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Trump 10: Orange Voldemort Rises


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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Oh, another good one: "Documents confirm Trump still benefiting from his business"

You know, if anyone else was in this position, Jason Chaffetz, Paul Ryan, and Mitch McConnell would have been screaming to kingdom come. But because it's Trumplethinskin, they turn their heads in the other direction.


They're such pathetic, spineless wastes of space.

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They're such pathetic, spineless wastes of space.

I wish they'd be honest and wear their Klan robes to work.

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48 minutes ago, Cartmann99 said:

When I read about the rule change for financial advisors, I was livid. Why are his voters not screaming about this?!?

People who don't manage their own investments go to advisors because they want someone to choose investments that will help them achieve their financial goals. Paying that person a reasonable fee or percentage for their expertise is great, but advisors should always be choosing investments based on what is in the best needs of the customer, not what makes them the highest commission.

Also, I just saw on Twitter that Trump supporters are now boycotting Budweiser beer, because they made a commercial that highlighted how one of their founders came to America from Germany. Trump fans are upset because they think Budweiser is attacking Trump.


Sadly, many of the ignorant people who thought Agent Orange actually cared about them, the same idiots who are now realizing they're going to lose their health insurance, probably keep their savings in their sock drawer. They probably have no idea about investments or financial goals. I hate making generalizations, but if one thing has become glaringly obvious, the stupidity of a great many Americans knows no bounds.

3 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:


JUST IN: The White House says the Department of Justice will file an emergency stay of what it calls an "outrageous order."

Here's a look at the White House statement following a US judge's temporary block on Trump's travel ban. (Read more: http://bit.ly/2k5AHLJ)

Fuck. This better not work. :(

He really throws a tantrum whenever anything doesn't go his way. I pray that the Court of Appeals tells him to pack sand. He needs to be shown that he was (sigh) elected President, not Emperor.

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Just now, iweartanktops said:

OK, so I wasn't confused. Fuck, this is all so crazy! 

Sadly, no. Here's a good WaPo article that talks about it. Once the Court of Appeals rules (or refuses to rule), the losing side can appeal to the SCOTUS.

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Can't stop laughing! 


And damn it, I wish I had been confused earlier. 

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6 hours ago, iweartanktops said:

I thought it wasn't a ban. Hmmm.... 

We don't need no stinking laws... we just need his orange fuck face to make his own stinking laws.  He just keeps on feeding us crap and tells us to be scared of the oh so frighting non-christian brown people. The more he does that, the more his followers won't question when more and more of their civil rights are taken away.

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1 hour ago, Cartmann99 said:

Also, I just saw on Twitter that Trump supporters are now boycotting Budweiser beer, because they made a commercial that highlighted how one of their founders came to America from Germany. Trump fans are upset because they think Budweiser is attacking Trump.



Yeah I saw that ad too and was just coming here to post about it.

Yeah, let them boycott Budweiser.  That means more for the rest of us.  As someone who prefers craft breweries, I like to rag on Budweiser a lot, but honestly their beer is decent enough.  I enjoy a Bud Light just as much as any other beer.   Tastes even better now knowing that the Branch Trumpvidians don't like Bud anymore.  Let them drink some watered down piss  from the bottom shelf instead.

Secondly, this looks like it would be a pretty cool movie.  Get on that Anheuser-Busch and studios.

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3 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

Yeah I saw that ad too and was just coming here to post about it.

Yeah, let them boycott Budweiser.  That means more for the rest of us.  As someone who prefers craft breweries, I like to rag on Budweiser a lot, but honestly their beer is decent enough.  I enjoy a Bud Light just as much as any other beer.   Tastes even better now knowing that the Branch Trumpvidians don't like Bud anymore.  Let them drink some watered down piss  from the bottom shelf instead.

Secondly, this looks like it would be a pretty cool movie.  Get on that Anheuser-Busch and studios.

I don't like beer, but hell I'd go out and have a Bud just for grins.  Didn't orange fuck face's  grandfather emigrate from Germany? Every day every freaking day his supporters become dumber.

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"How protesters plan to get under Trump’s skin wherever he goes"


WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — The Saturday evening march began at Trump Plaza, a high-rise apartment building President Trump hasn’t actually owned since 1991. Fine. It still has the name. It was a good place to start.

From there, the marchers headed south, walking along the Intracoastal Waterway that separates West Palm Beach from ritzy Palm Beach island. They stopped shortly after 7 p.m. when they reached the bridge across from Mar-a-Lago.

