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Lori Alexander 32: Breastfeeding Begets Boners


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22 hours ago, Loveday said:

This is my favourite part of Ken's comment: "But why marry if she has no interest in pleasing and serving you, no focus on you, only out to make a career and please herself?"

Why marry a woman if she's not going to be your mother? :my_dodgy:

...or your slave.

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So yeah the Martin comments are certainly gone. All that time Ken spent in writing his long responses and what is there to show for it? Like I've said before, is this how God wants His people to use their time? Just writing things for fun then deleting. So productive. Back to that pyscho guy she quoted earlier and deleted. To think she took the time to hand write that all out! Again, is this how the Lord wants you spending your time?




I'll say it again. Lori took the time to hand write out the words of a murderer! Lori loves to prove that woman are more easily deceived or at least have no google skills.

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So at what point are you allowed to say something to your husband? Or at what point can you get angry? You know sometimes a bit of jealousy is not a bad thing especially when it comes to a significant others affection. Exodus 34:14 says "Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God." God is jealous for our affection and it angers him when we turn it to other things. I can imagine that if a husband or wife is constantly looking (lusting) at other women/men, it would be appropriate to express displeasure just as God does. Sure being kind does help but if the situation doesn't change, a person should be able to become angry and say something. Anger is a sign that something is wrong and shouldn't just be pushed aside. Also chances are the kindness will be a false kindness, something you force on yourself because you think that's what you have to do.

I think what I've learned from this is that God does not depersonalize women, other people who tell you to become little, happy robots depersonalize women. 

Also is anyone able to make a meme for her posting of Varg? IDK maybe that's a little vindictive and mean. 

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11 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

I'll say it again. Lori took the time to hand write out the words of a murderer! Lori loves to prove that woman are more easily deceived or at least have no google skills.


Lol I was wondering if maybe she was trying to prove a point with her more easily deceived stuff. "I am but a woman, I cannot be held accountable for my inability to use the google!" Yet somehow she's able to find the wacko, I've tried a few searches regarding feminism being bad and those quotes have not shown up. 

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I kind of get the feeling that this is a sexual kink for Lori and she just justifies with all this crap. She is seriously so loony. 

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Oh goodness. Lori. Humans have emotions. Jealousy is a BIG one. Also, all her modesty stuff is basically ROOTED in jealousy. She wants us to wear trash bags- oops, I mean “modest clothing” so we don’t draw attention... but also to wear makeup so we stay sexy for our husband and draw his attention. What even...

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7 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

@fundamentallyfearlessExactly that. And I think this totally explains why she spends so much on expensive face creams and beauty products in general. Just get more beautiful and Ken won't look. LOL, it doesn't work that way. 

I don’t just think it’s Ken she wants to look attractive for. She’s not grown out of her bitchy, teenage, cheerleader, I’m prettier  than you phase yet. She just loves the attention she’s had from some of her male followers! And of course it’s not her fault if they give her attention, it’s the fault of their wifes for not being as beautiful and godly as princess Lori. It’s a disclaimer! 


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I live in an area of the US that is a tourist area and a lot of people have secondary and even third homes here. It is not uncommon to have these homes cost a million or more. I have a friend in law enforcement and he was saying how the domestic violence rate is high here, even among the extremely wealthy. The thing is he said, is these women refuse to leave these men, no matter how badly they are abused, because they do not want to give up their lifestyle. He said these women are nothing more than high priced hookers. Having sex for the money. I had to think of Lori. No matter how shitty their marriage, she will not leave Ken because she wants the lifestyle she is accustomed to. Listening to him talk, it painted Lori in a terrible light. We all know she can't stand him, anyone with an ounce of reading comprehension can see that after a few minutes on her blog. 

I feel for battered women who want to leave but are scared. I was an abused wife for several years before I walked away. It wasn't easy, but so worth it in the end.  

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25 minutes ago, Mellowing With Age said:

I live in an area of the US that is a tourist area and a lot of people have secondary and even third homes here. It is not uncommon to have these homes cost a million or more. I have a friend in law enforcement and he was saying how the domestic violence rate is high here, even among the extremely wealthy. The thing is he said, is these women refuse to leave these men, no matter how badly they are abused, because they do not want to give up their lifestyle. He said these women are nothing more than high priced hookers. Having sex for the money. I had to think of Lori. No matter how shitty their marriage, she will not leave Ken because she wants the lifestyle she is accustomed to. Listening to him talk, it painted Lori in a terrible light. We all know she can't stand him, anyone with an ounce of reading comprehension can see that after a few minutes on her blog. 

