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1 hour ago, Howl said:

Leading me to believe that he really, really, really believes that he won the popular vote.....

Or that he really, really, really doesn't want to be president.  I don't think he ever planned for this.  He liked living in his little bubble in NYC where he could host crappy reality TV and have everyone fawn over him.  I believe his plan was to loose to HRC and profit off of it by holding rallies where people cheer for him while he spouts whatever nonsense pops into his head.  He didn't plan on having to actually do a stressful job.  He didn't plan on millions of people protesting him.  He didn't plan on late night tv using him as the butt of their jokes.  If he screws this up, he's pretty much ruined whatever career he had (especially in tv) and no one will stroke his ego ever again.  Trust me, the man is terrified.  I'm sure he's cursing the electoral college and blaming the institution for his current predicament.

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I think he wrongfully thought it'd make him even more popular if he ran for president. And now he's facing realities.

Way to go, 'murica. 

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1 hour ago, ShepherdontheRock said:

I don't like to use the word c*nt but I'll make an exception for Ann Coulter. I mean she basically paved the way for people like Tammy Lauren as well. 

You scared me for a minute!  Not Tammy Lauren!  Home Front is one of my all-time favorite shows!  You mean Tomi Lahren, who could probably play a younger Ann Coulter in a made-for-TV movie.

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President Donald Trump said in a new interview Friday that persecuted Christians will be given priority over other refugees seeking to enter the United States, saying they have been "horribly treated."

Speaking with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Trump said that it had been "impossible, or at least very tough" for Syrian Christians to enter the United States.

"If you were a Muslim you could come in, but if you were a Christian, it was almost impossible and the reason that was so unfair -- everybody was persecuted, in all fairness -- but they were chopping off the heads of everybody but more so the Christians. And I thought it was very, very unfair. So we are going to help them."

What is this??!!! http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/27/politics/trump-christian-refugees/index.html

So if you are Christian, you are a priority if you choose to come to our country.

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7 hours ago, AnywhereButHere said:

That seems to have been the Democrats' policy for forever. We just roll over and try to be the reasonable ones.  I get why we do it, but it doesn't work. We need to do what the Republicans did all through Obama's time. Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct.

It's like we're the outcast at the cool kids' party trying everything we can to fit in. It'll never work, and they will never like us. They don't see us as reasonable, they just see us as weak. I'm not saying the Republicans have never had a good idea, but certainly in the beginning, we need to throw an elbow and make them take us seriously.

Yeah I think that's the biggest problem with the Democrats these days.  They want everyone to like them and think that we must be calm and use reason.  Horse hockey.  There are people on the right who will never stop wanting to see our side dead, who see any kindness towards Democrats as weakness, and think our side is weak.  Until the party realizes that we're gonna have to play hardball against these racist fornicate sticks we'll never get anywhere.  Until we get hard, pipe hitting liberals who will hit back twice as hard against any political attacks the reich throws their way. 

As the Gene Hackman character said in Mississippi burning, "These people crawled out of a sewer, Mr Ward! And maybe the gutter's where we should be!"  That's true here too.  That's exactly where Donald J. Putinfluffer and his groupies came from so maybe the gutter is where we need to be for now.

And apparently Donald J. Putinfluffer asked whether or not all the protestors knew he was President or not.



If you oppose Donald Trump and you’re looking to get under his skin in the hope of getting him to unravel, it appears you’re succeeding. Major newspapers have reported this week that Trump was “visibly enraged” by the Women’s March and that he’s been complaining of how he can’t “enjoy” being in the White House due to all the protests and resistance. And now comes the money quote from alleged White House insiders who have been leaking embarrassing things about Trump for days.

The @RoguePOTUSStaff account on Twitter claims to be run by anonymous White House staffers who have quickly become frustrated and fearful of Donald Trump’s behavior in office, and are attempting to undo him by leaking what they can. For instance they tweeted advance details about the President of Mexico canceling his meeting with Trump. Many Americans have concluded that the Twitter account is legitimate, or at least worth listening to, and it’s quickly gained nearly a hundred thousand followers in a day and a half.

And now one of the White House insiders claims Donald Trump has become so exasperated by the growing level of public protest and resistance against him that he shouted “Don’t they know I’m the fucking president?” so loudly it could be heard outside of a closed door meeting. The rogue staffers are also claiming that Trump is coming unglued over the new revelation that members of his own family, staff, and cabinet are all registered to vote in multiple states, something which just yesterday he had publicly referred to as “voter fraud.”

