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Trump 9: RESIST!


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12 minutes ago, Destiny said:

I'm at a meeting of local democrats. My introvert soul is hating being surrounded by 75 people I don't know. Send good vibes.

Sending good vibes. I know how you feel. I am super introverted.


On another note...fuck you very much, Kellyanne: "Kellyanne Conway Is Sorry She Offended the ‘Black-Stretch-Pants Women of America’ with Her Inauguration Coat"


Among the many headline-making moments of Donald Trump’s inauguration on Friday, one stood out (both literally and figuratively): the sartorial choice of his counselor, Kellyanne Conway, who chose a red, white and blue-themed Gucci last Friday that instantly set the internet buzzing with memes and (sometimes unflattering) comparisons. She heard the reactions – and she’s ready to respond.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Conway says she’s “sorry to offend the black-stretch-pants women of America [by wearing] a little color” on inauguration day. The “color” in question: a $3,600 Gucci double-breasted A-line coat featuring a white bodice, blue sleeves and red collar, which she accessorized with a bright red bucket hat, matching gloves and handbag.

At the time, Conway told reporters her coat was “Trump revolutionary wear,” a nod to his inauguration speech in which he championed a “New Patriotism.”

It’s not the first time her clothing has gotten attention – Saturday Night Live has mentioned her affinity for wearing sleeveless dresses to her numerous talk show and news media appearances, most recently spoofing it in a musical parody of Chicago’s “Roxie Hart.” Conway dismisses the buzz, though, telling THR, “I can put my shoes and panty hose back on and go on any show at any time,” and saying of SNL’s Kate McKinnon, who has portrayed both Conway and Hillary Clinton, “Kate McKinnon clearly sees the road to the future runs through me and not Hillary.”

I wish we could impose a gag order on her. I know it makes me gag whenever she speaks.

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Trump appears to be in the process of screwing over the police who supported/endorsed him.



In the months leading up to the election, Donald Trump touted his support for law enforcement on the campaign trail, telling police officers that he’d have their back when he got to the White House. Now, with the Trump administration reportedly considering killing off a Justice Department office that has distributed billions in federal funding to local police agencies across the country, even some of president’s law enforcement supporters are worried.

Concerns about the future of DOJ’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, or COPS, grew out of a report in The Hill last week on the Trump administration’s budget plans. The new administration’s working budget, The Hill said, closely matched a budget blueprint from the conservative Heritage Foundation ― a budget that calls for eliminating the COPS Office altogether.

I feel sorry for cops who weren't supporters of Trump. The ones who did support him can go fuck themselves. They're not getting one ounce of sympathy from me. 

It's such a shame that we can't separate out the morons who voted for Trump from the rest of us and let all the harm fall on them. No, instead, we have to suffer along with the idiots. 

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Well, this is troubling: 



Thousands of protestors took part in mostly peaceful demonstrations in Washington DC for inauguration day. On the morning of January 20, National Park Police surrounded and corralled with riot shields a group of anti-capitalist protestors, dubbed #DisruptJ20, at the intersection of 12th and L St NW, using a maneuver known as ‘kettling.’ Among this group were lawyers acting as observers and members of the press. Police reportedly used pepper spray, tear gas and flash grenades, and reportedly arrested roughly 230 people, including the six journalists, despite claims from Engel and Rubinstein that they repeatedly showed police their media credentials.



The felony charges are the most serious level of offense under the District of Columbia’s law against rioting, and carry a penalty of up to 10 years in prison and fines of up to $25,000.

The legal action taken against these journalists is extremely worrisome and could induce a chill on free expression in the United States, particularly with regards to media reporting on public demonstrations. During periods of social unrest, journalists play a crucial role as observers and disseminators of up-to-date news on these public interest issues, and thus must be allowed freedom to conduct their work. It is unacceptable that journalists have been charged with felony rioting simply for doing their job.


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Turns out I was in the wrong place. I was at a regional meeting and I wanted a local one so I left. The local meeting is next week.

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14 minutes ago, Destiny said:

Turns out I was in the wrong place. I was at a regional meeting and I wanted a local one so I left. The local meeting is next week.

Good on you for making an effort.  I went as far as buying postcards today to make my voice heard.  Baby steps for introverts.

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Do you guys ever get this exhausted and dark feeling that it might not matter and people can just ignore our rally cries? I guess just thinking about the DPL is just making me nervous. I don't know if I"m just too exhausted for the moment in regards to his EAs

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Do you guys ever get this exhausted and dark feeling that it might not matter and people can just ignore our rally cries? I guess just thinking about the DPL is just making me nervous. I don't know if I"m just too exhausted for the moment in regards to his EAs

Sometimes, but I have to believe that we can make a difference. The "evil triumphs when good people do nothing" is a quote I've always tried to live by, and I have to at least try.
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I'm so ashamed to be American. I think I'll go to Scotland. Not like the Fuhrious Orange won't go there but at least Scottish people know how to take the piss.

