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Trump 10: Orange Voldemort Rises


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4 hours ago, VelociRapture said:

On a lighter note -


People share the weirdest Shit on Facebook Live. :pb_lol:

I really hope that someone took a screenshot and tweeted that to Trump. :pb_lol:

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2 hours ago, Mecca said:

I saw this today and thought I would share it with you all. 


I am seriously considering daring the Episcopal Church to change the Eucharistic Prayer to;


Christ has died,
Christ has risen,
Christ tried to come again, but he was stopped at JFK by CPB, cuffed, beat up, and then sent back to the Middle East.


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Mathew McConaughey is another one telling everyone how they should feel and saying we should embrace Dictator Asshat. According to him, we should wait to see what Trump does. WAIT TO SEE WHAT HE DOES? Did the people that keep saying "give Trump a chance" not see what the rest of us saw the 18 months prior to the general election? I have no idea when this interview took place, but Trump has been doing some rather horrible things since taking office, so no, I will not embrace Trump.

Matthew might think he is doing us some great big favor by trying to get us to embrace the clown, but he is not. This is war for many of us because our rights are being shat on. Mathew has privilege, wealth, and power and really needs to step back and recognize that before telling the rest of us to embrace a man trying to take away the rights of many. I will not embrace hatred, Mathew, but thanks anyway.

Matthew can say what he wants of course, but inserting himself and giving the feeling he will back Trump will only give him the tag line alt-right, alt-right, alt-right from now on. Enjoy that. 

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My eyes hurt. Seriously, they hurt really bad. They keep popping out, every time I read my twitter or fb feeds. Here's another example of the wtf'ery going on...



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4 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Jesus, the rate he's going he'll start World War III before too long, and it will be 195 countries vs. the US.  Even Russia. 

I said this early on in the campaign. Unfortunately I said it to my die hard Republican father. He said that would never happen.  I am getting really scared this may happen sooner than later. 

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1 hour ago, Mecca said:

Mathew McConaughey is another one telling everyone how they should feel and saying we should embrace Dictator Asshat. According to him, we should wait to see what Trump does. WAIT TO SEE WHAT HE DOES? Did the people that keep saying "give Trump a chance" not see what the rest of us saw the 18 months prior to the general election? I have no idea when this interview took place, but Trump has been doing some rather horrible things since taking office, so no, I will not embrace Trump.

Matthew might think he is doing us some great big favor by trying to get us to embrace the clown, but he is not. This is war for many of us because our rights are being shat on. Mathew has privilege, wealth, and power and really needs to step back and recognize that before telling the rest of us to embrace a man trying to take away the rights of many. I will not embrace hatred, Mathew, but thanks anyway.

Matthew can say what he wants of course, but inserting himself and giving the feeling he will back Trump will only give him the tag line alt-right, alt-right, alt-right from now on. Enjoy that. 

Matthew McConaughey can kiss my ass.

Fuck him.

I think you know what I won't be watching from now on....namely any movies he inflicts on us.

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2 hours ago, sawasdee said:

I've been so angry, depressed and hopeless, I've not signed in recently.

I've just been out with non Thai - mainly British - "friends" who without exception think Trump is great. I left. I now refuse to discuss politics with people too stupid to understand the implications to the constitution of his actions.  The level of ignorance, both amongst my circle and, more importantly, in the US, is breathtaking. I feel so sorry for all my US friends, both virtual and IRL, who are living with this - and am so scared for the world, when I look at the chaotic decisions of the last few days. I really feel that the Doomsday Clock is ticking.

And as for Steve Bannon - he makes Dick Cheney look relatively benign! That he has a seat on the NSC, and Four Star Generals and Intelligence Chiefs do not - is the stuff of nightmares.

I've missed you and wondered how you were doing!

I understand the emotional rollercoaster you are on, and how hard it is to be surrounded by jubilant Trump fans. You are wondering what fresh hell that orange bastard is going to unleash, and they are laughing and boasting about his plans.

Just like with the loss of a dear friend or relative, we are all grieving in our own way, and on our own timetable. Come on over and sit with us. We understand you are hurt, angry, scared, and probably also some emotions that you don't even have words to express. 

As Secretary Clinton put it; we are stronger together. :pb_smile:

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We all know he loves deals. How much will it benefit Franklin Graham and others who said he is "God's candidate" and "a baby Christian" if the Johnson Amendment is repeal?

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Der Trumpenführer's behavior is an indicator of malignant narcissism, says psychologist Jo Hemmings.


“He has a messiah complex, no conscience, and lacks complete empathy,” she told The Independent, adding that hanging up the phone is “just like a child having a tantrum.”