They brought signs and glow sticks to wave, hoping they would be visible across the dark water and the great green lawn of the club from up in the private apartment that is now the “winter White House.”

If Trump sees those green lights, he’ll know that his critics have followed him home.

“He likes to think that everybody loves him. We’re showing him that we don’t,” said Lisa Wright, 53, an IT consultant from Broward County who was marching along the waterway Saturday night.

Around 7:30 p.m., about 200 of the 1,200 marchers made it across the bridge to the back gates of Mar-a-Lago.

Across the street, a few dozen pro-Trump people waved American flags, but the spectacle was the protesters, beating drums, singing and chanting.

This is the reality of Trump’s honeymoon-free presidency.

Having sought to create unprecedented disruption in Washington, his critics will now seek to bring unprecedented disruption to his life as president — including demonstrations that follow him when he travels and protests that will dog his businesses even when he doesn’t.

Already this week, Trump — the most unpopular new president in modern times — canceled a trip to the Harley-Davidson factory in Milwaukee, where local groups had planned to protest his appearance; the White House said the protests were not the reason for the cancellation.

And, around the business empire that Trump still owns, his critics treat each location as an avatar for the president.

There have been small gestures of pique: lipstick graffiti on the sign at Trump’s golf course in Los Angeles; and a plan for a mass mooning of his hotel in Chicago. There have also been more organized efforts to take time and money away from family businesses — a boycott of stores selling Ivanka Trump’s clothes and a campaign to flood Trump businesses with calls demanding that the president divest from his holdings.

For Trump’s opponents, these demonstrations are a way to change his behavior by denting the president’s own self-image as a popular man with a successful business.

The risk, for them, is that protests meant to shame Trump will consume energy that could be used to beat him by winning elections and swaying votes in Congress.

A protest “gets under his skin,” said Michael Skolnik, a filmmaker and prominent liberal organizer in New York who supports this sort of demonstration. He said he hoped that, somehow, getting under the president’s skin might turn out to be a good long-term political strategy.

“What if Trump can’t come out of bed for four days? That could happen,” Skolnik said.

In the later days of his presidency, George W. Bush faced protests outside his Texas ranch from people opposed to the Iraq War. During President Barack Obama’s travels, he sometimes faced demonstrations from liberals pushing him to do more on immigration or the environment.

But neither one faced organized protest movements at the start of their presidency, condemning the president across multiple policy areas. Trump does.

It began the day after his inauguration, when more than 1 million people marched in Women’s Marches in Washington, across the country and around the globe. It continued the next weekend, when thousands of people gathered at airports to protest Trump’s executive order on immigration, which barred refugees and all visitors from seven ­Muslim-majority countries.

It continued this past week as the administration was consumed by the chaos that the entry ban set off.

In New York City, for instance, hundreds of bodega markets owned by Yemeni Americans closed Thursday to protest the same ban.

“You know how Yellowstone National Park is built on one of the world’s biggest volcanoes?” said Ben Wikler, the Washington director for MoveOn.org, a liberal activist group. “It feels like that just exploded in terms of grass-roots energy.”

Trump has dismissed these protests — operating on the theory that he doesn’t need these protesters to like him and that their anger might help him by pushing others closer to him. On Twitter, for instance, the president cast the Women’s March as a massive outpouring of sour grapes.

“Was under the impression that we just had an election!” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Why didn’t these people vote?”

On Friday — after a pair of violent protests on college campuses where conservative provocateurs were invited to talk — Trump seemed to lump these small groups of unruly protesters in with the rest of his critics from the other events.

“Professional anarchists, thugs and paid protesters are proving the point of the millions of people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN,” he said, although there is no evidence that any significant number of demonstrators are being paid.

Across the country, other groups have directed their unhappiness toward Trump at his business empire, which he still effectively owns, although Trump says he has shifted the management to his executives and adult sons.

“I am scoping it out right now,” said a woman snapping photos of the sign outside Trump’s golf club in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., near Los Angeles. She gave her name only as “Diane” and said she was scouting the site for a protest.

“People are p----- and feel they can’t do anything, but we want to hit him where it hurts,” she said. “I don’t think he wants people near his businesses. We want to hit him where it hurts most — his money.” On an earlier day, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department took a vandalism report — somebody crossed out “Trump” on the sign with lipstick and wrote a Spanish swear word there.

