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Trump 10: Orange Voldemort Rises


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I thought the chocolate from my daughter's Halloween stash would be enough to get me through this nightmare. I thought it would end on Nov. 8. I am embarrassed to admit how much chocolate I have had. I am not much of a drinker and I am kind of afraid to start now.

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The list of GOP Senators getting DeVos pay offs.  (found on twitter)C4EsjlqUMAAH_lB.jpg

So much to he wants to "dry the swamp" [emoji35][emoji35][emoji35]
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Something happy.  Obama should be having the time of his life, he deserves it!  My favorite line in this is "If you had been president for even a week, you’d be floating face down in an Olympic-sized pool filled with piña colada for the rest of your life the second you stumbled out of Air Force One. But to be fair, Richard Branson probably has one of those too."  HAHAHA

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Melania should ask Ivanka how trying to benefit from the presidency worked out for her. And then she should stop by the Grab Your Wallet twitter page and check out all the businesses that are dropping Trump products. 

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Branch Trumpvidians are so stupid...




#BoycottBudwiser picked up steam as others piled on top of the hashtag to mock those who had first set it to trending.

Many saw this as an echo to the "boycott" of Starbucks for committing to hiring thousands of refugees around the world, or the "boycott" of Hamilton, a show that is so sold out that you cannot even purchase a ticket should you want to.

There was only one tiny problem with the Budweiser boycott: when it finally began to trend on Twitter, it became obvious to onlookers that the folks calling for the boycott did not actually know how to correctly spell the beer they so despised.

Here's some of the mocking


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I had a donut.  It tasted good but now I'm incredibly nauseous and have terrible heartburn.  Or is that just the politics talking?  

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4 hours ago, AuntK said:

On Rachel last night, the potential head of the FDA was discussed. Do not remember his name but these are his qualifications:

1. Not a medical doctor, in fact no medical background at all;

2. Millionaire Silicon Valley tech investor

3. Believes in immortality through biotechnology

4. Believes in "seasteading" - life on the planet is doomed unless we form islands and live at sea. These "islands" are made of metal shipping containers.

5.  Does not believe in pharmaceutical testing; just release new drugs let the market sort out whether they are effective or harmful. I guess if they don't kill anybody, they will stay on the market.

I am not making this up, and this was not some weird FB post or fake news site, I repeat, this was Rachel Maddow! 

A comment on Melania's marketing claim in her lawsuit - I have to wonder if this is just b.s. for purposes of her lawsuit or if they truly plan to use her position as FLOTUS to market products. Honestly, I'm not sure it would be very successful, it would likely be overpriced for her Wal-Mart Trumpster crowd and too tacky for their millionaire buddies, if they have any.  I'm wondering if it violates the Emoluments clause even though she is not an official, because she is married to him, he would benefit, so. . .

No, the Emoluments clause is for elected officials. Families aren't mentioned. Of course, the fact that it's shady and classless wouldn't stop a single member (or former member) of the Drumpf family from profiting at every turn.

I like this article about the Melania crap. Just like others, I was trying to take the high ground and ignore her, but she just had to dip her toe in the swamp.


An attorney for first lady Melania Trump argued in a lawsuit filed Monday that an article falsely alleging that she once worked for an escort service hurt her chance to establish “multimillion dollar business relationships” during the years in which she would be “one of the most photographed women in the world.”

The suit — filed Monday in New York Supreme Court, a state trial court, in Manhattan — against Mail Media, the owner of the Daily Mail, said the article published by the Daily Mail and its online division last August caused Trump’s brand, Melania, to lose “significant value” as well as “major business opportunities that were otherwise available to her.” The suit said the article had damaged her “unique, once in a lifetime opportunity” to “launch a broad-based commercial brand.”

“These product categories would have included, among other things, apparel accessories, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, hair care, skin care and fragrance,” according to the lawsuit, which was filed on Trump’s behalf by California attorney Charles Harder.

Neither Harder nor the White House responded to requests for comment late Monday. Harder has represented several high-profile clients, including wrestler Hulk Hogan, who won a $140 million invasion of privacy verdict against Gawker last year.

The suit filed Monday did not spell out a plan by Trump to market her products during her tenure as first lady, but mentioned that her reputation had suffered just as she was experiencing a “multi-year term” of elevated publicity. The suit says the Daily Mail article “impugned her fitness to perform her duties as First Lady of the United States.”

A similar suit had been filed against Mail Media and a local blogger in Maryland.

A Maryland judge recently dismissed the case against the Daily Mail on jurisdictional grounds. On Tuesday, the law firm representing the first lady said she had settled with the Gaithersburg blogger, Webster Tarpley, who agreed to apologize and pay her a “substantial sum,” said a statement from the law firm representing Melania Trump.

The firm, Harder, Mirell & Abrams based in Beverly Hills, declined to provide the settlement amount.

The article was eventually retracted with a statement from the Daily Mail that it didn’t “intend to state or suggest that Mrs. Trump ever worked as an ‘escort’ or in the sex business.” The original article provided denials from Trump’s spokesman. But the lawsuit said significant emotional and economic damage was done and asks for compensatory and punitive damages of at least $150 million.

Mail Media, in Maryland court filings, responded that the article was acceptable because it “discussed allegations that had been disseminated about the then-potential first lady, and the impact even false rumors could have on the presidential race.”

The new suit comes as Trump continues to shy away from the spotlight, taking an unusually low-profile approach thus far to her role as first lady. She has continued to live in New York, and has moved slowly to hire a White House staff.

Richard Painter, a White House ethics counsel under President George W. Bush and a critic of President Trump’s decision to retain ownership of his real estate and branding empire while in office, said Monday that he was troubled by the suggestion in the new suit that Melania Trump intended to profit from her public role.

