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Lori Alexander 32: Breastfeeding Begets Boners


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Because she wants to get her fish oil the Godly way, from FISH!

(And to be fair, I have read that many doctors say it is best to get your nutrients from food, rather than supplements.)

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1 hour ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Lori is trying sardines. Says she needs more fish oil in body. Why not just take one of the many fish oil pills?

Whew, smelly sardines?  Is she trying to drive Ken away from expecting his 10 minutes and lube every other day?

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2 minutes ago, kpmom said:

Whew, smelly sardines?  Is she trying to drive Ken away from expecting his 10 minutes and lube every other day?

Well, it IS Lori we're talking about here, so I'd say yes. :pb_lol:

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Lori doesn't really understand that there is a difference between leaders at work and government vs a marriage relationship. They're different relationships that involve different dynamics. Your boss is the leader because hopefully they are specially trained in that area or for whatever reason. People in government manage, like bosses, larger groups of people and have an education and experience in government (usually). Marriage seems fundamentally different. It's between two people who are supposed to love each other and respect each other. Hopefully, you aren't sharing this kind of relationship with your boss. (Unless they're your spouse). 

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7 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

Lori doesn't really understand that there is a difference between leaders at work and government vs a marriage relationship. They're different relationships that involve different dynamics. 

Exactly.   There's a reason why bosses generally shouldn't be friends or lovers of their employees.  As you say, it's an entirely different dynamic than a personal relationship.

OTOH, how many of us have leader/follower relationships in our personal relationships (i.e., other than marriage)?

It would be weird for one friend to always have the last word and the other to follow.  Same for adult siblings,  and for co-workers.  Somehow we manage to make our way through those relationships without one person always being the leader and the other the follower.  Why does marriage need that?

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Exactly! She tries to use parent, child relationships to compare marriage with as well and again it breaks down because the wife is not a child! Kids don't know how to tie their own shows and still eat their boogers; so of course a parent is gonna be an authority over them. But again as a child grows into an adult ultimately,in at least North American culture, the parents don't have as much say in what the child does. 

Lori, I applaud the absolutely "godly" way you talk to people who disagree with you. I think you use the plank in your eye to beat people over the slivers in theirs. How wonderful. 


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23 hours ago, Hane said:

@Hisey, thank you for sharing this so succinctly. Forty years ago, I was one of a group of women who founded one of the first domestic violence task forces in my state. I remember hearing some judgy stories about affluent women who “didn’t just leave,” and who were accused of wanting to remain in “luxury.” (One was the deputy mayor’s wife.). 

So many people don’t realize that the abuse isn’t just physical—a man hits a woman and then calms down and it all “goes back to normal.”  An abuser fights dirty in myriad ways: controlling the money, whittling away at a partner’s self esteem, developing a two-faced persona in which he presents himself as Father of the Year to the outside world, and his wife as mentally unstable and unfit to have custody of her children.

And people outside the marriage can be idiots: In one case, a woman battered in the face ran next door to her friend for help, only to be told incredulously, “But Charlie’s such a nice guy!”

I hope your mother was able to find safety and peace.

Thanks. Actually, she did get away and had 15 happy years before she died. And thanks for the work you did in domestic violence. 

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Here I go on Instagram with Lori.... *facepalm*. Why do I bother trying to make her see sense in mental disorders... 

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Lori is a cunt(not my favorite word but it seems very apt here).      

She goes on and on about the fragility of a babies central nervous system and yet she's all for blanket training infants.  That's right, Lori thinks it's OK to just break down those fragile little nervous systems and tell them to mind or they'll get the rod.  It's says so in the Bible.

Lori, Queen of Cuntville.

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5 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Lori doesn't really understand that there is a difference between leaders at work and government vs a marriage relationship. They're different relationships that involve different dynamics. Your boss is the leader because hopefully they are specially trained in that area or for whatever reason. People in government manage, like bosses, larger groups of people and have an education and experience in government (usually). Marriage seems fundamentally different. It's between two people who are supposed to love each other and respect each other. Hopefully, you aren't sharing this kind of relationship with your boss. (Unless they're your spouse). 

