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Lori Alexander 32: Breastfeeding Begets Boners


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@Sarah92 your avatar is adorable! I love all herding dogs!

Ok back to Lori. Someone up thread mentioned Amazon, I had to go out and add some more comments to the leg humper reviews. :D 

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40 minutes ago, quiversR4hunting said:

@Sarah92 your avatar is adorable! I love all herding dogs!

Thank you! I grew up with blue heelers. I thought it was about time for an avatar and thought hey puppies bring joy so why not. 

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3 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Annnnnd I've known "godly" homeschooled kids who dated nonChristians and smoked weed without the parents knowing.  

Yeah, the kids I've known who rebelled the most with drinking, smoking, sex, etc. often came from the most buttoned-up religious families. 

4 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Isn't holding each other accountable a lot like mutual submission?

Shhh... don't bring in that evil logic! ;) 

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This lady right here asks the question we've all been wondering. What's the point of Facebook page? And I'm giving it an hour before it either gets deleted or the traditional reply of "the Scripture commands that older women teach younger in the ways they should go.  That's what I'm doing. And if you really followed scripture you'd be encouraged by my writing" 


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@Sarah92,  I thought that sweet pup looked like a Blue Heeler!  My aunt and uncle had one about 40 years ago.  It was named Dingo.  She was one cool dog!

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Just read a comment from a women saying they raised three kids in a 32 foot camper. I'm not sure whether I believe it or not. I can't imagine that being comfortable for anyone. But I guess it's doable. 

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22 hours ago, Koala said:

Here we go with the Proverbs 31 nonsense (again).  Geez, seems like God could have made things a lot easier for his mouthpiece Lori, by simply leaving that out.

Lori starts by telling us what a made-up woman would do.  Perfect.  We're off to a great start:

Sitting in her million dollar plus house, The Frugal Mentor writes:

Speaking of "made-up" things:

Actually, Proverbs 31: 10-31 mentions exactly NOTHING about submission.  Not one word.  

Lori, your lack of knowledge is NOT God's way of telling you that he wants you to make up something that lines up with your belief system, and then present it to your readers as TRUTH!

 Mmmkay.  Thanks for that word salad, Teacher Lori.

Seriously, can anyone figure out what she's trying to say, here?

Lori just needs to let the Proverbs 31 thing go.   Maybe let Ken ride in on The Horse of TRUTH and explain that God was wrong to allow it to be in the Bible "anyways".  :pb_rollseyes:


Wait a minute.  I think I missed a memo.  I thought Lori though the Proverbs woman was a REAL person.  Did she change her mind at some point or am I misremembering?

Also, since she's not a real person what she did doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, does it?

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19 hours ago, Koala said:

They are so damn negative, I don't know how they stand themselves.  Constantly on one rant or another about how horrible women are, how other people "think" they are Christians, and how everyone (except them, of course) falls short.

Lindsay (from Lindsay's Logic) is another one.  She has a whole FB rant on how we should bring shaming back.  Seriously.  

Lori has posted (favorably) of shaming as well, once asking a reader "when shame became such a bad thing".

I don't know how any of them manage to develop a following.


Does she really think that people didn't have children out of wedlock in ye goode olden days? 

They had facilities to house pregnant teens while they were pregnant and they either adopted the baby out of there was a sudden little brother or sister on the scene.

Shaming didn't stop people from having children out of wedlock.  It just made people hide what they were doing and be carted off like so much garbage until they were "clean" again (ie: not pregnant).

FFS, these people know nothing about history.

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11 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

This lady right here asks the question we've all been wondering. What's the point of Facebook page? And I'm giving it an hour before it either gets deleted or the traditional reply of "the Scripture commands that older women teach younger in the ways they should go.  That's what I'm doing. And if you really followed scripture you'd be encouraged by my writing" 


You aren't the only one that is lost, dear reader, but don't worry.  Lori will either smack you down without answering or just delete your question.  Lori likes her followers to be like mushrooms...happy in the dark

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I meant to post this the other day and either saw something shiny or fell asleep.

