still be the worst president ever, according to these same people. 

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50 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

I'm guessing all the Republicans who were bitching all over social media about how Obama going on too many vacations (because, you know, he frivolously went to visit his family once a year) will be totally silent. Fucking hypocrites.

Man, these people are pushing me to the edge. I've begun talking like a drunken sailor. I've used so much profanity in the last few days that if I started a swear jar and put a dollar in every time, I would be able to buy a summer home in the south of France with the money

I resemble this remark. At this point, I figure it's better for me to swear than to punch the wall.


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1 hour ago, 47of74 said:

Yes, I by all means recommend Mama to everyone.  I haven't been listening to her as much since my mornings are now too busy with work.  Stephanie is a very nice person, and I've met her in person three times when she came up to commune with all of us godless Satan worshippers, as Bill-O-the-Blow-Hard called us - in Madison, Wisconsin. 

   I listen to her some mornings over the internet. All of the political talk radio around here is conservative, thankfully we have the internet!

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1 hour ago, RoseWilder said:

I'm guessing all the Republicans who were bitching all over social media about how Obama going on too many vacations (because, you know, he frivolously went to visit his family once a year) will be totally silent. Fucking hypocrites.

Man, these people are pushing me to the edge. I've begun talking like a drunken sailor. I've used so much profanity in the last few days that if I started a swear jar and put a dollar in every time, I would be able to buy a summer home in the south of France with the money. 

Don't feel bad. I would make Satan blush with the things I have said over the last several months. I think tonight was the worst. I hope Donald gets the worst case of jock itch in the history of jock itch and his junk falls off. I hate the man. I truly do. 

I am really trying to stay informed and doing my best to keep fighting, but we are just a few days into this shit show and I am seriously sick to my stomach with anxiety. I had to take a step back today and take a deep breath because we have a long fight ahead and I need to get my head in the game. 

On another note: Both my Senators and my Rep have been getting their asses handed to them via phone calls. I can't get through, so now I have resorted to ripping them a new one on their social media accounts. My local Indivisible chapter went to the state capital Monday to protest. We thought it was going to be just a few people, but over 1,000 showed up. 


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15 hours ago, clueliss said:

FOX news poll underway on trumps immigration policy


I left a comment on the question about the wall:

"This "wall" business is just plain stupid.  We owe the President of Mexico and the people of Mexico an apology for electing an incompetent, ignorant, bigoted idiot for our President.  Our country was built by immigrants from all cultures/religions and on the backs of slaves.  Prez Cheeto needs to take remedial American and World history lessons and definitely a few courses in civics and how governments, particularly the one he was elected to work in, run."

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12 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

I didn't see this posted. "Mysterious intruder rattles GOP lawmakers"

Gee, their circle of trust was breached. Whomever this woman is, she's got some cojones. I don't think I'd be gutsy enough to BS my way into the Repub meeting, especially since the whole meeting was a thousand pounds of BS.

Whoever she is, she's my new hero!

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On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 5:26 AM, CyborgKin said:

On that note: https://medium.com/@jakefuentes/the-immigration-ban-is-a-headfake-and-were-falling-for-it-b8910e78f0c5#.qs5r0ukre

It's rather hard to tell the difference between real incompetence and fake incompetence (or maybe someone using real incompetence), so I dunno.

@CyborgKin The tweet is in this post. Kind of confused that you can't find your own posts, though. (And the tweet doesn't show in the "quote" function for that post).

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ARGH: "Republicans ram through committee approval of Trump Cabinet nominees"


Senate Republicans took steps Wednesday to thwart Democrats plans to obstruct the confirmation of President Trump’s Cabinet nominees for a second day amid frustrations over the president’s pick Tuesday night of a stalwart conservative to serve on the Supreme Cour

Senate Finance Commitee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) suspended the rules to advance Steven Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary and Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) as Secretary of Health and Human Services. All Republicans were at the Finance hearing on Wednesday morning but no Democrats were present to put their opposition on the record.