When one White House staffer informed Donald Trump that Tiffany Trump, Jared Kushner, Steven Mnuchin, and Steve Bannon are all registered to vote in two states, Trump accused the staffer of “mutiny” for even bringing it up. You can follow the (alleged) White House account here.


Jesus Fornicating Christ.  He makes George W. Bush look like a sane and reasonable person.

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When he came out with the Muslim banned I honestly cried that night and felt so dumb for thinking he actually wouldn't do it. Now we are here, and he's banning them, along with stopping the visa program for many countries to allow their citizens to come into the USA and I'm just waiting for the other hat to drop because it's just going to get worst.


Also HOW THE HELL do you make this happen?! There can be atheists coming from the countries that are banned or how do you prove it because not all Muslims decide to wear the Islamic clothing.

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43 minutes ago, JMarie said:

You scared me for a minute!  Not Tammy Lauren!  Home Front is one of my all-time favorite shows!  You mean Tomi Lahren, who could probably play a younger Ann Coulter in a made-for-TV movie.

Whoops, my bad. I had no idea Tammy Lauren was a real actress, haha. I've been referring to Tomi Lahren as that because it pisses her off when people say her name wrong! 

Basically, what happened was the rapper Wale wrote a song referencing her in an unflattering light, calling her "Tammy Lauren" and she got butthurt and tweeted at him. He gave no fucks. 


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3 hours ago, Childless said:

Or that he really, really, really doesn't want to be president.  I don't think he ever planned for this.  He liked living in his little bubble in NYC where he could host crappy reality TV and have everyone fawn over him.  I believe his plan was to loose to HRC and profit off of it by holding rallies where people cheer for him while he spouts whatever nonsense pops into his head.  He didn't plan on having to actually do a stressful job.  He didn't plan on millions of people protesting him.  He didn't plan on late night tv using him as the butt of their jokes.  If he screws this up, he's pretty much ruined whatever career he had (especially in tv) and no one will stroke his ego ever again.  Trust me, the man is terrified.  I'm sure he's cursing the electoral college and blaming the institution for his current predicament.

This. I think this is true. The look on his face when he realized he won was OH FUCK NOW WHAT, not yay. 

1 hour ago, unholypoledancer said:

What is this??!!! http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/27/politics/trump-christian-refugees/index.html

So if you are Christian, you are a priority if you choose to come to our country.

I won't argue that minority Christians are probably persecuted, but the answer isn't disallowing all Muslims. Fuck that guy. Seriously, how some people can say this stuff with a straight face .... it confuses me.

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2 hours ago, JMarie said:

You scared me for a minute!  Not Tammy Lauren!  Home Front is one of my all-time favorite shows!  You mean Tomi Lahren, who could probably play a younger Ann Coulter in a made-for-TV movie.

It's my all-time favorite show too!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited because it's rare to meet someone who has ever even heard of that show. I'm tempted to start a Homefront thread over in the TV section now!

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1 hour ago, ShepherdontheRock said:

Whoops, my bad. I had no idea Tammy Lauren was a real actress, haha. I've been referring to Tomi Lahren as that because it pisses her off when people say her name wrong! 

Basically, what happened was the rapper Wale wrote a song referencing her in an unflattering light, calling her "Tammy Lauren" and she got butthurt and tweeted at him. He gave no fucks. 


Never know who turns out to be a Closet Conservative.  I'm on the lookout!

There's an episode of The Facts of Life where the gang goes into the city for a play.  For some reason, Tootie takes a different train, and is going to meet the others in a coffee shop.  Tammy Lauren plays the teen runaway hooker who tries to recruit Tootie.  Ask  me to explain how the Krebs cycle works and I get agita, but I know my '80s television.

12 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

It's my all-time favorite show too!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited because it's rare to meet someone who has ever even heard of that show. I'm tempted to start a Homefront thread over in the TV section now!

I taped all the episodes and still have the VHS tapes.  I have a slight hoarding problem.

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3 minutes ago, JMarie said:

Never know who turns out to be a Closet Conservative.  I'm on the lookout!

There's an episode of The Facts of Life where the gang goes into the city for a play.  For some reason, Tootie takes a different train, and is going to meet the others in a coffee shop.  Tammy Lauren plays the teen runaway hooker who tries to recruit Tootie.  Ask  me to explain how the Krebs cycle works and I get agita, but I know my '80s television.

