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Trump 10: Orange Voldemort Rises


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3 minutes ago, loveformusic said:

(I'm probably late to this discussion here, but...)


This thread is literally the only place I feel comfortable with voicing my rage against KellyAnne & all the other crazy political messes that keep coming up. My apologies in advance. :my_angel: It's all been inside my head for too long lol!

Please don't feel that you need to apologize. Many of us feel as you do- shock, horror, rage, and wondering how we're going to survive for four years. Many of us have nowhere else to voice our opinions - some friends and family are ardent Trump supporters. I used to spend more time on some of the other threads, but after our November catastrophe, i spend way too much time checking Quiver Full of Politics. I don't know what I'd do without the support of others on Free Jinger and the information I find here. I'm also blown away by the love and support of our international posters and in the support I'm seeing from around the world through protests and others speaking out.

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53 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

It appears to be a sales trip for some fancy condos that bear Trumplethinskin's name, though the family doesn't actually own the buildings, it's a license deal. Unfortunately, the "kids" of the President have Secret Service protection, no matter their age. This is why it is unconscionable that the Drumpfen assets weren't placed in a true blind trust.

Didn't Trump say that his company wouldn't be taking on new deals in foreign countries?  Is Uruguay now a U. S. state?

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13 minutes ago, loveformusic said:

(I'm probably late to this discussion here, but...)

I now know why #BowlingGreenMassacre was trending, last night - I literally had no idea what that was referring to. Should've realized it's origins were from our very own trend-setter - KellyAnne! And she defends her little "mistake" by tweeting to Chelsea Clinton "You lost the election!" While all she did was get her facts horribly wrong - no biggie, though, right Kelly? Because losing an election is much, much worse than botching up U.S. history. :my_rolleyes:

This thread is literally the only place I feel comfortable with voicing my rage against KellyAnne & all the other crazy political messes that keep coming up. My apologies in advance. :my_angel: It's all been inside my head for too long lol!

Kelly Anne is acting like her psycho boss.  A petulant seven year old (apologies to every real seven yearolds)... When proven wrong she just pouts and says "I know you are..but what am I"?

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On a bit of a lighter note, there's a satirical website in my state that posted this:


Locals all know this was the real Bowling Green Massacre...:my_cry:


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4 minutes ago, ViolaSebastian said:

On a bit of a lighter note, there's a satirical website in my state that posted this:


Locals all know this was the real Bowling Green Massacre...:my_cry:


Corvette's in sink hole?  Oh the humanity! 

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1 hour ago, JMarie said:

Didn't Trump say that his company wouldn't be taking on new deals in foreign countries?  Is Uruguay now a U. S. state?

Maybe it's an alternative state?


Gotta love the Pope: "The Pope Just Threw Shade At Trump In The Classiest Way Possible"


Pope Francis hasn’t yet directly addressed President Donald Trump’s executive order on refugees and immigrants ― but the pontiff is clearly thinking about the large swath of humanity Trump is shoving to the margins. 

Days after Trump signed a sweeping order dramatically restricting the number of refugees and foreign nationals allowed to enter the United States, Francis called on his flock to pray that the “poor, refugees, and marginalized” would find “welcome and comfort in our communities.” 

Curiously, he mentions “skyscrapers” and “real estate deals” ― two things the president is intimately acquainted with.  

“We live in cities that throw up skyscrapers and shopping centers and strike big real estate deals but they abandon a part of themselves to marginal settlements on the periphery,” he said in the video published on February 2. “The result of this situation is that great sections of the population are excluded and marginalized: without a job, without options, without a way out. Don’t abandon them.” 

The YouTube video announced Francis’ prayer intentions for the month of February. Every month, the pope encourages Catholics to join his worldwide prayer network in praying for a specific theme. February’s theme asks Catholics to “welcome the needy.”

The pope has often spoken out about the plight of migrants and refugees, emphasizing that welcoming them is a Christian duty. Mirroring Jesus’ actions in the Bible, the pope traditionally washes the feet of a few followers during the Christian holy day known as Maundy Thursday. Last year, he chose to wash and kiss the feet of 12 refugees. A few weeks later, after a trip to Greece, he took 12 Syrian Muslim refugees back to Rome with him on the papal plane. 

On Wednesday, the Vatican’s deputy secretary of state, Archbishop Angelo Becciu, told an Italian Catholic television station that the Holy See is concerned about Trump’s order.

“Certainly there is worry because we are messengers of another culture, that of openness,” a top-ranking Vatican official, told TV2000. “Pope Francis, in fact, insists on the ability to integrate those who arrive in our societies and cultures.”

In the United States, some Catholic bishops and lay leaders offered strong condemnations of the ban. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, an assembly composed of American bishops, is involved with helping refugees resettle and build new lives in the country. 

“We strongly disagree with the Executive Order’s halting refugee admissions,” Bishop Joe S. Vásquez said in a statement on behalf of the USCCB. “We believe that now more than ever, welcoming newcomers and refugees is an act of love and hope. ”

After the inauguration, Francis sent the new president a telegram that both congratulated Trump and reminded him of his responsibility to take care of the poor and marginalized. While the pontiff hasn’t spoken about the executive order itself, his views on refugees can probably be summed up in an exchange he had with pilgrims in Germany last October.  

