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Kayleigh McEnany: Press Secretary Number Four


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32 minutes ago, fraurosena said:

but I believe that outward appearances matter when you are in your role as the face of your country.

I agree in every other instance of any other world leader.

For Trump, I wouldn't care if he walked around dressed like a carnival barker if he would act with a shred of empathy or even competence.  


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43 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

I agree in every other instance of any other world leader.

For Trump, I wouldn't care if he walked around dressed like a carnival barker if he would act with a shred of empathy or even competence.  



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5 hours ago, fraurosena said:

Like @HerNameIsBuffy, I don't mind the navy with the black. What bothers me much more is Trump's clothing. Instead of wearing a nice suit, he opted to wear pants and a jacket of different fabrics and shades of blue. I know that may sound BEC, but I believe that outward appearances matter when you are in your role as the face of your country. 

Many years ago, I worked for a small company that was acquired by a larger company. The CEO of the company that bought us came and met everyone for an all-hands meeting. Two things struck me. 1. He didn't speak well. His talk was peppered with "um"s and "well"s and other filler.  and 2. His clothes didn't fit. His pant legs were way too long and his jacket sleeves were too short. These things annoyed me because he was out there, representing our company to clients and perspective clients.

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On 6/17/2020 at 4:30 PM, HerNameIsBuffy said:

I wear a navy cardigan with black dress pants sometimes.  I'm sorry :)

LOL, I think it can work if there's an obvious difference in the colors. But yeah, that's just one thing I'm old fashioned about. It probably comes from repeatedly reading my mom's old Nancy Taylor finishing school books as a child. 

But really, I don't have much problem with her outfit, especially next to the frump-in-chief there. The lack of a soul makes them all pretty ugly no matter what they wear.

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6 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:


Acosta is not playing nice anymore. He has no fucks left to give and has recently started pointing out lies and inconsistencies and generally calling them out on their bullshit to their face. So refreshing! I hope the other reporters take his cue.

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She has a lie for every question posed to her:


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On 6/16/2020 at 11:21 PM, Xan said:

Kaleigh pantsuit.jpg

Remind me again - which one is Shemp?

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She loves the "he was just joking" defense:

I like when the reporter asks her if it is good to joke about covid when 120K+ Americans have died.

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25 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

She loves the "he was just joking" defense:

I like when the reporter asks her if it is good to joke about covid when 120K+ Americans have died.

I'd ask what her reply to that was but I'm sure it will just make me ragey.

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9 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

I'd ask what her reply to that was but I'm sure it will just make me ragey.

She said he wasn't joking about COVID, he was joking about the media. In other words, more lies.

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1 minute ago, GreyhoundFan said:

She said he wasn't joking about COVID, he was joking about the media. In other words, more lies.

I might buy the "joking" defense, maybe, because he IS the sort of incredible douche that would joke about that sort of thing.

Except I don't, because he's said it multiple times over the course of months. It's clear that to him, only the numbers count. He doesn't care how many people actually have it, he just wants the numbers to look better for him, for his campaign. I hope he's not dumb enough to actually think fewer tests mean fewer people have it (that is something you're supposed to learn as a baby, is it not?) - but I do think he's dumb enough to say out loud (multiple times!) that he wants the numbers to go down - truth or not.

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She talks about the "rave reviews" he received for the Emptysburg Address. I'm sure the only rave reviews were from his sycophants:


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11 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

She talks about the "rave reviews" he received for the Emptysburg Address. I'm sure the only rave reviews were from his sycophants:


JC how lacking in morals, ethics and character while simultaneously being an attention whore would you have to be to take the job as DT’s Press Secretary? Do these folks know that the stench of being associated with Trump will never go away...actually, an active case of COVID-19 is the least of her current worries!

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6 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

JC how lacking in morals, ethics and character while simultaneously being an attention whore would you have to be to take the job as DT’s Press Secretary? Do these folks know that the stench of being associated with Trump will never go away...actually, an active case of COVID-19 is the least of her current worries!

Sadly there will always be good paying jobs for lying bigots.

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31 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

Emptysburg Address

Oh this is gold.  Can I use this on FB? I’ll give you credit (I’ll just say I read it on a forum). I won’t name FJ

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2 hours ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

Sadly there will always be good paying jobs for lying bigots.

And this is exactly why so many citizens hate and give up on politics, and why we end up with people like Trump and McConnell in office.

Kayleigh and her ilk make a mockery of that office! It’s like really bad reality TV.

Edited by SassyPants
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2 hours ago, onekidanddone said:

Oh this is gold.  Can I use this on FB? I’ll give you credit (I’ll just say I read it on a forum). I won’t name FJ

It was coined by The Lincoln Project...


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A good read: "Kayleigh McEnany Watch: You’ve got to be kidding me!"


First in an occasional series on White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, to prove the impossibility of speaking for President Trump.

Preparation is among Kayleigh McEnany’s executive skills. In her appearances before the White House press corps, she comes equipped with a briefing book with key facts and data corresponding with expected questions from the seated reporters. She flips through its pages with minimal effort; she stumbles infrequently; she has a set of specifics for everything.

It’s all for naught, of course: Organizational acumen in service of a lying, un-decent boss merely advances the cause of misinformation.

