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Trump 10: Orange Voldemort Rises


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1 hour ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Laning told Valley News Live, the news outlet that originally reported on the representatives’ comments, that people were simply taking the comments too seriously, and that anyone who is upset lacks a sense of humor

Apologies in advance to President Lincoln...

Dude, you can bullshit some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot bullshit all of the people all of the time. Don't try to gaslight people into believing that you were just making an innocent joke. You weren't. You thought you were being way too clever for us empty-headed women to pick up on your message, but we heard you loud and clear. You were whining in public about women not knowing their place.

It's incredibly sad that your self-esteem is so low, that you can only feel good about yourself by fervently wishing that women would go home and stop competing with you and your ilk in the world at large. How about we encourage every person to pursue the life that they desire, instead of trying to stick people into boxes that may not work for them and their particular situation?

Some men and women use their skills and talents at home caring for their households, while others, for a variety of reasons, feel that the paid work force is the best place for them to be. Most people are bright enough to figure out what works best for them, and can reassess the situation if the conditions merit making changes.

Here's a free tip for your buddy Satrom: The secret to getting someone to do nice things for you, like bringing you breakfast in bed, is to make a point of always showing them how much you love and appreciate them. 

36 minutes ago, Childless said:

If I worked for him, I would wear the ugliest, most ill fitting dress I could find.  I'd totally go old school Duggar.

I was thinking the women should buy pup-tents, and have a variety of tents made to fit the frame. Wear normal business attire on the way to work, and then change into the tent once you get to work. 

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Proudly announcing that Irish newspapers today are full of a debate on whether we should issue an invitation to visit Ireland to the new US President (as would be usual) and the overwhelming consensus seems to be No Fookin Way!

Reasons cited include us not wanting as a country to be associated with his racism, sexism, generalised negativity or out-and-out hatred.

Apparently our leader is still going to Washington for the traditional St. Patrick Day meeting, but will use it to make our feelings about the Muslim ban known to Trump, rather than the usual photo op and cosy chat. 

Hang in there kids, the rest of the world is full of your snowflake tribe too!!! 


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Well, this is a pretty good initiative: Tangerine Toddler's human rights abuses are being tracked using a new internet tool by HRLR (Human Rights Law Review) at Columbia University. 




"As soon as Trump became President, his administration immediately threatened women’s rights, immigrants’ rights, and indigenous rights, and so many more,” Julia Sherman, HRLR editor, told The Independent. “We felt that we were being blindsided. So we designed the Trump Human Rights Tracker to monitor the full scope of human rights being attacked in a way that would be easy for everyone to understand.”

For those interested, a link to the Trump Human Rights Tracker can be found within the article.

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I think I would insist on being able to wear this under my outfit.  Especially with all those sexual predators running around in the White House these days. 


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Gee, the Orange-faced toddler doesn't have any friends: "The very peculiar isolation of Donald Trump"


There's a remarkably telling paragraph in Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush's tour de force in the New York Times documenting President Trump's first two weeks in office. Here it is:

Usually around 6:30 p.m., Mr. Trump retires upstairs to the residence to recharge, vent and intermittently use Twitter. With his wife, Melania, and young son, Barron, staying in New York, he is almost always by himself, sometimes in the protective presence of his imposing longtime aide and former security chief, Keith Schiller. When Mr. Trump is not watching television in his bathrobe or on his phone reaching out to old campaign hands and advisers, he will sometimes set off to explore the unfamiliar surroundings of his new home.

First of all, it's amazing reporting that allows HaberThrush to create such a vivid image. Second, it continues to shock me how willing administration officials are to leak information that makes the 45th president look not so good. And third, and most importantly, the image of Trump as an almost entirely solitary figure, riveted to a TV set and his phone, is a revealing and important window into the man and the life he now lives.

It's important to remember that Trump — in this campaign and in his adult life more generally — has always been sui generis. He views himself as unique, a mold-breaker, a revolutionary — in business and now in politics. He is also remarkably transactional when it comes to acquaintances — what can he/she do for me today? — which tends not to lead to lots of close friendships. And he is a celebrity, someone with lots of “friends” but no actual, close friends. (Quick, name people Donald Trump is friends with: Don King? Kanye West? Right.)

WaPo's Marc Fisher and Michael Kranish, in the reporting for their book “Trump Revealed,” asked Trump about friendship. His answer, excerpted below, is totally fascinating:

Well, it’s an interesting question. Most of my friendships are business-related because those are the only people I meet. The people I meet, really, I guess I could say socially, when you go out to a charity event or something . . . I have people that I haven’t spoken to in years, but I think they’re friends. . . . I mean, I think I have a lot of friends but they’re not friends like perhaps other people have friends, where they’re together all the time and they go out to dinner all the time.” But was there anyone he would turn to if he had a personal problem, or some doubt about himself or something he’d done? “More of my family, I have a lot of good relationships. I have good enemies, too, which is okay. But I think more of my family than others.

