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Lori Alexander 15: Leaving A Fire With Her Makeup Bag


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Count me in with the Crock Pot fan club! Mine's name is Gordon (after Gordon Ramsey). I made a beef stew last night that was easy and so good that both picky Bonkers ate a bowlful each. 

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2 hours ago, colliemae said:

May I ask how much liquid you add? This sounds delicious but I'm no good at improv in the slow cooker!

Sure! You can use a can of Classic Coke, but I'd use at least a 20 oz. (sometimes I put a bit more). :pb_biggrin:


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Beef stroganoff is the best in the crackpot! 

I also have made a couple easy chicken recipes that are floating around facebook. So far I think they are a tad salty which can be fixed by adding more chicken. 

I can also bake up a quick chicken and rice dish (takes about an hour to bake) but it's easy and filling. Chicken, 1 can cream of mushroom soup, 1 can water, 1 cup rice, 1 packet of French onion soup mix. Bake 1 hour (ish) at 350. (Soup, rice and water keep ratio the same, double if you have big rice eaters)

I also make a quick pasta Primavera of sorts. Sauté up colored peppers with seasoning, chicken and toss with pasta. Dinner done. 

I don't like to cook, I cook to live. But I know how to read a recipe and try (easy) new recipes.

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12 minutes ago, quiversR4hunting said:

I can also bake up a quick chicken and rice dish (takes about an hour to bake) but it's easy and filling. Chicken, 1 can cream of mushroom soup, 1 can water, 1 cup rice, 1 packet of French onion soup mix. Bake 1 hour (ish) at 350. (Soup, rice and water keep ratio the same, double if you have big rice eaters)

I make something very similar to that.  2 cans of cream of chicken, 1 can of water, 1 pack of onion soup mix, 1 cup of min. rice.    I use chicken tenderloins.  
I know some people get a little edgy about using cream of _____, but whatever.  Serve it with some broccoli and dinner's done.  
I don't eat chicken (just the rice), but my family seems to like it.  

I also like to throw cubed steak in the crock pot w/ onion soup mix and 2 cans of cream of mushroom.  Serve over rice w/ green beans.  Easy.  

12 minutes ago, quiversR4hunting said:

But I know how to read a recipe and try (easy) new recipes.

Me too.  I will walk away from a complicated recipe in a heartbeat.  I leave that to my husband, who actually enjoys cooking.

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Here's a bit of irony- Lori spends a good portion of her time whining to the internet about women not cooking for their families, but it sounds like most of the heathen moms here do a pretty good job of putting dinner on the table.  

In contrast, Lori's kids were so hungry growing up, that when Ken got home and cooked HIS OWN dinner, they practically begged for food.

She's so busy telling other women how to do life, that it probably hasn't even occurred to her that her family is living off lettuce.

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@usmcmom, the chili sounds like spaghetti sauce in our family - I spent quite some time when I left home trying to perfect the flavor, only to find out that my mom had started putting jarred sauce in.  But I love to have it on the stove. 

Working and cooking is not problematic if you just plan a little.

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I totally sleezed out tonight...I got home early (4:30-ish) so we went to the grocery store and stocked up...400 bucks later, my feel are screaming and we're putting the damn groceries away...I'm hungry, he's hungry...easy, peasy, sleazy...frozen pizza! 

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I just made my hubs shrimp etoufee for dinner. Very easy family recipe which would have been easier without the panic attack because Auntie left "make a roux First" out of the recipe! It took maybe 30 minutes, not including panic attack and frantic phone call.

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51 minutes ago, quiversR4hunting said:

Beef stroganoff is the best in the crackpot

I'm loving the thread drift, especially this! ;) 

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Oh I think Lori knew well very her family was living off lettuce.  That was the point.

Lori (and Ken) were obsessed with their children's weight. So much so that they managed to give both daughters eating issues and body image disorders. As far as we know they still have those issues as I'm sure neither of them received therapy

Not sure about the boys having eating issues themselves, but I'll bet money they've internalized Lori's weight obsession and will do to their daughters what was done to their sisters.

My MIL is as weight obsessed as Lori, except she did it to her sons.  Mr RHBD went off to college weighing 120 at 6 ft tall. He gained gained 15 lbs his 1st semester.  She put him on a crash diet over Christmas break because he'd "gotten fat",  Fortunately by end of Freshman year he was ignoring her and now many years later maintains a normal weight for his height and build.  His mother still decries how "fat" he is. 

His brother internalized the weight obsession and turned it on his daughter, controlling every morsel that went into her mouth.  My SIL (her mother) is a mostly non-eating woman, who drinks wine instead of eating food.  The SIL ignored what the BIL was doing.  My BIL doesn't control her eating because she really doesn't. Although I once saw him ask her -- as he was removing her plate -- if she was going to finish the appetizer she ordered as dinner. SIL said no, 3 bites was enough and had another glass of wine.