On Monday, McEnany received inquiries about a curious remark that President Trump had made during his poorly attended rally in Tulsa on Saturday. In a riff about his administration’s actions against the novel coronavirus, Trump said, in part:

And with testing, you know, testing is a double-edged sword. We’ve tested now 25 million people. It’s probably 20 million people more than anybody else. Germany’s done a lot. South Korea has done a lot.

They called me, they said, the job you’re doing. … Here’s the bad part. When you do testing to that extent, you’re going to find more people, you’re going to find more cases. So I said to my people slow the testing down, please. They test and they test.

In a Monday interview with the president, Scripps correspondent Joe St. George asked whether the president had actually delivered the instruction to slow down testing. “If it did slow down, frankly, I think we’re way ahead of ourselves,” Trump said in a classic nonresponse.

When her time came to address the slowdown chatter, McEnany inserted the media into the picture: “The president was trying to expose — what the media oftentimes does is they ignore the fact that the United States has more cases because we have more testing. We are leading the world in testing, and he was pointing that out that it’s a fact that the media readily ignores,” said McEnany at her Monday briefing. She also said that “any suggestion that testing has been curtailed is not rooted in fact” and, further, that “it was a comment that he made in jest. It’s a comment that he made in passing.”

So there, you humorless reporters — you missed the humor about testing for a disease that has killed nearly 120,000 Americans.

Or maybe not. In remarks before his departure for Arizona on Tuesday morning, this exchange transpired:

Q: Mr. President, at that rally, when you said you asked your people to slow down testing, were you just kidding or do you have a plan to slow down testing?

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t kid. Let me just tell you — let me make it clear: We have got the greatest testing program anywhere in the world. We test better than anybody in the world. Our tests are the best in the world, and we have the most of them.

By having more tests, we find more cases. We did 25-plus — 25 million tests. Think of that: 25 million. If you look at other countries, they did 1 million, 2 million, 3 million. Big countries. We did 25 million. Way more by double, triple, quadruple any other country. Therefore, with tests, we’re going to have more cases. By having more cases, it sounds bad, but actually what it is, is we’re finding people. Many of those people aren’t sick or very little. You know, they may be young people.

But what’s happened is, because of all of the cases that we find, we have a very low mortality rate, just about the best in the world. So that’s the advantage to the testing, along with other things. But just remember this: The reason we have more cases than other countries is because our testing is so much.

Where does that leave McEnany and her assertion that the president was speaking “in jest”? We’ve asked her to comment on the matter and will update this post with any response.

There are a few options for McEnany as this particular controversy plays out:

  1. Ignore it — stay away from the briefings for a few days and wait until more pressing stories overtake the testing question.
  2. Split the difference — Trump did say in an interview with CBN News that his comment in the rally was “semi tongue-in-cheek.”
  3. Apologize and retract. Yeah, right.

As McEnany made her “jest” comment, she began her merger with the legacy of Sarah Sanders, one of her predecessors at the Trump lectern. In 2017, Sanders invoked the “joke” excuse as she sought to downplay Trump’s endorsement of rough police treatment of suspects. She went back to that well in February 2018, saying that Trump was “clearly joking” when he said that Democrats’ failure to cheer at some points during his State of the Union address was “treasonous.” And in April 2019, Sanders remarked that Trump was joking during his presidential campaign, when he spoke of how he “loved” WikiLeaks. (For other instances where the “joke” defense of Trump’s irresponsible comments have been invoked, see this.)

When in doubt, in other words, use the joke defense.

As the summer wears on, as the coronavirus refuses to go away, as Trump continues to lie each day, the pressure on McEnany will mount. The briefing room lectern, after all, is the most public pressure point for the corruption and mendacity that courses through the White House corridors. It’s there, after all, that someone — now McEnany; before her, Sanders and Sean Spicer (former press secretary Stephanie Grisham didn’t hold a briefing) — has to stand before the correspondents and provide answers. Or, as the case may be, “answers”; no amount of preparation is sufficient for whomever holds the title of Trump press secretary.

The impossibility of doing this job in a way that approximates honor and integrity is why this blog launched “The Daily Spicer” and the “Sarah Sanders Watch.” Now we’ll be keeping a close eye on McEnany as she negotiates her professional dilemma: Cover for the president’s lies or lose her standing in Trump world. There will be plenty of material.

UPDATE: It turns out there was as fourth option for McEnany in reconciling her “in jest” comment with the president’s claim that he doesn’t kid. And that fourth option is just to say something nonsensical, which is what McEnany did in a gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Arizona on Tuesday. Here’s how she answered a question as to whether she wanted to amend her statement:

So, first, let me note — I’ve talked to the President about testing a lot today — he has made it abundantly clear that he appreciates testing, that we have tested more Americans than any other country has tested in their respective countries in the world.

But what he was making was a serious point, and that’s why he said, “I don’t kid.” He was noting he was making a serious point, but he was using sarcasm to do that at the rally. And the serious point he was making is that when you test more people, you identify more cases.

Got that?


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Apropos of nothing Kathleen Madigan did a bit about The Villages in one of her acts as her parents had a place there.  

In a decent world this alone would be enough to get him knocked out of office.

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