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Lori Alexander 32: Breastfeeding Begets Boners


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Will Lori delete the pastor's admonishment, or will she call for the Horse of TRUTH?


Baptist minister here. Married 17 years to a wonderful godly woman. A text without a context is a pretext. Let us remember that before the famous passage in Ephesians 5:22 commanding wives to be submissive to their husbands, Paul sends a clear message about having the humble mind of Christ (Philippians 2) in 5:21 "submitting TO ONE ANOTHER out of reverence for Christ" (ESV) 
1. This is not Biblical. At all. 
2. It’s idolatry. Your husband is not worthy of your worship. 
3. This is institutionalized religious patriarchy on display through brainwashing techniques. (This is a classic propaganda technique: like posting a picture of a black guy saying that racism doesn’t exist and it’s all a conspiracy - create trash like this and have women share it, so it looks like women have found that the key to happiness is patriarchy.)
4. It simply doesn’t work. I’ve counseled dozens of women who have tried this for years and all it does is allow awful men to be more awful, and confuses and damages even happy marriages. It doesn’t make women happy. It makes them miserable, helpless, and hopeless.


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I had to post this little exchange. I'm hoping he's joking but if he's not, of course it sounds great to a lot of guys! They can literally do whatever they want and the wife isn't allowed to say anything. Heck he can watch all the porn he wants and that's not even considered cheating. I hope they can have a nice talk about this as a couple. 


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Wow Dave and the other comments already gone in a flash. 

Oh wait I refreshed again and they are back. I wonder if Lori took down and Ken said WAIT, I want to handle this one. 

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This is so unbiblical. My mom taught me that too. But it's nowhere to be found in the Bible! We are each accountable for our own selves before God. 


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Lori will probably delete that pastor's post like she did with the other male pastor who disagreed with her. Even though she deletes stuff, it must really chap her ass that there are male pastors out there who don't agree with her extreme beliefs.

I think that couple is trolling her and if they are good for them for making fun of Lori's BS.

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Of course Dave's comments are gone.  That's the thing about Lori and Ken.  They have deemed themselves above question, and any believer who dares call them out is no true Scotsman.  It's the perfect system, and they always win.  

It's really very sick, and there is no accountability at all.  Lori has had multiple churches express concern over her message, and yet she refuses to come under their authority.  

The purpose of her blog is to "admonish" other women, but she has (very rudely) informed readers that they don't need to admonish her.  Only the people she hand picks (who are too afraid to stand up to her) are allowed to do that.

Lori Alexander:


you don’t need to hold me accountable. I have plenty of godly people, especially my husband, holding me accountable. Blessings!

How does that work?  She needs to hold every woman on the internet accountable, yet they don't have permission to hold her accountable?  Why?

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16 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Wow Dave and the other comments already gone in a flash. 

Oh wait I refreshed again and they are back. I wonder if Lori took down and Ken said WAIT, I want to handle this one. 

I wouldn't be surprised if Ken takes on Dave and I hope he gets his ass handed to him.


I saw this on the gluttony comments. Lori will probably delete it as the woman pointed that skinny people can have food issues.



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2 minutes ago, lilwriter85 said:

Lori will probably delete that pastor's post like she did with the other male pastor who disagreed with her. Even though she deletes stuff, it must really chap her ass that there are male pastors out there who don't agree with her extreme beliefs.

I think that couple is trolling her and if they are good for them for making fun of Lori's BS.

Gosh I hope they are! I just know I've seen the guys that are all for it or mourn how their wives aren't submissive enough which of course Lori is very sympathetic to.

Ah but those pastors aren't true Christians. They've been brainwashed by feminists mothers and teachers. They believe in the evil women's rights. I'm expecting Ken to come in and try arguing with him. 

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4 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

Gosh I hope they are! I just know I've seen the guys that are all for it or mourn how their wives aren't submissive enough which of course Lori is very sympathetic to.

Ah but those pastors aren't true Christians. They've been brainwashed by feminists mothers and teachers. They believe in the evil women's rights. I'm expecting Ken to come in and try arguing with him. 

I really hope they are trolling.

I also agree if Ken or Lori argues with that pastor they will call him a false Christian. 

I often wonder how much Lori hates men who support their wives working outside the home. She has to hate them just as much as the working women. Men have commented on Lori's blog saying that they support their wives' careers and she, of course, tells them that are ungodly.

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Pastor Dave rocks! Coolest Baptist pastor evah.



Lori will question his faith and then delete/block him from her fb before he can respond.

ETA: This was from his very public fb wall, not posted to Lori's. I was creeping to see if he was for real.

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From Lori's post today.

"So what if a husband asks a wife to dress not quite so immodestly? She needs to dress as modestly as she can within what her husband wants but continue to live in subjection to him with godly behavior. What if he wants her to work outside of the home? She needs to work outside of the home and pray the Lord will convict her husband by allowing her to come home but in the meantime, she needs to go about winning him without a word. What if he wants her to watch a questionable movie? One godly friend of mine has a husband who wants her to snuggle with her and watch some of these types of movies. She closes her eyes during those parts and prays for her husband. What about sending the children to public schools? She sends them to public schools without fighting him but living in subjection to his leadership and gives it all to the Lord in prayer".