Bosses also have control of only a very  limited sphere of a person's life, while Lori teaches that husbands should have control over every single aspect of women's lives 24/7.  It's a lot easier to deal with a tyrant or an idiot if you can go home at the end of the day and be free to control your own body and your own decisions.   And, an employee is free to find a new job without being told that he is sinning.  The control dynamic is completely different. Even the government does not have anywhere near the same level of control over our day-to-day lives, and can be voted out of office.  There are governments that attempt to control every aspect of a person's life and prevent people from changing bosses, but I don't think that's what God wants us to aspire to. 

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My issue with the article (and Ms. Komisar)- I’m not convinced of the validity of the research or her qualitative assessments. I would need to find the research and haven’t had time to go digging. The cortisol swan tests sounds similar to a study done in I think Australia. Either way, it isn’t true that working mothers have created children with mental health challenges and autism spectrum disorders. Not to mention, her characterization of those children is deficit and diagnosis based, not person first and not cognizant of the contributions made by those children. I swear I can’t stand her. She had no ability to think critically. 

This afternoon’s post is crazy- and I think made in the hopes of a viral post. I have screen shots of comments likely to be deleted. 

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I wish I had more time to study the baby issue. I think the whole nervous system thing was misunderstood by Lori maybe, idk. The mother isn't literally the nervous system but the researcher seems to propose that the mother helps regulate it. Affection and nurturing is really important in babies. Failure to thrive does exist but idk it only mothers are the ones capable of nurturing. And there Lori goes with the extreme mothers are absolutely better at home and father's aren't capable.

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Lori may have been a SAHM, but she was hardly nurturing.  She was happy to let newborns CIO because SHE needed HER sleep.  She was happy to let her kids stay in their bedrooms for hours in the afternoon because SHE needed HER rest.   She had a nanny that was willing to hold babies for hours because she didn't want them to cry.  Most babies don't cry for hours at a time.  If they do, something is usually wrong.  Lori wanted her babies on a schedule and I don't doubt that she forced babies to wait until it was convenient for HER to feed them.  A hungry baby will cry for hours because it's HUNGRY.

Lori was willing to hit her toddler for hours over spilled raisins.  She understands nothing about child development and I'm sure punished (ie: hit with a leather strap) her children for normal, age-appropriate behaviors.  I have no doubt that Lori's kids would have been better off left with strangers at daycare than being home with her.

On the marriage thing:  If you can manage to slog through Ken's screeds he talks a lot about how marriage is rather like a business arrangement.  I suppose this isn't surprising since that is pretty much what his marriage is like.  Neither of these 2 seem to grasp that THEIR experience is not normal and not universal.  That's how their marriage works so that's how all marriages must work.  Fortunately for the rest of us, that is not how reality actually works.

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Also Lori's response to a woman's comment about not misrepresenting mental illness, man does she like to twist words. One Wall Street journal does not make Lori an expert on the subject. Nor does it mean Komisar is completely correct, that's why we continue to have peer reviewed research. I'm doing my masters in counseling and I hardly use resources over seven years old because of continuing research.  

Lori seems to think she's always learning but when presented with a learning opportunity from a very nice Instagram lady she rejects it. 

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I wonder if Ken knows how obvious it is, that she's talking about him when she goes on these rants about how to respond when your husband looks at other women.

Also, Lori prattles on about our meek, gentle spirit "drawing others to Jesus", but then she speaks to her readers like this:


it must be because you don’t believe in God and His ways which are clearly stated in His Word.

No, Lori.  It must be that you are a condescending know it all, who literally drives people away from the faith.  You repel them by insisting that you alone know "His ways", and anyone who doesn't accept your version of scripture is no true Scotsman.  

The same reader says:


What does the Bible say. 