According to Hemmings, most people grow out of this behaviour by the age of three or four, although there’s sometimes a reappearance during adolescence due to hormones.


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47 minutes ago, Ali said:

We all know he loves deals. How much will it benefit Franklin Graham and others who said he is "God's candidate" and "a baby Christian" if the Johnson Amendment is repeal?

Franklin Graham is an embarrassment to all Christians. My church supports his shoebox ministry at Christmas, which I hate. I may have to find another church. In my area, it seems only the African American pastors are speaking out against him and marching.  I may celebrate Black History Month by becoming a white speck in a predominantly Black church!

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2 minutes ago, AuntK said:

Franklin Graham is an embarrassment to all Christians. My church supports his shoebox ministry at Christmas, which I hate. I may have to find another church. In my area, it seems only the African American pastors are speaking out against him and marching.  I may celebrate Black History Month by becoming a white speck in a predominantly Black church!

What about the Episcopal Church?  Most Episcopalians are not happy with the Fornicating Hole of a Donkey or his administration, despite the kissing up that the senior leadership in the church tried to do when that orange sack of fecal matter first slithered into Jan 20.

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5 hours ago, VelociRapture said:

Would you literally be shitting on people? Asking for a friend who may want to join up... :pb_lol:


It's like... I wanted to look away... but it was mesmerizing... :pb_lol:

Well right now I mean it in the figurative sense but ask me in another two Trump weeks and we'll see.

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3 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

I really hope that someone took a screenshot and tweeted that to Trump. :pb_lol:

I started to. Then I stopped. I'm worried about him finding out it was me who tweeted it - even though my name isn't listed publicly on my profile.

Isn't that sad? I never would have worried about Obama or Biden's reactions. :pb_sad:

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2 hours ago, Ali said:

We all know he loves deals. How much will it benefit Franklin Graham and others who said he is "God's candidate" and "a baby Christian" if the Johnson Amendment is repeal?

Would this work for the other side as well?  Does this mean religious organizations on the left can pour money into campaigns as well? Can you imagine if a mosque tried to pull this kind of crap Franklin Graham and Foulwell Jr. want to do? Or a Pagan group? 

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I'm trying to get a link, but is it real life that the House voted to reverse Obama's background checks for guns? 

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2 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

I'm trying to get a link, but is it real life that the House voted to reverse Obama's background checks for guns? 

I saw this as well.


Yes, because the Second Amendment is for those with mental health issues, too. I'm not snarking on those with mental health issues, just concerned about people struggling with them having easy access to firearms. Never fear- if there would be a problem others exercising their Second Amendment rights will shoot. Guess some really do want to Make America Great Again when they return to the days of the Wild West.

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3 minutes ago, Audrey2 said:

I saw this as well.


Yes, because the Second Amendment is for those with mental health issues, too. I'm not snarking on those with mental health issues, just concerned about people struggling with them having easy access to firearms. Never fear- if there would be a problem others exercising their Second Amendment rights will shoot. Guess some really do want to Make America Great Again when they return to the days of the Wild West.

Just what kind of logic is this? We're supposed to be so afraid of Muslims, black people, refugees, etc. But we have a SIGNIFICANT problem with gun violence among, kids, teens, and adults across all races in our country. But let's give easier access to guns. Can someone please help me understand how this makes sense? Am I missing something here? 

Oh, and pro-life!! More guns! 

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I read that too, because there is nothing someone with diminished capacity needs more than an automatic weapon! (Certainly not health care!)

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I love this: "Why is Donald Trump so fixated on Arnold Schwarzenegger? It might have to do with Ivanka."


The National Prayer Breakfast is an annual rite where presidents celebrate faith and fellowship — or, in President Trump’s case, mock Arnold Schwarzenegger, the man who succeeded him as the host of NBC’s “Celebrity Apprentice.”

“The ratings went right down the tube,” Trump said, describing what happened after he left the show in 2015 and was replaced by the movie-star-turned-politician. “I want to just pray for Arnold for those ratings.”

Trump’s trolling of Schwarzenegger from the dais of the religious event should seem remarkable. But given the president’s repeated, typically unsolicited, mention of the former California governor’s relatively low ratings (unprompted, he brought Schwarzenegger up three times in this interview with our colleague Karen Tumulty), it’s actually not so surprising. Which is, in the president’s own parlance, “sad!”

So what’s behind this seeming fixation? Why does the leader of the free world care so much about a guy who starred in “Kindergarten Cop?” Here’s one “Rosebud”-like possibility for Trump’s obsession: Trump badly wanted his daughter, Ivanka, to take over the job hosting “Celebrity Apprentice” after NBC severed ties with him following his campaign-trail comments about Mexican immigrants, according to one person who spoke to the president about the matter.

