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Trump 10: Orange Voldemort Rises


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4 hours ago, MarblesMom said:

I dunno about all of you, but the red and green buttons are not enough to let me emote.  

I "need" a jaw dropped emoji and a WTF emoji and a Hell In a Handbasket emoji.  Perhaps an Idiocracy emoji, too.

4 hours ago, Destiny said:

Find me some and I'll make it happen.

I don't know if these are small enough to be used as emoji but how about:










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2 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

If Donald Trump was a medieval king:

Thank you for this!  The bright side of all this is the full force of humor, satire and outright ridicule brought to bear against the tangerine tycoon and his minions.  And knowing that it really, reeeeallly gets under his skin in a bigly way?  Priceless! 


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15 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

Trump throws his weight around again:


During a meeting at the White House with county sheriffs, Trump said he would “destroy” the career of a Texas state legislator who had proposed restrictions on seizures of property belonging to suspected criminals.

“Do you want to give his name?” Trump asked Rockwall County, Texas, Sheriff Harold Eavenson after he complained about the legislator. “We’ll destroy his career.”

If you thought that money might be the reason behind all this, go get yourself a cookie!

I wanted to revisit this briefly and set out the following scenarios:  White guy drives from Dallas to Houston with $10,000 cash to buy a car off Craigslist.  Cash is discovered during a traffic stop, guy says he's going to Houston to buy a car, and he's on his way. 

Let's say that a black or Latino guy is driving from Dallas to Houston with $10,000 cash to buy a car off Craigslist.  Cash is discovered during a traffic stop, guy says he's going to Houston to buy a car, doesn't get a ticket, and drives of without $10,000, which has been confiscated by the officer who stopped  him.  Yes, it really is that bad and is just an invitation for police corruption and racial profiling. 

Frump, of course, assumes that  due process  is just a regular courtesy extended to very rich people. 

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Seriously, can we start an uprising already? We can't wait until 2024, 2020, or even 2018!

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Is anyone watching Cheeto on CNN? He is FUCKING CRAZY. Also, he did well in school. He has good comprehension, probably better than anyone. He really said that. He certainly didn't "comprehend" the constitution! 

It's one big fear mongering speech. He just listed all of the crime issues we have in our country, and then said terrorists are our biggest threat. It's too early for this shit. 

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19 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

Is anyone watching Cheeto on CNN? He is FUCKING CRAZY. Also, he did well in school. He has good comprehension, probably better than anyone. He really said that. He certainly didn't "comprehend" the constitution! 

It's one big fear mongering speech. He just listed all of the crime issues we have in our country, and then said terrorists are our biggest threat. It's too early for this shit. 

Agent Orange looks upon the Constitution as something to wipe his ass with.  (Yeah I know, that's a pleasant mental image). 

What the Branch Trumpvidians are too stupid to realize is that if agent Orange gets a chance the entire Constitution will go away, and that includes their beloved Second Amendment.  They'll lose their gun rights a hell of a lot faster under Orange Ferret Face than they ever would under Mrs. Clinton or any other Democrats.

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I guess you can shit on people only for so long before they won't take it anymore. 



Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terrorist groups in the country, according to American officials.

Grisly photographs of children apparently killed in the crossfire of a 50-minute firefight during the raid caused outrage in Yemen. A member of the Navy’s SEAL Team 6, Chief Petty Officer William Owens, was also killed in the operation.

While the White House continues to insist that the attack was a “success” — a characterization it repeated on Tuesday — the suspension of commando operations is a setback for Mr. Trump, who has made it clear he plans to take a far more aggressive approach against Islamic militants.

It also calls into question whether the Pentagon will receive permission from the president for far more autonomy in selecting and executing its counterterrorism missions in Yemen, which it sought, unsuccessfully, from President Barack Obama in the last months of his term.

Mr. Obama deferred the decision to Mr. Trump, who appeared inclined to grant it: His approval of the Jan. 29 raid came over a dinner four nights earlier with his top national security aides, rather than in the kind of rigorous review in the Situation Room that became fairly routine under President George W. Bush and Mr. Obama.

Yemen is also one of the seven states whose nationals are targeted by the Inept in Chief executive order.