Fisher relayed to me that Trump named three people, off the record, with whom he had business dealings years before that he considered friends but whom he hadn't seen in recent years. Fisher followed up with two of them, and they expressed surprise that Trump would describe them as friends as opposed to business acquaintances.

The simple fact is that Trump has never had real friends in the sense you or I think of the term. The relationship world of Trump has long been split into two groups: (1) his family and (2) people who work for him. And people who work for you are rarely your actual friends.

What is also true is that Trump is, in an odd sort of way, a reclusive family man. He is someone who likes routine and likes to be around his family. Hell, he built a hotel that he both works and lives in! Even during the campaign, Trump flew on his own plane surrounded by his kids — a protective, comfortable bubble amid the back and forth of the race.

That family bubble has been disrupted by Trump's election. His wife, Melania, and youngest son, Barron, live in New York during the week. His sons Eric and Don Jr. are tasked with running the family business in New York and, theoretically, not allowed to confer with their dad on matters that relate to the affairs of Trump Inc. His daughter, Ivanka, is busy establishing herself in D.C.

Without the comfort of Trump Tower and robbed of the proximity of his family, Trump is a man apart. He has cable TV, his phone and Twitter. But he lacks a group of friends or confidants — again, outside his immediate family — with whom he can have dinner or just chat. He is isolated — and in the most high-powered and high-stress job in the world. That's a very tough place to be.

I guess it's like I was taught from a young age: to have a friend, you have to be a friend.


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I'm surprised by the schedule in the article above. I figured you'd work later into the evening, either in your office or in your official capacity. 

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32 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

I think I would insist on being able to wear this under my outfit.  Especially with all those sexual predators running around in the White House these days. 


My dear @47of74, you are way to nice! If it were me, I would have one of these beneath my skirt. 

bear trap.jpg

I might even look the other way when someone starts grabbing with tiny hands.... :evil-laugh:

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27 minutes ago, Audrey2 said:

I'm surprised by the schedule in the article above. I figured you'd work later into the evening, either in your office or in your official capacity. 

I wonder what orange man-baby is gonna do when his precious time off is taken up by an actual emergency?  Tell them to wait until Bill-O-the-Blow-Hard Comedy Hour is over? 

5 minutes ago, fraurosena said:

My dear @47of74, you are way to nice! If it were me, I would have one of these beneath my skirt. 

bear trap.jpg

I might even look the other way when someone starts grabbing with tiny hands.... :evil-laugh:

Yes, I like your idea much better.   Maybe that could be part of the bra too.  


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Am I the only one who's rather suspicious about this flip-flopping of his stance on NATO? I mean, that's some U-turn to make from branding them obsolete, irrelevant and out-of-date during his campaign, to now vowing his strong support.

I have to wonder if any secret affairs during the NATO summit in May will magically become known to his bestie Putin...


(BTW, I love how The Independant offhandedly refers to him as 'the former reality tv-host'. Way to diss!)


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Morocco has a video and it's hilarious like the others!

You see, dear FJers from the States, you are not alone!
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1 hour ago, fraurosena said:

How the Tangerine Toddler's Tantrum Tweets are benefitting fluffy bunnies, cute kittens and adorable puppies:


Trains.   Don't forget trains.  Bunnies, kitty cats, puppies and trains.

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16 minutes ago, onekidanddone said:

Trains.   Don't forget trains.  Bunnies, kitty cats, puppies and trains.

And electric vehicles too...


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2 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Usually around 6:30 p.m., Mr. Trump retires upstairs to the residence to recharge, vent and intermittently use Twitter. With his wife, Melania, and young son, Barron, staying in New York, he is almost always by himself, sometimes in the protective presence of his imposing longtime aide and former security chief, Keith Schiller. When Mr. Trump is not watching television in his bathrobe or on his phone reaching out to old campaign hands and advisers, he will sometimes set off to explore the unfamiliar surroundings of his new home.

This sounds like the beginning of a commercial for a organization that works with lonely senior citizens. No snark, it really does. If it were closer to noon, I'd expect a smiling Meals On Meals volunteer to appear with a hot lunch. 

2 hours ago, Audrey2 said:

I'm surprised by the schedule in the article above. I figured you'd work later into the evening, either in your office or in your official capacity. 

Yup. I recall reading about how President Obama would have dinner with his family and then spend some time with them. Later in the evening, he would go in his office and read reports or do other work before retiring for the night. 

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1 minute ago, Cartmann99 said:

This sounds like the beginning of a commercial for a organization that works with lonely senior citizens. No snark, it really does. If it were closer to noon, I'd expect a smiling Meals On Meals volunteer to appear with a hot lunch. 