Lori's response:


Just read some of my posts! 

Lori, your post are NOT scripture!  

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@Sarah92 Don’t tell Lori... but that nice instagram lady is me! :my_biggrin: Banned from Facebook, allowed on instagram. Oh the irony. I’m shocked she’s left up our comments so far...

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15 minutes ago, fundamentallyfearless said:

@Sarah92 Don’t tell Lori... but that nice instagram lady is me! :my_biggrin: Banned from Facebook, allowed on instagram. Oh the irony. I’m shocked she’s left up our comments so far...

That was me for months until she finally figured it out and banned me there too. 

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

it must be because you don’t believe in God and His ways which are clearly stated in His Word.

Looks like this and that huge thread was all deleted. I have the shots and will post them later. 

and then this is there...in other words, Wives should be seen and not heard. 



I have honestly never heard a sermon preached from the pulpit against gluttony, have you? I asked the women in the chat room if any of them have heard one and no one said that they had.

Its so clear that Lori's sole purpose for her chatroom is to gather a sampling of biased people to reaffirm her beliefs. She polls her chatroom which of course always agrees with her and then does a post and is like "look at all these people who agree with me". Gee, amazing. If she was more honest and fair she should poll people in general on facebook, but then she would delete the ones who have heard of a sermon on gluttony, so its all pointless. 


I shared my weekend with my college friends a few months ago. Something I noticed about all of them is that none of them are gluttons and this is why they all look good at or near 60 years old. They eat their portion, they eat slowly, and they stop as soon as they begin to feel satisfied. I was actually very impressed with all of them since we live in such a gluttonous culture. Only a few of them drink alcohol and those who did only had a very small glass.

I know she said all this before but it still blows me away, that she sits there and judges how other eat, carefully measuring how much. She probably used it as a test to see if she can still be friends with them. And where does she draw the line? Is finishing your plate gluttony? Or should you just take a few discreet bites? 

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18 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Looks like this and that huge thread was all deleted. I have the shots and will post them later. 

and then this is there...in other words, Wives should be seen and not heard. 

I’m a feminist and I don’t tell my husband what to do, because I don’t need to. He knows how to act like a rational, reasonable adult without me having to remind him.

And “May this be our goals in our marriage?” LOL. Oh, honey, we all know you hated college and it did nothing for you (at least according to one of your versions of events), but you don’t have to butcher the English language to prove it! Unless you just really are that obtuse.

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...Something I noticed about all of them is that none of them are gluttons and this is why they all look good at or near 60 years old... .

You know what, Lori? I'm your age--several months older, in fact--and I eat a little too much. I could stand to lose 20 pounds (well, more like 30, but I feel better with a little meat on the bones). But I look pretty darned good for my age--very few wrinkles, very little sagging skin, and no scrawny, scraggly chicken neck from starving myself on half-rotted salad and rancid dressing all my adult life. 

So take your unhealthy, judgemental food obsession and shove it where the sun don't shine. :hand:

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3 hours ago, fundamentallyfearless said:

@Sarah92 Don’t tell Lori... but that nice instagram lady is me! :my_biggrin: Banned from Facebook, allowed on instagram. Oh the irony. I’m shocked she’s left up our comments so far...

Don't worry your secret is safe with me! But really that was such a nice reply in the face of her rudeness. I really liked how you talked about all the kids you've met.  I hope her followers read it and know that there's more out there beyond what she writes. I was tempted to pull out my DSM and write something but didn't want to spook her in to deleting everything. 

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11 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

Don't worry your secret is safe with me! But really that was such a nice reply in the face of her rudeness. I really liked how you talked about all the kids you've met.  I hope her followers read it and know that there's more out there beyond what she writes. I was tempted to pull out my DSM and write something but didn't want to spook her in to deleting everything. 

I seriously do love all the kiddos so much <3 My kindness was precisely intended to force her to keep it up there... hopefully. I LOVE that you have a DSM!!! Psychology nerds for the win!

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