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Paul Ryan: Black Men Are Lazy And The Cause of Poverty In The U.S.


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On 1/27/2017 at 11:56 AM, allthegoodnamesrgone said:

Most people I know on welfare are white, and stupidly enough they ALL vote republican. My friends daughter and I got into it the other day, she 22 and has 3 kids, no job, is a high school drop out lives in Section 8 housing is on title 19 gets food stamps and baby daddy (shockingly all 3 kids have same baby daddy) works for $9 an hour. When I posted something on FB about Trump she had the stupidity to say he was "better than killary" i asked her how so? She said he wasn't murdering millions of babies and was going to make all the lazy minorities get jobs and off of welfare.  Yep she went there so I had to, I asked if he was doing that so lazy white people on welfare, like her could get more handouts?  She said something about day care and young babies  and God. I said maybe you should have kept your legs closed and not had 3 illegitimate kids when you were a teenager. Maybe spent less time at satanic rituals & crack houses finished high school went to college got an education, gotten a good job THEN had kids. But since you "found God" and are white you are now entitled to free stuff?  

And there are also the rich, most often white farmers who are busily complaining about people "getting free stuff" but then turn around and now are bitching that their precious government subsidies are going to get cut.  And they are the first ones to look angrily at people who use EBT cards in the stores, and the first ones to bitch to everyone in range about how they personally saw someone buying prime rib with their EBT cards, and drove off in a Caddy right before they get into a luxury "farm truck" that you know for a goddamn fact could not handle half the stuff that actual farm trucks do.


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