The GOP move comes after Democrats walked out of hearings on Tuesday, denying Republicans the necessary votes to approve Trump’s nominees for a vote in the full Senate. Democrats planned to replicate that approach Wednesday to slow consideration of Trump’s pick of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to lead the Environmental Protection Agency.

“Yesterday, rather than accept anything less than their desired outcome, our Democrat colleagues chose to cower in the hallway and hold a press conference,” Hatch said Tuesday in a statement.

Republicans fumed Tuesday after Democrats walked out of the scheduled committee votes and used other commitee rules to slow consideration of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) as Attorney General.

There is Democrats they can do to prevent final confirmation of any of Trump’s picks but the plan to focus their energy Wednesday on slowing or disrupting committee action on Trump’s picks to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Justice even as Republicans took s

Trump’s selection of Neil Gorsuch to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court was met with fierce resistance from some Democrats, though it’s unclear whether they will have the 60 votes needed to block his confirmation. Republican leaders said they hoped to vote on Gorsuch in April before the two-week Easter recess.

Gorsuch’s selection seemed to only give steam to the increasingly energetic protest movement on the Hill against Trump’s Cabinet nominees — only three of which have been confirmed: Elaine Chao was approved as Transportation secretary on Tuesday, while John Kelly and Gen. James Mattis are now installed at the Homeland Security Department and the Pentagon, respectively.

In a sign of a new level of toxicity, Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) was among six members of the Democratic caucus who voted against her. Chao, who is the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), is the first transportation secretary ever to earn “no” votes, according to a C-SPAN review of Senate records.

Republicans were furious at the stalling tactics for all the nominees.

“It is time to get over the fact that they lost the election,” McConnell said. “The president is entitled to have his Cabinet appointments considered. None of this is going to lead to a different outcome.”

Democratic opposition grew after the announcement this weekend of Trump’s ban on travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries. They plan to echo growing liberal anger in the streets by exhausting every procedural mechanism at their disposal to delay the nominees — even if it still results in Trump’s nominees taking office.

Democrats alone lack the votes needed to block any of Trump’s nominees from taking office — and there are no signs of Republican opposition to any of his picks.

“Democrats are going to keep fighting back,” said Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.). “We are going to stand with people across the country. And we will keep pushing Republicans to put country above party, and stand with us.”

That stance was met with praise from liberal activists, labor unions and constituents, who have been pressuring Democrats to mount more resistance to Trump.

“We’re seeing someone who came into office with a historic popular vote loss come in and push a radical, unconstitutional agenda,” said Kurt Walters, the campaign director of the transparency group Demand Progress. “Yes, radical and bold tactics are what senators should be using in response.”

The protests began Tuesday with a delay on the vote to approve Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) as attorney general after Trump fired acting attorney general Sally Yates for refusing to enforce his executive order regarding travel from seven countries.

On Tuesday, Democrats would vote against Sessions out of concern that he would never similarly defy Trump in the face of a potentially unconstitutional act. Then they invoked an arcane rule to block the committee from holding a roll-call vote on the nomination, forcing Republicans to postpone the vote until Wednesday.

In a nearby hearing room, the Senate Finance Committee convened to vote on Treasury secretary-designate Steve Mnuchin and Health and Human Services secretary nominee Tom Price. Democrats boycotted that meeting entirely, denying Republicans a necessary quorum and forcing them to reschedule both votes.

They had less success delaying confirmations elsewhere. They tried once again to stall a committee vote to advance Trump’s pick for education secretary, ­Betsy DeVos, but Republicans prevailed on a party-line vote despite new revelations that her written responses to hundreds of questions appeared to include passages from uncited sources.

Meanwhile, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved the nominations of former Texas governor Rick Perry to be energy secretary and Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.) to be interior secretary — both with bipartisan majorities, sending them to the full Senate for final up-or-down votes.

Most of the drama Tuesday unfolded along a fluorescent-lit hallway on the second floor of the Dirksen Senate Office Building.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) sat at the dais with just three other Republican senators at the start of his hearing to consider Mnuchin and Price. Having just come from the Judiciary Committee where Sessions’s nomination was being stalled, Hatch told his colleagues, “Jeff Sessions isn’t treated much better than these fellas are.”