Also hope he enjoys the skyrocketing prices of produce. But worse off, Chipotle is gonna start charging us $3 for guac...

And you know this is hypocritical BS bc probably a shit ton of undocumented workers are employed at his businesses that he hasn't divested from.

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7 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

My Thread Titles:

What fresh hell is this?

Don't you feel like a dumbass for saving for retirement all these years?


Saw this on Twitter from one of Trump's fans:


I thought for a second about asking why the pictures of the new royal family didn't include Melania, but then decided it was pointless to engage with him. 

Is anybody else going to be at the Q&A with Dr. Stroop tonight? *points up to the top of the page where @Curious announced it*

Anyway, good to see all of you. :-) 

Worst deck of playing cards EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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12 hours ago, HarryPotterFan said:

Kellyanne Asshole, as my dad likes to call her, does have a lot in common with Yzma

She is scary beyond all reason. 


8 hours ago, Destiny said:

I'm at a meeting of local democrats. My introvert soul is hating being surrounded by 75 people I don't know. Send good vibes.

Proud of you! I haven't gotten up the nerve to do something like this. Going into a new place with people I don't know makes me very, very anxious.

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11 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:




At first I though it was parody. Still can't quite believe it's real. 

Moving to Mexico suddenly feels like a great plan. 

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12 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:


I thought for a second about asking why the pictures of the new royal family didn't include Melania, but then decided it was pointless to engage with him. 

Is anybody else going to be at the Q&A with Dr. Stroop tonight? *points up to the top of the page where @Curious announced it*

Anyway, good to see all of you. :-) 

I just had to get that heinous picture out of there to quote you. Jesus, Cheeto, we get that you NEED all of this length to cover your scalp on top, but cut the long-ass shit over your ears on the sides & collar in the back. It looks ridiculous. 

I'm thinking the creator of this questionable art left Melania out because she wasn't born of his loins. Keeping it to just the blood kin. The man and his offspring. 

I feel nauseous just knowing it exists.

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If not me sign Nashville March.jpg


8 hours ago, candygirl200413 said:

Do you guys ever get this exhausted and dark feeling that it might not matter and people can just ignore our rally cries?

My natural inclination has been to not get politically involved, but Trump is a super-special situation, and I feel compelled to get out and resist this current evil.   So far, everything he's done makes me incredibly uneasy and angry.  I live not far from two former WWII internment camps, which are good local reminders of what can occur when people look the other way.  Trump makes me that scared.

I'm glad I have FJ to help me with resources and ideas on how to take action.  To keep from being too overwhelmed, I plan to focus on upcoming local elections to get rational people back in office. 

Also, Dr. Chris Stroop provided lots of information on the current situation, and I really encourage everyone here to browse his posts from last night's discussion. 

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11 hours ago, JoyfulSel said:

... The French had the right idea on how to dispose their tyrants, straight to the guillotine!

Huh? Why would you say this or think it is OK to say this? Did I miss sarcasm or something?

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15 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

I'm on a roll today. Here's an article about Senate Democrats supporting Trump nominees.




I can see the problem with Democratic Senators in states that went for the Groper in Chief. As much as I dislike their votes, I admit these Democrats need to be strategic. They need to do some things their constituents agree with, as the role of a Congressperson is to express the voice of their constituents. In order to bring about change, you must have a place at the table. If these Senators oppose everything the Republicans want, I can see more states electing Republican senators, which would skew the Senate even more Republican. More Democrats than Republicans will be up for election in two years. It's not just about saving their job for some, it's about keeping Democratic representation in the Senate, and having leadership and experience in place when more are voted in. 


I don't have as much sympathy for Senators in strongly reliable Blue states. They have much less to lose by voting against these nominees. 

My Senators (Blumenthal and Murphy) have been fairly strong in their opposition to his appointees. I think they both voted for Mathis, but I'm fine with that. He may not be the ideal choice for Democrats, but he has actual experience and he knows what he's talking about. Out of all Trump's choices, he's the one that makes the most sense and was actually a good option.

And I agree with you. I'd love to see Democrats stonewall the next four years - just because I'm an asshole and the Republicans deserve it. But Congresspeople are supposed to represent their constituents and Democrats from red or swing states have a delicate balance to maintain. 


And I've decided. Mike Pence is basically just Silas the Albino from "The Da Vinci Code":


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A trade war with Mexico will decimate the agricultural economy.

My husband works in an ag industry. This is terrifying.