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27 minutes ago, 47of74 said:

Agent Orange looks upon the Constitution as something to wipe his ass with.  (Yeah I know, that's a pleasant mental image). 

What the Branch Trumpvidians are too stupid to realize is that if agent Orange gets a chance the entire Constitution will go away, and that includes their beloved Second Amendment.  They'll lose their gun rights a hell of a lot faster under Orange Ferret Face than they ever would under Mrs. Clinton or any other Democrats.

That's an exceptionally good point! Unhinged Dictators aren't going to want the other side armed and how is he truely going to know who voted/supports him? 

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Trump is currently whining on twitter about Nordstrom dropping his daughter's line: 

So according to Trump, our country is burning down all around us, and yet he's wasting time complaining about this. And, did anyone else have a mental image of a grown Ivanka wearing pigtails and whining "Daddy, make those mean people be nice to me" while they were reading that tweet?

The Trump supporters are on twitter right now pretending to boycott a store that they probably never shopped at in the first place because of this. They've known we were boycotting stores that carried Trump products for a long time, so if they were so concerned about precious Ivanka being able to continue to make money off her line, they should have stepped up and started buying it. I don't believe for a second that Nordstrom would have dropped the line if it was selling well, so they should have done their part to save it. Or Ivanka could have chosen to not involve herself in her Dad's hateful politics to begin with and then no one would have boycotted her. Or Trump could have chosen to not behave like a bigot. But in typical fashion, Trump, his family, and their supporters are refusing to take responsibility for the part they played in all of this. Instead, they're going to throw twitter temper tranturms and blame a company for not wanting to continue to lose money on products that aren't selling. 

And don't even get me started on Trump's claim that Ivanka is always pushing him to do the right thing because if this is him after she's convinced him to be a better person then it's too scary to even contemplate how much more of an asshole he actually is than any of us realized. 

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18 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

Trump is currently whining on twitter about Nordstrom dropping his daughter's line: 

So according to Trump, our country is burning down all around us, and yet he's wasting time complaining about this. And, did anyone else have a mental image of a grown Ivanka wearing pigtails and whining "Daddy, make those mean people be nice to me" while they were reading that tweet?

The Trump supporters are on twitter right now pretending to boycott a store that they probably never shopped at in the first place because of this. They've known we were boycotting stores that carried Trump products for a long time, so if they were so concerned about precious Ivanka being able to continue to make money off her line, they should have stepped up and started buying it. I don't believe for a second that Nordstrom would have dropped the line if it was selling well, so they should have done their part to save it. Or Ivanka could have chosen to not involve herself in her Dad's hateful politics to begin with and then no one would have boycotted her. Or Trump could have chosen to not behave like a bigot. But in typical fashion, Trump, his family, and their supporters are refusing to take responsibility for the part they played in all of this. Instead, they're going to throw twitter temper tranturms and blame a company for not wanting to continue to lose money on products that aren't selling. 

And don't even get me started on Trump's claim that Ivanka is always pushing him to do the right thing because if this is him after she's convinced him to be a better person then it's too scary to even contemplate how much more of an asshole he actually is than any of us realized. 

Nortstraum is expensive. How can poor white folks stop going to a stop they never shopped in? And how da fuck do this gut have time to tweet?

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Apparently the Tangerine Tantrum-Twittering Toddler doesn't realize that the internet is forever. 



Donald Trump's tweets about the attack on Charlie Hebdo have resurfaced after the President criticised coverage of terrorism.

The President mocked the magazine for its lack of success and bad finances, just days after attackers broke into its offices and killed 12 people.

The White House has claimed that the media is either refusing to cover or minimising its coverage of a range of terrorist attacks allegedly perpetrated by Isis. Officials claimed that the group is perpetrating a "genocide" in the US and pointed to a list of 78 attacks that weren't covered enough.

The list doesn't include the shootings at Charlie Hebdo in January 2015. But it does reference the killings by Amedy Coulibaly, who shot one police officer and four hostages in a kosher supermarket in an attack that occurred at the same time and was linked to the attack on the French satirical magazine.