Someone said they couldn't put their finger on why Lori deleting responses bothered them.

I suspect it's because not only is it rude, it's very dismissive.  It's like Lori doesn't realize that there is a real person behind the screen name or maybe it's that she doesn't care.  When someone takes the time to write out their thoughts or feelings and Lori deletes them it shows she does not give a fuck about that person or their opinions at all.

Can you imagine the uproar we'd have here if someone posted a well thought out post and we randomly deleted because....reasons?  I'd have people lined up with torches and pitchforks and rightly so.

She really needs to just disallow comments, but her ego/narcissism doesn't allow for that.  She doesn't feel alive unless she has something to control.  Can you imagine the post she would make if she posted on another site/sites and her comments were deleted out of hand? 

Sort of related, she does really seem to be going off the rails lately.  I wonder if the Godly Children not following her strict rules (which she doesn't follow) is driving her to distraction.

I had thought that maybe the breastfeeding post was due to the time the kids were over recently.  I believe there are a couple grandkids that are still in breastfeeding age range.   Given the comments Ken has made about Emily in the past perhaps seeing her breastfeeding was...arousing.  Which is super creepy, but would naturally be Emily's fault and not Ken's.

I've also thought maybe she is having some kind of dementia or medication reaction.  She takes so much weird "natural" stuff lord only knows what type of interactions she might be having.

Something is definitely up with her though.

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1 hour ago, Florita said:

They are all for public shaming of unwed mothers and illegitimate kids, but public shaming of that pervert Josh Duggar - heaven forbid!!!!1!!1!!!


Oh, the hypocrisy!  :pb_rollseyes:

4 minutes ago, Koala said:

Oh, she's just "holding him accountable", as the Bible calls for...or something like that.


But...but...men aren't supposed to be accountable to women! Isn't that a strict one-way street?

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1 hour ago, Curious said:

Does she really think that people didn't have children out of wedlock in ye goode olden days? 

They had facilities to house pregnant teens while they were pregnant and they either adopted the baby out of there was a sudden little brother or sister on the scene.

Shaming didn't stop people from having children out of wedlock.  It just made people hide what they were doing and be carted off like so much garbage until they were "clean" again (ie: not pregnant).

FFS, these people know nothing about history.

Or they married and had a “premature” baby, hence the saying “First babies come whenever they want, the rest take nine months.”

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29 minutes ago, Curious said:


I've also thought maybe she is having some kind of dementia or medication reaction.  She takes so much weird "natural" stuff lord only knows what type of interactions she might be having.

Something is definitely up with her though.

I’ve thought this too.  Or perhaps it’s her brain issues affecting her directly.  

I get the impression her blog/book/chatroom is encouraged by Ken because it keeps her out of more tangible trouble.  He might think (and possibly correctly) that if she’s got to be obsessively focused and judgy, making it about “women should be submissive and stay home” keeps her out of even worse trouble.

Every time she repeats “I’m just teaching younger women X like I’m supposed to” I get the feeling Ken has encouraged her to make that her mantra (oops, heathen non-Christian reference :my_tongue:) so she doesn’t need to think too hard / isn’t vulnerable to others showing her the fallacies in her logic.

If she ever started to think for herself, given her brain issues, she might turn out to be quite a hellion, with Ken the one obligated to set aside basketball in order to rein her in.

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I very much believe something is afoot with her health. I randomly looked back to her first posts from years ago and... *prepares to receive an FJ stoning and hate self* ... SHE WAS FAR MORE LOVING.:wham:

Seriously though. She used to sound like a nice old grandma who loved her children and just wanted to shout for joy about Jesus.

Now? She’s an obsessive, creepy, hypocritical maniac. I can’t make heads or tails of it other than to say she has certainly changed for the worst...

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Just now, fundamentallyfearless said:

I very much believe something is afoot with her health. I randomly looked back to her first posts from years ago and... *prepares to receive an FJ stoning and hate self* ... SHE WAS FAR MORE LOVING.:wham:

Seriously though. She used to sound like a nice old grandma who loved her children and just wanted to shout for joy about Jesus.