I'm around a lot of agriculture with many undocumented workers and their kids. It would be the height of stupidity to reconstitute workplace and school immigration raids, but Predator Cheeto isn't exactly a sharp thinker.
I'm amazed, in the worst possible way, with what he's done in one fucking week. This is horrible.
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17 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

I don't have as much sympathy for Senators in strongly reliable Blue states. They have much less to lose by voting against these nominees. 

I'm pretty irritated with Sen. Schumer. He's one of those in a reliable blue state and he's the minority leader. He's supposed to be leading the resistance, not giving Trump everything he wants!! Maybe in normal times the minority leader's job is to try to find common ground and work across the aisle, but we have seen time and time again the Republicans are not interested. Giving them any concession doesn't result in them giving us anything back. They'll just keep taking and taking until they have everything they want. I wish he would grow a spine.

I live in NY and I have been trying to get through to give him a piece of my mind, but I haven't been able to get through at any of his 9 (!!) offices. Busy signals, straight to voicemail, full mailboxes, etc. He needs to get his phones staffed better.

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11 hours ago, Destiny said:

Sometimes, but I have to believe that we can make a difference. The "evil triumphs when good people do nothing" is a quote I've always tried to live by, and I have to at least try.

This is so true. I've been complacent in the past, but this situation is one that requires all hands to the pump.


11 hours ago, ShepherdontheRock said:

I'm so ashamed to be American. I think I'll go to Scotland. Not like the Fuhrious Orange won't go there but at least Scottish people know how to take the piss.

Also hope he enjoys the skyrocketing prices of produce. But worse off, Chipotle is gonna start charging us $3 for guac...

And you know this is hypocritical BS bc probably a shit ton of undocumented workers are employed at his businesses that he hasn't divested from.

Cheeto doesn't eat produce. Remember, it's only processed and fast food for him. Why would he care about produce prices?


4 hours ago, AlwaysExcited said:

At first I though it was parody. Still can't quite believe it's real. 

Moving to Mexico suddenly feels like a great plan. 

All kidding aside, I actually explored moving to Iceland. That is a country where women are treated well and their weather is much more suited to my anti heat and humidity self. I had a nice chat with a staffer from their embassy about the possibilities. Unfortunately, even if I was as rich as Cheeto, their immigration laws are pretty tough. I'd need an EU passport. Sigh.

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Cheeto doesn't eat produce. Remember, it's only processed and fast food for him. Why would he care about produce prices?

Apparently Melania eats precious jewels.  In Mexico!



The first lady is pictured for the February issue of the magazine, poised with a fork over a bowl of jewels, as if preparing to eat them like pasta. One of the cover lines proclaims her the "nueva Jackie Kennedy."


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25 minutes ago, zygote373 said:

I'm pretty irritated with Sen. Schumer. He's one of those in a reliable blue state and he's the minority leader. He's supposed to be leading the resistance, not giving Trump everything he wants!! Maybe in normal times the minority leader's job is to try to find common ground and work across the aisle, but we have seen time and time again the Republicans are not interested. Giving them any concession doesn't result in them giving us anything back. They'll just keep taking and taking until they have everything they want. I wish he would grow a spine.

I live in NY and I have been trying to get through to give him a piece of my mind, but I haven't been able to get through at any of his 9 (!!) offices. Busy signals, straight to voicemail, full mailboxes, etc. He needs to get his phones staffed better.

I was thinking the same thing. It seems like he's going to oppose DeVos, but it does look like he's rolling over on everyone else. Gillibrand has been the one to stand against Caligula's appointees. Maybe she's setting herself up for a presidential run in 2020...


4 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:


All kidding aside, I actually explored moving to Iceland. That is a country where women are treated well and their weather is much more suited to my anti heat and humidity self. I had a nice chat with a staffer from their embassy about the possibilities. Unfortunately, even if I was as rich as Cheeto, their immigration laws are pretty tough. I'd need an EU passport. Sigh.

We were there last April and I fell in love with the country. Surprising since I hate the cold with a freezing passion, but hey, I'm contradictory. We looked into what it would take to relocate there (and a bunch of other places), and it was prohibitive everywhere.

I just have to hope that his presidency implodes sooner rather than later and he doesn't take us all down with him.

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On 1/26/2017 at 0:20 AM, Bethella said:

@Destiny Here are a few ideas for upcoming thread titles. I know some of them are a little morbid, but I'm having a hard time being optimistic tonight.

  • Not My America
  • This is not Fucking Normal!
  • Lady Liberty Weeps
  • Stay Outraged
  • Keep Resisting
  • A Nation Divided
  • Entering the Twilight Zone
  • Worse than expected
  • Here Comes the 4th Horseman
  • Awaiting the Apocalypse

This one made me laugh  We need that one soon.  

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Holy fuck. I couldn't believe that anyone would say something so horrible in public so I confirmed it. It's true. Stop the planet. I want fucking off.

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