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Trump 10: Orange Voldemort Rises


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3 minutes ago, Childless said:

If I were on his staff, I'd wear pants every damn day.  Fuck him.

I feel the same and I like wearing dresses and skirts.

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"White House getting a bigger, stronger fence"


WASHINGTON — The fence surrounding the White House is probably the most visited fence in D.C. — and it’s about to get taller and stronger.

The National Capital Planning Commission gave final approval to several design changes, a year in the making, in a voice vote Thursday afternoon.

Security officials have long attested the White House fence needed an upgrade for security reasons.

“The overall height will be 13 feet, 1 inch including the stone base. The fence is 10 feet, 7 inches and anti-climbing measures at the top complete the design,” said Matt Flis, a senior urban designer with the commission.

Flis designed the fence working with the U.S. Secret Service and the National Park Service. The fence itself will be 5 feet taller than the existing one and will include ram-proof gates. The final design does not include large pillars around pedestrian entrances in an attempt to improve the view for visitors.

“The staff saw that as one way to preserve the transparency between the public space and the White House grounds,” Flis said.

U.S. Secret Service officers have been positioned outside and along the fence since 2014, when a man with a knife scaled the fence and made it to the second floor of the White House before being detained by agents, spokeswoman Nicole Mainor confirmed.

Since then, bike racks have also been positioned in front of the fence to prevent future jumpers. But they further distance visitors from the fence and from taking a clear picture of the White House.

The Commission of Fine Arts weighed in on the new fence design, including the ironwork at the entrance. However, the planning commission suggested and ultimately voted to approve the more secure crash-rated entrances, which feature a panel of steel at the base rather than ironwork.

Retractable bollards — short posts to block traffic — were removed from the design. A crash-rated gate to prevent traffic onto Pennsylvania Avenue will replace them.

Contracting for the removal and replacement of the fence is now underway with a goal of construction in 2018, confirmed Jeremy Barnum with the U.S. Park Service.

Hmm, methinks that they have some valid concerns about Agent Orange's security. Personally, I'd never do anything threatening, but I can see some gun-toting nutjob coming to DC because he (it's usually a he) is upset because Cheeto didn't bring back his coal job or something like that.


Not going to copy it here, because it's lengthy, but this is upsetting: "Trump to order regulatory rollback Friday for finance industry starting with Dodd-Frank". Between getting rid of Dodd-Frank and the fiduciary rule, Wall Street and other big businesses will continue to run roughshod over the rest of us.

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20 hours ago, AuntK said:

OK, I don't believe that all Christians are acting in support of Trump, some of these so-called Christians aren't Christians at all.  The others? I have no explanation for how they can close their eyes and ignore his blatantly unChristian actions, but am I heartened by the fact that there are some Christian pastors who are calling him out!

I'm Christian and I fucking hate Trump. We have some at my church asking us to pray for this administration, and I said I just can't do it. I told them I will pray for all the at risk people, how about that?

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19 minutes ago, Childless said:

If I were on his staff, I'd wear pants every damn day.  Fuck him.

You're fired!

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:laughing-rolling: Good morning! So, a few of the die hard, "praise Jesus for Trump" people I know on fb are "feeling called to take a break". Having a tough time admitting you actually fell for this horse shit administration, are we? :laughing-rolling:

ETA, it must be confusing that God changed his mind about Trump. 

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Do you all remember that Bowling Green Massacre? Yeah, me either. It is because it did not happen. Kellyanne is a liar. A big ol' liar.

While the Trump administration keeps yammering on about the fake media, they keep rolling out alternative facts. Maybe if these Yahoos would stop engaging in Twitter Wars, they could do a wee bit more research before spewing out lies. 

Assholes. The whole administration from top to bottom. 

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WASHINGTON — The fence surrounding the White House is probably the most visited fence in D.C. — and it’s about to get taller and stronger.

I visited D.C. two and a half years ago.  Although my main memory is coming down with killer bronchitis that ate up 6 weeks of my life, being at  the fence at the White House was a powerful moment.  Every kind of person was there: all ages, every ethnicity, every nationality, every type of traditional dress, talking, posing, taking group pictures. It was actually a very moving experience.   