Ivanka Trump, along with her brothers Eric and Donald Jr., had been mentors and judges on the show. Trump thought Ivanka would be the ideal candidate, according to the person who talked to Trump about it. Telegenic and poised, Ivanka Trump, who until recently was the executive vice president of the Trump Organization, has frequently been the public face of the family brand.

It may be that Trump never got over the network’s decision to go with another host — and seems to be taking it out on their choice.

Of course, there are other reasons for keeping alive the beef with Schwarzenegger: It’s a chance for him to remind people about his own (higher) ratings. And he remains an executive producer of the show, an arrangement that could mean he is still drawing a paycheck whose size would depend on the show’s success.

I know it's just a theory, but it fits the sicko way he seems to relate to Ivanka.

11 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

Just what kind of logic is this? We're supposed to be so afraid of Muslims, black people, refugees, etc. But we have a SIGNIFICANT problem with gun violence among, kids, teens, and adults across all races in our country. But let's give easier access to guns. Can someone please help me understand how this makes sense? Am I missing something here? 

Oh, and pro-life!! More guns! 

Here's a piece that includes the rollback of the background checks. Here's the relevant section:


In the House, the issue was an Obama rule extending background checks for disabled Social Security recipients mentally incapable of managing their own affairs. The House voted 235-180 to scuttle it.

Under the rule, the Social Security Administration had to provide information to the gun-buying background check system on recipients with a mental disorder so severe they cannot work and need someone to handle their benefits. The rule, also finalized in December, would have affected an estimated 75,000 beneficiaries.

“There is no evidence suggesting that those receiving disability benefits from the Social Security Administration are a threat to public safety,” said Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

“Once an unelected bureaucrat unfairly adds these folks to the federal background check system, they are no longer able to exercise their Second Amendment right,” he said.

After the 2012 school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, Obama directed the Justice Department to provide guidance to agencies regarding information they are obligated to report to the background check system.

In Newtown, 20 children and six educators were shot to death when a gunman entered the Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, 2012. The gunman had earlier killed his mother inside their home, and he used a gun and ammunition that she had purchased. His mental health problems have been extensively reported since the shooting.

Democrats said Republicans were doing the bidding of the National Rifle Association, which opposed the Social Security Administration’s rule.

“These are not people just having a bad day,” Rep. Mike Thompson, D-Calif., said. “These are not people simply suffering from depression or anxiety or agoraphobia. These are people with a severe mental illness who can’t hold any kind of job or make any decisions about their affairs, so the law says very clearly they shouldn’t have a firearm.”

The NRA said overturning the regulation will protect a broad class of vulnerable citizens from government overreach. And the American Civil Liberties Union agreed, telling lawmakers that a disability should not constitute grounds for the automatic denial of any right or privilege, including gun ownership.

Republicans are employing a rarely used tool to roll back some of the rules issued in the final months of Obama’s tenure. The Congressional Review Act provides a temporary window for a simple majority of both chambers to invalidate a rule. Trump would have to sign the disapproval measure for a regulation to be deemed invalid.

The law also prevents the executive branch from imposing substantially similar regulations in the future.

F you very much Congress.

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14 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

Just what kind of logic is this? We're supposed to be so afraid of Muslims, black people, refugees, etc. But we have a SIGNIFICANT problem with gun violence among, kids, teens, and adults across all races in our country. But let's give easier access to guns. Can someone please help me understand how this makes sense? Am I missing something here? 

Oh, and pro-life!! More guns! 

Logic? There's no logic in this administration. Spock is not an advisor - he'd be considered an illegal alien or something, and very sadly, Leonard Nimoy passed away almost two years ago.

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Question: to be honest, I haven't followed politics this closely in quite a while, but have things always been popping off all day every day like they are right now? This is new, right? Please don't judge. 

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6 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

Question: to be honest, I haven't followed politics this closely in quite a while, but have things always been popping off all day every day like they are right now? This is new, right? Please don't judge. 

I don't remember another time in which every day has released a new political poonami. With previous presidents, things seemed to hit then settle down more. 



This administration will need close monitoring every day.

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10 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

Question: to be honest, I haven't followed politics this closely in quite a while, but have things always been popping off all day every day like they are right now? This is new, right? Please don't judge. 

This is way, way out of the norm. usually the first hundred days are busy, with flurries of activity, but this non-stop shitstorm is not how things usually go. I checked the news at noon, fearful of changes from before work. That's not right or normal.

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