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Trump 9: RESIST!


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Jake Tapper has been doing a good job lately of holding the Trump administration accountable: 


I got sort of choked up while reading this story:

Immigrants respond to Trump with the hashtag #Imalreadyhome



The United States was built by immigrants, and we shouldn’t forget it. 

In light of President Trump’s executive order on immigration Wednesday, HuffPost Latino Voices asked readers to share their stories to show how immigrants already make America great using the hashtag #ImAlreadyHome. People from all walks of life and with roots in different corners of the world responded.

The outpouring of stories became a trending topic in the United States, and showed how immigration has helped sustain this country for generations. 


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13 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

It's my all-time favorite show too!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited because it's rare to meet someone who has ever even heard of that show. I'm tempted to start a Homefront thread over in the TV section now!

I too, love that show. I'm still mad it was cancelled!

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2 hours ago, apple1 said:

I AM historically literate; I know that they were executed by guillotine. I know about the French revolution.

My question was why you appeared to be advocating guillotining people as a good thing - hence my question about whether I missed sarcasm. I still don't get what you are saying. No matter how much I disagree with the "other side" - this clearly is not an appropriate solution. Or maybe I am still missing some piece of the dialogue.

It was sarcasm.

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23 hours ago, AnywhereButHere said:

@Childless They are that! They're like bulldozers, not really looking at what's in their path. Just steamrolling ahead without thought to consequences. I don't think it was always like that though.

Maybe I was just too young to remember, but it seemed to me that this great divide and animosity developed during the Bill Clinton years (he was the first president I was eligible to vote for). I remember this guy (house/senate don't remember) was being interviewed on tv about some of Bill's "escapades", and he was literally shaking with anger, stammering and practically foaming at the mouth. I swear I saw spit flying! It's just gone on from there with the Dems trying to keep it old school civil, with most Republicans throwing hissy fits. I'm one for taking the high road, but it's just not working anymore.

As an aside: This is the third or fourth time within the past year where I've been cheering Lindsey Graham. The world is truly upside down! :pb_razz:


I have always attributed the reign of Newt Gingrich in the House as a big part of how the GOP got where they are today -- stupid, nasty hypocrites. He was one of the people screaming about Bill's situation with Monica all the while he was doing the same damned thing with his intern. And, just like Agent Orange, he's on his third wife. Before Newt, there was always disagreement between the parties, but it was normally at least a bit civil. He's the one who was rabid. Unfortunately, his rabies has spread.


23 hours ago, AuntK said:

I think she skins puppies. . .

Anyhoo, back to her rape tweet, if she thinks men rape only attractive women (and obviously rape is about sex not violence), she should have nothing to worry about!  

She and Kellyanne CONway should be BFFs! Or are they the same person?

I agree with you, @AuntK, but want to point out one thing: Fuckwit Coulter didn't write that men only raped attractive women; she wrote that men have no choice to rape because attractive women wouldn't date them. I take it she means they'll rape any woman who is handy, no matter their "attractiveness" because they were thwarted by "attractive" women. Remember, nothing is too low for her.

14 hours ago, JMarie said:

Never know who turns out to be a Closet Conservative.  I'm on the lookout!

There's an episode of The Facts of Life where the gang goes into the city for a play.  For some reason, Tootie takes a different train, and is going to meet the others in a coffee shop.  Tammy Lauren plays the teen runaway hooker who tries to recruit Tootie.  Ask  me to explain how the Krebs cycle works and I get agita, but I know my '80s television.

I taped all the episodes and still have the VHS tapes.  I have a slight hoarding problem.

I loved Tammy Lauren on the late 1970s show, "Angie", which starred Donna Pescow, Robert Hayes, and Doris Roberts. I adored that show, but it never took off.


7 hours ago, formergothardite said:

Exactly. The videos I saw of him coming to the inauguration showed a guy who looked terrified. My husband and I were discussing how Trump has lived most of his life in a tiny bubble of people praising him. He never meant to win. He planned on losing, going on a "I Hate Hillary" tour and spending four years Tweeting about shit. But now he has to do all that stuff he said he was going to do and he has no clue. He doesn't know how to deal with criticism, he doesn't know how to deal with working really, really hard and making tough decisions. I wouldn't be surprised if he is looking for a way to exit without admitting he never had any idea on how to be president. 


I so agree. I think he really wanted to lose so he could sit in Drumpf Tower, Tweeting to his followers, all the while setting up the Breitbart TV Network.