In the wake of that criticism – which media organisations have pointed out is untrue and ignores the vast coverage given to the terror attacks – fresh scrutiny has been applied to Mr Trump's own tweets.

Just a week after the attacks on Charlie Hebdo, he posted a series of messages that mocked the magazine and the staff who worked at it. The magazine was having "no success", he wrote just days after 12 people were shot at its offices, and he mockingly wrote that the two gunmen should have just waited for it to fold.

Charlie Hebdo reminds me of the "satirical" rag magazine Spy that was very dishonest and nasty and went bankrupt. Charlie was also broke!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 14, 2015

If the morons who killed all of those people at Charlie Hebdo would have just waited, the magazine would have folded - no money, no success!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 14, 2015

Spy magazine was a satirical monthly magazine based in New York that ran between 1986 and 1998. It is in large part remembered for mocking and exposing Donald Trump among other celebrities, and christened him with the "short-fingered vulgarian" reference that still follows the President around.

Last year, the Spy magazine founders re-united to discuss that same mockery of Mr Trump, and suggested that it continues to torment the then-Presidential candidate. “I think he’s made pretty clear that he has wonderful, powerful, beautiful hands," an aide to Mr Trump said in response to the story.

Mr Trump has posted a range of other tweets in response to terror attacks, including blaming the Paris shootings on the fact that people didn't have guns to shoot back at their attackers with.


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57 minutes ago, RoseWilder said:

Trump is currently whining on twitter about Nordstrom dropping his daughter's line:

Oh, for pete's sake!  My first thought was, Ivanka's pushing him to do the right thing is having zero effect.  The comments on the Seattle Times are being posted so quickly that I couldn't get a word in edgewise, but a lot of people are chiding him for using his position to protect/further his family business interests.

Other posters were wondering where he finds the time, and I would have liked to remind people that Mr. White Nationalist is running the nation, leaving widdle Donnie plenty of time to tweet.


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2 hours ago, iweartanktops said:

Is anyone watching Cheeto on CNN? He is FUCKING CRAZY. Also, he did well in school. He has good comprehension, probably better than anyone. He really said that. He certainly didn't "comprehend" the constitution! 

He's trying to hard to convince us he can read, which means he's barely literate at best.

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45 minutes ago, fraurosena said:




The list doesn't include the shootings at Charlie Hebdo in January 2015. But it does reference the killings by Amedy Coulibaly, who shot one police officer and four hostages in a kosher supermarket in an attack that occurred at the same time and was linked to the attack on the French satirical magazine.



Just as an addendum: Lassana Bathily, a Muslim employee of the kosher supermarket in Paris, saved shoppers and then helped the police. He turned off the freezers, hid people in there and sneaked out to aid the police. Without him, more would have died. In recognition of his bravery, France granted him citizenship.

I just think that people like Trump and his ilk would do well to remember Mr Bathily. And they would do well to recall this story. A bus was held up by Muslim militants in Kenya, who tried to segregate Muslims from non-Muslims to murder the latter. The Muslim passengers refused, and protected their fellow passengers.

Those are only the stories that make the news. But in the days of travel-bans and mutual demonizing, I think they are important to remember.

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1 hour ago, Toothfairy said:

Nortstraum is expensive. How can poor white folks stop going to a stop they never shopped in? And how da fuck do this gut have time to tweet?

Yeah, I bet the Branch Trumpvidians are already telling everyone they can that they're boycotting yet another business they probably never even heard of until the Fornicating Hole of a Donkey's spawn got her line dropped by them.  Jeeezus, what would happen if Wally World suddenly stood up to Trump?  Where would these clowns shop then?

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40 minutes ago, Childless said:

He's trying to hard to convince us he can read, which means he's barely literate at best.

Thanks for the laugh! That was so ridiculous. It's probably true, though. I've never felt the need to just tell someone I have good comprehension. Wtf? 

His fear mongering is very interesting. I was watching the speech before 7am, but something he said caught my attention. Not because it was anything factual or coherent, but it really stood out to me as something his supporters are holding on to in regards to Trump keeping us safe. :pb_rollseyes: I'm somewhat interested in what it was, specifically, but I'm also not sure I'm up for torturing myself again before noon. 