Others were more organized about their efforts.

One group, Grab Your Wallet, was started in October after The Washington Post obtained a 2005 video of a taping of “Access Hollywood” in which Trump bragged about groping women.

Shannon Coulter, who helps lead the group, said she had a visceral reaction after that when she encountered Ivanka Trump-branded items while shopping. Ivanka Trump had continued to campaign for her father after the tape’s release.

“I kind of had [Trump’s] words ringing in my ears,” she said. She helped launch a boycott campaign, which has grown to include more than 60 companies — including the Trump Organization’s own hotels and golf courses, business that carry Ivanka Trump merchandise and businesses whose leaders supported Trump during the election.

Coulter said her Facebook group has thousands of people connected to it. What they want, she said, is to “shop the stores we love with a clear conscience and without any bad memories.”

Now, three businesses that her group targeted for boycotts have severed or loosened their connections to the Trumps. Nordstrom said it would stop selling Ivanka Trump merchandise, Nieman Marcus stopped selling her jewelry on its website and the chief executive of Uber, the ride-hailing company, pulled out of Trump’s business advisory council.

Another campaign offers Trump’s critics a more direct — but possibly less productive — way to respond to Trump. It lets them call one of his companies at random and complain to whomever answers the phone.

“Until he divests, these [businesses] are embassies of the White House,” said Scott Goodstein, the co-founder of Creative Majority PAC. He also runs Revolution Messaging, the Washington firm that set up the system.

The system connects callers to one of 30 Trump business phone numbers. It could be a hotel front desk. It could be a restaurant. Goodstein said they encourage callers to “have fun with it.” For instance, if a restaurant employee offers to help make a reservation, one might say: “I have a reservation — that Donald Trump is not taking this job seriously.”

Since this effort started in December, the PAC says it has facilitated 33,000 phone calls and been blocked by 51 Trump Organization phone numbers. He said it’s having the desired effect by squeezing Trump’s business in a way that would squeeze the man himself.

“It’s definitely having an effect on Trump’s businesses,” Goodstein said. “And I’m sure that President Trump will know that this act of dissension is taking place.”

But Alan Garten, chief legal officer for the Trump Organization, said in a telephone interview that the phone calls have not interfered with the business. And even if they did, he said, Trump would not know about it because he has resigned from his management roles.

“There’s a complete separation,” Garten said. “He may read [about] it in the newspaper, that I don’t know.”

Yes! Let's get under Trumplethinskin's thin skin!!

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8 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

"How protesters plan to get under Trump’s skin wherever he goes"

Yes! Let's get under Trumplethinskin's thin skin!!

The end of this article, where the cretin from the T**** organization says "not interfered" and he "does not know about it" ... he really means orange fuck face is sitting in a room, hands over his ears saying "LA LA LA can't hear you"......

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8 hours ago, iweartanktops said:


I still can't believe he's the PRESIDENT. What the ever loving fuck is this? HOW is he getting away with this shit? 

Mr. so-called president, please go fuck yourself. 

How this idiot finds time to tweet is beyond me

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Imagine if Obama did this. The damn outrage. 


Fjers from other countries. I apologize for our Asshole of a president. Please don't think Americans are really like this. 

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I know others have posted America First, the Netherlands Second, Germany second, and Switzerland second. I just saw the Danish version and loved it. Boy, do they have Trump pegged!

Both of the videos are in English. The Danish one will start in Danish, but then switch to English.

Portugal's is pretty awesome, too.


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Oh, FSM, the toddler tantrum tweeted again!


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8 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:


People who don't manage their own investments go to advisors because they want someone to choose investments that will help them achieve their financial goals. Paying that person a reasonable fee or percentage for their expertise is great, but advisors should always be choosing investments based on what is in the best needs of the customer, not what makes them the highest commission.



Darn it, where's the edit when I need it when trifocals don't work?  Look, what I know about markets would fit into a flea's navel--with space left over--which is why we use (happily!) market pros to manage market money for us. Someone who will benefit by picking winners for us is WAYYYYYY cool----they can have a percentage---but they are working for MY interests. By myself?---bring out the dartboard. I'll gladly pay for skill.

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OK, sorry for double posting, but I HAVE got to draw a hard line here.  (US-born citizen, child of US-born parents--and my mother's parents were also US-born. On Dad's side, they got their first citizen papers, and their second papers---and they gladly, happily begged for the honor to be given US citizenship.)

