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Lori Alexander 32: Breastfeeding Begets Boners


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2 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Is that the one with eggs in it that I've read about? I mean I've made dressings that I've left in the fridge, but olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and honey don't seem to go bad. So maybe I'm guilty of that as well. Dang 

Yep, raw eggs. Your dressing sounds perfectly safe, though. The vinegar alone would ensure that. I mean...not for six months of course, but a few weeks at least! :pb_smile:

I can't even with that pot full of salmonella broth. I hope she doesn't plan to serve any of that to her grandchildren. :pb_confused:

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3 minutes ago, Loveday said:

Yep, raw eggs. Your dressing sounds perfectly safe, though. The vinegar alone would ensure that. I mean...not for six months of course, but a few weeks at least! :pb_smile:

I can't even with that pot full of salmonella broth. I hope she doesn't plan to serve any of that to her grandchildren. :pb_confused:

That's her super nourishing nutritious homemade meal from scratch because she's the best submissive helpmeet and homemaker there is.

(I was trying fit as many gross words as possible).

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1 minute ago, jadis87 said:

That's her super nourishing nutritious homemade meal from scratch because she's the best submissive helpmeet and homemaker there is.

(I was trying fit as many gross words as possible).

Well done! And your avatar is the perfect complement to your comment! :pb_lol:

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The Transformed Wife

4 hrs · 

As godly woman, our aim in life is not to be making money and having careers as our culture pushes upon us, but to share our faith with a lost world and especially to our children. They need this more than they need more stuff; for when we peer into eternity, this life on earth is short and only what we do for Christ will last. Unbelievers around us should be able to see the difference that Christ makes in us by our transformed lives and being salt and light that adds joy and flavor to life.


Lori, I think you need to take a good, hard look at your life and ask yourself why anyone would want to emulate it. If you're happy, transformed and joyous...then I'm Walter Cronkite.  Your blogs overflow with anger, jealously, pain, abuse, self-righteousness, stinginess and overt hostility towards anyone who disagrees with you. Anyone with self-esteem can see you are a woman in a loveless marriage of convenience.  

I am sorry for those who buy into your biblical opinion on womanhood.  It's false and has nothing to do with Jesus.  None of us are perfect and we don't make a habit of pretending we are.  I would far rather be myself, living in reality and all that entails, than to be anything like you. 

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To be perfectly frank, in the recent year my faith as a Christian has taken some serious hits. Between my family having to leave a church; the poor behavior of many Christians during the election season; studying counseling and hearing about all the human suffering from case studies and clients (Still love counseling though); among other things, it was a struggle to hold on. It still is. My own intellect also encourages a lot of questioning and examining.  By God's grace and sheer stubbornness to not give up am I still a believer. Recently I have grown to appreciate and accept my doubts because they encourage me to grow. 

What Lori writes though isn't light, much of it is a beacon of darkness. Her words set an impossible often contradictory standard. Do not lie, but lie for your husband if he wants. Dress modestly, but not if your husband doesn't want you to. Be meek and gentle but not when someone makes a comment you don't like. The list goes on and on. Although reading her blog has helped me grow because I've actually had to look up scripture to refute a lot of what she is saying. However, if I wasn't so stubborn to hold on I can guarantee that her nonsense would have driven me further away from Christianity.  

So thanks, Lori! You really have taught me something, to be always learning in order to stand against false prophets. Cheers!:beer:

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In that spirit, I give you this comment on yesterday's submission post:


 So honest question. I have a problem with this post. How do you dress immodestly or less modestly for your husband and still teach your girls that they should dress modestly? How do you lie for your husband and still teach your children that lying is sin? I've spent the summer helping my daughter realize that if someone (i.e. Friends, other adults who are not her authority, even people at church) tells her to do something that is wrong, that she needs to stand up for herself and say no. If it is ok for me to lie because my husband tells me to do so, is it ok for my kids to lie for him if he tells them too. Kids aren't blind and deaf and will see through the situation. They can rat out a double standard faster than adults do. Doing something wrong to please your husband but expecting your kids to do the right thing just screams double standard to me.


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59 minutes ago, Loveday said:

In that spirit, I give you this comment on yesterday's submission post:


I just popped over to share that quote. Yup that is quite the pickle of a question. Lori won't know how to answer. 




I love her response here. We can only trust godly men. Not women. Just wow. But that contradicts trusting your husband then. We aren't suppose to look to men in general for modesty, but to what our husbands require. 


Trusting God at the expense of being mistreated!! That is all you have to do ladies!!!

I think these people really don't care about abuse or a woman ending up dead, because hey she'll be in heaven then and its a much better place than earth. It all works out for the best.

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@Sarah92 This has been a year that has tested my faith as well. I know I have shared that DH has his own business but also works part-time hours (as he is able) as a paramedic. Early this year, one of his electrical customers refused to pay his full bill and held back several thousand dollars.