Yup. I recall reading about how President Obama would have dinner with his family and then spend some time with them. Later in the evening, he would go in his office and read reports or do other work before retiring for the night. 

There was a great interview where Michelle did an impression of Obama at the dinner table. I miss those two.


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5 hours ago, Childless said:

If I worked for him, I would wear the ugliest, most ill fitting dress I could find.  I'd totally go old school Duggar.

Yeah, you're right! The 80s frumpers that the Duggars wore in the late 90s and early 2000s would be perfect!

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3 hours ago, 47of74 said:

I think I would insist on being able to wear this under my outfit.  Especially with all those sexual predators running around in the White House these days. 


How do you walk around in this without scratching the hell out of your upper thighs? Leather chaps? Wide stance? Nutella? :think:


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26 minutes ago, Cartmann99 said:

How do you walk around in this without scratching the hell out of your upper thighs? Leather chaps? Wide stance? Nutella? :think:


What am I, Larry Craig?

I think a generous allowance of Vaseline would help with that issue. 

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1 hour ago, Cartmann99 said:

This sounds like the beginning of a commercial for a organization that works with lonely senior citizens. No snark, it really does. If it were closer to noon, I'd expect a smiling Meals On Meals volunteer to appear with a hot lunch. 

Yup. I recall reading about how President Obama would have dinner with his family and then spend some time with them. Later in the evening, he would go in his office and read reports or do other work before retiring for the night. 

Yes, it does, but only if Meals on Wheels would bring KFC or other fast food, since supposedly that's what he likes best.


1 hour ago, HarryPotterFan said:

There was a great interview where Michelle did an impression of Obama at the dinner table. I miss those two.


That video is hilarious and I can see it being true. Sigh, I really miss them.

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I tend to think the Germans kind of know what they're talking about in this area...



The United States president is becoming a danger to the world. It is time for Germany and Europe to prepare their political and economic defenses.

Germany must stand up in opposition to the 45th president of the United States and his government. That's difficult enough already for two reasons: Because it is from the Americans that we obtained our liberal democracy in the first place; and because it is unclear how the brute and choleric man on the other side will react to diplomatic pressure. The fact that opposition to the American government can only succeed when mounted together with Asian and African partners -- and no doubt with our partners in Europe, with the EU -- doesn't make the situation any easier.

So far, Germany has viewed its leadership role -- at least the leadership understanding of Chancellor Angela Merkel and Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble -- as one that is by all means in opposition to the interests of other European countries. Whether Schäuble's austerity policies or Merkel's migration policies, it all happened without much co-coordination and with considerable force. It is thus somewhat ironical that it is Germany, the country that is politically and economically dominant in Europe, that will now have to fill in many of the gaps created by America's withdrawal from the old world order, the one referred to by former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer as "Pax Americana." At the same time, Germany must build an alliance against Donald Trump, because it otherwise won't take shape. It is, however, absolutely necessary.

It is literally painful to write this sentence, but the president of the United States is a pathological liar. The president of the U.S. is a racist (it also hurts to write this). He is attempting a coup from the top; he wants to establish an illiberal democracy, or worse; he wants to undermine the balance of power. He fired an acting attorney general who held a differing opinion from his own and accused her of "betrayal." This is the vocabulary used by Nero, the emperor and destroyer of Rome. It is the way tyrants think.


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2 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Yes, it does, but only if Meals on Wheels would bring KFC or other fast food, since supposedly that's what he likes best.


That video is hilarious and I can see it being true. Sigh, I really miss them.

I know the Obamas need time off and  I've said that here before. I just want them back. Back firing up the nation. Getting into the resistance and the fight back.  Pushing hard for strong candidates in 2018 and 2020.  Pleeeeeze... we miss you.

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Oh, and Trumplethinskin's people can't even figure out how to work the light switches at the White House...



The people who want to build a wall between the United States and Mexico can't figure out how to turn on the lights at the White House, according to the New York Times.

"Aides confer in the dark because they cannot figure out how to operate the light switches in the cabinet room," the Times reported Sunday. "Visitors conclude their meetings and then wander around, testing doorknobs until finding one that leads to an exit."

While some might consider "wandering around in the dark" an apt metaphor for the new administration, the inability of President Donald J. Trump's team to operate light switches strains belief.

What, they can't ask the White House staff how they work?

Sigh.  Once again,


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1 minute ago, Audrey2 said:

I'm sensing either a meme or a thread title-

Joe, what did you do to the light switches?

We have the best light switches... the best. We are going to build a wall around the light switches ..around the switches we are going to build a wall....umm once we find them that is.

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2 hours ago, Smash! said:

Morocco has a video and it's hilarious like the others!


You see, dear FJers from the States, you are not alone!

Here's a link that shows the video for every country that has participated so far: http://everysecondcounts.eu/

Apparently, what started out as a Dutch idea, is now a collaborative effort.

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