I feel for battered women who want to leave but are scared. I was an abused wife for several years before I walked away. It wasn't easy, but so worth it in the end.  

I think it's a bit harsh to call them high priced hookers. Your friend's view is a bit ugly, and kind of victim-blaming.

My own mother lived in a fancy home and had a pretty decent lifestyle, and was battered and emotionally abused to a huge extent. But she didn't really stay because she loved the fancy house. You don't even notice the fancy house when you are constantly terrified.

She stayed because she was afraid of losing her kids. Batterers threaten to take the children. Their threats actually seem realistic because they are wealthy and the victim knows the batterer can afford high priced lawyers.

She stayed because she had no money. He literally controlled all the money (including forging her name on tax returns). She had no idea what their assets were. He gave her a miserly allowance each week that she had to beg for .

She stayed because she was afraid for her own life. My father collected guns. Knew how to use them. Made threats.

She stayed because she believed she'd be nothing, a failure, if she was a divorcee (thanks to women like Lori).

She stayed because there were no women's shelters at the time, and her own parents were like Lori and would never have supported her leaving. Also, words like "abuse" and "batterer" hardly existed then.

She stayed because she didn't believe she could support herself or that anyone would hire her.

She stayed because the stress of being hit and kicked and punched caused her to go into a denial that was her only way of coping, and she half-believed things weren't that bad and that she should stay.

She did live in a nice home, it's true, even though she often didn't have the money for milk for her kids. But you really can't be happy in a nice home when you being battered. And that's where you friend is wrong. No one enjoys driving their BMW (though my own mother drove a wreck) if they know when they get home, they are facing a batterer in a rage.

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@Hisey, thank you for sharing this so succinctly. Forty years ago, I was one of a group of women who founded one of the first domestic violence task forces in my state. I remember hearing some judgy stories about affluent women who “didn’t just leave,” and who were accused of wanting to remain in “luxury.” (One was the deputy mayor’s wife.). 

So many people don’t realize that the abuse isn’t just physical—a man hits a woman and then calms down and it all “goes back to normal.”  An abuser fights dirty in myriad ways: controlling the money, whittling away at a partner’s self esteem, developing a two-faced persona in which he presents himself as Father of the Year to the outside world, and his wife as mentally unstable and unfit to have custody of her children.

And people outside the marriage can be idiots: In one case, a woman battered in the face ran next door to her friend for help, only to be told incredulously, “But Charlie’s such a nice guy!”

I hope your mother was able to find safety and peace.

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Lori's receiving quite a bit of push back from this latest post and I wonder why.  Hmmmmm JK I totally know why. But I will probably be deleted in the morning.'

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Lori must be cleaning up comments from overnight right now. It says 14 comments, I click on it and it does this hour glass thing and is still trying to get the comments to load. I have noticed in the past that means she is in there deleting away. 

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@Mellowing With Age. I find it troubling that someone who is in law enforcement thinks of victims of domestic violence as "hookers". I hope that he is not responding to dv calls! He doesn't know what is going on in these women's lives, or why they make the decisions that they do. I hope that he can attend some training classes about dv that can help him get a nuanced and non judgemental view.

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There are so many reasons why people stay in situations with domestic violence. One type that is not very well recognized is when women are in relatively high powered jobs and bring in excellent income, performed well in school etc and yet stay in a abusive relationship. We have the idea that "I don't fail" and to admit that our marriage failed and she we too could subjected to violence it hard to admit and allow others to know that we failed. I know that it is not actually failure but it feels that way. 

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(Not to ignoring the domestic violence stuff, just have thoughts about today’s post and want to get them out there before I forget.)

Lori... all babies have central nervous systems. That’s kind of a THING that humans need to have. Oxytocin is found in both men and women. So shut up with your “scientific” evidence already. I see no proper citations or correctly formatted statistics tables that prove your point. Ugh.

About domestic violence... THIS is the type of dangerous commenting that Lori allows on her Instagram... I hate this for so many women who are stuck...


How can a person POSSIBLY say that a beaten woman is “giving Christianity a bad rap” when her husband is the one reaping chaos and pain?!?!?!?!

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What are these people thinking? Give Christianity a bad rap? Nah, what gives Christianity a bad rap is comments like those. And so basically they aren't divorcing but are living totally separate from each other, making a life apart from each other.... That is basically divorce without the legal procedures, a separation.