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18 hours ago, JMarie said:

I'm now mildly obsessed with The Joy of Knitting.  I found this on her FB page:

So not only is she anti-feminist and anti-child, she doesn't allow her merchandise to be returned, and thinks her customers' homes smell bad.  How has she managed to stay in business?

I'm definitely not fan of this lady, but as someone who has worked in retail, you end up making rules like that because of the"bad apples" who try to take advantage of you. You get fed up with telling people to get little Johnny off of the ceiling fan, or having customers like Fred the chain-smoker wanting to return an item that he obviously stored in between his overflowing ashtray, and his cat's infrequently cleaned litterbox.

There's always a few "bad apples" who ruin it for the rest of us. :pb_sad:


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Surprise, surprise: "Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions"


The seven nations targeted for new visitation restrictions by President Trump on Friday all have something in common: They are places he does not appear to have any business interests.

The executive order he signed Friday bars all entry for the next 90 days by travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Excluded from the lists are several majority-Muslim nations where the Trump Organization is active and which in some cases have also faced troublesome issues with terrorism.

According to the text of the order, the restriction applies to countries that have already been excluded from programs allowing people to travel to the United States without a visa because of concerns over terrorism. Hewing closely to nations already named as terrorism concerns elsewhere in law might have allowed the White House to avoid angering some more powerful and wealthy majority Muslim allies, such as Egypt.

But without divesting from his company, as bipartisan ethics experts had advised, Trump is now facing questions about whether he designed the new rules with his own business at least partly in mind.

“He needs to sell his businesses outside his family and place the assets in a blind trust, otherwise every decision he makes people are going to question if he’s making the decision in the interests of the American people or his own bottom line,” said Jordan Libowitz, the spokesman for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a liberal watchdog group. The group has filed a lawsuit arguing that Trump is already in violation of a constitutional provision barring federal officials from accepting payments from foreign officials.

Earlier in the week, Norm Eisen, the group’s chairman and a former ethics adviser to Barack Obama, tweeted: “WARNING: Mr. Pres. your Muslim ban excludes countries where you have business interests. That is a CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATION. See u in court.”

Stephanie Grisham, a White House spokeswoman, said, “The high-risk territories are based on Congressional statute and nothing else.”

Trump has said he has handed management of his real estate, licensing and merchandising business over to his adult sons to avoid the perception that he is making presidential decisions to boost his own business. But he has retained ownership of the company, meaning that if it thrives during his presidency, he will personally profit.

The new executive order points to the complications that are likely to arise from the arrangement.

Trump’s order makes no mention of Turkey, which has faced several terrorist attacks in recent months. On Wednesday, the State Department updated a travel warning for Americans visiting Turkey, noting that “an increase in anti-American rhetoric has the potential to inspire independent actors to carry out acts of violence against US citizens.”

Trump has licensed his name to two luxury towers in Istanbul. A Turkish company also manufactures a line of Trump-branded home furnishings. Trump’s most recent financial disclosure, filed in May when he was a presidential candidate, showed that he had earned as much as $6 million in the previous year from the deals.

“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” he said in a December 2015 interview with Breitbart News. More recently, he has insisted that he has no conflicts because laws making conflicts illegal do not apply to the president.

Also untouched by Friday’s executive order is the United Arab Emirates, a powerful Muslim ally with whom the United States nevertheless has complicated relations. Trump has licensed his name to a Dubai golf resort, as well as a luxury home development and spa.

Trump has seemed particularly disinclined to divorce himself of interests in the project. Its developer, Hussain Sajwani, attended a New Year’s Eve party at Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, where a video showed Trump singling him out for praise, calling him and his family “the most beautiful people.”

Trump returned to the topic of his Dubai partnership again in mid-January at a news conference intended to demonstrate how he was separating from his business.

“Over the weekend, I was offered $2 billion to do a deal in Dubai with a very, very, very amazing man, a great, great developer from the Middle East — Hussein, Damac, a friend of mine, great guy. And I was offered $2 billion to do a deal in Dubai — a number of deals and I turned it down,” Trump said then, referring to Sajwani’s development company.

His point was that he was voluntarily turning aside new projects that could raise ethical questions. An attorney for the company announced at the same event that the Trump Organization will embark on no new foreign deals while Trump is in office. But the comment also served as a reminder that Trump’s business, included the personal relationships he forged with wealthy partners around the world, was still very much on his mind as he entered the presidency.