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33 minutes ago, desertvixen said:

@usmcmom, the chili sounds like spaghetti sauce in our family - I spent quite some time when I left home trying to perfect the flavor, only to find out that my mom had started putting jarred sauce in.  But I love to have it on the stove. 

Working and cooking is not problematic if you just plan a little.

My mom certainly made it look manageable. She  worked throughout my childhood and I never saw her in her pajamas in the morning, even on weekends. My first sight of her each day when I woke up was her standing at the stove cooking a hot breakfast for us four kids. She was completely dressed with hair and makeup done. We were never allowed to eat cold cereal through the week - that was a Saturday treat. Every now and then, we'd get donuts on a Friday morning. 

She always made a hot supper for us too. When we were older, we helped get it started but she always shopped, planned and did most of the cooking. 

Lori has no idea what a working mother's life is like. They don't take all the shortcuts that Lori so loves to judge them for. Even if they do; what's it to her?

Lori's whole parenting philosophy is based on shortcuts and the easy way out. 

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Lori did a "Youtube" to tell her followers about her favorite beauty products.  Curiosity got the better of me, so I decided to see how much the products go for.

Hair color?  $11.18 per 7 oz. bottle

Face cream?  $33.86 per 2 oz. jar

Vital "V" Salve? $27.00 <---you probably don't want to think too much about what that stuff is.  

Jane Iredale Foundation? $42.00

Jane Iredale Blush? $30.00

Jane Iredale Primer? $48.00

Jane Iredale Hydration Spray? $30.00

Shampoo? $11

Coconut oil? $10.50 per 16 oz. jar

Hair gel (she only washes her hair once a week since she doesn't sweat like the rest of humanity)? $28.65

Hair spray? 21.99

Christ, it's no wonder she was trying to save that shit from the fire.  She has a good portion of Ken's income tied up in make-up and beauty products.

In summary, value of Lori's make-up collection: $294.18

Lori telling other women how to be frugal and live on one income (while having as many blessings as God will send them)?  PRICELESS

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Is she out of her fracking mind?!? Hubs and I live on one fairly good income and I would never, ever spend that much on hair/makeup products! Maybe she's Gwennie Paltrow in disguise?

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She's spending too much on the Vital V salve. It's only $21 and change at Walmart.

If, that is, she ever deigns to shop at Walmart. :pb_rollseyes:

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I cannot beLIEVE she did her whole makeup routine before going into the hospital last year when she was 'sick as a dog.' WHO DOES THAT? I mean, the most I've ever done when going to the emergency room or having a baby was take a fast shower so I didn't offend anyone when I got there! Okay, maybe I powdered my nose and put on some lipgloss before I hit the maternity wing, but otherwise...no. I sure as hell didn't get all gussied up to impress the technician who told me I had a kidney stone! 

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2 hours ago, Bethella said:

I'm loving the thread drift, especially this! ;) 

We moved everything out of the kitchen today, to be ready for the much-needed new floor and countertops. So no stove, no dishwasher, fridge is in the living room, chaos everywhere. But I made potato/squash soup this morning before this all went down, and we microwaved it when I got back from choir rehearsal. There is only room for one person to sit down at a time, but oh well. 

Elk stew (we have a friend who hunts) is in the crockpot overnight, and we're set for tomorrow. I won't sit and watch the crockpot tomorrow. I'll be at work, and then volunteering. The next day I'll help with the grandkids. I do take breaks from cooking now and again, but it's just not that taxing to put basic from-scratch meals on the table, and I'm a decade older than Lori. Perhaps, since actually I like my husband and our housemate, I have more motivation.


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37 minutes ago, older than allosaurs said:

 I do take breaks from cooking now and again, but it's just not that taxing to put basic from-scratch meals on the table, and I'm a decade older than Lori. Perhaps, since actually I like my husband and our housemate, I have more motivation.

I think Lori's just lazy as hell and since Ken considers housework to beneath him, he's never tried it. Or maybe he tried it once, and went "wow, that really does take all day!", because almost any task is complicated the first time you try it, and since she's so idle she's probably (like Jenna) genuinely defeated by the incredible effort of loading the dishwasher.

She's got nothing to do so she has to expand every piddling task that takes busy people 20 minutes into an hours-long saga.

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I can't snark too much on her makeup. My foundation is $48. When we were living on much less, I tried drug store brands and learned that there is a huge difference. The expensive one requires two drops to last all day, not so with cheap ones.

I use Body Shop skin care which is in line with prices listed for Lori's. But they frequently do buy 2 get 1 or buy 3 get 2--so stocking up with those deals helps.

And if she colors at home, she is saving a ton of money. Here in small town Midwest, a single process color in a salon will be around $70. Can't imagine how much higher in CA.

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I have no issue at all with any of the items Lori buys.  

Now I'll be honest- you couldn't pry that kind of money out of my hands for make-up and face cream,  and I'd laugh myself all the way to Wal-mart at the thought of spending nearly $30 on hair gel.  That said, to each his own.  