“Some of this is just because they don’t like the president,” Hatch said, later adding that Democrats “ought to stop posturing and acting like idiots.”

Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.) agreed. “I think this is unconscionable,” he said.

“We did not inflict this kind of obstructionism on President Obama,” added Sen. Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.), the only other senator in the room. He added that the Democrats were committing “a completely unprecedented level of obstruction. This is not what the American people expect of the United States Senate.”

In fact, in 2013, Republicans similarly boycotted a Senate committee’s vote on Gina McCarthy to serve as former president Barack Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency administrator. Senators said at the time that she had refused to answer their questions about transparency in the agency. Republicans did it again that year to one of Obama’s nominees to serve as a deputy secretary of homeland security. And throughout 2016, they blocked a hearing for Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Merrick Garland.

In a series of interviews on Monday, Schumer threatened to jam the Senate calendar if Trump did not revoke his travel order or if Republicans did not allow a vote on legislation that would rescind it.

“Senate Democrats, we’re the accountability,” Schumer boasted in an interview with Spanish-language network Univision.

On Tuesday, shortly before the Finance Committee hearing began, committee Democrats huddled in the office of lead Democrat Ron Wyden (Ore.) and agreed to boycott the meeting.

“In some ways, we’re doing President Trump a favor,” Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said. “If these nominees had been confirmed, and then these stories broke about how they lied, how they made money on foreclosures, how they made money off of sketchy health-care stock trades, this would have been a major scandal for the administration. Now it’s just a problem we can fix.”

Hatch, the longest-serving Republican senator, later marveled at having to rush back and forth between three contentious hearings.

“I lost some weight here today,” he quipped.

Um, must be nice to be able to just suspend the rules when they are inconvenient.

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4 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

ARGH: "Republicans ram through committee approval of Trump Cabinet nominees"

Um, must be nice to be able to just suspend the rules when they are inconvenient.

Well, I guess it's time for us all to start calling, emailing, texting, and faxing Orrin Hatch to let him know how disgusted we are. 

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2 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

Well, I guess it's time for us all to start calling, emailing, texting, and faxing Orrin Hatch to let him know how disgusted we are. 

Sadly, he couldn't care less. But agreed. I will probably fax and email, since I am not in his state.

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2 hours ago, Dark Matters said:

"This "wall" business is just plain stupid.  We owe the President of Mexico and the people of Mexico an apology for electing an incompetent, ignorant, bigoted idiot for our President.  

This might have to be our next step, to send letters of apology to all the nations the President has offended, since our own letters are apparently being ignored by elected officials.  We can't count on Trump to be diplomatic, so it might be up to us.  (I'm feeling slightly hysterical this morning.)

I sent my latest round of postcards out this morning, including reiterating that I think the wall is craziness, but I know I am preaching to the choir since my reps are democrats.   I think I am going to focus on ousting Bannon, since he seems to be the taproot of evil in the administration.

At least they will know we are watching, even if they don't care.  :(

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44 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Sadly, he couldn't care less. But agreed. I will probably fax and email, since I am not in his state.

Yeah, I'm sure he won't care. But I still like the idea of bogging down his whole office and annoying him. I think we should make sure that none of these horrible Republicans who are ruining our country know a moments peace while they're in office. 

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Well, war with Cahina is imminent, according to Bannon, the White House's 'special counsellor' (typing this, I feel like spitting, just like the grandmother in 'Allo, 'Allo does every time Germans are mentioned).


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I saw some reporters on Twitter talking about Trump's random babbling about Black History Month. Here's a clip:


For those who can't or refuse to watch, here's a link to Raw Story which has some quotes they have transcribed from this event:


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15 hours ago, FrumperedCat said:

It also appears he's a big fan of religious freedom which I guess is no surprise. The thing that did interest me though is that he has no outright view on Roe vs Wade, however through his other writings it's believed that he is pro-life and a supporter of the death penalty.