Now? She’s an obsessive, creepy, hypocritical maniac. I can’t make heads or tails of it other than to say she has certainly changed for the worst...

No stoning here.  She has definitely gotten more and more hateful over the years.

I also wonder if she started to notice she got more attention for even slightly negative posts, realized she liked the attention and began doubling down.

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On 10/27/2017 at 10:42 AM, Florita said:

Proverbs 31 is advice from a queen mother to her son (the king) on how he should govern (verses 1-9) and the duties and attributes of a good queen/wife (verses 10-31).



Thank you! Proverbs 31 isn't written to women at all. In fact, the "Who can find a virtuous woman?" question carries an implication that such a woman doesn't actually exist. The qualities are all ones we can aspire to, but the second half of Proverbs 31 is more descriptive of an ideal than prescriptive for women. So, yeah, Lori can make stuff up all she wants about what the wife did or did not do. The Proverbs 31 wife is already a made-up woman.

If Lori is so gung-ho on following everything in Proverbs 31, she should look to the first nine verses, not just to verses 10-31.

The verses immediately preceding the ones about the virtuous women instruct the king to look out for others, imparting two significant instructions to the king:

  1. Strong alcohol shouldn't be for leaders, as they might make bad decisions that affect those who are hurting. Rather, drink should be for the poor and afflicted to help them not feel their misery.
  2. Use your voice to speak up for those who are voiceless, poor, and in need.

Proverbs 31 says more to men about how to be good leaders than to women about anything--and leadership here clearly involves servant leadership, compassion, and advocating for the oppressed. When Lori starts living out the first part of Proverbs 31, maybe I'll stop being so irritated every time she speaks about the second part.

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So Sandi is back and posted a comment about how she wished she' known about being a kind wife sooner and maybe it would have fixed her marriage. No it probably wouldn't have. In earlier comments she mentioned he was addicted to porn and abusive towards one of her daughters after the separation, he left bruises on the girls arms and legs. If a man is that bad chances are she could have submitted all she wanted and it would be for nothing. He'd continue his porn and continue to blame her for it. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't also escalate his abuse. 

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4 hours ago, Curious said:

Someone said they couldn't put their finger on why Lori deleting responses bothered them.

I suspect it's because not only is it rude, it's very dismissive.  It's like Lori doesn't realize that there is a real person behind the screen name or maybe it's that she doesn't care.  When someone takes the time to write out their thoughts or feelings and Lori deletes them it shows she does not give a fuck about that person or their opinions at all.

She really needs to just disallow comments, but her ego/narcissism doesn't allow for that.  She doesn't feel alive unless she has something to control.  Can you imagine the post she would make if she posted on another site/sites and her comments were deleted out of hand? 

I had thought that maybe the breastfeeding post was due to the time the kids were over recently.  I believe there are a couple grandkids that are still in breastfeeding age range.   Given the comments Ken has made about Emily in the past perhaps seeing her breastfeeding was...arousing.  Which is super creepy, but would naturally be Emily's fault and not Ken's.

I think this is exactly what bothers me. She’s taking someone’s voice away from them and denying their experiences because it doesn’t jive with her worldview. My 8 year old just recently started karate and the sensei said to shout “ki-yai!” loudly because that’s their like voices- he went on to say that’s their voice, they should always use it and be heard, and they shouldn’t let anyone take their voices from them. I almost cried when he said that- because it’s so true. That Deb Brundage has posts on her page suggesting the holocaust wasn’t real and comparing the experiences of white southerners who picked cotton to the experiences of black colonial slaves. And these people homeschool? 

I did not know Ken had made comments about Emily breastfeeding. What a creep. 

I think all the posts about being keepers at home and such are related to her daughters-in-law. Emily posted on her IG beautycounter page that she is going to some seminar or training next spring, and there is no way Erin isn’t devoting pretty substantial time to her jewelry making business. Her work is beautiful and detailed. And clearly Alyssa has a full and happy life. I kind of think that she was Lori’s target and bore the brunt of her craziness. The only one I can’t  get a feel for is Cassi. She strikes me as the one most closely aligned with Lori. 