“There has never been a first lady of the United States who insinuated that she intended to make a lot of money because of the ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ opportunity of being first lady,” said Painter, who is participating in a lawsuit claiming that President Trump’s relationship with his company violates a constitutional provision barring presidents from taking money or gifts from foreign ­governments.

I especially love this quote: "The suit filed Monday did not spell out a plan by Trump to market her products during her tenure as first lady, but mentioned that her reputation had suffered just as she was experiencing a “multi-year term” of elevated publicity." Yeah, being first lady is all about your elevated publicity. Jiminy Freaking Crickets.


I don't know if anyone heard, but Bernie and Ted Cruz are debating healthcare at 9 Eastern tonight on CNN.


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13 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

The First Lady is suing folks again:


Melania honey, I don't recommended you ever spend the night in the White House. I have a distinct feeling that the ghosts of all the former First Ladies would gang up, snatch you bald-headed, and then proceed to toss you out on the lawn for being such a tacky-ass grifter. 

But she's already had jewelry and skin care lines.  Does she think she'd have better success as FLOTUS?



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6 minutes ago, Audrey2 said:

That's okay, they can still have their PBR (Pabst Blue Ribbon). I'm not a beer drinker, but have heard it mentioned as being worse than Budweiser.

I dunno, I've only had PBR once in my life.  I didn't think it was too bad.  I'm not a huge beer drinker anymore myself.  Maybe one a couple times a week now. 

The really nasty stuff is Old Milwaukee, Milwaukee's Best, Keystone Light, or Ice House.  None of those taste all that great, and yeah, I know this is wandering in to TMI territory, but it's not that pleasant coming out at the other end either.  It makes my nether regions burn just thinking of those bottom shelf denizens. 

And I'll bet cash money all these pearl clutchers on the reich, the only beer they're drinking are the above named bottle shelf dwellers.



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1 hour ago, JMarie said:

Our new president says that negative news about him is fake news, and this obviously applies to the entire Trump family and their business ventures. The Trumps have been successful at everything they have ever attempted to do, and any reports of failure, are lies from those who are simply envious of the double plus good achievements of the Trump family.

We have always been at war with Eastasia.

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7 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

I dunno, I've only had PBR once in my life.  I didn't think it was too bad.  I'm not a huge beer drinker anymore myself.  Maybe one a couple times a week now. 

The really nasty stuff is Old Milwaukee, Milwaukee's Best, Keystone Light, or Ice House.  None of those taste all that great, and yeah, I know this is wandering in to TMI territory, but it's not that pleasant coming out at the other end either.  It makes my nether regions burn just thinking of those bottom shelf denizens. 

And I'll bet cash money all these pearl clutchers on the reich, the only beer they're drinking are the above named bottle shelf dwellers.



Thank you. I happily stand corrected. I, too, was trying to snark on them drinking cheap and crappy beer. To use a wine example, they are having a fit about what they feel is the political advertising of Sutter's or Barefoot wine when they drink Boone's.

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5 hours ago, 47of74 said:

And I see the fornicating crybaby is back on the Twitters today...

Jesus Fornicating Christ, I wish that Orange Feces Gibbon would grow the perdition up, and get off the fornicating twitter already!


I was cringing so hard at "haters". Is he 13?

2 hours ago, Ali said:

I thought the chocolate from my daughter's Halloween stash would be enough to get me through this nightmare. I thought it would end on Nov. 8. I am embarrassed to admit how much chocolate I have had. I am not much of a drinker and I am kind of afraid to start now.

I've been eating all the chocolate, and I began drinking. It's usually only a glass of wine, but I don't feel great about it. This is going to be a long 4 years. 

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On Betsy Devos' confirmation, and a second mention of a war going on:



Normally, when a nomination has become controversial, things aren’t allowed to go this far – candidates usually pull out of their own volition.

Betsy DeVos' confirmation as Education Secretary thanks to the tie-breaking Senate vote of the Vice President is not just an unprecedented event in US history. It is further proof that once routine confirmation proceedings have been sucked into the partisan warfare on Capitol Hill – and a harbinger of what may come next.

I just don't get the GOP at all. They've got all the power (well, most of it anyway) and they could do whatever they want with it. Why are they making these stupid decisions? Why put all these people in places where they have no experience in or knowledge of what they have to do and what the job entails? What good will that do? What is the logic behind all this? Is it really just a case of 'the highest bidder gets the job'? And no one thinks of the consequences of this?

I'm just so perplexed and confused about this, and I just can't make heads or tails of it.

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OK, so here's my idea. For every a**hat senator who voted for DeVos any children or grandchildren they have should be required to:

1. attend public school OR

2. attend a public charter school OR

3. attend a private school they can afford based on the median income for their home state

Should also apply to the Orange one.

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16 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

This just pushed me over the edge.

Check out @deray's Tweet:


I just couldn't listen all the way. I do not have a TV or cable and thank [insert some deiety here] for that. I dont think there is enough beer, wine or chocolate that will make me feel any better about the next few months, let alone the next 4 years. It DOES make me feel much better knowing that I am not alone here at FJ.

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29 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

This just pushed me over the edge.

Check out @deray's Tweet:


I'm so fucking done. White  people kill people of color is a shrug "oh well ..look at the good that came out of it"... GOOD...THERE WAS NO FUCKING GOOD. Sorry for the shouting.  Kind people envited that KKK sick freak into their church ..into their hearts and he murdered them. I don't think I can get any more furious. I couldn't get all the way thought this clilp.  Too much hyperventilating.  My daughter just came home from school.  I have to appear calm while I reach for the Xanax.  I'm going to a social action meeting at my local UU Church even though I'm not a member.  

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