I was fed up and determined that the business was not to be our focus- a belief that was reinforced by the fact that the town where he works part-time was hiring full-time personnel. I was convinced that was our path- good, consistent money, benefits (we have great benefits through my work but I’m grant funded and this would have been a great back up option). I knew he was a shoo-in, after all, he has worked there for 8 years, gets along well with crew and officers, and is very capable. He applied and interviewed- and then the day before Good Friday received an email that he was not selected for the next round interviews. I was devastated and angry- on Easter Sunday, when others were reaffirming their faith, I was in church doubting and thinking of leaving the church altogether. This went on for a few weeks until one Sunday our pastor (a female no less) preached from Acts 28. It was what  said about verse 3 that got my attention. She talked about how the serpent bit him and he shook it off and that some of us have been bitten/distracted by something that is keeping us from realizing what God has for us and from the tasks set out for us. And as she said that, a voice in my head said I needed  stop focusing on the paramedic job and trust Him. Interestingly enough, the week before I put a prayer request in the offering plate- prayer for faith and direction. 

I know that’s a convoluted story- it’s hard to explain. I can’t explain the peace I felt after that. We aren’t rolling in money- no fancy cars or vacations or shopping trips- but we are doing ok. And DH has an abundance of work. And my career is growing. And my faith gets a little stronger everyday. 

I pray for peace for you. 

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@Sarah92 and @Frog99

I know the struggle to believe all too well.  

I went through a really rough part of life about 3 and 1/2 years ago.  My job was outsourced, my dad nearly died (and spent several months in the hospital), I got sick and they couldn't figure out what was wrong (ended up being a toxic tumor in my thyroid).  I went back to school, and had to stop volunteering at the church I went to during the week because the classes I needed were on Wednesday nights. 

I tried to resign as a volunteer completely, but the youth pastor kept telling me that it was fine to be a leader in name only because the girls I had been working with were all graduating in a couple of months (this was January/Feb).  

Then I was raped by an acquaintance - the boyfriend of a friend.  And that was one straw too many - I basically shut down.  I couldn't sleep at night.  I had panic attacks trying to leave my home for a while.  And I rarely made it to church at all - because I was a sick, anxious, depressed, trauma suffering mess who barely functioned.  (I've always been thankful I was in school during that time, because school has always been a place of comfort for me).

In June, after graduation ceremonies, I was invited by the youth pastor to come to the church one night - he basically indicated that they wanted to do something to thank me for my years of volunteering.  Please keep in mind that despite communicating most of my situation (apart from the rape) - this pastor had never called me and asked how I was doing.  i never got one email asking if I needed anything, including prayer.  I was never pulled to the side and prayed for during this whole season.

When I showed up for the meeting, it was instead an ambush to confront me about "my sinful behavior" - that is, the choice I had been making to try to take care of myself. (I was also single at the time)  When I tried to explain that I was getting therapy for some PTSD related to the rape, the youth pastor shut me down and shouted several times "do you see how she's blaming you for her behavior" while pointing at me.  I still cannot walk into that building because I get panicky - I sent regrets for a wedding invitation recently because of this.

It's taken me 3 years to want to go to any church again.  

I think what I went through is one of the reasons I abhor Lori so much.  She reminds me of the judgy finger pointer who did not care one little bit about me, just that I was not conforming to his idea of what I was supposed to be doing.  

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@AuntKrazy Thank you for sharing your story. That sounds absolutely awful and I’m sickened by the way you were treated. I’m sorry no one saw fit to stand up for you in that moment. I like to think I would have stood up for you and I hope I am raising kids that will speak out against injustices. 



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2 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

This is so funny. Lori says not everything is black and white yet she has said before is a black and white thinker. 

This is just one example



As soon as you drag the Nazis into it, you've lost the argument. This would be unbelievable if it wasn't Lori Alexander. We hear her blather on and on about nothing, always ignoring or dismissing women when they ask about a particular scenario. She continuously refuses to answer what we as sane people would consider a "gray area" question. Then suddenly when it's convenient to her, the world is not black and white. I could wring her stringy neck. 

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1 hour ago, SuperNova said:

As soon as you drag the Nazis into it, you've lost the argument. This would be unbelievable if it wasn't Lori Alexander. We hear her blather on and on about nothing, always ignoring or dismissing women when they ask about a particular scenario. She continuously refuses to answer what we as sane people would consider a "gray area" question. Then suddenly when it's convenient to her, the world is not black and white. I could wring her stringy neck. 

I think Sara's response was put nicely. If not already, bet it will be deleted soon. You must not question the godly mentor. 

One, she just invoked Godwin's law. Two, is she suggesting that people would not consider lying to save someone's life? What about the reverse? If her husband said to give someone in instead of helping save their life? Should you just obey him? Because that sounds like what she's suggesting. Her own conscience isn't more important than obeying her husband? 

She has seriously lost it. I mean, she's been crazy, but she's really jumped off the deep end. 

