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Lori Alexander 32: Breastfeeding Begets Boners


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@Frog99, I've got a few more from Becky (who is the absolute shit! :my_heart:)



Leaving aside the modesty bit for the moment, does Lori think that she has a special insight into the minds and hearts of all working moms? That she KNOWS if they are working for selfish reasons- because, let's face it, I haven't heard jack shit from her about how 'yes, sometimes women have to work outside of the home for financial reasons'.

And back to modesty, she ABSOLUTELY has called out women specifically for being immodest. Does she not remember her son's prom??

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@TeddyBonkers Good catch! 

I thought for sure she would delete that question. Her tone in response to others suggests that she’s tired of people challenging her, yet she can’t formulate any sort of response that makes sense. She has some screwy definitions of sin. 

I work- to help provide finances for our family- and for health insurance that would otherwise be cost prohibitive. But I also believe that it’s my calling and that God’s hand has been in all of it. I also get great satisfaction from my work and my kids think it’s the coolest thing ever that I work at a university. DH doesn’t have a problem helping in any needed areas and often tells me how proud he is of me. 

Lori is a bully and she needs to criticize others so heavily in order to avoid looking internally at her own issues. I don’t know how her family stands her. 

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Bullseye again Lori. The key remark her is that "we trust God".
I think that is the break down with those who appose this message. 
The peace that most women seek can only be found by whole heartedly trusting God, even at the expense of possible being a door mat, or being mistreated.
What is worse, "well done, good and faithful servant, or I never knew you?"

From a mans point of view, his battle is to stay the corse. God agrees, she is hard hearted, but don't give up. Trust Me He says.
The flesh says get out and replace the rebellion, but God says stay and trust.

So much contempt against God and the godly husband in our culture.

May God be glorified in all that He does and the hearts transformed through endurance and trust. 


The quote is all kinds of messed up, grammar aside. "at the expense of possible being a door mat, or being mistreated", WHAT!? So that's okay with you? God does not call people to be doormats, the exact opposite in fact. God chose David the youngest of his siblings to be a King, going completely against cultural norms. Jael drove a tent peg through a military leaders skull. God called Gideon who acted quite cowardly but defeated the enemy with God's help. God raised up countless people in Biblical times to spread the Gospel. Submitting to suffering is not a trait unique to women and is usually done in the context where there are no other options i.e. martyrs. Heck, even Jesus prayed to have his suffering taken away.  Ugh, so many thoughts on this. If I had time I'd just start a facebook page and answer this crap point by point. 

And if your first thought is to replace the rebellion (I'm assuming he means wife) you might have other issues to work out. 

Lastly, okay so there might be some contempt against God.  But generally, if the husband is a good guy regardless of religion, I see little contempt. Sure there are always those outliers but you can't really act like they stand for the majority. People just don't like the jerks who imply that women should silently deal with suffering and that if they do not then they are not Christians. 

Okay back to my trauma paper. :tw_grimace:

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I'm pretty sure the only things Lori knows how to cook are her "Big salads", her vegetable soup and bread. That seems to be the only things she ever feeds her family and/or guests (see new video).

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14 minutes ago, jadis87 said:

I'm pretty sure the only things Lori knows how to cook are her "Big salads", her vegetable soup and bread. That seems to be the only things she ever feeds her family and/or guests (see new video).

I was thinking the same thing. She seems to "cook" in bulk one or two times a week; then pulls our her pre-portioned food and eats. I am still doubtful that she actually cooks for Ken. 

If she was doing what she expects others to do, she'd be in that kitchen a whole lot more, cooking three meals a day for herself and Ken. There's no way she's doing that and she DEFINITELY has a "big, fancy kitchen." 

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Women who are finding my blog for the first time try to convince me that women in the Bible had careers like they do and will use several of the verses about the Proverbs 31 woman. If the Proverbs 31 woman had a career, so should they, they claim. Let’s examine the old commentaries to see what they have to say about it in our continuing study of this godly woman.

Yes, and instead of having an open discussion with them, you delete their comments and run to your blog, where you can't be questioned.

And while I'm on it, why don't we examine the Bible, instead of the "commentaries of old"?  I notice that you delete posts including only scripture now.  Why is that?  It that your new policy?  Scripture will be deleted if it detracts for The Godly Mentor's "message"?


All of her work is in her home, most likely with her daughters at her side helping her. 

"Most likely" makes for a weak argument when you're in the process of digging in your heels and insisting that your interpretation of the Bible is the interpretation.


Unbelievers around us should be able to see the difference that Christ makes in us by our transformed lives and being salt and light that adds joy and flavor to life. 

Well, if they are "known by their fruit", let me be the first to say that Lori does nothing to draw anyone to the joy of Christ.