Ken wants Lori to watch porn with him and she doesn't like it so she closes her eyes and prays that it won't lead to sex.  She's got lube and a timer on hand in case it does.

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Oh dear...the full sized snickers is what might get him banned coming just after her post on gluttony! She will accuse him of encouraging that in kids. 

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Dave is my new Baptist hero! 

Frankly, I don't think that's true submission because really in your heart you think it's a sin and you hate it. Forced kindness is not real kindness because you're doing it to avoid the consequences, not to be nice to others. Forced submission is not true submission, not that I think a wife should have to submit in the first place. Instead it eventually fosters bitterness and in some cases probably depression. We're human and I don't think we're meant to live like that. But then again they don't really operate on the fact that women are people as well. 

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30 minutes ago, Carol said:

From Lori's post today.

"So what if a husband asks a wife to dress not quite so immodestly? She needs to dress as modestly as she can within what her husband wants but continue to live in subjection to him with godly behavior. What if he wants her to work outside of the home? She needs to work outside of the home and pray the Lord will convict her husband by allowing her to come home but in the meantime, she needs to go about winning him without a word. What if he wants her to watch a questionable movie? One godly friend of mine has a husband who wants her to snuggle with her and watch some of these types of movies. She closes her eyes during those parts and prays for her husband. What about sending the children to public schools? She sends them to public schools without fighting him but living in subjection to his leadership and gives it all to the Lord in prayer".

Ken wants Lori to watch porn with him and she doesn't like it so she closes her eyes and prays that it won't lead to sex.  She's got lube and a timer on hand in case it does.

The part about a husband wanting his kids to be sent to public schools could be a jab at Ken. We know Lori's kids attended public school for periods of times before  the two sons and Cassi attended a private Christian high school. Lori homeschooled the two sons in middle school IIRC. Maybe, years prior to the homeschooling and later Christian high school Lori begged for the kids to be put in private Christian schools. Ken didn't want to pay tuition costs and may have been fine with the kids being in public school during those yars and Lori had to agree with it as Ken is the breadwinner. I'm guessing that she somehow convinced Ken to put the younger three kids in the Christian high school. We also know that Ken later had issues with Cassi attending BIOLA to get some kind of homemaking degree and he didn't want to pay for it.  She later transferred to a public college or community college where Lori claims Cassi was exposed to bad things.  It wouldn't surprise me at all if Lori is still pissed at Ken for that and brings up any chance she gets.


As for husbands wanting their wives to work outside the home, I'm betting that in some of those cases it's usually because of money and the husband wants help in keeping a roof over his family's heads and food on the table. We don't Lori wouldn't empathize or sympathize with that.

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I was noticing on this post


The book Lori is talking about is refernced in the article she links to but its a Wall Street Journal article and I can't view the whole thing unless you are a subscriber. Did anyone else notice that? So, how is it really useful to link people to that and if Lori can view the whole thing because of being a subscriber...there is another way she spends money that many families can't afford. 

Anyway, I was checking the book out on Amazon and reading some excerpts. There is stuff in there she might not agree with. Like spouses should help without housework, that women need time for themselves to recharge, and the best part--the author says stay at home moms have more emotionally and mentally secure children is a myth. 

Check it out for yourselves. Kinda funny. She should really read something from the book rather than relying on an article about the book. 

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39 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

I was noticing on this post


The book Lori is talking about is refernced in the article she links to but its a Wall Street Journal article and I can't view the whole thing unless you are a subscriber. Did anyone else notice that? So, how is it really useful to link people to that and if Lori can view the whole thing because of being a subscriber...there is another way she spends money that many families can't afford. 

Anyway, I was checking the book out on Amazon and reading some excerpts. There is stuff in there she might not agree with. Like spouses should help without housework, that women need time for themselves to recharge, and the best part--the author says stay at home moms have more emotionally and mentally secure children is a myth. 

Check it out for yourselves. Kinda funny. She should really read something from the book rather than relying on an article about the book. 

I posted the link a couple pages back but here it is: http://luxlibertas.com/the-politicization-of-motherhood/

Ms. Komisar advocates for government mandated full pay for one year after birth and for flexible work arrangements for the following two years. 

It’s on my list to pull the research articles. 

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I want Lori to define the exact moment when an action moves from godly submission to evil. So far, immodesty is totes OK if a man likes it. But not if Lori sees you on the beach in a bikini. Then you deserve a spanking. Sexy movies are totally fine, but porn is evil. DUH. Cheating on your taxes is A-OK, but robbing a bank is obviously wrong. Public school produces demonic children if you choose it, but is perfectly fine if your husband wants it. Working is terrible if a couple decides together that it's how they'll provide for their family, but those babies without nervous systems (I can't) will be fine being raised by a stranger if it's what the husband wants. Lori is claiming that a little bit of nudity, a little bit of stealing, a little bit of extramarital sexual activity are fine, but a lot is wrong. The line between a little and a lot is to be decided by Lori, of course, and nobody else. Actions only have dire consequences if a woman has a say, but not if a man makes all the decisions. It would be hilarious if there weren't people listening to this stupid, illogical, cruel, un-Christ-like woman.

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So what if a husband asks a wife to dress not quite so immodestly?

I think Lori means, "what if a husband asks a wife to dress not quite so modestly?" Isn't this what she means?

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