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She’s really stuck on this keeper at home command again... her new fangirl Amy is in full support and references a YouTube by a Jason Cooley. It’s linked on her public page- it’s a rant about how women who aren’t keepers at home (stress on at- says it’s not of the home...) are blaspheming the word of God. Then he goes on to criticize men who don’t meet his standard. I did some reading on his page- he’s scary and aggressive and seems quite angry that women have the right to vote, etc. He is doing a series on feminism- it’s long and watching the bit I did has made me stabby. He’s essentially reading from a book written in 1995 that seems to blame feminism for everything bad.

He looks like a cult leader to me. Interestingly enough, a few of his friends are women who have supported Lori and her “teachings”. He’s crazy and I can’t fathom how so many address people are missing that. He’s married but I couldn’t find her. Makes me sad for her. 

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1 hour ago, dairyfreelife said:

If her husband said to give someone in instead of helping save their life?

I think what she is saying is that it WOULD be wrong to lie to save a life. She's definitely the person who would have given up friends and family to the Nazis. 

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@dairyfreelifethank you. I forgot it was called Godwin's Law. I agree that she's always been crazy. It does seem like before she was transformed and still learning, her crazy wasn't as volatile as it is now. Lori is having a slow motion meltdown that is terribly disturbing to watch. What's more, she makes a daily effort to hurt as many other people as she can on her way. I would pity her if she wasn't so frickin' mean.

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11 hours ago, EmiGirl said:

I think what she is saying is that it WOULD be wrong to lie to save a life. She's definitely the person who would have given up friends and family to the Nazis. 

I could not quite figure out which end she was supporting there. Sara was saying not to lie because your husband says to lie because it's a double standard to your children. Then Lori brings up the Nazi scenario about lying so was not sure which side she was supporting. Lying in some situations because your husband says so or not?

No one knows what they would do in such situations, but I imagine I would lie because I don't think I could live with myself knowing I sentenced someone to die even unintentionally. But of course, it's a tough call in such a scenario because your own family's lives may also be at stake if you "harbor" said person and lie and get caught. Basically, Lori should not bring such a scenario up because it's far too complicated for her head to wrap around. Plus I agree with you. I could totally she her giving up friends and family to save her own skin even if Ken told her not to do so. When does Lori ever help anyone out? I can't recall ever even once mentioning helping someone in need, even her own family or friends. 

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Ok the fish salad Lori is promoting on IG looks disgusting and it must smell even worse. Again she is talking about going to Thrive market for cheap ingredients. That must be great if you have one of those in you area. I have never heard of that place. 

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On 23/10/2017 at 10:48 PM, elliha said:

Anyone who has breastfed a child past the very first months of its life will know that pose. Baby sees something interesting and bites into the nipple and turns around to take a better look while not losing grip of the beloved boob. 

Commonly known as ‘niplash’ 

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1 hour ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

A moment of weakness to say you like a particular perfume....what the hell?


I don't get it. Is her husband supposed to read her mind and just 'know' what she likes? Is she never supposed to express any preference for anything? Does she really want to put her husband through Christmas shopping hell?  :my_cry:

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Is anyone familiar with this Lori Alexander Facebook page? A comment was left on SSB's FB page. I later responded asking if this was Lori and the comment has been deleted. I'm suspicious about this page - I left a comment asking directly on the page asking if it's Lori...we'll see how long it lasts. This page left a comment on Lori Alexander Undeleted on Oct. 19 which left some of us suspicious if it's really her.

This page has one follower (who strives to be a Proverbs 31 wife and mother - could this be the page owner?) and the oldest post is Oct. 19. The Transformed Wife has been up since Lori launched her book and changed her blog. She had the Always Learning  chat room open on FB before TTW. I see three scenarios to this.

1. It really is Lori and she's doubling up on her defenses. I don't really think it is though. Which leads to...

2. It's a follower of Lori trying to help defend her. If this were the case and I were Lori I would not be happy about this. To me this is over the top. Or...

3. It's a poe. (see comment about the one follower above) The wording of the posts on this page sounds similar to Lori, however, to me it sounds more like what Lori might really think but isn't brave enough to say. The phrasing is a bit off from how she normally writes, which makes me think it's not her.

Screenshot 2017-11-04 at 9.57.55 AM.png

Screenshot 2017-11-04 at 9.59.02 AM.png

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1 hour ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

A moment of weakness to say you like a particular perfume....what the hell?


Mr Nova is an indulgent man who focuses on my happiness. There was a time in our lives when we could hardly afford food. During those extremely lean years I was careful not to express a desire for something out of reach because it would make him feel terrible that he couldn't give it to me.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that expressing a desire is a moment of weakness but I can understand where she's coming from.

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2 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

A moment of weakness to say you like a particular perfume....what the hell?


And yet ANOTHER example of how Lori’s followers live a lifestyle completely contrary to her own... They practice what she preaches while she practices nothing of the sort...

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