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42 minutes ago, Koala said:

Well, if they are "known by their fruit", let me be the first to say that Lori does nothing to draw anyone to the joy of Christ.


Isn't THAT the truth!  If we're going to compare Lori to fruit, I'd say she's an unripe persimmon.  

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Or a rotten something or another...I know it's not a fruit, but have you ever had a potato go bad?  The smell is absolutely vile.  That's Lori's "fruit".

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2 hours ago, jadis87 said:

I'm pretty sure the only things Lori knows how to cook are her "Big salads", her vegetable soup and bread. That seems to be the only things she ever feeds her family and/or guests (see new video).


2 hours ago, usmcmom said:

I was thinking the same thing. She seems to "cook" in bulk one or two times a week; then pulls our her pre-portioned food and eats. I am still doubtful that she actually cooks for Ken. 

If she was doing what she expects others to do, she'd be in that kitchen a whole lot more, cooking three meals a day for herself and Ken. There's no way she's doing that and she DEFINITELY has a "big, fancy kitchen." 

I also don't think Lori cooks for Ken. In one of Lori's dumb ass SAHM vs. working mother doodles from the last year, she claimed that SAHMs always had fresh cooked meals every day. Lori probably wasn't like that as SAHM.  She's admitted to making big salads that last for four days. When I was growing up about a once a week my mom would make a bulk meal to last two days and I sometimes do stuff like that. But, Lori's four day old salads is just gross.


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10 minutes ago, lilwriter85 said:


I also don't think Lori cooks for Ken. In one of Lori's dumb ass SAHM vs. working mother doodles from the last year, she claimed that SAHMs always had fresh cooked meals every day. Lori probably wasn't like that as SAHM.  She's admitted to making big salads that last for four days. When I was growing up about a once a week my mom would make a bulk meal to last two days and I sometimes do stuff like that. But, Lori's four day old salads is just gross.


Four day old salad?! That's kinda disgusting. Especially if she mixes salad dressing in with it. Who would give that to people to eat, specifically children? I dislike salad anyways but just no. I worked at a restaurant (and lived long enough) to see what happens to old salads and such. That just seems wasteful to me. So not fruit but rotten salad. 

And do we know what commentaries she uses? And she's a KJver right? If so that would explain the insistence on old commentaries.  

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Just now, Loveday said:

@Sarah92 , and sometimes the salad dressing she makes sits in her fridge for WEEKS--and she still uses it.


Is that the one with eggs in it that I've read about? I mean I've made dressings that I've left in the fridge, but olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and honey don't seem to go bad. So maybe I'm guilty of that as well. Dang 

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41 minutes ago, Sarah92 said:

Four day old salad?! That's kinda disgusting. Especially if she mixes salad dressing in with it. Who would give that to people to eat, specifically children? I dislike salad anyways but just no. I worked at a restaurant (and lived long enough) to see what happens to old salads and such. That just seems wasteful to me. So not fruit but rotten salad. 

And do we know what commentaries she uses? And she's a KJver right? If so that would explain the insistence on old commentaries.  

IIRC, she or Ken said something that the kids didn't like what she would make for dinner and they would often eat what Ken prepared.  I also worked in restaurants and the slime that develops on vegetables and how brocoli and cauliflower get discolored.  I sometimes make big salads that are eaten within a couple of days. Lori's salad dressing also sounds disgusting.

On her first blog, I remember she posted about her oldest granddaughter who was 1 or 2 at the time was eating salads when she and Ken babysat. Looking back, I really hope the salad was 1 or 2 days old and not four days old.

I think Lori has posted NIV verses.

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Lori definitely wasn't cooking when her kids were growing up.  She made salads, and if the kids wanted anything else, they had to wait until Ken came home and cooked "his food" (being Ken, he seemed pretty put out that they were asking for something...).


 I took care of the kids' sports, my job, my food, my ironing, and investments. Many nights Lori made her big salads which the kids loved, then they came running for daddy’s food that I cooked.

Lori also did a video, and she mentioned to viewers that Ken was in the background making his breakfast. 

In another video, she implied that she makes salad every 4 days (for her lunch), and then soup once a week, which she serves for dinner.  

Lori has posted pics of meals that Ken cooked, and they eat out a good bit.  I get the feeling that if he wants something other than soup or salad, he knows he has to cook it himself, or plan to eat at a restaurant.

From today's post:


I don’t believe any woman in the entire Bible worked in submission to a boss, worked hours five days a week away from home, and left their children in the care of others, as I have repeatedly taught.

This is fun!  Let me try:


I don’t believe any woman in the entire Bible had a blog, monitored other adults on the internet for a "majority" of the day, and left her husband to fend for himself, as I have repeatedly taught.