I WILL wave the flag! This is MY COUNTRY, AND totally FUCK your NATIONAL PARTY ideas!  This, the dear US,  is my own nation, and I will fight for what is BEST for our honor here,, and our dear ideals, and for our blessed Constitution!  You, by any names or groups, cannot possibly drive me out!  If you want to think of me as a mindless being--go ahead.  But I tell you now, and I tell you true: it would be an honor to be _permitted_ to die in defense of freedom here in America.

You may, or may not, know it, or believe it: but here, in the blessed USA, I can *read* any damned thing I want. I can march and rally with thousands of others.  I CAN petition my government for redress. I CAN raise hell in the newspapers, or on the streets, or in social media.  If anyone would try and silence me---well, that's why we have the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union---you know, the ones who got $24 million USD in a weekend--usually, five years worth of fundraising--because people said "LET THEM IN!" for vetted refugees 

I will fight for the heart and soul of US freedom.  COPE WITH IT! Have ID'd as Republican or Independent since 1976---but this is not a matter of party or ideology----I fight for the very soul of the USA. You don't like what I say?--welcome to the USA? *wigwags American Civil Liberty Union--and thank you for the copies of our dear Constitution*    #Resist


All Deities of Love and Justice bless and guide and help the USA!

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Evan McMullen was on CNN with Jake Tapper last week.  Side note: these guys are brothers from another mother -- they look just alike. 

Anyway, Evan McMullen, when with the CIA, lived in places with authoritarian governments; he noted you can see these authoritarian tendencies from a mile away and Trump is obviously manifesting them. 



McMullin: Trump team's media attacks are authoritarian-like

"I think Mr. Bannon and Mr. Trump's attacks on the media are highly dangerous. The media, the press, plays a significant role in our democracy, and in any democracy they are highly critical. You can have disputes and disagreements over bias and even over points of fact; but to continually attack and try to erode the credibility of the media when it's doing its job, and doing its job well I would say, in the past week especially, challenging Trump, I think is dangerous," McMullin told CNN's Jake Tapper on "The Lead."

McMullin, who is conservative, fought the notion that battling the press is a partisan issue.

"This isn't a Republican, Democrat, conservative, liberal, or progressive sort-of-issue. Our freedom of the press and the importance of the press in our system, and the importance of the constitution, the importance of truth for heaven sakes in democracy and in our republic, are issues that should be bipartisan or nonpartisan," he said. "These are things that we should all be able to rally around and protect as Americans."

Tapper said he's seen a lot of his conservative Facebook friends who seem very confused on what to believe any more.

McMullin responded: "This is what authoritarians or leaders with authoritarian tendencies do. It's from the playbook that they use. Donald Trump through the past year has said he's admired dictators and authoritarians from around the world. They attack the press because they want to undermine any other sources of information, so that people believe that only the authoritarian can be the source of information. Because, if authoritarians are able to do that, if leaders are able to undermine every other source of information, source of facts and truth, no one can hold them accountable."

"We as a population start to become more divided because these leaders will tend to want to divide us and then feed us lies about each other. We saw Donald Trump do that throughout the campaign and he continues to do that today," McMullin said.



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@Howl Thank you for posting that link -  if I could give it a thousand likes I would! For me, the undermining of the regular media in favour of the Breitbart version is terrifying - please , they MUST keep reporting the actual facts, and the actions  (and their  consequences) of the Orange Baboon.

I find the demonisation of the MSM, and the refusal to acknowledge the facts and actions they unearth, the most frightening aspect of this "New Order" presidency that we are enduring.

Sadly, many of his supporters have swallowed the Kool-Aid.

I live under a military dictatorship - but the press is more believed and respected, and in some senses, freer, than in the direction in which the US is heading. Here, it can still inspire the generals to mitigate their actions, and sometimes to actually change direction. I'm not sure that is true now in the US.

On another note - the baboon is threatening to expand libel laws, which to some degree would muzzle the press. My home country, the UK , has very tight libel laws, - much more so than the US - but an absolute defence is justification - ie that which was published is truth. If he tries to change that - run!

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20 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

Strangely enough, the very same Republicans who were always whining about having to pay for protection for the Obama family when they go home to Hawaii are all completely silent about this: 


What will this do to NYC's budget?  Is the city able to declare bankruptcy?  It'll be $180 million this year alone, if (and that's a big if) Melania and Barron move after the school year is over.

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