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13 hours ago, AuntK said:

The above link I posted isn't working but the members of the golf club got 5.7m or exactly what they asked for.

Didn't work for me either, but it took me to an NPR "page not found" -- It's a shame that your page is lost, but at least it's in good company; stick around to browse through NPR stories about lost people, places and things that still haven't turned up -- with links to these stories: 

Amelia Earhart, Jimmy Hoffa, 18 minutes of Watergate tape, the Lost City of Atlantis, Waldo, Your Luggage

I'd like to add to the list: Our collective national sanity

Jeeze, we are so desperately in need of comic relief. 


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It was mentioned up thread, but I'm posting a link. http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/2/2/1629117/-Trump-didn-t-bother-to-show-up-in-Situation-Room-for-botched-Yemen-raid?detail=facebook   A member of our Armed Services died.  So did a little girl who was an American citizen.  Our President could not be bothered to be in the Situation Room while this happened.  Could you imagine the backlash if this had been President Obama?  Lives are being lost, but he can't be bothered to interrupt his Twitter-time.

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28 minutes ago, Roux said:

It was mentioned up thread, but I'm posting a link. http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/2/2/1629117/-Trump-didn-t-bother-to-show-up-in-Situation-Room-for-botched-Yemen-raid?detail=facebook   A member of our Armed Services died.  So did a little girl who was an American citizen.  Our President could not be bothered to be in the Situation Room while this happened.  Could you imagine the backlash if this had been President Obama?  Lives are being lost, but he can't be bothered to interrupt his Twitter-time.

Just read your link. This paragraph made me giggle.


That Trump didn’t come down in PJs is completely understandable, considering that by 5 PM Trump was too fatigued to hold a civil conversation with the leader of an allied nation. The Yemen raid just didn’t happen within business hours.

Based on the way we've been offending our allies, is there any time of day Trump can hold a civilized conversation with the leader of an allied nation? It seems like Putin is the only leader he likes. He's even started problems with Australia! I'm just waiting for him to have problems with Canada, which I consider our closest friend. 

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In case you were wondering how our PRESIDENT spent his morning:


And this idiot is coming for Iran on Twitter. Just fucking perfect. :?

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Spicer is live on CNN talking out of his ass! PLEASE talk about Bowling Green :pray:

Empowering women in the workplace? Is he serious? 

Can someone please start a Spicer thread? I can't think of anything witty. 

Trump is going to tell us how he's going to "help" African Americans this weekend. :pb_rollseyes:

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2 hours ago, Howl said:

I visited D.C. two and a half years ago.  Although my main memory is coming down with killer bronchitis that ate up 6 weeks of my life, being at  the fence at the White House was a powerful moment.  Every kind of person was there: all ages, every ethnicity, every nationality, every type of traditional dress, talking, posing, taking group pictures. It was actually a very moving experience.   

Several years ago, I went to a class at Oracle in Northern Virginia. There were several students from different parts of the US. One of the guys I became friends with was from a small town in Kansas, several hours from Kansas City. His company wouldn't pay for a car, so he was stuck with shuttles. He told me he so wanted to see the sights in DC (about 15 miles away). So, on the next to the last night, I drove him downtown. On the way there, I almost wrecked my car because he shouted, "Oh, my God, it's the Pentagon!!" We went around the Capitol and the major monuments, before parking and walking to the White House. He actually teared up standing by the fence and had me take a bunch of pictures of him in front of both sides of the White House. It was a pleasure to see how excited he was. Living here, I forget how many people haven't seen these things in person.

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Ugh. I just had an awful experience, which I am sure was much worse for the other person involved. I was at a big box store and the woman who checked me out was very pleasant and we exchanged some polite conversation. She had an accent that was similar to one my South African roommate in college had, so I asked here where she was originally from. She looked at me with fear in her eyes before I mentioned my roommate and that her accent was beautiful. I feel like a total piece of shit, because in my social awkwardness I hadn't considered  the current political climate towards immigrants. I feel awful, not only for frightening that poor woman, but because this is the world we're living in now. 