@Sarah92 I had the same thought. And didn’t Ken tell her that porn is not adultery? I don’t even understand that perspective- especially in light of all the modesty posts. 

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A few hours ago Lori had up on her IG a photo of her and Ken saying something about its so great she doesn't have to wear a hat now this time of year because the sun is lower in sky. Its all deleted now. I don't know what that was all about. 

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3 hours ago, kpmom said:

No stoning here.  She has definitely gotten more and more hateful over the years.

I also wonder if she started to notice she got more attention for even slightly negative posts, realized she liked the attention and began doubling down.

The thing is, she had far more comments on Always Learning than she does on The Transformed Wife. Although, she is heavily moderating comments, so she's probably getting plenty of comments but is not letting them through. There is something that has changed with her as she started getting more negative attention. Could that be since her "viral" post? 

She did have a viral post once, right? I can't quite seem to remember....

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5 hours ago, fundamentallyfearless said:

I very much believe something is afoot with her health. I randomly looked back to her first posts from years ago and... *prepares to receive an FJ stoning and hate self* ... SHE WAS FAR MORE LOVING.:wham:

I noticed that too...she wasn't nearly as hateful and judgmental just a few years ago. Kind of lends support to the dementia theory. 

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44 minutes ago, delphinium65 said:

I noticed that too...she wasn't nearly as hateful and judgmental just a few years ago. Kind of lends support to the dementia theory. 

Actually, I think she is a narcissist who is melting down because she is being challenged. She's not just being challenged, she's being challenged repeatedly, by smart people who know Scripture. This is happening over and over again, here at FJ, in comments on her blog, facebook, etc. I think she is used to people appeasing her ("Sure, Mom, of course I didn't have any junk food at the party.") and she simply doesn't have the answers to people who are popping holes in her belief system, like holes in a diaphragm.

She doesn't know how to respond to comments about her nanny and housekeeper. (She's convinced herself she is "poor" because she can't buy everything she wants) Or her use of birth control after Cassi was born. (People aren't just buying that she was "too sick.")  She doesn't know how to respond to comments that her daughter has a career in dance (Lori always thinks of it as a "career"). When she says there are no female leaders in the Bible, people in the know shoot back with the story of Deborah and others. She can't keep up, so she is coming apart.

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5 hours ago, Frog99 said:

I did not know Ken had made comments about Emily breastfeeding. What a creep. 

I'm sorry I wasn't very clear.  In the past, Ken has made comments about Emily's looks and things like that.   Perhaps @Koala has those quotes handy.

I believe it was their wedding or honeymoon pictures that he commented on.  It was a weird/inappropriate comment for a father in law to make.

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11 minutes ago, Curious said:

I'm sorry I wasn't very clear.  In the past, Ken has made comments about Emily's looks and things like that.   Perhaps @Koala has those quotes handy.

I believe it was their wedding or honeymoon pictures that he commented on.  It was a weird/inappropriate comment for a father in law to make.

Oh, he's made comments about Ryan's wife, too! I agree it was inappropriate!

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7 minutes ago, Curious said:

I'm sorry I wasn't very clear.  In the past, Ken has made comments about Emily's looks and things like that.   Perhaps @Koala has those quotes handy.

I believe it was their wedding or honeymoon pictures that he commented on.  It was a weird/inappropriate comment for a father in law to make.

I’m new to all of this- only happened upon Lori and her page in early summer so I’ve missed a lot of history. He’s creepy!

I was looking at her past IG posts- in August 2016 she looked healthier than now- her face was fuller and she didn’t look as gaunt and thin and wrinkly. I know a lot of change can occur in a year but that seems to be accelerated aging- especially for someone who eats as healthy as she claims and for someone who is so focused on her looks. It seems she’s always been judgmental towards women but she didn’t look and sound as unhinged as she does now. Something has definitely changed.


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