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1 hour ago, 47of74 said:

Yeah, I bet the Branch Trumpvidians are already telling everyone they can that they're boycotting yet another business they probably never even heard of until the Fornicating Hole of a Donkey's spawn got her line dropped by them.  Jeeezus, what would happen if Wally World suddenly stood up to Trump?  Where would these clowns shop then?

They'd move on to Family Dollar. Because it has Family in the name. And, I agree, I don't even shop at Nordstrom and I have a good job with a decent salary. It's very expensive.  I doubt they even have Nordstrom stores in Arkansas and other deep red places.


A good sarcastic opinion piece: "I understand now. The Trump administration is right about everything."


We are being too uncharitable to the Trump administration.

We have probably made Sean Spicer cry, and that is not what anyone set out to do.

There is a much simpler explanation for the list of Secret Media Terrorism Coverups and the Bowling Green Massacre and the “alternative facts” than this idea that somehow, the Trump administration is making up facts or misleading the American people. Nonsense. They are doing the best they can with the facts they have. They simply have come here from an alternative universe.

It is not their fault that their facts appear to be quite different from what is happening in the universe where most people live. They did not ask to come here. Something went wrong with the timeline, is all. Somebody stepped on a butterfly, and here we are.

When we look at their recently provided list of times when the media failed to cover Horrible Acts Of Terrorism, what we see is a long series of misspellings in which, often, zero people died. When they look at it, do they see millions of lives cut short, enough to justify a massive travel ban? It is unclear. What is clear is that they exist in a universe where no one reported adequately on the Paris attacks, whereas we live in a universe where all 130 victims were profiled. This discrepancy is nobody’s fault. There, the media really did cover up dozens of very serious attacks in which I, personally, was killed.

In their universe, America is “not so innocent.” (After the Bowling Green Massacre, we did what we had to do.) Also, the Bowling Green Massacre, something Kellyanne Conway mentioned in multiple interviews, is a real thing that happened. The carnage was unbelievable — not in the sense that it is here, where we don’t believe that there was any carnage. In the other sense.

Newt Gingrich tried to warn us about this months ago. These are alternative universes, and they are at war.

In their universe, Frederick Douglass is maybe still alive, and his contributions will be “recognized more and more.” There, Abraham Lincoln is known for being some kind of technological innovator, of whom it could be reasonably said that “10 years before or 20 years before, what he was doing would never have even been thought possible.” In their universe, these are enlightened things to say that make sense. 

There, the crime rate is up. Here, it is down.

There, the “inner cities” are unbelievable. In that universe, any time people in the nightmarish hellscape of the inner city leave their homes, they are instantly shot. Every time. You cannot go to the store without being shot. People sit huddled in their homes waiting to draw straws as to who will leave the house first, as whoever does so is inevitably killed. It’s awful. If we could only see what is happening in that universe, we would agree with sending in the feds.

In that universe, you need guns in your schools to protect from bear attacks, which are CONSTANT.

In that universe, “attacker” is spelled without the “c.”

There, immigrants from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen were, in fact, responsible for post-9/11 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. Here, they aren’t, but — there, they are.

There, the (failing) New York Times apologized for its bad coverage of Donald Trump.

In that universe, President Barack Obama was an evil king who constantly imposed his will on the people through illegal means. He was a Muslim who, naturally, was born in Kenya. We have still not seen his birth certificate.

In that universe, Hillary Clinton was accountable for scores and scores of deaths. Personally. Also, Trump is not the puppet, no puppet, she’s the puppet. Ted Cruz’s father assassinated JFK. Countless people cheered on New Jersey rooftops after 9/11. In that universe, these are well-documented facts, as opposed to what they are here: poorly documented conspiracy theories that did not happen.

Also, all immigrants there are MALICIOUS and BAD. They do murders, constantly.

Carnage covers the land. It is just as Trump said in his inauguration address, which was the best-received address ever at the biggest inauguration ever. Trump, when visiting CIA headquarters, received more applause than Peyton Manning did (from the CIA?) after he won the Super Bowl (and went to the CIA?!?). Look, this is just a fact.

