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Trump 9: RESIST!


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Just a note about Christian persecution. Anyone who is facing persecution or has fear of persecution based on their religion (or lack thereof) is eligible for asylum in the US. They don't usually come through as refugees, because that process is quite long. For asylum, they just need to show up at the point of entry and ask for asylum and they'll be scheduled for a credible fear interview. 

For the case today, the two men were perfect plaintiffs.  One had been a translator for the US military in Iraq and the other one was married to one and coming to join his family here. They risked their lives and the lives of their families to help the US and having the door slammed in their faces was sickening. I'm so glad the judge agreed that this was unlawful.

There were (are) over 200 Syrian refugees scheduled to enter next week, and I'm sure the news that they couldn't come was heart-breaking. Now they're waking up to wonderful news that they can travel here and I hope they know that the citizens of the US welcome them.

It's just too bad our President is a so terrible. It's time for him, and his evil minions, to go before he does even more damage. 

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4 hours ago, JMarie said:


I think Trump is trying to recreate The Terminal, only without Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones.  And so what if he bans some (AKA non-Christians) coming to the US from certain countries?  Somebody from Somalia can travel to Ethiopia, and then onto the US.  Obviously, if I've thought of this circuitous route, others will, too.



Actually, interestingly enough, that movie was based on the true story of Mehran Karimi Nasseri, and Iranian refugee who ended up living in Terminal 1 at Charles De Gaulle Airport for almost 18 years, until he ended up being institutionalized. His story is quite fascinating and sad. 


Apparently, once he sold his story to DreamWorks, he no longer had to rely on begging and could actually afford to buy things for himself. 

I have a feeling this will result in a major US international airport having their own Sir Alfred Mehran in the not too distant future. 


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These are the organizations that were instrumental in fighting the Trump Muslim ban in case anyone wants to follow them on twitter, send them a thank you, or make a donation: 




They won this first battle, but this is only the beginning and they have a long, hard fight ahead of them and are going to need all the help they can get. 

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3 hours ago, AuntK said:

This week it is people from 7 middle Eastern countries. None of the 9/11 hijackers were from these countries, they were from Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE, but since the Trump Organization has business dealings in these countries, they are not included in the ban. So, who is it going to be next week, Mexicans? Asians? Pacific Islanders? 

The problem is Donny thinks he is the king, not the president, and he can just issue an order without worrying about whether or not it is constitutional or funded or in conflict with law. These executive orders that he is signing willy-nilly are ridiculous - these have to be vetted, approved by counsel, reviewed by congressional reps.  Obama didn't just rip his executive orders off without thorough examination and review. Most of Donny's, if not all, aren't going anywhere. Like him, they're nothing but bluster.

Being president of a country isn't like being president of a company.  It's not like instituting a dress code for employees, and everyone has to follow it or be fired (You're Fired!).  He's slowly learning the difference.  And I hope congresspersons and senators question why Saudi Arabia and Egypt weren't included in the ban (though we already know why).  I also hope they use the word emolument as much as possible.

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This Muslim ban seems so stupid and short sighted. Supposedly it's temporary? So maybe it will stop one terrorist from coming to the country now but it will more than make up for the difference by making other people more likely to hate America again and more likely to be radicalized.

Also, I have taken the USA off my list of civilized Western countries that respect the human rights.

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I hardly get into politics but damn I'm so upset people voted for him. I stayed offline because the damn comments. How can we deny refugees? Yet two days ago you shouted you were prolife. 


Fuck Trump. 

9 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

This is horrifying: 


Yet if they were white Christians...... I hate Trump so badly. 

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And this morning I am seeing that INS/Customs etc are not following the judge's order to cease, for now, nope, they are following Trump's orders.  

My boss is from Scotland.  White Male.  I walked into his office partway through this last week and he was looking and citizenship information online.  He, as a white male from an English speaking country that we are on good terms with, is concerned enough after being in the US legally as a green card holder who has 2 sons born here and a wife born here to feel that he needs to become a citizen or risk being deported.  I can only imagine what others are feeling right now.  

Yes, I donated to the ACLU last night and then screen capped my receipt and posted it for Sia who was matching donations up to $100.  

I just finished emailing my Senators and Representative from Missouri (and tagging them in a tweet).  I will follow up on Monday with phone calls because I am that disgusted at this point.  

