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Trump 20: Sauron Doesn't Seem So Bad After All


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Incoming bullshit! Take cover immediately!

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Oh no, he didn't...he just said that Senator Franken asked him a "rambling" question. This from JB Confederate, whose middle name should be Rambling Rambler.

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Notice how often he's saying 'colleagues' to try and make him one of them.....he's not a colleague anymore.

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Honest and transparent government?!? 

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Ugh. I'm dizzy with all this spinning! :ENVOUTER:

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Every time Sessions mentions the Mayflower Hotel in DC, my brain hops over to Manhattan and the Mayflower madam scandal. 

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Do you believe Sessions responded to Comey and Comey forgot? I swear his nose is getting longer....he's also still claiming Comey was fired for incompetence as a leader.Even though the TT himself has admitted that's not true.

He's now praising his own record - what a contrast with Comey, who when given the opportunity to do so, said his mother always told him not to do that.

He's waffling like mad. "I don't recall" has to be the new drinking game....

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I had to shut it off. I was getting too stabby. I think I'll have to resort to the WaPo's summary or the FJ recap!


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He's saying the dossier was discredited - I thought most of it had been confirmed?

Sen. Risch is a complete idiot. And being extraordinarily partisan - his nose is getter more orange by the minute.

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I couldn't help myself. I turned it back on. His fee fees have been hurt by Senator Wyden of Oregon. Grow up, jerk.

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I couldn't help myself. I turned it back on. His fee fees have been hurt by Senator Wyden of Oregon. Grow up, jerk.

He was fucking mad bro. It was hilarious.

Watching him dance around his lies is fun, but seriously, fuck this guy.

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1 minute ago, Destiny said:

He was fucking mad bro. It was hilarious.
Watching him dance around his lies is fun, but seriously fuck this guy.

How many times is he going to say that he was appointed Grand Wizard Attorney General?

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I need to go shower because I have a meeting tonight, but it's not a fucking hypothetical if it really happened friend.
Do we need to send the entire cabinet a fucking dictionary?

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LOL, Senator Heinrich is calling him out on not answering questions. Sessions is looking more and more pissed. His cheeks are getting redder and redder. I would love to smack that smirk off Sessions' face.

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2 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

LOL, Senator Heinrich is calling him out on not answering questions. Sessions is looking more and more pissed. His cheeks are getting redder and redder. I would love to smack that smirk off Sessions' face.

I'm using his tie as a barometer. If his entire face gets close to the color of his tie, I recommend the non-cable networks go to a slight delay to avoid FCC fines for profanity. 

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You guys are doing better than me. I can hardly stand more of him than about one minute.


And he's a terribly unconvincing liar.

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I think I'm officially in love with Sen. King - he's got Sessions spinning like a top! Asserting presidential privilege when the president explicitly hasn't done so....it's his job to protect the president's right to do so - bullshit!

And not exactly convincing on Comey's sacking.

Lankford is coming over as a TT cheerleader - and harking back to Obama.......He spent most of his time defending Sessions' right not to answer - I think he'll only have time for one or two easy lob questions - nasty little man!

Cotton is a pratt - Sessions has been saying 'I don't recall' I don't know' about questions regarding other tRump campaign members  - and Cotton hastwisted that into questions about spy tradecraft???

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1 hour ago, Cartmann99 said:

Every time Sessions mentions the Mayflower Hotel in DC, my brain hops over to Manhattan and the Mayflower madam scandal. 

The Mayflower hotel means two things to me. 1) My high school prom. 2) Former Mayor Marion Barry.

My prom was a crashing bore and as for Barry.."The bitch set me up". 

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I never knew that Sessions was a fan of Hogan's Heroes!


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Aaaand - we're back to the leaks, instead of the Russia thing. NONE of the leaks has threatened national security - except the one in the WH.

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I love Senator Kamala Harris. She looks like she wants to smack that smirk off his face.

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He's drawing out his answers to Democrats hoping they will run out of time before they ask all their questions. Kamala Harris isn't letting him get away with it.

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*Sessions proceeds to throw his building blocks at Senator Harris and whine about how mean she is to him.*

Apologies in advance for Senator Cornyn. 

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Aww, he had to get Burr to step in and slap down the scary woman (Kamala Harris).  What a big, strong man. (end sarcasm)

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It's like Alice in Wonderland! Cornyn is trying to make it seem Comey was fired because he was unfair to Clinton! :confused:

There is a calculated character assassination of Comey going on here - and it's very nasty. They are ignoring that the TT ADMITTED on tv that none of this had anything to do with Comey's sacking - it was all about Russia.

This is just 'SQUIRREL!' writ large.

ETA And have they forgotten that the reopened investigation into Hillary was leaked by repugliklans in Congress?

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