The executive order makes no mention of Saudi Arabia, home of 15 of the 19 terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks. The Trump Organization had incorporated several limited liability companies in preparation for an attempt to build a hotel in Saudi Arabia, showing an interest in expansion in the country. The company canceled those incorporations in December, indicating that no project is moving forward.

Excluded as well is Indonesia, the world’s largest majority-Muslim nation, where there are two large Trump-branded resorts underway, built in partnership with powerful local interests.

“To be blunt, we really don’t know what to make of which motives are driving this president’s decisions,” said Kamal Essaheb, director of policy and advocacy for the National Immigration Law Center. “From what we could tell from his campaign and his actions since he became president, what seems to be first and foremost on his mind is his own self-interest and an obsession with his brand.”

That last line is SO true: Drumpf's self-interest and obsession with his brand is first and foremost in his mind.


This article has some interesting graphics. "How Trump has made millions by selling his name".

And another good one, about Theresa May's visit: "An ‘America first’ philosophy? During May’s visit, it’s more like ‘Trump first.’" This section is especially good:


Yet for a man who so values personal relationships, Trump did not seem to be in total sync with May. The prime minister — matching Trump’s wide red tie with a smart red suit of her own — played the more traditional role of world leader, complete with deferential gestures and niceties. The president was more subdued than normal, but still looked a bit like he was an emcee introducing the winner of a spelling bee.

At times, as May turned to Trump, seeming to seek affirmation or at least encouragement, the president stared straight ahead, unaware of his guest’s entreaties. At one point, Trump answered a question directed at her, interjecting, “I think the prime minister, first of all, has other things that she’s much more worried about than Mexico and the United States’ relationship.”

When it was finally her turn to answer, May echoed Trump’s line: “As the president himself has said, the relationship of the United States with Mexico is a matter for the United States and Mexico,” she said.

At another point, May called on a BBC reporter who posed a tough question, noting that Trump’s views on torture, Russia and a Muslim ban were “alarming beliefs” to many in Britain. Trump turned to the prime minister and seemed to jokingly blame her for the query.

“This was your choice of a question?” he said, to laughter. “There goes that relationship.”

Sigh, just sigh.

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4 hours ago, apple1 said:

I AM historically literate; I know that they were executed by guillotine. I know about the French revolution.

My question was why you appeared to be advocating guillotining people as a good thing - hence my question about whether I missed sarcasm. I still don't get what you are saying. No matter how much I disagree with the "other side" - this clearly is not an appropriate solution. Or maybe I am still missing some piece of the dialogue.

I think I def. agree with you on we don't need to condone execution of our government. Not good, not necessary.

however the French did have much better results than the English Peasant Revolt of the late 1300's and they had much the same issues, though still adored their king and wouldn't hurt him... King Richard instead had them massacred afterwards. Hehehe.

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Look up Trump's relationship with Roy Cohn and the mob back in the 80's.  Why the hell this wasn't shoved in his face during the campaign i don't know.

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I think Trump is trying to recreate The Terminal, only without Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones.  And so what if he bans some (AKA non-Christians) coming to the US from certain countries?  Somebody from Somalia can travel to Ethiopia, and then onto the US.  Obviously, if I've thought of this circuitous route, others will, too.



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Sia and Chris Sacca are matching ACLU donations. All you have to do is tweet a copy of your receipt to them.



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44 minutes ago, cindyluvs24 said:

Look up Trump's relationship with Roy Cohn and the mob back in the 80's.  Why the hell this wasn't shoved in his face during the campaign i don't know.

Because most of the voters, at least the millenials and the Trumpsters, don't even know who Roy Cohn is. The Trumpsters would not care, they just had to keep an ebil woman out of the White House. They didn't care about the pussy grabbing, and they heard that out of his own mouth!

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11 minutes ago, AuntK said:

Because most of the voters, at least the millenials and the Trumpsters, don't even know who Roy Cohn is. The Trumpsters would not care, they just had to keep an ebil woman out of the White House. They didn't care about the pussy grabbing, and they heard that out of his own mouth!

can't forget the emails too!

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I'd say Don had a bad first week.  No one wants a new boss to come in and completely upset the apple cart, so to speak.

This toddler cannot - cannot - come in, and sign into being whatever "justice" HE feels is right... this cannot continue.

One week in and I am horrified.  I realize I am preaching to the choir, but I just keep thinking this is a bad dream, or I am losing my grasp on reality.