Both of these universes are equally valid. We happen to live in one where none of these things are true, and they happen to live in one where all of these things are true, but that does not mean that we are right and they are wrong. It simply means that our perspectives are different.

But don’t worry. Trump is doing his best to drag us out of this universe. And if we keep implementing all his real solutions to what appear, to the untrained eye, to be imaginary problems, the world will soon be just as unpleasant a place as he says it is.


I agree, it does seem like Trumpsters live in a different world.

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"Leaks Suggest Trump’s Own Team Is Alarmed By His Conduct". Since it's on HuffPo, I won't copy everything, but there are a couple OMG points:


President Donald Trump was confused about the dollar: Was it a strong one that’s good for the economy? Or a weak one?

So he made a call ― except not to any of the business leaders Trump brought into his administration or even to an old friend from his days in real estate. Instead, he called his national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, according to two sources familiar with Flynn’s accounts of the incident.

Flynn has a long record in counterintelligence but not in macroeconomics. And he told Trump he didn’t know, that it wasn’t his area of expertise, that, perhaps, Trump should ask an economist instead.

Trump was not thrilled with that response ― but that may have been a function of the time of day. Trump had placed the call at 3 a.m., according to one of Flynn’s retellings ― although neither the White House nor Flynn’s office responded to requests for confirmation about that detail.



There is the matter of Trump’s briefing materials, for example. The commander in chief doesn’t like to read long memos, a White House aide who asked to remain unnamed told The Huffington Post. So preferably they must be no more than a single page. They must have bullet points but not more than nine per page.

Small things can provide him great joy or generate intense irritation. Trump told The New York Times that he’s fascinated with the phone system inside the White House. At the same time, he’s registered a complaint about the hand towels aboard Air Force One, the White House aide said, because they are not soft enough.


Aw, poor baby doesn't want to read and the towels aren't soft enough. And they call liberals snowflakes. You couldn't make this shit up.

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4 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Agent Orange looks upon the Constitution as something to wipe his ass with.  (Yeah I know, that's a pleasant mental image). 

What the Branch Trumpvidians are too stupid to realize is that if agent Orange gets a chance the entire Constitution will go away, and that includes their beloved Second Amendment.  They'll lose their gun rights a hell of a lot faster under Orange Ferret Face than they ever would under Mrs. Clinton or any other Democrats.

Well, I guess that would fall under "every dark cloud has a silver lining."  Except somehow President Bannon would make sure the right-wingers could keep most of their guns, but anyone not the right skin tone would lose the right to own a gun.   Conservative Christians would retain the right to bear arms, but other religions would not.

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3 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

They'd move on to Family Dollar. Because it has Family in the name. And, I agree, I don't even shop at Nordstrom and I have a good job with a decent salary. It's very expensive.  I doubt they even have Nordstrom stores in Arkansas and other deep red places.


I agree, it does seem like Trumpsters live in a different world.

There is a distribution center for Nordstrom in Dubuque.  But the nearest store to me is in Madison.  (About 100 miles).  I think I walked through it once but didn't really see anything that appealed to me.     

There is Nordstrom Rack store in Birmingham, Alabama.  I've looked around and it's mainly larger urban areas that have Nordstroms - the areas that tend to be at least slightly less red than deep red areas.

And yeah, the Branch Trumpvidians would probably hit up Family Dollar next after Wally World.   (I almost said Family Guy by mistake there). 



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4 hours ago, RoseWilder said:

Trump is currently whining on twitter about Nordstrom dropping his daughter's line: 

Ivanka gets dumped by Nordstroms and @RealDonaldTrump can't deal! Sad! #boohoo #it'sJustNotFair!

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6 minutes ago, Howl said:

Ivanka gets dumped by Nordstroms and @RealDonaldTrump can't deal! Sad! #boohoo #it'sJustNotFair!

My favorite part of the tweet is how Ivanka is always pushing him to do the right thing. So is she off duty right now, or is this what "the right thing" looks like to her? :kitty-shifty:

Also, I don't usually have to tell my parents how to live. They did teach me about doing what's right, having integrity, etc. 

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