“It’s hypocrisy to call yourself a Christian and chase away a refugee or someone seeking help, someone who is hungry or thirsty, toss out someone who is in need of my help,” he said. “If I say I am Christian, but do these things, I’m a hypocrite.”

Hypocrite -- sounds like he hit it on the nose with so many of the far right evangelicals.

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Sean, Kellyanne, and Bannon. Yeah, just about covers it.


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EXCELLENT news! A federal judge who was originally appointed by George W. Bush (!) has put a nationwide hold on the ban, and customs have been instructed to act as if the executive order doesn't exist for the moment.


I'm sure Lord Dampnut is going to fight this and we'll end up with some kind of ban (which will continue to make me furious), but at least, for now, people who have ALREADY BEEN VETTED and are holding valid goddamn visas will be allowed into the country. Thank goodness.

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3 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

Please don't feel that you need to apologize. Many of us feel as you do- shock, horror, rage, and wondering how we're going to survive for four years. Many of us have nowhere else to voice our opinions - some friends and family are ardent Trump supporters. I used to spend more time on some of the other threads, but after our November catastrophe, i spend way too much time checking Quiver Full of Politics. I don't know what I'd do without the support of others on Free Jinger and the information I find here. I'm also blown away by the love and support of our international posters and in the support I'm seeing from around the world through protests and others speaking out.

Yeah I've gotta come here and check on what Donald Dumbfuck is up to as well on a regular basis, and let off some steam in Quiver Full of Politics.  Although I do try to visit some of the other locations in FJ land, especially after learning about the latest dumb thing Florida Man and/or Woman has done.

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I saw that the cover of Der Spiegel is going to be Trump holding the cut off (or ripped off) head of Lady Liberty.

I think we ought to ask France if they want their statue back.

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I see this is the cover of the new New Yorker I'm going to try to put it under the spoiler tab, as it is large. For those of you who can't see it, it's Lady Liberty's torch that has been extinguished. 




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58 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

I'm just going to put this here in case there's anyone whose in the mood to make some phone calls: 


I bet that croquet instructor doesn't get many phone calls or email, especially since he's still using an aol email address.  He'd probably appreciate being contacted, even if the attention is directed at his boss.

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10 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

You have a point about his voice showing his true colors! :pb_lol:

I guess every country has at least one version of that sentiment. In the US we say, if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

Here we say "tell me who are your friends and I'll tell you who you are".

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There is one aspect of US Government by which I am truly perplexed. If all Cabinet members,including Education (not a job I would have thought to much influence the security of the US), have to be vetted by Congress, how can an unelected, unvetted, unapproved ape  like Bannon take a seat on the NSC, where he is privy to all security concerns?

This is particularly disturbing as I believe he has an agenda of his own, which is not necessarily in the best interests of the nation - in fact, he seems set on destroying the Constitution, and to have some rather nasty ideas about conflict with China, among others. Isn't it ironic that they painted HC as the 'war' candidate!

And on the same theme, shouldn't Presidential candidates at least be vetted before they run? With results of such vetting published......yes, I'm a dreamer. Or perhaps that would be seen as an intrusion in the Democratic process - though after the last two weeks, and Russia's role in the election itself, that seems to be a moot point.

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On Thursday, February 02, 2017 at 5:02 PM, AuntK said:

Franklin Graham is an embarrassment to all Christians. My church supports his shoebox ministry at Christmas, which I hate. I may have to find another church. In my area, it seems only the African American pastors are speaking out against him and marching.  I may celebrate Black History Month by becoming a white speck in a predominantly Black church!

The shoebox thing is fucked up. It's him trying to lead more poor folks to Christ international 

On Thursday, February 02, 2017 at 6:58 PM, iweartanktops said:

Just what kind of logic is this? We're supposed to be so afraid of Muslims, black people, refugees, etc. But we have a SIGNIFICANT problem with gun violence among, kids, teens, and adults across all races in our country. But let's give easier access to guns. Can someone please help me understand how this makes sense? Am I missing something here? 

Oh, and pro-life!! More guns! 

I'm scared of white people with guns. They're the real terrorists. Not blacks or Muslims. 

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3 hours ago, sawasdee said:

There is one aspect of US Government by which I am truly perplexed. If all Cabinet members,including Education (not a job I would have thought to much influence the security of the US), have to be vetted by Congress, how can an unelected, unvetted, unapproved ape  like Bannon take a seat on the NSC, where he is privy to all security concerns?

This is particularly disturbing as I believe he has an agenda of his own, which is not necessarily in the best interests of the nation - in fact, he seems set on destroying the Constitution, and to have some rather nasty ideas about conflict with China, among others. Isn't it ironic that they painted HC as the 'war' candidate!