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That's right, let's roll back the regulations that keep the bankers from crashing the economy again.  Great move. 

Hell yeah, we need another world economic crisis! :) But if your name is Trump you may make money out of it.

Is it just me or does anyone else get the feeling that Trump may establish a dictatorship?
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45 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

Spicer is live on CNN talking out of his ass! PLEASE talk about Bowling Green :pray:

Empowering women in the workplace? Is he serious? 

Can someone please start a Spicer thread? I can't think of anything witty. 

Trump is going to tell us how he's going to "help" African Americans this weekend. :pb_rollseyes:

Done. I'm not the queen of wit, but he does deserve his own thread.

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45 minutes ago, iweartanktops said:

Spicer is live on CNN talking out of his ass! PLEASE talk about Bowling Green :pray:

Empowering women in the workplace? Is he serious? 

Can someone please start a Spicer thread? I can't think of anything witty. 

Trump is going to tell us how he's going to "help" African Americans this weekend. :pb_rollseyes:

Right because he knows all about "The African Americans" Like e said  "The Blacks" during the campaign.  Every time I can't hate him more he spews out another little gem, and sinks even lower.  

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3 hours ago, SilverBeach said:

I'm Christian and I fucking hate Trump. We have some at my church asking us to pray for this administration, and I said I just can't do it. I told them I will pray for all the at risk people, how about that?

The Episcopal Church I go to we've been doing Form IV of the prayer over to Form VI, and have not been praying for any political leaders by name.  Prior to our previous rector leaving we used to pray for the President and Governor by name, along with Congress and the courts.  Suits me just fine that we don't do that now.

The more conservative pearl clutching wing of the Episcopal Church is trying to guilt trip churches and people that don't pray for Donnie Dumbfornicate by name but I figure to do so will be used as an endorsement by the GOP, so best to just not to pray for them by name anymore.  I even told the diocesan bishop here I hope the church doesn't plan on appeasing the orange one or other conservatives and I sure as hell hope he doesn't think I'm going to kiss the ass of the conservative wing of the church, cause that ain't happening.

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I hope this hasn't been posted yet. We need all something to laugh right? So people from European countries made a parody out of Trumps "America first". There are clips from several countries where they advertise their country to be second. It's hilarious. And in English. http://everysecondcounts.eu/

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1 hour ago, iweartanktops said:

In case you were wondering how our PRESIDENT spent his morning:


And this idiot is coming for Iran on Twitter. Just fucking perfect. :?

Does this moron do anything besides post infantile tweets all day?  

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Just now, Childless said:

Does this moron do anything besides post infantile tweets all day?  

Aside from thinking he's John Hancock reincarnated, nope.

I just saw that the creators of South Park have decided not to take a break from mocking Agent Orange for a while;



Creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone say they won’t be focusing on the President when their show returns this year — because it’s just too hard.

"It's really tricky now, because satire has kind of become reality. So it is really hard to make fun of, and we actually just had the last season of ‘South Park’ ended a month and a half ago. We were really trying to make fun of what was going on, but we couldn't keep up," Parker told Australia's “7:30.”

But Stone said the humor is gone now that their jokes are coming true.

"People say to us all the time you know like 'oh, you guys are getting all this good material,' like we're happy about some of the stuff that's happening,” he told “7:30.” “But I don't know if that's true. It doesn't feel that way.”

Plus there's not much funny about Dumb Fornicate.

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CNN had an article about Presidential signatures and what the signatures said about the person.  The part about OFF (Orange Fornicate Face) is priceless:

  • Lowe said the signature has a "barbed wire fence quality," adding "there is nothing friendly or open about this signature. The extreme height of the capitals, along with the extreme angular letter design displays one who is impressed by his own power."
  • Fernandez graded Trump's signature overall a C with strong points for "neatness." He did criticize the current President for letter formation, saying that in Trump's signature "the alphabet is disregarded in favor of a seismograph."

"Barbed wire fence" and "seismograph". How true. I guess that's indicative of his plans for "the wall".

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