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I think he thought this was gonna be easy. He doesn't get America at all apparently, because we are in open rebellion against his horrific policies at this point. RESIST!

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Ok, small glimmer of normalcy:  a temporary stay for those with visas and green cards:


"A federal judge granted an emergency stay Saturday night for citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries who have already arrived in the US and those who are in transit, and who hold valid visas, ruling they can legally enter the US. "

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Hours after Trump signed Muslim ban, a Mosque in Texas was set on fire: 



A Texas mosque was set on fire just hours after Trump signed an executive order restricting migration from Muslim-majority countries.

The Islamic Center of Victoria was set on fire around 2 a.m. on Saturday, according to local reports.

Victoria Fire Marshal Tom Legler told the Victoria Advocate he had no theories about the cause of the fire, but he is seeking assistance from state and federal fire investigators.

“It’s a house of worship,” Shahid Hashmi, the president of the center, told the Victoria Advocate, as he watched the center burning. Hashmi also said he will not speculate about the cause of the fire, but mentioned the center was burglarized last week.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help them rebuild: 


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I am wondering how long it will be til we wake up to people traveling from "blue" states to "red" ones being stopped in the airport or at the state line and questioned.


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This week it is people from 7 middle Eastern countries. None of the 9/11 hijackers were from these countries, they were from Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE, but since the Trump Organization has business dealings in these countries, they are not included in the ban. So, who is it going to be next week, Mexicans? Asians? Pacific Islanders? 

The problem is Donny thinks he is the king, not the president, and he can just issue an order without worrying about whether or not it is constitutional or funded or in conflict with law. These executive orders that he is signing willy-nilly are ridiculous - these have to be vetted, approved by counsel, reviewed by congressional reps.  Obama didn't just rip his executive orders off without thorough examination and review. Most of Donny's, if not all, aren't going anywhere. Like him, they're nothing but bluster.

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18 minutes ago, AuntK said:

This week it is people from 7 middle Eastern countries. None of the 9/11 hijackers were from these countries, they were from Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE, but since the Trump Organization has business dealings in these countries, they are not included in the ban. So, who is it going to be next week, Mexicans? Asians? Pacific Islanders? 

The problem is Donny thinks he is the king, not the president, and he can just issue an order without worrying about whether or not it is constitutional or funded or in conflict with law. These executive orders that he is signing willy-nilly are ridiculous - these have to be vetted, approved by counsel, reviewed by congressional reps.  Obama didn't just rip his executive orders off without thorough examination and review. Most of Donny's, if not all, aren't going anywhere. Like him, they're nothing but bluster.

It really does seem like the minute he got the job, he was all, "Wait, HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS WORK?? I can't just do whatever I want???" and then just stalled on doing his job with the government transition because 1) he doesn't know how to do anything in government 2) he'd rather do victory tours instead where everyone cheers about how great he is. Someone finally told him how to issue an Executive Order and he was just like, "Oh... so THAT'S what the president does! Okay, I'll just do a bunch of that!" even though he has the majority in both the house and senate secured and like, literally does not understand why the fuck EOs happen. I just... omg. But yknow, Obama issued some during his time of dealing with an obstructionist Republican base, only to be depicted as some kind of anti-American traitor by the very opposition embracing Trump for doing a thing he is legally allowed to do as president.

I fucking hate this guy so much...  he really is the biggest loser of them all. He doesn't even realize (or care) that what he "won" is the role of public servant. He's just trying to secure this newly obtained power so he can make more money for himself and his interests. What he refuses to accept is that WE, the American people, are his boss now, and he's mad that we won't let him forget it. What a sad sack of trash.

We can't get him out of there fast enough. If he doesn't quit beforehand, we will make him leave. I heard Vegas has been placing bets on when he's out. I sure as fuck hope this is the trajectory we're on, if we have to be on this shit at all.


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13 minutes ago, AuntK said:

So, who is it going to be next week, Mexicans?

Well, he does kinda already have plans for the Mexicans....

Just now, mizandry said:

I heard Vegas has been placing bets on when he's out.

I am headed there in a few weeks and for sure will check out the odds and place a bet.

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This whole ban gave me the happiness I needed again because so many people are doing what they can to make sure others are okay and it really made a difference. It has given me such a push to try as hard as I can.

And yes, I'm always like well those that wanted him, you wanted an outsider, and he has no idea how the government works due to being an outsider.

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