I'm baffled by the religious freedom thing. Serious question: does this only apply to Christians? Mormons, too? It certainly doesn't include Muslims, I assume. I'd love to see someone ask him to define religious freedom in a live interview. :anyone:

12 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

Sean Spicer is so full of shit I'm surprised it's not oozing out of every pore in his body: 


@VelociRapture - I don't know why you're tagged, but whatever. Hi. :)

This made me laugh my ass off, and suddenly nearly cry because this is our actual fucking reality. EVERYTHING is just so absurd right now. @RoseWilder and @Mecca, I was already a potty mouth, but I'm on a whole new level now. Even my social media (just twitter) is full of "what the fuck, are you fucking kidding me, fuck this guy/gal, eat shit, go to hell," etc. I'm not even ashamed. This is a living nightmare. And it's just a matter of time before I really lose my shit with the people on my Facebook who are "praising Jesus" that Trump is going to keep us safe. No one has been able to provide an answer as to what he's keeping us safe from. :angry-banghead:  I'm not sure how much longer I can just ask questions and provide Bible verses that go directly against Trump, before I just start telling them they are all fucking stupid hypocrites! AHHHHHHH. 

This is what, week 2? We are so fucked. 

On a positive note, in 2 weeks (I think) Saturday Night Live should be filled with entertainment. They probably don't even have enough time to cover all of the bull shit we've seen so far... :popcorn2:

3 minutes ago, Cartmann99 said:

I saw some reporters on Twitter talking about Trump's random babbling about Black History Month. Here's a clip:


For those who can't or refuse to watch, here's a link to Raw Story which has some quotes they have transcribed from this event:


Oh, FUCKING HELL! :angry-banghead::angry-banghead::angry-banghead::angry-banghead::angry-banghead:

Now I need a Xanax. I can't believe he's talking about the fucking wall in his office right now. HOW is this relevant?? And I bet my bank account he has no idea why Harriet Tubman or Rosa Parks are significant. 

He uses the word BIGLY while talking about education!! 

Now he's making up bull shit about all the black people who support him. I quit life. I'm done with this shit. I'm fucking appalled. 

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I'm really happy that the Democrats are aggressively working on figuring out the next steps. But it's just so heartbreaking to think of how, if Clinton had won, all this time and energy could have been used to improve people's lives. And now everyone has to pour all their energy into keeping a madman and his Republican enablers from ruining our country beyond repair. 

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9 minutes ago, Ali said:

Is it possible for him to talk about black people without bringing up inner cities?


I couldn't watch the whole thing, but the couple minutes I did watch had nothing to do with Black history. There was no honoring Black history. NONE.

I'm so pissed that he joked around, stroked his ego, mentioned a couple of popular names, and basically trashed Black communities. Fuck Trump. 

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A few things:

Can somebody post a sample e-mail to write to House and Senate members? I know writing to somebody out side of my district really does not matter, but I wan't to contribute to the overflow.

Am I right to be uneasy about emailing? I  mean they track e-mails right? They know who supports them and who doesn't. Yes, I'm a bit paranoid about storm troopers coming to my door tracking me down.

Does the orange shit stain really think he is doing great?  Calling the media the "opposition party".  He is either planing to rip apart the first amendment or he knows we are all on to him and he needs to lie to himself (or both). 


8 minutes ago, Ali said:

Is it possible for him to talk about black people without bringing up inner cities?

For us yes.  For him no.  Because that is where they all live right? Cuz all them blacks are all the same. He is such a fucking racist

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I already posted this in the What Now thread, but I figured it couldn't hurt to post it here too: 

I just found this great website: 


It has a list of all the things you might want to call your senator/rep/government official about and you click on the 5 you want to call today, and give your location, and they provide you with the appropriate numbers to call. There's also a script provided, in case you need help figuring out what to say when you call. 

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At this rate I'm going to ruin all my shoes from going to so many protest marches.

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23 minutes ago, Ali said:

Is it possible for him to talk about black people without bringing up inner cities?

No, because he thinks that's where they all live except the few very rich ones.

 And Jerry Falwell Jr. is appointed to his education task force?  I have no words.

Oops should have read the thread first!

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