And no stop trying to elevate women to godlike status while at the same time putting them under mans thumb. She isn't responsible for his sin, he is responsible. Her preventing her children and herself from being physically, psychologically, and spirituality abused only gives Christianity a bad rap in his eyes because he's sinning and doesn't want to stop. These people put marriage on a pedestal before other Christian principles so they believe that somehow a divorce will keep him from God. Gosh darn people what are you thinking? 

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This will be gone by the time Lori's had her second cup of overpriced tea:


Anger is not in itself a sin. See Ephesians 4:26. We are to have a righteous anger against sin. God does. Do you think Jesus was not angry when he overturned the tables when men were turning God's house of worship into a marketplace? 
If my husband were to intentionally look at another woman, I would confront him respectfully because sin destroys. No, it would not be my fault for not being "attractive" enough.

Oh, and the commenter added this bit while I was over here posting the first one:


Furthermore, the Bible describes God as jealous for His people. Was He sinning? Being "jealous" for your husband's commitment and affection is not sinful.


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@Loveday YES, YES, A MILLION TIMES YES. Thank you for capturing all of that.

@Sarah92 I don’t think they really are thinking... How could they be? Thinking frequently comes down to logic but they seem to have no logic at all...

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"This is exactly what the author of the book Home By Choice found. Those children who are raised by their mothers full time are much more secure and emotionally stable than those children who were not raised by their mothers full time."

bullshit. My mom (and I do love her don't get me wrong) was a full on Titus 2 SAHM and the most stable child out of our family is our brother. (Because he had choices, options, independence, etc) My sister and I aren't complete screw ups but we are aren't nearly as secure, confident and emotionally stable as we could've been in a non fundie home with parents who empowered us and prepped us for real life, IMO 

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5 hours ago, Demonfan said:

@Mellowing With Age. I find it troubling that someone who is in law enforcement thinks of victims of domestic violence as "hookers". I hope that he is not responding to dv calls! He doesn't know what is going on in these women's lives, or why they make the decisions that they do. I hope that he can attend some training classes about dv that can help him get a nuanced and non judgemental view.

I was told that the state I live in, that the DA is to bring charges if the woman is too scared to. In the area I live in, they won't. 

Sadly, I think many in this area probably do feel that way. I was told almost 70% of the calls here are assault/domestic violence to 911. I do not see any outreach for those here. I have lived in other areas and would see shelters, outreach, etc. for those affected. Not here. 

A close friend of mine retired from law enforcement here. I want to get their take on the problem here. This person will probably have a different viewpoint than my other friend. I have started doing some research. 

My ex tried to kill me. Not to go into much detail, but I did lose my children when I left him. Eventually I got them back, but he did get custody. I didn't know then about domestic violence, reaching out for help, etc. The thing was, he always said he never hit me, so he didn't abuse me. 

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Original article: http://luxlibertas.com/the-politicization-of-motherhood/

Lori twists things to suit her own agenda. I know she touched on it at the end, only to share her disagreement- but Ms. Komisar said “we don’t want the 1950’s to come back”, and advocates for a child-centric society- maternity leave at full pay for one year and flexible work arrangements for the following 2 years- government mandated. 

I don’t agree with all tenets of the article but have a meeting so will have to post those later! 

The Bible does not say women can’t have careers. I don’t know why she continues to push that narrative. 

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She pushes the narrative because It justifies her lazy ass and her refusal to work

 If it's Biblical then Lori is the bestest mostest godly woman of all, and the rest of us are heathen jezebel bitches.

Who hate God.

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They (Ken and Lori) are so all over the place with this don't get mad at your man glancing thing. No wonder they're getting push back. If he's just glancing it's not generally a problem right? I think Kayla below sums it up well. But it completely goes over Lori's head that she's talking about two different things. And Lori still maintains that you can't say anything to your husband about it even if it's bad. Nope, most books on boundaries and marriage with real research says that's not true. 

Lori fixates on ideas. She believes any type of confrontation from a wife looks like nagging and being nasty even when the women emphasizes trying to do it calmly. Just like she fixated on Feminists being anti-family, nagging sex fiends. 

Also the way they address people. Yep I can totally see the humble, kind, and beautiful on the inside wife/woman  image.png

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4 hours ago, fundamentallyfearless said:

Lori... all babies have central nervous systems. That’s kind of a THING that humans need to have. Oxytocin is found in both men and women. So shut up with your “scientific” evidence already. I see no proper citations or correctly formatted statistics tables that prove your point. Ugh.  


Could someone who hasn't already been banned please ask Lori if she knows what anencephaly is? Or why hydrocephalus in babies is a bad thing if they lack central nervous systems? Or how spina bifida causes disability in an infant if said infant lacks a central nervous system? 

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