I taped all the episodes and still have the VHS tapes.  I have a slight hoarding problem.

I'm so jealous. I wore out my tapes. Someone keeps posting them on youtube and then I get to watch them again. But within a few weeks, they always get removed for copyright violation. Why oh why won't they release them on DVD?

Because I think we all deserve to have a laugh at this asshole's expense: 


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45 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

It's my all-time favorite show too!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited because it's rare to meet someone who has ever even heard of that show. I'm tempted to start a Homefront thread over in the TV section now!

That makes three of us! 


I was in college when Homefront was on. Even if things were strained between my roommate and I, we'd always get together on Tuesday nights at 10 to watch Homefront, or, as we called it, Jeff night. I've followed Kyle Chandler after, too, and will admit that he's my celebrity crush. I also enjoyed him on Early Edition and Friday Night Lights, and I know he'd on Bloodline as well. I like how he usually plays genuinely good men. 


Thank you both for bringing up Tammy Lauren and Homefront. I needed a little distraction from the mess we are in. 

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5 hours ago, unholypoledancer said:

What is this??!!! http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/27/politics/trump-christian-refugees/index.html

So if you are Christian, you are a priority if you choose to come to our country.

Good God. No. No, no, no, no, no. 
This is not how equality works. How freedom works. This is just degrading - for everyone. Trump included.

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11 hours ago, Childless said:

Or that he really, really, really doesn't want to be president.  I don't think he ever planned for this.  He liked living in his little bubble in NYC where he could host crappy reality TV and have everyone fawn over him.  I believe his plan was to loose to HRC and profit off of it by holding rallies where people cheer for him while he spouts whatever nonsense pops into his head.  He didn't plan on having to actually do a stressful job.  He didn't plan on millions of people protesting him.  He didn't plan on late night tv using him as the butt of their jokes.  If he screws this up, he's pretty much ruined whatever career he had (especially in tv) and no one will stroke his ego ever again.  Trust me, the man is terrified.  I'm sure he's cursing the electoral college and blaming the institution for his current predicament.

Exactly. The videos I saw of him coming to the inauguration showed a guy who looked terrified. My husband and I were discussing how Trump has lived most of his life in a tiny bubble of people praising him. He never meant to win. He planned on losing, going on a "I Hate Hillary" tour and spending four years Tweeting about shit. But now he has to do all that stuff he said he was going to do and he has no clue. He doesn't know how to deal with criticism, he doesn't know how to deal with working really, really hard and making tough decisions. I wouldn't be surprised if he is looking for a way to exit without admitting he never had any idea on how to be president. 


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I too am one who thinks Cheeto Man never expected to win. 

1 hour ago, formergothardite said:

He doesn't know how to deal with criticism, he doesn't know how to deal with working really, really hard and making tough decisions. I wouldn't be surprised if he is looking for a way to exit without admitting he never had any idea on how to be president. 

4 years is a long time to really mess things up and his reputation and businesses will suffer.  When his own party turns on him, it will do damage to the Republican party.

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11 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Yeah I think that's the biggest problem with the Democrats these days.  They want everyone to like them and think that we must be calm and use reason.  Horse hockey.  There are people on the right who will never stop wanting to see our side dead, who see any kindness towards Democrats as weakness, and think our side is weak.  Until the party realizes that we're gonna have to play hardball against these racist fornicate sticks we'll never get anywhere.  Until we get hard, pipe hitting liberals who will hit back twice as hard against any political attacks the reich throws their way. 

As the Gene Hackman character said in Mississippi burning, "These people crawled out of a sewer, Mr Ward! And maybe the gutter's where we should be!"  That's true here too.  That's exactly where Donald J. Putinfluffer and his groupies came from so maybe the gutter is where we need to be for now.

And apparently Donald J. Putinfluffer asked whether or not all the protestors knew he was President or not.



Jesus Fornicating Christ.  He makes George W. Bush look like a sane and reasonable person.

I have been following this account. I can't decide if I think it is legitimate or not. I think we need to have some caution about sources. We don't want to start believing the left equivalent of Briebart.

10 hours ago, candygirl200413 said:

Also HOW THE HELL do you make this happen?! There can be atheists coming from the countries that are banned or how do you prove it because not all Muslims decide to wear the Islamic clothing.

Or perhaps terrorists could study Christianity and prepare for the religious test. They could pretend to be Christians in order to get into the country. Some people actually spend time studying and preparing - I'm looking at you Betsy DeVos.