What gets me, is that Lori likes to show all of her (very expensive) "favorite things" to women who she insists must stay home and live on one income, while producing as many blessings as sabotaging their birth control God will allow them.

She goes on and on about living within your husbands income, and then she holds up almost $300 worth of shit that they don't really "have" to have, and insists that it's sooooo much safer/healthier than anything out there.

It's ridiculous.  Most of her readers couldn't scrape together the $14 to buy her book, much less $48 for face primer.  

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10 hours ago, usmcmom said:

My first sight of her each day when I woke up was her standing at the stove cooking a hot breakfast for us four kids.

My kids always eat a hot breakfast, too. Mr. Polecat works nights, and I like to make sure he comes home to a hot meal. 

Crock Pot recipes: I like taking a turkey breast (sans skin) and putting it in the CP with some cranberry sauce and onion soup mix. It comes out absolutely divine.

Applesauce -- cut up apples into chunks and cook them on low with some cinnamon to taste. Smoosh when done and serve warm. 

Roast: Roast, tomato sauce (or soup or crushed tomatoes), white onion sliced thinly, bell pepper

I also love corned beef cooked in the Crock Pot.

The CP is such a useful kitchen tool and so versatile. 


10 hours ago, DaniLouisiana said:

Is she out of her fracking mind?!? Hubs and I live on one fairly good income and I would never, ever spend that much on hair/makeup products! Maybe she's Gwennie Paltrow in disguise?


All that money spent on beauty products, but none of them can cover up the ugliness that seeps out of her heart.

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Curiousity got the better of me and I looked up Vital V salve as I've never heard of it.

 Well -- was I surprised  and amused.  I'm pretty sure Lori isn't using it as intended.  Hint -- it's not for your face.

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I always joke with my hairstylist that "considering I have such a simple cut, my hair budget is HUGE!"  She laughs and agees. She was shocked when I told her I (used to) use SUAVE shampoo because I do spend a lot on hairspray and styling products (I was trying to save money SOMEWHERE) My hair is so doggone fine, once I found products that gave it some fullness, I got hooked and just can't go back. For a while I did use a thickening shampoo that I bought at our health food store; BUT my daughter recently found a shampoo at Walmart and Target that works the same so I have gone from $12 a bottle to $4 a bottle. Yay us! 

I do typically use drugstore makeup and, as I have mentioned before, many of my clothes come from Walmart. In fact, I wore some of my Walmart pants yesterday and my husband complimented me several times. 

What I didn't like about Lori's video was that everything she showed is a high end product and she is always telling women to be frugal and live simply. Plus, she has no idea that most of her readers CANNOT spend $40 for foundation even if they cut corners elsewhere. Many people have lived paycheck to paycheck at last sometime in their life, even if they are not doing so now. Lori has NEVER had to worry about a budget and so cannot comprehend that her buying habits are out of reach for many people. 

What I REALLY did not like about her video was her sharing that expensive "V Cream" and then acting all embarrassed and too modest to actually talk about it. Seriously, how is that being discreet? She knows her fan boys, Earle and Trey (and others) will be watching that video. She is just dying for a discussion to begin on that topic. 

Also, I am willing to bet that Ken is the one who wants Lori to keep coloring her hair. How nice of her to ramble on about how brown-eyed women just don't look pretty with grey hair. I'm pretty sure that's what she wanted to say but somehow caught herself and tried to backpedal. 

Finally, I watched a bit of Zsu's Q&A and was struck by how articulate and confident she appears when she speaks. English is her second language and she has a much better grasp of public speaking than Lori. Both have deplorable ideas, but listening to Zsu is at least tolerable. If Lori wants to do these videos, she needs to return to her "Always Learning" facade and learn some public speaking skills. 

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Well, I don't wear makeup...I'm allergic to most of them (except the expensive ones) so I just let my flaky, red-patched face hang out. I color and cut my own hair. I'll probably be cheap and sleezy tonight and throw a pizza in the oven. Tomorrow I'll be home by 1 so I'll cook. This weekend will be taken up by getting my car fixed and studying for my PMP certification test. 

However, I will probably cook a few good meals this weekend...

I have a few things I need to do in the next couple of months, PMP certification, Revit MEP certification, LEED certification, creating a Revit class, creating a Study Skills class...yeah, it's a busy life now!

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My daughter and I have such fair skin that we really have a hard time finding foundation shades light enough for us. Even the high end brands (I tried Estée Lauder for a while) don't seem to carry a shade that is light enough. I think Merle Norman has the best selection for us but there is not a store near us. Interestingly, Revlon and Maybelline seem to have shades in porcelain that work for my skin tone. I should look into some setting spray so it will stay on into the evening. 

My daughter is a nurse who works twelve hour shifts. She has been searching for a long lasting foundation but cannot find something to match her skin tone. She says she doesn't want to "scare her patients during the last half of shift."  

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