And on the same theme, shouldn't Presidential candidates at least be vetted before they run? With results of such vetting published......yes, I'm a dreamer. Or perhaps that would be seen as an intrusion in the Democratic process - though after the last two weeks, and Russia's role in the election itself, that seems to be a moot point.

Here's a pretty good discussion of Bannon and the NSC.  Technically Bannon isn't on the NSC, he's just an "invitee" to all of their meetings :roll: http://www.snopes.com/steve-bannon-need-senate-confirmation-hearing-sit-nsc/

I think the election process itself is supposed to be the vetting process. The press digs up all sorts of stuff during the campaign and it's up to the voters to decide how much it influences them. If they did something more formal you would run in to problems with who does the vetting/politicizing the process. God knows I wouldn't want the current Congress setting up a vetting process for future candidates, we would never get anyone reasonable ever again. But I would like to see a formal requirement for presidential candidates to release certain information (like tax returns and possibly basic medical information).

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What? Someone tapped for the Trump administration actually has integrity?




 President Donald Trump's nominee for Army secretary, businessman Vincent Viola, has withdrawn his name from consideration for the post.


The Military Times reported that Viola said in a statement he was "deeply honored" to be nominated but cited his inability to successfully navigate the confirmation process and Defense Department rules concerning family businesses.


Viola was the founder of several businesses, including the electronic trading firm Virtu Financial. He also owns the National Hockey League's Florida Panthers and is a past chairman of the New York Mercantile Exchange.

The article goes on to say that Viola is a West Point grad. Knowing how the service academies stress honor, I'm glad to see that he is demonstrating that honor. 

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31 minutes ago, Audrey2 said:

What? Soe tapped for the Trump administration actually has integrity?



The article goes on to say that Viola is a West Point grad. Knowing how the service academies stress honor, I'm glad to see that he is demonstrating that honor. 

Not really. As  I understand it, he got caught attempting to sell his assets in an easily traceable airline and to put them in a small not so easily traceable airline and he got caught at it (I think by a paper for military people, not sure on that part). So he withdrew because he realized he couldn't get through the confirmation process after that had been made public (not that this seemed to have worked for a few others, but, nevertheless...

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2 hours ago, Bethella said:

But I would like to see a formal requirement for presidential candidates to release certain information (like tax returns and possibly basic medical information).

I want at least seven years of tax returns and for all presidential candidates to undergo a full medical and psychiatric examination. I feel the American public has the right to know these things before someone gets access to the nuclear codes.

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On Friday, February 03, 2017 at 8:35 AM, Dark Matters said:

Orange Chump's latest:  


A report that Donald Trump wants his female staff “to dress like women” has brought the president widespread derision online.

A source told the news website Axios that women working for the Trump campaign felt pressured to wear dresses. The claim is one of several about how the reality-star-turned-president expects his staff to present themselves. Male employees “need to have a certain look”, while, according to the report, Trump was not impressed with the suit his press secretary, Sean Spicer, wore for his first briefing. Trump is also very particular about his tie preferences. The source claimed: “You’re always supposed to wear a tie. If it’s not a Trump tie, you can get away with Brooks Brothers. But I’d suggest Armani.”

The only person who can get away without adhering to the dress code is said to be Trump’s dishevelled chief strategist, Steve Bannon.

The claims that Trump expected his female staff members to wear stereotypically feminine attire drew ire on Twitter. Users responded with the hashtag #DressLikeAWoman.

Why so he can grab them? Fucking sicko 

America right now. Where's Obama?


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2 minutes ago, Toothfairy said:

Why so he can grab them? Fucking sicko 

Would a floral wrap skirt worn over a suit of armor be feminine enough?

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34 minutes ago, apple1 said:

Not really. As  I understand it, he got caught attempting to sell his assets in an easily traceable airline and to put them in a small not so easily traceable airline and he got caught at it (I think by a paper for military people, not sure on that part). So he withdrew because he realized he couldn't get through the confirmation process after that had been made public (not that this seemed to have worked for a few others, but, nevertheless...

He might have gotten through.  All the other corrupt, lying, unqualified piss ants are getting confirmed. The republicans are rolling over in goose lock step to what ever orange shit wants.

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A friend of mine on FB counted 12 tweets before noon from the Orange Fornicating Hole of a Donkey, it was either today or yesterday.  And one of her other FB friends said if he had tweeted that much on the job he would've been canned for it.

42 minutes ago, Cartmann99 said:

Would a floral wrap skirt worn over a suit of armor be feminine enough?

I just saw this a few minutes ago.



Once women around the world got a hold of the news, they let President Trump know just what “dressing like a woman” really means. Thousands of woman flooded social media with the hashtag #DressLikeAWoman to show that being a smart, capable, responsible, and well-rounded woman does not require a designer dress and high-heeled shoes. Check out a few key reactions below:

Here's one of the women reacting to the fornicating donkey's dress like a woman horse manure..

I think I shall have to follow her now on the twitters....

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I still can't believe he's the PRESIDENT. What the ever loving fuck is this? HOW is he getting away with this shit? 

Mr. so-called president, please go fuck yourself. 

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