Sound about right?  Let's try again.



There isn’t one verse in the Bible that instructs women to make money and provide. 

My turn!


There isn’t one verse in the Bible that instructs women to mentor women through the internet.


There isn’t one verse in the Bible that instructs women to gossip about others online.

Cool how that works, huh?

20 minutes ago, Loveday said:

@Sarah92 , and sometimes the salad dressing she makes sits in her fridge for WEEKS--and she still uses it.


With yummy raw eggs!


I use organic eggs from Trader Joes for the raw egg yolks. I have been using them for years and no one has ever gotten sick.


Store in a glass jar in the frig for up to 3 weeks.  Enjoy!

This woman cleans her kitchen counters with dirty rags that she's used to soak up raw chicken juice.  When she's done, she eats 3 week old raw eggs.  It's little wonder that she was on Instagram the other day posting about having diarrhea (gag).  Of course she does!  She's making herself sick with her own filth.


16 minutes ago, lilwriter85 said:

On her first blog, I remember she posted about her oldest granddaughter who was 1 or 2 at the time was eating salads when she and Ken babysat. Looking back, I really hope the salad was 1 or 2 days old and not four days old.

I was always bothered by the story about her granddaughter wanting more for breakfast, and Lori reminding her that she'd already eaten her breakfast.  Only your "portion", I guess.  :pb_rollseyes:  

If a child is hungry (especially for something healthy), then you feed them!  They are growing, and need a lot of calories!


My granddaughter was hungry when she woke up, so I fixed her a smoothie with kefir, frozen berries, bananas, organic juice and a little stevia. Then I fixed her a large piece of my homemade bread, a big glob of grass fed butter {She always asks if she can have a piece of butter while she is waiting! What is it with little children and plain butter??!!}, and an organic egg on top with a runny yolk. She gobbled it up!

Then I made my breakfast of two eggs and potatoes cooked in ghee and then slices of avocado. I sat at the table to eat it. She promptly went to the silverware drawer, got out a fork, and began to eat my breakfast with me. I said, "Emma, you already ate your breakfast." 

Lord have mercy.  My grandparents would have happily given me the food right off their plates.

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2 Kings 4New International Version (NIV)

The Widow’s Olive Oil

4 The wife of a man from the companyof the prophets cried out to Elisha, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the Lord. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.”

2 Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?”

“Your servant has nothing there at all,” she said, “except a small jar of olive oil.”

3 Elisha said, “Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few. 4 Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.”

5 She left him and shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring. 6 When all the jars were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another one.”

But he replied, “There is not a jar left.” Then the oil stopped flowing.

7 She went and told the man of God,and he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left.”


Sounds like a woman making money to provide to me. 

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"All day long I've had this broth sitting here."59fc8f5dcdf98_grosschicken.thumb.JPG.cc62f6698fff1e710d3504a2dbd4c45b.JPG

She removes lid with bare hand. Room temperature chicken carcass soaking in water.



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7 minutes ago, lilwriter85 said:

In one of Lori's dumb ass SAHM vs. working mother doodles from the last year, she claimed that SAHMs always had fresh cooked meals every day.

All those claims crack me up. My mom worked part of the time I was growing up. We always had homemade meals... because we didn't have the money to do anything else! 

I hate leftovers and enjoy cooking a different meal most evenings, after my evil feminist full-time job. It's not like domestic pursuits are off-limits to working women. Basic time management skills, anyone? :my_confused:

12 minutes ago, Koala said:

I know it's not a fruit, but have you ever had a potato go bad?  The smell is absolutely vile.

A few weeks ago, I couldn't figure out why my kitchen smelled so terrible, especially since I'm usually a clean freak. I deep cleaned the whole space and it still was horrible. Eventually I realized the culprit was, yep, a potato gone bad! 

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14 minutes ago, Florita said:

"All day long I've had this broth sitting here."59fc8f5dcdf98_grosschicken.thumb.JPG.cc62f6698fff1e710d3504a2dbd4c45b.JPG

She removes lid with bare hand. Room temperature chicken carcass soaking in water.



Eww why though? Maybe I'm ignorant having never made my own broth but is that how it works? My dad always seems to boil stuff down and wait for it to cool just so it can be packaged away. And my mom's too impatient about putting things away to let it sit all day. 

Edit: looked up some recipes because I'm an adult and should probably learn these things. Anyways, the ones I looked at did NOT have it sitting all day. It was let it cool and then package or use. 

So gross Lori, just gross. Do you serve that with your old salad and raw egg dressing? 

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Food shouldn't be left to sit out for more than two hours, so yes, Lori is just gross.