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@Ali Amen on the sources (would quote but that feature's acting up for me). There's more than enough that's verifiable, no need to believe every little thing. I've noticed a trend of liberal bs clickbait and it's important that we all are careful with what we believe and get upset over lest we lose credibility and waste energy on fake or exaggerated stories.

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14 minutes ago, Ali said:

I have been following this account. I can't decide if I think it is legitimate or not. I think we need to have some caution about sources. We don't want to start believing the left equivalent of Briebart.

Yeah, I'm not sure if it's real either.

But, several reputable sources have been reporting on leaks from within the White House that confirm that Trump is really upset about the people who are marching and organizing against him and that he's throwing temper tantrums about it. The person who runs that twitter account could just be borrowing from that article. So, he might not have said those actual words, but I do believe he's said something similar. 

I have no idea why Republicans thought we would just magically support Trump if he won after they spent 8 years trashing President Obama. But they need to take their suggestions about how "we should all support him and come together as a country" and shove them where the sun doesn't shine. They are such hypocrites. 

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3 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

Yeah, I'm not sure if it's real either.

But, several reputable sources have been reporting on leaks from within the White House that confirm that Trump is really upset about the people who are marching and organizing against him and that he's throwing temper tantrums about it. The person who runs that twitter account could just be borrowing from that article. So, he might not have said those actual words, but I do believe he's said something similar. 

I have no idea why Republicans thought we would just magically support Trump if he won after they spent 8 years trashing President Obama. But they need to take their suggestions about how "we should all support him and come together as a country" and shove them where the sun doesn't shine. They are such hypocrites. 

In that case let's focus on the verifiable leaks. "Okay, so that's not true but it might as well be" from right-wing fake sources is a lot of what got us to this point.

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10 hours ago, JMarie said:

Never know who turns out to be a Closet Conservative.  I'm on the lookout!

There's an episode of The Facts of Life where the gang goes into the city for a play.  For some reason, Tootie takes a different train, and is going to meet the others in a coffee shop.  Tammy Lauren plays the teen runaway hooker who tries to recruit Tootie.  Ask  me to explain how the Krebs cycle works and I get agita, but I know my '80s television.

I taped all the episodes and still have the VHS tapes.  I have a slight hoarding problem.

OT but I fkin hate the Kreb's cycle.  I've had to learn it for multiple different classes and it's still fuzzy.  Good thing I don't really need it for real life.  lol.  

Because we need a laugh today:


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17 hours ago, JoyfulSel said:

I was talking about Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI and how they ended up at the guillotine. I'm confused by your confusion. That whole French Revolution that happened and all that ??

Anyways, Coulter is the worst kind of witch. Whenever you think she can't possibly stoop any lower, she tweets something so despicable. Whoever said she is always negative is right - never have I once heard her praise anyone or anything. She lives in her miserable world with a miserable heart and mind.

I AM historically literate; I know that they were executed by guillotine. I know about the French revolution.

My question was why you appeared to be advocating guillotining people as a good thing - hence my question about whether I missed sarcasm. I still don't get what you are saying. No matter how much I disagree with the "other side" - this clearly is not an appropriate solution. Or maybe I am still missing some piece of the dialogue.

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1 hour ago, RoseWilder said:

Yeah, I'm not sure if it's real either.

But, several reputable sources have been reporting on leaks from within the White House that confirm that Trump is really upset about the people who are marching and organizing against him and that he's throwing temper tantrums about it. The person who runs that twitter account could just be borrowing from that article. So, he might not have said those actual words, but I do believe he's said something similar. 

I have read through all of this account's tweets. Some sound like they could be true, and some are a bit scary and hard to believe. These tweets could be used to feed conspiracy theories and could be fake. I agree with @FakePigtails about verifiable leaks. I have spent the past eight years listening to people spread lies about Obama because they sound like they could be true or they just know that they are true. I would like these alt and rouge accounts to verify their identities with a trusted media source like the Washington Post or the NYT.

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16 hours ago, ShepherdontheRock said:

I don't like to use the word c*nt but I'll make an exception for Ann Coulter. I mean she basically paved the way for people like Tammy Lauren as well. 

I use the term "Fuckwit." Gets the job done and not sexist. :) 

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2 hours ago, FakePigtails said:

In that case let's focus on the verifiable leaks. "Okay, so that's not true but it might as well be" from right-wing fake sources is a lot of what got us to this point.

I never said we should take that source seriously. I just said a similar story has been verified. 

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