Oh and if you missed it - Trump has already filed for candidacy in the next Presidential election to allow him to raise funds.  



The Resisterhood‏@resisterhood


IMPORTANT. Donald Trump filed with @FEC for 2020 reelection on January 20th, 2017. This is major for several reasons. /1


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10 hours ago, AuntK said:

These executive orders that he is signing willy-nilly are ridiculous - these have to be vetted, approved by counsel, reviewed by congressional reps.

I read that these orders were not reviewed in the usual manner by the Office of Legal Counsel, and in my mind it is like Trump scribbled some thoughts on a cocktail napkin, handed it to Bannon who put it through the Breitbart translator machine and, ta da!, chaos ensues.  What a horrible, inexperienced, unqualified, racist administration. 

My darker thought, among many, is that stirring up worldwide unrest will segue nicely into a military buildup that was one of Trump's campaign promises.  He seems to be checking those off his list as quick as his twittering little fingers can get the orders out to his crappy team. 

My next action (after doing some research, which is more than Trump will ever do) is to write a check.  Resist!  Restore sanity! 

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1 hour ago, clueliss said:

is concerned enough after being in the US legally as a green card holder who has 2 sons born here and a wife born here to feel that he needs to become a citizen or risk being deported

Echoing this, my daughter is friends with college professors who are now afraid to go on visits to their home country (Canada) for fear they won't be allowed to reenter the US to finish the term of their employment contract.  There is a lot of fear and confusion out there.  Everyone is double-checking their paperwork, no matter their country of origin, in fear of deportation or reentry denial.

I don't have the vocabulary to express how appalled I am at this new regime administration.

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Of the 20 CEOs that are serving on Trump's advisory board, only 2 have spoken out against the Muslim ban: 


Others have not spoken out: 


 Other companies whose CEOs are serving on Trump’s advisory council, including J.P. Morgan, Disney, Walmart, IBM, General Electric, General Motors and Blackstone, did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Consulting firm Ernst & Young declined to comment on Trump’s policies when asked earlier this week. And Boston Consulting Group, whose CEO Rich Lesser is on the council, told HuffPost that he is serving in that role as an individual, not as a representative of the consulting firm.

As a long-time Disney fan, and frequent visitor to their parks, I am disgusted right now. I will be contacting them today. 

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Wow so not shocked at Walmart.  Egads E&Y.  You are supposed to be above board and not all buddy buddy with someone.  

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This was on my FB today. Thought I'd share it here, as it's so appropriate. Note the slogan on the reader's chest? How sad to see that nothing's been learned since this was drawn... in 1941.

dr seuss 1941.jpg

(This was in reaction to the ban on admitting Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany)

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I was just checking my twitter feed, and I found some great tweets: 

And here's a horrifying one: 

I'm not seeing very many news sites covering the end of Russian sanctions. I have an appointment I have to get to soon, but when I get back, I'll be checking all the major news sites to see if they're reporting on it and if they're not, I'll be sending emails and tweets. 

Another interesting tweet: 


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5 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:

This Muslim ban seems so stupid and short sighted. Supposedly it's temporary? So maybe it will stop one terrorist from coming to the country now but it will more than make up for the difference by making other people more likely to hate America again and more likely to be radicalized.

Also, I have taken the USA off my list of civilized Western countries that respect the human rights.

The reasoning is allegedly to give them time to tighten screening procedures for Syrian refugees. Because, somehow, they're under the delusion that they can be tightened even more than they already are. 

America, this is why we can't have nice things. Because assholes acting like toddlers ruin it for everyone.

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11 hours ago, AuntK said:

This week it is people from 7 middle Eastern countries. None of the 9/11 hijackers were from these countries, they were from Lebanon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE, but since the Trump Organization has business dealings in these countries, they are not included in the ban. So, who is it going to be next week, Mexicans? Asians? Pacific Islanders? 

Hubs is just now watching Fareed Zakaria on this very topic.  I'm so grateful for the people digging out the dirt behind these moves by Trump. Rula Jebreal on CNN right now is saying, this isn't about national security, it's about white supremacists.  Hmmmm, Steve Bannon, anyone? Make no mistake, this is red meat being thrown to Trump leg humpers.  It's fear mongering business as usual for Trump, just as he's been doing all along -- during the campaign, during his stint as PEOTUS and now as president.  