Note to Ken- Lori's pots are 7 different kinds of nasty, and Christmas is right around the corner...just saying...


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The working women of the Bible = Servants. Servants are mentioned repeatedly in the OT and the NT and servants are both male and female. Nowhere does God command anyone to free the female servants b/c the should not be working. He does command that they be treated properly. Because God realizes in order for most women to survive they need to work.

Proverbs 31:15  She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

Maidens = Servants = Employed Females. It's not talking about making her daughters' breakfast!

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From the comments of yesterday's post:


 if a husband asks a wife to rob a bank for instance, rather than give an outright no, she needs to be willing to obey with a whole heart, then pray and ask God to intervene and change her husbands heart. And could even go to the police and tell them of her husbands intent and when it will take place and because of your faith, are obligated to be willing to obey. But you think that it is wrong and he needs justice to be served. 

Are these people just completely crackers?  I mean what the everlasting fuck?

She continues:


So even if Abram had asked Sara to lie, rather than give an outright no, she had to be WILLING TO OBEY WITH HER WHOLE HEART, but come before God and ask Him to intervene and change Abrams heart. If he chose not to, Sara had to be willing to go ahead wih the plan, but knowing her heart, God would of somehow blessed her for her submissive spirit and willingness to obey.

This is what the Bible says about lying:

Proverbs 12:22

 The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.

Proverbs 6: 16-19

These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

First, the words "hate" and "detest" are used to describe the Lord's feelings about lying, so the idea that he is going to bless someone for lying is kind of silly.

Second, how many of these 7 things is Lori guilty of? 

A proud look?  Most definitely. 

A lying tongue?  How many times has she been caught in outright lies? 

Feet running to mischief?  How many hours a day does she spend scouring the internet for people to gossip about?

Sowing discord among the brethren?  Some days it seems the entire purpose of her blog is to argue with other believers.

Lori's response:


We obey whether we feel like it or not.

Right, like you obeyed when Ken said he wanted to see things changed on your blog?  Like you obeyed when he said he wanted you to have more balanced teaching, and you informed him that he could start his own blog?  


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50 minutes ago, Florita said:

"All day long I've had this broth sitting here."59fc8f5dcdf98_grosschicken.thumb.JPG.cc62f6698fff1e710d3504a2dbd4c45b.JPG

She removes lid with bare hand. Room temperature chicken carcass soaking in water.



Ewwww it's supposed to simmer for 24 hours or stay in crockpot for 14 hours!

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I can't make heads or tails of what she's mumbling about in that video, but I did notice two things:

1) That new stove is already gross looking.  

2) She mentions her "brand new counter tops".

I guess she's referring to these counter tops:


Ken always thought I wanted granite counter tops in my kitchen with gorgeous stainless steel appliances. I don't. I never have

No?  Hmm, maybe it was these:


I don't have granite counter tops or stainless steel appliances which I don't care about at all. 

Or these:


 You don't need granite counter tops


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10 minutes ago, EowynW said:

Ewwww it's supposed to simmer for 24 hours or stay in crockpot for 14 hours!

I will say that I have a chef friend who has kept stock on his home stove all winter, adding ingredients and liquid along the way. He brought it back to boiling once or twice a day and all was well. It's an old technique, and was common before refrigeration was ubiquitous. Otherwise, "in days of old," that chicken carcass or soup bones likely would have gone to waste. He put in 20 years at a steak and seafood place, so he's not clueless about bacteria.

I think it would be safe (I don't know how tasty) as long as you were reliable about the reheating. It's not like botulism, which is insidious. Spoiled meat stock is going to feel slimy, smell terrible, and otherwise give off warning signs. But I doubt Lori lacks refrigeration or does much research into historical cooking methods, so why?


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I believe to be a Godly wife you have to be transformed, like being born again all over again. It is God who helps us to be transformed and it's He who gives grace.



Yes, I agree completely!

Godless Atheist on FJ (me):


Cool, but there isn’t one verse in the Bible that says that you have to be "born again" or "transformed" to be a godly wife.


When someone pointed out that according to her belief system, she alone gets to decide what's modest, and what's not, she said the following:


I share what godly, honest men tell me is immodest since they are the ones we can trust, not what women think is immodest or not. I am commanded to teach younger women to be discreet and chaste so I do.

Umm, again, this isn't biblical AT ALL.  Nowhere in the Bible does it say you should trust "godly, honest men"regarding what you should wear.  I know many "godly, honest" men who would tell her that her low cut tops, shorts, and pants are immodest.  Does she trust them?  Of course not, so why should other women trust Ken?

And here's a better question- why is she commanded to teach women what is discrete and chaste if we should be listening to men, not women???  She is contradicting herself!

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