Sanctions removed from Russia?  I'm not seeing anything on google that shows that any sanctions against Russia have been lifted. 

A positive side effect of this chaos is that the GOP  simply can't stay on top of all the crazy and they will be tarred with the same brush for all of Trump/Bannon/Priebus axis of evil crazy. 

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16 hours ago, JMarie said:


I think Trump is trying to recreate The Terminal, only without Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones.  And so what if he bans some (AKA non-Christians) coming to the US from certain countries?  Somebody from Somalia can travel to Ethiopia, and then onto the US.  Obviously, if I've thought of this circuitous route, others will, too.



Doesn't matter.  If they're brown/black skinned, they will be stopped and held.  "Returning US citizens?  Show us your birth certificate!"

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Conway said that last night was a small price to pay for 1% of travelers. WHAT?? 

Also, my boss is Muslim and his parents are coming to visit from another country in a few weeks. I'm wondering what all of this means for them. 

I'm depressed. Sorry for jumping in without reading the other posts, I'm just... I don't even know :(

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1 hour ago, RoseWilder said:

I was just checking my twitter feed, and I found some great tweets: 

And here's a horrifying one: 

I'm not seeing very many news sites covering the end of Russian sanctions. I have an appointment I have to get to soon, but when I get back, I'll be checking all the major news sites to see if they're reporting on it and if they're not, I'll be sending emails and tweets. 

Another interesting tweet: 


Okay, that one tweet is kind of enraging me. Is lifting the sanctions on Russia a major story? Absolutely. But this ban is not a distraction, a word that makes it sound like something we should not protest and not be upset about. Did this woman fail to read any of the stories from yesterday? Did she miss that elderly disabled Green Card holders returning from a visit to Iran were detained like criminals yesterday? Or that a 5 year old boy was held separately from his parents? This is not a shallow little distraction like  President Douchebag whining about the New York Times on Twitter this morning. This is an inhumane and poorly implemented policy that is tearing apart people's lives and jeopardizing their safety, while feeding all the rage against the U.S that terrorist groups use to recruit people to their cause. 

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I've seen a lot of tweets pointing out how quiet the "pro-birth" and "all lives matter" people sure are! All lives matter apparently, except Muslims, and refugees, and immigrants, and women, etc... Sickening.

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Oh, and guess who the Orange Fornicate Face White House is blaming because there's been some blowback?

If you said President Obama you are absolutely correct!



Nine days into the Trump administration and the nation has been given its first blame Obama excuse from the White House. There is a big policy difference between suggesting nations needing more scrutiny and imposing a ban that is causing chaos across the country. President Trump made the decision to have this executive order drafted. Trump signed the executive order with pride in front of national television cameras.

There is no “blame Obama” here. This is all on Trump.

The Muslim ban has backfired on Trump, and the argument that it isn’t so bad because all the Muslims aren’t banned revealed the weak footing that the administration is on with this issue.

Obama isn’t occupying the White House anymore, so when bad decisions lead to bad policies, the responsibility belongs to President Trump.

Fornicate you too, Mr. Spicer. 

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1 hour ago, louisa05 said:

Okay, that one tweet is kind of enraging me. Is lifting the sanctions on Russia a major story? Absolutely. But this ban is not a distraction, a word that makes it sound like something we should not protest and not be upset about. Did this woman fail to read any of the stories from yesterday? Did she miss that elderly disabled Green Card holders returning from a visit to Iran were detained like criminals yesterday? Or that a 5 year old boy was held separately from his parents? This is not a shallow little distraction like  President Douchebag whining about the New York Times on Twitter this morning. This is an inhumane and poorly implemented policy that is tearing apart people's lives and jeopardizing their safety, while feeding all the rage against the U.S that terrorist groups use to recruit people to their cause. 

It's a bit like cancer distracting you from a brain infarction. 

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So, now I am reading articles about the National Security Council.  Apparently the Joint Chiefs of Staff are out (may sit in on some issues), as well as the Director of National Intelligence, and *surprise* our friend Steve Bannon has been added.   I need to read up on this issue, but having a mean-spirited bigot on the NSC can't be good.

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I just saw this on the Facebooks...

Yeah this is pretty much true.


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